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Usual rent amount Open Data
The dataset contains the usual amount of rent for the use of agricultural land when operating the ho
Issued on 2019-07-02T08:09:52.204769Z
The dial: Waste management Open Data
Waste management dial (ISOH).
Issued on 2022-06-21T12:14:37.193387Z
Register of collection yards Open Data
Register of collectors (ISOH).
Issued on 2022-06-21T11:44:21.922914Z
International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) Open Data
It is a dial whose headings are classes of the International Classification of Occupation (ISCO-08).
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:29:33.878446Z
Annual activity statement of general ambulance for children and adolescents Open Data
Informs about the care and health of children and adolescents.
Issued on 2019-06-26T11:10:29.121219Z
Mirri Subsidy 2021 (2022-06-15) Open Data
Grants granted for 2021 from the scheme National co-financing of project partners from Slovakia unde
Issued on 2022-06-15T13:38:25.581310Z
Age groups — SR-area-county-county, cities, countryside Open Data
The table contains annual data on population disaggregated by sex and age groups.
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:23:37.207263Z
Payment method in the pharmacy Open Data
The dial contains payment options in the pharmacy.
Issued on 2019-06-27T07:39:01.808442Z
State of Existence Open Data
Source dial of the basic dial for public administration information systems. The Gestor: The Statist
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:40:00.397907Z
Number and share of valid votes cast for candidates for President of the Slovak Republic for... Open Data
Presidential election results 2019-1st round
Issued on 2019-10-14T07:11:35.162461Z
Invoices for 2020 Open Data
Invoices published pursuant to Section 5b(1)(a) and (b) of Act No 211/2000 on free access to informa
Issued on 2020-05-25T05:46:22.092037Z
http://www.ruvzba.sk/zmluvy/RegisterZmluv2017.xml Open Data
Contracts concluded in 2017 by the Regional Public Health Office Bratislava
Issued on 2017-03-31T07:01:03.438906Z
Authority competent to take a decision in the health sector Open Data
The dial contains a list of authorities relevant to the issue of a health authorisation, licence or
Issued on 2019-06-27T07:09:57.636054Z
Orders of goods and services RÚVZ Žilina for the year 2017 Open Data
Orders published pursuant to Section 5b(1)(a) and (b) of Act No 211/2000 on free access to informati
Issued on 2017-07-29T07:15:29.721464Z
Statistics of traffic and sales of the Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica Open Data
Monthly statistics of attendance and sales of expositions of the Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Štia
Issued on 2019-04-05T11:53:31.935473Z
Industrial output by main industrial groupings Open Data
The Industrial Production Index characterises the change in industrial production in a given year ac
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:45:59.545317Z
Register of qualified persons — Hubs Open Data
Register of qualified persons for the purchase, sale and processing of mushrooms
Issued on 2016-03-14T09:57:46.409758Z
Classification of products by activity for the annual structural survey — Construction production,... Open Data
Module 454 to the annual structural survey Year 1-01. Produced on the basis of 4 and 5 local code fo
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:37:08.226332Z
Yearbook fruit and vine Open Data
statistics on the production of propagating material of fruit species and vines in the year concerne
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:17:38.585843Z
Annual statement of surgical interventions in bed departments Open Data
It informs about the surgical procedures performed in the bed departments of each surgical departmen
Issued on 2019-06-26T11:37:46.531453Z
Institutional Psychiatric Care in Slovakia Open Data
It reports on the number of hospitalised patients in institutional psychiatric care.
Issued on 2019-06-20T10:42:54.918014Z
Public Procurement Gazette April 2015 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette April 2015
Issued on 2016-05-12T11:04:37.274991Z
Unemployed persons by economic activity (SK NACE Rev. 2) of last employment and sex – quarterly data... Open Data
Tabuľka prezentuje údaje o počtoch nezamestnaných osôb členené podľa ekonomickej činnosti posledného
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:53:18.193656Z
Working by economic activities (SK NACE Rev. 2) and sex – quarterly data (from 2021) Open Data
Tabuľka prezentuje údaje o počtoch pracujúcich osôb členené podľa ekonomických činností (SK NACE Rev
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:54:25.381556Z
Form of care provided by a social service facility Open Data
To find out Soc 1-01.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:39:55.543590Z
according to the type of crime, by the names of the offences, according to the section version of th
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:41:14.426111Z
Number and share of valid votes cast for political entities per territorial district Open Data
Results of the 2019 European elections
Issued on 2019-10-14T07:35:32.821185Z
VSŽP — Lists of Debtors Open Data
Pursuant to Section 25(1)(e)(2) of Act No 580/2004, the health insurance company is obliged to publi
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:21:51.177373Z
Main list of medicinal products with valid registration in Slovakia and 6 other clear lists (ATC,... Open Data
There are 7 excel tables in the package list_YYYYY_MM. The main table is called the List of Medicin
Issued on 2018-03-12T12:26:38.766006Z
List of alternative dispute resolution entities led by the MHSR Open Data
Registration based on Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes
Issued on 2019-11-08T10:32:39.808537Z
Register of immovable national cultural monuments — Trenčín Self-governing Region Open Data
Register of immovable national cultural monuments registered by the Monument Office of the Slovak Re
Issued on 2017-12-19T12:22:01.253361Z
Open Software — Open Source Open Data
Open source list of basic data
Issued on 2017-07-28T11:00:25.129177Z
List of railway lines in Slovakia Open Data
The dataset contains a list of railway lines in the Slovak Republic, including information on the nu
Issued on 2019-12-31T12:06:22.907651Z
Logging and supply of wood Open Data
The data present an overview of total logging by species, processed calamity logging and supplies of
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:39:33.016806Z
Export of IS services Open Data
The list of IS services represents services that are defined in the Central meta-information system
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:49:51.067134Z
Public Procurement Gazette September 2016 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette September 2016
Issued on 2016-09-01T03:20:02.860920Z
Number and share of valid votes cast for candidates for President of the Slovak Republic for... Open Data
Presidential election results 2019-2nd round
Issued on 2019-10-14T07:26:00.904998Z
Public Procurement Gazette August 2016 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette August 2016
Issued on 2016-08-01T03:10:02.262946Z
Public Procurement Gazette January 2015 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette January 2015
Issued on 2016-05-12T10:53:20.290722Z
045 Structural Indicators Open Data
set of selected structural indicators for Slovakia Creation 2004, last updated 2012
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:34:48.157401Z
Digital Map of Schools Open Data
The map serves to reduce information inequality in regional education in Slovakia. It offers learner
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:32:14.472247Z
Orders of the SGS for 2021 Open Data
Orders published pursuant to Section 5b(1)(a) and (b) of Act No 211/2000 on free access to informati
Issued on 2021-04-09T10:23:37.134243Z
Categories of electricity consumers according to annual consumption, version 2008 Open Data
On the survey of Energy 9-02. Its predecessor is CIS0383. Consumers in categories IA to IG are under
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:37:43.150648Z
List of invoices received and paid Open Data
List of received and paid invoices from the National Health Information Centre.
Issued on 2019-07-17T13:29:44.897776Z
List of Diagnoses Open Data
International Classification of ICDs 10.
Issued on 2019-06-27T07:48:26.634647Z
Public Procurement Gazette May 2014 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette May 2014
Issued on 2016-05-12T13:44:09.232160Z
Age composition indices — municipalities Open Data
The table contains indicator data: the economic burden index, the youth dependency ratio, the old pe
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:33:22.750443Z
Prefix for Medical Informatics Open Data
It serves for the possibility of registering non-standard units in medicine. e.g.: It’s a million u
Issued on 2019-06-27T07:22:04.193675Z
Register of qualified persons — water, artificial swimming pools Open Data
Registration of persons to whom the regional regional public health authority, based in Galanta, has
Issued on 2018-03-08T10:18:52.978317Z
Public Procurement Gazette January 2021 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette January 2021
Issued on 2021-01-01T04:05:04.151078Z
Legal status of the organisation Open Data
Source dial of the basic dial for public administration information systems. The Gestor: The Statist
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:32:37.785152Z
Type of vessel Open Data
To find out Dop 5-04.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:40:25.488640Z
042 Identification of immovable property of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic Open Data
Register of immovable property of the state in the administration of managed organisations of the ch
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:35:03.733901Z
Registration of foreign business trips Open Data
Registration of foreign business trips
Issued on 2018-12-11T07:51:03.083448Z
Annual activity statement of stationary in the field of nephrology Open Data
Informs about the network and activities of stationaries in the field of nephrology.
Issued on 2019-06-26T11:40:27.114579Z
043 List of individual gambling licences granted Open Data
Provision of information on individual licences granted for the operation of gambling
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:34:59.621039Z
Age groups — villages Open Data
The table contains annual data on population disaggregated by sex and age groups.
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:22:44.905283Z
Public Procurement Gazette March 2018 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette March 2018
Issued on 2018-03-01T04:10:02.434852Z
Identifier Open Data
Basic dial for information systems of public administration. The Gestor: The Ministry of Finance.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:39:17.664646Z
Forest Economic Units Open Data
List of forest units (LHC) — number, code, name of LHC, spatial data in GeoJSON format
Issued on 2017-12-19T09:26:16.943082Z
Former districts Open Data
The successor is the CIS0048.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:40:59.353132Z
database of executions Open Data
display of data on selected executions
Issued on 2018-01-12T10:00:48.880190Z
Statistical evaluation of activities in connection with Act No. 307/2014 Coll. Open Data
Database of submissions to the tab. 307/2014 Coll. on certain measures related to whistleblowing on
Issued on 2018-07-17T11:49:21.910563Z
Balance of economic activity of the population Open Data
The table contains quarterly data on the number of economically active and inactive population, acti
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:57:33.618229Z
Overview of forest infringements Open Data
Summary of forest infringements
Issued on 2018-12-07T08:06:15.685131Z
Public Procurement Gazette January 2016 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette January 2016
Issued on 2016-05-11T12:56:32.771296Z
Harm to health through alcohol consumption: Parents using alcohol during pregnancy Open Data
Publication spreadsheet outputs and datasets provide a cross-section of health indicators aimed at m
Issued on 2019-08-22T10:44:08.839701Z
Crime statistics in the Slovak Republic 2004 Open Data
for the period 1.1-31.12.2004
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:25:18.182996Z
List of landfills operated in the Slovak Republic Open Data
List of landfills operated in the Slovak Republic
Issued on 2021-02-15T14:36:05.282654Z
Database of assets at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic Open Data
Database of movable and immovable tangible and intangible assets in the Ministry of Agriculture of t
Issued on 2018-06-05T06:57:42.345121Z
Selected cities Open Data
On the survey of CR 1-12.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:27:45.532859Z
Statistics hospitalised in Slovakia Open Data
He informs about completed hospital admissions in the institutions of the Slovak Republic’s institut
Issued on 2019-06-20T13:03:41.932856Z
List of contact points Open Data
The dataset contains a list of contacts of the Ministry of Public and Media.
Issued on 2021-09-06T07:33:03.673856Z
Cities where public transport is carried out Open Data
To detect Dop P 6-01.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:34:50.693234Z
Categories of hospitality resorts, 1996 version Open Data
Year 1-01, Year 2-01, Year 3-99. Its predecessor is the CIS6011 dial.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:37:58.069924Z
Crime statistics in the Slovak Republic 2014 Open Data
for the period 1.1-31.12.2014
Issued on 2018-01-19T10:53:26.023992Z
Gender, version of the dwelling Open Data
On the surveys of dwellings 1-12 to dwellings 5-12, AES 1-01.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:33:03.641128Z
Annual report on natural healing baths and spa treatments Open Data
Informs about the network of spa treatments to assess the state of health of the population.
Issued on 2020-02-25T15:04:30.901255Z
Telecommunications services of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak... Open Data
Breakdown of costs by cost centre for telecommunications services (mobile, fixed, direct).
Issued on 2018-07-16T08:05:28.703002Z
Country of origin of the visitor and country of exit of Slovak citizen Open Data
On the survey CR 1-12, CR 3-04 and CR 6-01.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:35:43.075987Z
2018 Register of Professional Competence of Persons to Work with Very Toxic Substances and... Open Data
Pursuant to Section 15(3) of Act No 355/2007 on the protection, promotion and development of public
Issued on 2018-03-13T12:41:44.189754Z
Classification of products by activity for the annual structural survey — fixed assets, version 2008 Open Data
Annex 2 to the annual structural survey Years 1-01 and Year 2-01, NSRO 1-01, NSPO 1-01, NSNO 1-01, N
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:37:13.136116Z
List of stations and stops (.xls) Open Data
The list of stations and stops of ŽSR in.xls format contains a list of all stations and stops in the
Issued on 2019-02-06T12:06:45.805293Z
Register of qualified persons — toxic substances Open Data
Register of qualified persons pursuant to Section 16, paragraph 33, Act of the National Council of t
Issued on 2017-04-28T09:14:50.110813Z
Register of inspection bodies Open Data
inform the public about the eligible institutions for the organic production system in Slovakia
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:18:35.320764Z
Main Classes of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) Open Data
It is a dial whose headings are the main classes of the International Classification of Occupations
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:39:02.538032Z
Public Procurement Gazette July 2021 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette July 2021
Issued on 2021-07-01T03:05:03.565311Z
Breakdown of gross turnover by agricultural product Open Data
Year 1-01, module 110.
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:40:50.089447Z
Orders of goods and services RÚVZ Nitra for 2019 Open Data
Orders published pursuant to Section 5b(1)(a) and (b) of Act No 211/2000 on free access to informati
Issued on 2019-09-10T06:19:49.008542Z
Invoices for the first half of 2021 Open Data
Invoices for the first half of 2021
Issued on 2021-07-22T14:49:46.128044Z
List of streets (state at current date) Open Data
The list contains an indication of the text names applicable (currently approved) the streets of Pre
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:44:14.105073Z
Register of fruit organisations Open Data
maintenance and annual update of the Register of Orchards and Hops in accordance with Act No 597/200
Issued on 2015-12-30T16:15:37.981155Z
Public Procurement Gazette January 2017 Open Data
Public Procurement Gazette January 2017
Issued on 2017-01-02T04:09:00.105946Z
Age composition of the population of the Slovak Republic by gender and age Open Data
Data present population numbers by gender and age units as of 1. 7 and 31. 12. Updating data on age
Issued on 2021-07-13T19:16:46.435131Z
The former counties Open Data
According to Slovak National Council Act No. 517/1990 Coll. on the territorial and administrative di
Issued on 2015-12-30T15:41:04.578270Z
Summary results of the vote in favour of precincts Open Data
Results of the 2019 European elections
Issued on 2019-10-14T07:34:41.150944Z
Register of qualified persons — disinfection, poisons Open Data
Register of qualified persons to work with disinfectants for professional use and to work with produ
Issued on 2016-03-14T09:54:59.945149Z
Open source NASES Open Source Software List Open Data
Open source (open source)
Issued on 2017-07-31T13:36:26.960877Z
Central Register of Agricultural Consultants Open Data
The central register of land managers is the database of advisory service providers in the Slovak Re
Issued on 2017-07-24T07:21:04.771476Z
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