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MŽPSR Organisational structure (2022-04-01) Open Data

Organizational structure of the Ministry of the Environment in force on 2022-04-01, prepared accordi

Issued on 2021-12-17T08:58:38.412014Z

MŽPSR Organisational structure (2022-04-01) details >

Number of accesses per day Open Data

Number of all page views in one day

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:46:06.345998Z

Number of accesses per day details >

Register of qualified persons — in the production, handling and marketing of food and food Open Data

The regional public health authority established in Stará Ľubovňa establishes a number pursuant to S

Issued on 2020-05-18T06:37:50.590366Z

Register of qualified persons — in the production, handling and marketing of food and food details >

MIRRI Most Requested Open Data (2022-03-08) Open Data

The most requested open data of the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation

Issued on 2022-03-08T10:17:32.189873Z

MIRRI Most Requested Open Data (2022-03-08) details >

List of invoices of the PMÚ SR (11-2021) Open Data

Publication of invoices based on Act No 211/2000 on freedom of information and amending certain acts

Issued on 2021-12-13T15:46:33.832786Z

List of invoices of the PMÚ SR (11-2021) details >

Tovarová štruktúra podľa tried štatistickej klasifikácie produktov podľa činností Open Data

Údaje o zahraničnom obchode prezentujú objem celkového vývozu tovarov zo SR opúšťajúcich toto územie

Issued on 2021-07-14T03:08:44.814146Z

Tovarová štruktúra podľa tried štatistickej klasifikácie produktov podľa činností details >

Type of Unit for Medical Informatics Open Data

The dial is used to classify units of measurement into related groups for eHealth needs.

Issued on 2019-06-27T07:18:46.998365Z

Type of Unit for Medical Informatics details >

Výlov rýb vo vnútrozemských vodách Open Data

Údaje prezentujú prehľad o výlove konzumných rýb vo vnútrozemských vodách v kg. Údaje sú výsledkom s

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:41:59.481957Z

Výlov rýb vo vnútrozemských vodách details >

List of working groups (2023-01-03) Open Data

working groups

Issued on 2021-12-22T10:10:44.499979Z

List of working groups (2023-01-03) details >

Identification system for agricultural parcels (LPIS) Open Data

LPIS is the identification system for agricultural parcels. It represents the vector boundaries of t

Issued on 2017-12-07T16:12:39.893916Z

Identification system for agricultural parcels (LPIS) details >

Unemployed by education and sex – quarterly data (from 2021 onwards) Open Data

Tabuľka prezentuje údaje o počtoch nezamestnaných osôb členené podľa vzdelania a pohlavia.

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:53:57.289221Z

Unemployed by education and sex – quarterly data (from 2021 onwards) details >

Age composition indices — SR-area-county-county, cities, countryside Open Data

The table contains indicator data: the economic burden index, the youth dependency ratio, the old pe

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:21:50.578144Z

Age composition indices — SR-area-county-county, cities, countryside details >

Summary results of voting by county and in favour of the Slovak Republic Open Data

Results of the 2009 elections to the European Parliament

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:02:47.557032Z

Summary results of voting by county and in favour of the Slovak Republic details >

Turnover [do0001ms] Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:08:51.154575Z

Turnover [do0001ms] details >

Fyzické osoby - podnikatelia podľa právnych foriem za obce SR [og3007rr] Open Data

Kľúčové ukazovatele obsahujú časové rady ukazovateľov hospodárskeho a sociálno-ekonomického vývoja

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:45:08.694438Z

Fyzické osoby - podnikatelia podľa právnych foriem za obce SR [og3007rr] details >

Number of electronic mailboxes of legal entities established by source registers Open Data

The number of legal entities’ mailboxes set up at the IAVS, calculated according to the source regis

Issued on 2016-09-08T13:36:36.567945Z

Number of electronic mailboxes of legal entities established by source registers details >

Mirri Subsidy — Regional Development Section (2021-06-30) Open Data

Subsidy schemes, calls, call limits and applications submitted for grants granted by the Regional De

Issued on 2021-07-02T11:32:45.867299Z

Mirri Subsidy — Regional Development Section (2021-06-30) details >

Unit of currency Open Data

Basic dial for information systems of public administration. The Gestor: The Office of the Deputy Pr

Issued on 2019-04-30T12:29:28.638628Z

Unit of currency details >

Mirri Subsidy-Schemes OPTP Section (2021-06-30) Open Data

Granted grant schemes of OP TA Section and other financial mechanisms.

Issued on 2021-07-01T14:49:32.755489Z

Mirri Subsidy-Schemes OPTP Section (2021-06-30) details >

Accounts in SP Open Data

Overview of open accounts in the State Treasury

Issued on 2018-12-17T13:20:33.794603Z

Accounts in SP details >

Invoices for goods and services — project 2021 Open Data

Invoices for goods and services — project year 2021

Issued on 2022-03-14T08:13:34.686299Z

Invoices for goods and services — project 2021 details >

Average monthly salary by industry [pr0205qs] Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:05:57.059804Z

Average monthly salary by industry [pr0205qs] details >

Summary results of the vote in the election of the President of the Slovak Republic, number and... Open Data

Results of the 2004 Presidential Election

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:53:55.948721Z

Summary results of the vote in the election of the President of the Slovak Republic, number and... details >

Movement of the population of SR Open Data

Source work — data on marriages, divorces, births, deaths, abortions, removals in combination with v

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:25:18.400341Z

Movement of the population of SR details >

Tvorba hrubého fixného kapitálu podľa ekonomických činností (SK NACE Rev. 2) v bežných cenách Open Data

Údaje prezentujú tvorbu hrubého fixného kapitálu v bežných cenách podľa ekonomických činností (SK NA

Issued on 2021-07-13T18:54:00.174503Z

Tvorba hrubého fixného kapitálu podľa ekonomických činností (SK NACE Rev. 2) v bežných cenách details >

Register of applications of the Ministry of Health pursuant to § 211/2000 Zz for the year 2017 Open Data

Registration of requests and their handling (Law 211 on Freedom of Information).

Issued on 2019-04-10T10:09:26.956198Z

Register of applications of the Ministry of Health pursuant to § 211/2000 Zz for the year 2017 details >

Transport of dangerous goods — ADN Open Data

On the survey Dop 5-04 and Dop/B 8-01.

Issued on 2019-04-30T12:30:25.091302Z

Transport of dangerous goods — ADN details >

Number of Industrial Rights Subjects Granted and Registered Open Data

The dataset contains data on the numbers of industrial rights granted and registered in the Industri

Issued on 2021-06-15T07:24:27.827564Z

Number of Industrial Rights Subjects Granted and Registered details >

Subsidy Scheme Module Open Data

information on the allocation of funds under the Module of Subsidies Schemes at the Ministry of Just

Issued on 2021-09-16T08:16:21.955465Z

Subsidy Scheme Module details >

NKÚ SR List of invoices Open Data

The dataset contains a list of invoices of the SAO SR for a given period

Issued on 2021-12-20T09:35:23.787989Z

NKÚ SR List of invoices details >

Gross value added Open Data

The table contains annual data on gross value added at current prices broken down by economic activi

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:04:07.622816Z

Gross value added details >

Summary results of the vote in the election of the President of the Slovak Republic, number and... Open Data

Results of the 2004 Presidential Election

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:54:00.437359Z

Summary results of the vote in the election of the President of the Slovak Republic, number and... details >

Subsidies (applications) — RDP Technical Assistance Management and Control Department Open Data

The dataset contains data on applications for non-repayable financial contribution submitted by appl

Issued on 2021-11-02T08:38:18.088590Z

Subsidies (applications) — RDP Technical Assistance Management and Control Department details >

Unemployment rate by age group and sex – quarterly data (from 2021 onwards) Open Data

Tabuľka prezentuje údaje o miere nezamestnanosti členené podľa veku a pohlavia.

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:49:20.356780Z

Unemployment rate by age group and sex – quarterly data (from 2021 onwards) details >

Results of the vote of eligible citizens in the referendum question 6 Open Data

Results of the 2010 referendum, Question 1: “Do you agree that the National Council of the Slovak Re

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:50:57.746387Z

Results of the vote of eligible citizens in the referendum question 6 details >

Electricity sources in GWh Open Data

The table contains monthly data on electricity sources in the Slovak Republic.

Issued on 2021-07-13T18:27:26.814483Z

Electricity sources in GWh details >

Leaves on the origin of forest reproductive material Open Data

Amount of seed material and seeds collected.

Issued on 2019-12-13T07:29:23.510859Z

Leaves on the origin of forest reproductive material details >

Celkový dovoz a celkový vývoz Slovenskej republiky podľa tried SITC Rev. 4 Open Data

Tabuľka obsahuje mesačné údaje o hodnote dovážaných a vyvážaných tovarov v mil. Eur členené podľa tr

Issued on 2021-07-14T03:01:39.503764Z

Celkový dovoz a celkový vývoz Slovenskej republiky podľa tried SITC Rev. 4 details >

Delimitation of other assets of the State Open Data

delimitation protocols concluded between the forests of the Slovak Republic and other state organisa

Issued on 2018-12-12T08:15:26.658296Z

Delimitation of other assets of the State details >

MŽPSR Subordinate organisations (2022-04-01) Open Data

Subordinate organisations of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.

Issued on 2021-12-17T11:44:59.847328Z

MŽPSR Subordinate organisations (2022-04-01) details >

Average values of calcium content in analysed soils in the Slovak cadastre Open Data

Mean values of calcium (Ca) in analysed soils in mg/kg by cadastral territory of the Slovak Republic

Issued on 2018-12-11T11:42:20.133916Z

Average values of calcium content in analysed soils in the Slovak cadastre details >

List of completed projects of simple land consolidation Open Data

The dataset contains a list of completed projects of simple land modifications, indicating the year

Issued on 2018-04-25T05:56:43.848135Z

List of completed projects of simple land consolidation details >

Elected Members Open Data

Results of elections to the authorities of self-governing regions 2013

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:58:51.383234Z

Elected Members details >

Orthophotomatics Open Data

Due to the rapidly changing landscape, mainly due to human activity, it is necessary to collect and

Issued on 2019-10-07T13:33:46.555423Z

Orthophotomatics details >

SAO SR List of strategic documents Open Data

The dataset contains a list of strategic documents of the SAO SR as of 16 November 2021.

Issued on 2021-11-30T10:56:00.748425Z

SAO SR List of strategic documents details >

Gross domestic product per capita Open Data

The data present gross domestic product at current prices, constant prices of the previous year and

Issued on 2021-07-13T18:57:42.421519Z

Gross domestic product per capita details >

Average nominal monthly salary of an employee in shops, hotels and restaurants — monthly data Open Data

The data present the values and indices of the average nominal monthly salary of an employee in the

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:06:06.366775Z

Average nominal monthly salary of an employee in shops, hotels and restaurants — monthly data details >

MIRRI Strategy Papers (2022-03-25) Open Data

Strategic documents of the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the S

Issued on 2022-03-25T13:13:28.846981Z

MIRRI Strategy Papers (2022-03-25) details >

Central Data Repository Slovakia Open Data

The Central Data Repository is part of the Reportnet architecture. The Central Data Repository is li

Issued on 2018-11-28T13:03:46.577957Z

Central Data Repository Slovakia details >

PMÚSR List of Decisions (2022-02-28) Open Data

List of decisions of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic published on 2022-02-28

Issued on 2022-03-11T08:45:07.761812Z

PMÚSR List of Decisions (2022-02-28) details >

List of selected industrial products (PRODSLOV), version 2017 Open Data

List PRODSLOV is a list of selected industrial products for sections matching NACE and CPA sections.

Issued on 2019-04-30T13:06:47.624508Z

List of selected industrial products (PRODSLOV), version 2017 details >

Overview of recognised propagating areas for the year in question Open Data

statistics on recognised propagating areas for Slovakia by species and varieties in hectares No upd

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:18:43.514036Z

Overview of recognised propagating areas for the year in question details >

Podniky podľa ekonomických činností (SK NACE Rev. 2) [og3005rr] Open Data

Kľúčové ukazovatele obsahujú časové rady ukazovateľov hospodárskeho a sociálno-ekonomického vývoja

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:45:25.951806Z

Podniky podľa ekonomických činností (SK NACE Rev. 2) [og3005rr] details >

Registration of issued authorisation decisions for aeronautical application of plant protection... Open Data

Registration of decisions issued for the authorisation of aeronautical application of plant protecti

Issued on 2018-12-10T11:02:40.965324Z

Registration of issued authorisation decisions for aeronautical application of plant protection... details >

The Expulsions Open Data

Mouth — the dial contains the ID and the name of the mouthpiece.

Issued on 2019-06-28T08:08:34.447525Z

The Expulsions details >

List of strategic documents Open Data

The dataset contains a list of strategic documents of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developm

Issued on 2021-11-18T14:04:52.265631Z

List of strategic documents details >

MIRRI Applications received under the Information Law (2022-03-16) Open Data

The dataset contains received requests according to the Information Law as of 31.12.2021.

Issued on 2022-03-16T09:46:27.685494Z

MIRRI Applications received under the Information Law (2022-03-16) details >

List of Significant Investment Certificates issued by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic Open Data

Registration on the basis of Act No 175/1999 Coll. on certain measures relating to the preparation o

Issued on 2019-11-08T09:10:22.821513Z

List of Significant Investment Certificates issued by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic details >

GOODS structure of foreign trade according to the main economic categories after months Open Data

The table contains monthly data on the value of imported and exported goods in EUR million.

Issued on 2021-07-14T03:02:33.293781Z

GOODS structure of foreign trade according to the main economic categories after months details >

Annual statement on supplies of sowing and planting material to forest plants Open Data

Statistical survey — Form Sad (MARD SR) 11-01 contains data in the given registration year for state

Issued on 2019-12-13T08:09:49.211517Z

Annual statement on supplies of sowing and planting material to forest plants details >

Genetic resources of plants of Slovakia Open Data

Processed passport data for plant genetic resources maintained in a gene bank processed according to

Issued on 2017-11-27T09:48:53.607677Z

Genetic resources of plants of Slovakia details >

MDS_2020_MPRV SR Open Data

The dataset contains data on the use of funds provided by central government bodies in the framework

Issued on 2021-06-30T05:46:25.990631Z

MDS_2020_MPRV SR details >

Slovak POPIN page Open Data

A database of selected demographic data created for the purpose of sharing demographic information w

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:25:17.196372Z

Slovak POPIN page details >

Register of contracts with ARVI Open Data

Contracts concluded by ARVI with other organisations.

Issued on 2018-11-23T11:46:46.614152Z

Register of contracts with ARVI details >

International Standard Classification of Education Open Data

The classification serves to compare, compile and present statistics on education.

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:42:32.136431Z

International Standard Classification of Education details >

List of applications — registration for abroad BIL Open Data

List of all requests from EU Examination Offices wishing to perform the DUS tests or to take over th

Issued on 2018-12-12T09:52:50.484412Z

List of applications — registration for abroad BIL details >

Indices for new orders from outside the euro area compared to the average month of 2010 [pm0021ms] Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:10:13.507903Z

Indices for new orders from outside the euro area compared to the average month of 2010 [pm0021ms] details >

Critical Accident Sites on the Road Network of the Slovak Republic Open Data

Overview of critical accident sites on motorways and roads I and II according to the number of accid

Issued on 2019-03-15T10:53:33.726409Z

Critical Accident Sites on the Road Network of the Slovak Republic details >

Life situations and eGovernment services of the Data Centre of municipalities and towns Open Data

The report provides relations between life situations and eGovernment services of state administrati

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:49:12.179596Z

Life situations and eGovernment services of the Data Centre of municipalities and towns details >

Economic entities by legal form and economic activities (SK NACE Rev. 2) Open Data

Data present the numbers of economic entities broken down by legal form (enterprises, non-profit ins

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:10:59.515974Z

Economic entities by legal form and economic activities (SK NACE Rev. 2) details >

Public Procurement Bulletin June 2019 Open Data

Public Procurement Bulletin June 2019

Issued on 2019-06-03T03:05:02.147891Z

Public Procurement Bulletin June 2019 details >

Sports Subsidy Schemes Module Open Data

The Sports Subsidies Scheme Module. The published information is based on the role of B.22 of the Op

Issued on 2021-07-12T06:26:56.939528Z

Sports Subsidy Schemes Module details >

Construction Classification, version 2000 Open Data

Classification is intended for statistical purposes such as statistics on construction activities, s

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:42:57.400902Z

Construction Classification, version 2000 details >

Number of registered drivers, issued driving licences and international driving licences after... Open Data

Number of registered drivers, issued driving licences and international driving licences after years

Issued on 2017-03-31T08:50:24.338218Z

Number of registered drivers, issued driving licences and international driving licences after... details >

Priemerná mzda v hospodárstve SR Open Data

Tabuľka obsahuje ročné štvrťročné údaje o priemernej nominálnej mesačnej mzde a indexe rastu miezd.

Issued on 2021-07-13T18:48:13.767611Z

Priemerná mzda v hospodárstve SR details >

Začaté, dokončené a rozostavané byty podľa druhu vlastníctva - štvrťročné údaje Open Data

Údaje prezentujú priebeh bytovej výstavby, začaté, rozostavané a dokončené byty podľa vlastníckych s

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:34:56.481609Z

Začaté, dokončené a rozostavané byty podľa druhu vlastníctva - štvrťročné údaje details >

Consumption of dietetic foods in the Slovak Republic Open Data

Dietetic food consumption datasets contain a list of dietetic foods issued to the level of the diete

Issued on 2020-04-28T13:44:39.089744Z

Consumption of dietetic foods in the Slovak Republic details >

Annual statement of dental ambulance activities Open Data

Informs about the activities of dental ambulance.

Issued on 2019-06-26T11:15:45.532453Z

Annual statement of dental ambulance activities details >

List of places to rent sounding rods Open Data

Contact details for persons, addresses, telephone numbers, mails — where probes can be rented for so

Issued on 2018-12-12T13:31:30.167311Z

List of places to rent sounding rods details >

Construction Classification, 2010 version Open Data

Classification is intended for statistical purposes such as statistics on construction activities, p

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:42:52.355173Z

Construction Classification, 2010 version details >

Organizational structure Open Data

The dataset contains a list of all departments of the Ministry.

Issued on 2021-09-06T07:26:25.907505Z

Organizational structure details >

Mediators Open Data

List of mediators in the Slovak Republic

Issued on 2020-06-25T12:16:08.330451Z

Mediators details >

List of business establishments in the city of Prešov (state on current date) Open Data

The information is drawn from the records of entrepreneurs and commercial establishments on the terr

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:44:24.703876Z

List of business establishments in the city of Prešov (state on current date) details >

Živnostníci podľa vybraných ekonomických činností (SK NACE Rev. 2) [og3002rr] Open Data

Kľúčové ukazovatele obsahujú časové rady ukazovateľov hospodárskeho a sociálno-ekonomického vývoja

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:45:16.780110Z

Živnostníci podľa vybraných ekonomických činností (SK NACE Rev. 2) [og3002rr] details >

Zdravotnícke zariadenia Open Data

Tabuľka obsahuje ročné údaje o počte zdravotníckych zariadení, počte postelí a počte pracovných mies

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:46:10.783728Z

Zdravotnícke zariadenia details >

PMÚSR Order List (2022-01-31) Open Data

List of orders of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic published on 2022-01-31

Issued on 2022-03-11T08:14:19.293594Z

PMÚSR Order List (2022-01-31) details >

VDC forecasts of 2013 Open Data

Forecast of the inhabitants of the regions of Slovakia 2013-2035, Prognosis of the inhabitants of th

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:25:12.874372Z

VDC forecasts of 2013 details >

Life Situations and eGovernment Services of the State Administration Open Data

The report provides relations between life situations and eGovernment services of state administrati

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:49:16.972638Z

Life Situations and eGovernment Services of the State Administration details >

List of non-approved GSPs under call No 21/PRV/2017 (as at 31.12.2017) Open Data

The dataset contains a list of non-approved GSPs under call No 21/PRV/2017 (as of 31.12.2017)

Issued on 2018-12-10T08:17:25.959178Z

List of non-approved GSPs under call No 21/PRV/2017 (as at 31.12.2017) details >

Summary results of voting by county and in favour of the Slovak Republic Open Data

Results of the 2004 elections to the European Parliament

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:02:51.810166Z

Summary results of voting by county and in favour of the Slovak Republic details >

Industrial production index compared to the same period last year — unadjusted for the effect of... Open Data

Key indicators include time series of indicators for economic and socio-economic developments

Issued on 2015-12-30T16:12:35.364622Z

Industrial production index compared to the same period last year — unadjusted for the effect of... details >

MIRRI Foreign travel costs (2021-05-25) Open Data

Foreign travel costs of the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the

Issued on 2021-09-22T07:04:57.488080Z

MIRRI Foreign travel costs (2021-05-25) details >

Number of electronic mailboxes activated for delivery Open Data

Number of electronic mailboxes per PPE (natural persons, businessmen, public authorities) that are a

Issued on 2015-12-30T15:46:01.029244Z

Number of electronic mailboxes activated for delivery details >

Accounting statement — summary of costs and revenues Open Data

Accounting statement — summary of costs and revenues no update, data on

Issued on 2019-04-01T12:32:49.310634Z

Accounting statement — summary of costs and revenues details >

Hrubá rastlinná produkcia podľa komodít Open Data

Údaje prezentujú hrubú rastlinnú produkciu vo vybraných komoditách rastlinnej produkcie v bežných ce

Issued on 2021-07-13T19:41:16.492754Z

Hrubá rastlinná produkcia podľa komodít details >

Vybrané ukazovatele za telekomunikácie k 31. 12. Open Data

Vybrané ukazovatele za telekomunikácie, počty telefónnych prípojok, mobilných telefónov, evidovaných

Issued on 2021-07-13T18:32:37.666916Z

Vybrané ukazovatele za telekomunikácie k 31. 12. details >

List of most requested open data of OVM Open Data

The dataset contains a list of the most desirable datasets of the resort, which are the result of a

Issued on 2021-09-06T07:47:21.455802Z

List of most requested open data of OVM details >

Property Open Data

Database of assets

Issued on 2018-12-13T09:31:39.956886Z

Property details >

Pensions paid Open Data

The table provides annual data on the number of pensioners receiving a pension, the number of pensio

Issued on 2021-07-13T20:16:41.962480Z

Pensions paid details >
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