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REDIAM. WMS Ortofoto del Cuadrante Noroeste de Andalucía, de 0,5m en Color (año de Vuelo 2005) Open Data
Servicio WMS correspondiente a la Ortofoto del cuadrante Noroeste (NW) de Andalucía de 0.5m de resol
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Informacion Relativa al Modelo de Circulacion General ESM1. Escenario Locales de Cambio Climático de... Open Data
El MCG BCC-ESM1 (Wu et al.(2013)) es la primera versión de un Modelo de Sistema Terrestre totalmente
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REDIAM. WMS Temperaturas medias decenales para el periodo 2041 - 2070: Diciembre Open Data
Servicio WMS correspondiente a los mapas de Temperatura media decenal en el periodo 2041 - 2070 para
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Ayudas para la Prevención y Control de los Incendios Forestales, 2012 Open Data
Actuaciones subvencionadas para la convocatoria de Ayudas a la Prevención de incendios de 2012 según
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REDIAM. WMS Erosividad media decenal para el periodo 1961 - 1990: Septiembre Open Data
Servicio WMS correspondiente a los mapas de erosividad de la lluvia media decenal en el periodo 1961
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REDIAM. WMS Distribución de las comunidades vegetales en Andalucía Open Data
Servicio WMS correspondiente a la distribución de las comunidades vegetales en Andalucía. Se identif
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average... Open Data
Average annual image of the historical 2000-2013 chlorophylate-a series captured by the MODerate-res
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Concentración de Clorofila-a del Océano Atlántico y Mar de Alborán. Promedio anual filtrado, 2007... Open Data
Imagen media anual de Clorofila-a captadas por el sensor MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectror
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REDIAM. WMS Desviación de las precipitaciones mensuales respecto a la media del periodo 1971-2000... Open Data
Servicio WMS correspondiente al cálculo de la desviación de las precipitaciones mensuales respecto a
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REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite TERRA MODIS. NDVI (Normaliced Difference Vegetation Index)... Open Data
Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Imagen de satélite TERRA M
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REDIAM. WMS Serie de imágenes de satélite AQUA MODIS. K490 (Transparencia del agua) anomalías por... Open Data
Nodo de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. Conjunto de imágenes de sa
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Water transparency (K490) in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average of the... Open Data
Annual average image of the 2000-2020 historical series of K490 (Diffused attenuation coefficient of
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Plant Index (NDVI) for Andalusia. Monthly Average, 1993-2011 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
NOAA satellite images captured by the NDVI AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) sensor.
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the historical series 2000-2015 of SST (Sea Surface Temperature) captured
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual Anomaly, 2018 (AQUA... Open Data
Picture of differences in the mean annual concentration of chlorophyll-a (mg/cm³) in 2018 compared t
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average, 2020 (NOAA... Open Data
Annual average SST image (Sea Surface Temperature) calculated from the daily images captured by the
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Plant Index (NDVI) for Andalusia. Composed of Maximum Ten-Year Value, 2012 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
TERRA satellite images captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODerate-resol
Issued on 2013-02-01
Plant Index (NDVI) for Andalusia. Monthly average, 2017 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
Images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)
Issued on 2018-01-15
Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Historical Series Filtered Seasonal... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the 2000-2021 historical series of SST (Sea Surface Temperature) calculat
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average of... Open Data
Average monthly images of the historical SST (Sea Surface Temperature) series 2000-2015 captured by
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average... Open Data
Monthly average chlorophylate-a images calculated from the daily images captured by the MODerate-res
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered,... Open Data
Monthly average chlorophylate-a images calculated from the daily images captured by the MODerate-res
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Water transparency (K490) in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal filtered average of... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the historical series 2000-2013 of K490 (diffuse water-light attenuation
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly per month, 2018... Open Data
Images of differences (mg/cm³) of the monthly mean concentrations of chlorophyll-a in 2018 compared
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered... Open Data
Average seasonal images of the historical SST 2000-2020 series (Sea Surface Temperature) calculated
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average,... Open Data
Annual average image of Chlorophyll-a calculated from the daily images captured by the MODIS (Modera
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Plant Index (NDVI) in Andalusia. Monthly average, 2019 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
TERRA satellite images captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODerate-resol
Issued on 2020-02-20
Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Anomaly by Month, 2015 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Images of differences (°C) of the monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) compared to the monthly
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the 2000-2020 historical series of Chlorofila-a calculated from the daily
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Plant Index (NDVI) in Andalusia. Monthly average, 2018 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
Images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average, 2018 (NOAA... Open Data
Annual average SST image (Sea Surface Temperature) calculated from the daily images captured by the
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2000... Open Data
Average monthly SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images collected by the Advanced Very High Resolution
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Average ten-year potential evapotranspiration in Andalusia: 1927-1956 Open Data
Raster cover of the average ten-year potential evapotranspiration calculated using the Thorntwaite m
Issued on 2009-01-01
Plant Index (NDVI) in Andalusia. Monthly average, 2016 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
TERRA satellite images captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODerate-resol
Issued on 2017-01-02
Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly per month, 2020... Open Data
Images of differences (mg/cm³) of the monthly average chlorophylate-concentrations of 2020 from the
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual Anomaly, 2017 (AQUA... Open Data
Picture of differences in the average annual concentration of chlorophyll-a (mg/cm³) in 2017 compare
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly per month, 2016 (NOAA... Open Data
Images of differences (°C) of monthly mean sea temperature (OSH) from monthly averages for the perio
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average of... Open Data
Average monthly images of the historical SST 2000-2016 series (Sea Surface Temperature) calculated f
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual Anomaly, 2020 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Image of differences (°C) of the annual mean sea surface temperature (SST) compared to the average f
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Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Anomaly by Station, 2012 (AQUA... Open Data
Images of differences of K490 (Coefficient of dimming of light in water for wavelength of 490 nm) se
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Water transparency (K490) in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual average, 2016 (AQUA... Open Data
Annual average image of K490 (Diffuse diffusive dimming coefficient of light in water for the wavele
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average... Open Data
Monthly average images of the historical 2000-2019 chlorophylate-a series calculated from the daily
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly by Station, 2018... Open Data
Images of differences (mg/cm³) of 2018 seasonal average chlorophyll-concentrations from the period 2
Issued on
Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Anomaly by Month, 2016 (AQUA MODIS) Open Data
Images of differences of K490 (Coefficient of dimming of light in water for the wavelength of 490 nm
Issued on
Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered, 2018... Open Data
Average seasonal SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images calculated from the daily images captured by t
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Vegetation index (NDVI) of Andalusia. Annual average, 2016 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
TERRA satellite images captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODerate-resol
Issued on 2017-01-02
Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average,... Open Data
Annual average image of Chlorophyll-a calculated from the daily images captured by the MODIS (Modera
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Concentration of chlorophyll-a of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Filtered monthly average, 2022... Open Data
Monthly average images of chlorophyll-a calculated from the daily images captured by the MODIS (Mode
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Catalogue of wetlands of Andalusia. 2022 Open Data
Mapping of wetlands cataloged in Andalusia, coming from various inventories: Monitoring Network, Inv
Issued on 2022-10-05
Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal filtered... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the 2000-2019 historical series of Chlorofila-a calculated from the daily
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Orthophoto NW Quadrant of Andalusia, 2007 Open Data
Orthophotography of Andalusia of the NW quadrant with resolution 0.5 m, generated from a digital pho
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered, 2020... Open Data
Seasonal average SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images calculated from the daily images captured by t
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered,... Open Data
Monthly average images of Chlorophyll-a captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrora
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Water Transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Daily, 2022 (AQUA MODIS) Open Data
Daily K490 images captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aboard the A
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2020... Open Data
Average monthly SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images collected by the Advanced Very High Resolution
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Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the historical series 2000-2017 of K490 (diffuse water-light attenuation
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Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2017... Open Data
Monthly average images of K490 (Diffuse attenuation coefficient of light in water for the wavelength
Issued on
Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average... Open Data
Average annual image of the historical series 2000-2019 of chlorophylate-a calculated from the daily
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Water transparency (K490) in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual average filtered, 2017... Open Data
Annual average image of K490 (diffuse water-light attenuation coefficient for 490 nm wavelength) cap
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Vegetable Index (NDVI) of Andalusia. Seasonal average, 1993-2010 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Seasonal historical mean of NDVI calculated from NOAA satellite images captured by the AVHRR (Advanc
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Station Anomaly, 2022 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Images of differences (°C) of seasonal mean sea surface temperature (SST) from seasonal averages for
Issued on
Water Transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Anomaly by season, 2018 (AQUA... Open Data
Images of K490 differences (coefficient of attenuation of light in water for the wavelength of 490 n
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual average filtered, 2019 (NOAA... Open Data
Average annual SST (Sea Surface Temperature) image calculated from daily images captured by the AVHR
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Vegetation index (NDVI) of Andalusia. Annual average, 2021 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
Images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)
Issued on 2022-02-01
Plant Index (NDVI) for Andalusia. Composed of Maximum Ten-Year Value, 2017 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
Images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)
Issued on 2018-01-15
Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual Anomaly, 2017 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Image of differences (°C) of the annual mean sea surface temperature (SST) compared to the mean peri
Issued on
Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average of... Open Data
Monthly average images of the 2000-2018 historical series of K490 (Diffuse diffusive dimming coeffic
Issued on
Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the 2000-2015 historical series of Chlorophyll-a captured by the MODIS (M
Issued on
Erosivity of the average ten-year rain in Andalusia: Model 1961-1990 Open Data
Raster cover of the erosivity of the average ten-year rain. The model covers the period from 1961 to
Issued on 2009-01-01
Concentration of chlorophyll-a of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual anomaly, 2019 (AQUA... Open Data
Image of differences in the annual average concentration of chlorophyll-a (mg/cm³) in 2019 compared
Issued on
Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average of... Open Data
Average monthly images of the historical SST 2000-2020 series (Sea Surface Temperature) calculated f
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal average... Open Data
Average seasonal chlorophylate-a images calculated from the daily images captured by the MODerate-re
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Water transparency (K490) in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly per station, 2020 (AQUA... Open Data
Images of differences of K490 (Water Light Mitigation Coefficient at wavelength of 490 nm) seasonal
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Absolute minimum monthly temperature in Andalusia: 1971-2000 Open Data
Information Spaccified, using geo-statistical procedures, of the absolute monthly minimum temperatur
Issued on 2009-01-01
Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average... Open Data
Monthly average images of the historical 2000-2016 chlorophylate-a series calculated from the daily
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly per station,... Open Data
Images of differences (mg/cm³) of 2016 seasonal average chlorophyll-concentrations from the period 2
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Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2015... Open Data
Monthly average images of K490 (Diffused attenuation coefficient of light in water for 490 nm wavele
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Anomaly by Month, 2018 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Images of differences (°C) of the monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) compared to the monthly
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal average... Open Data
Average seasonal chlorophylate-images captured by the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
Issued on
Water transparency (K490) in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly per station, 2016 (AQUA... Open Data
Images of differences of K490 (Water Light Mitigation Coefficient at wavelength of 490 nm) seasonal
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average... Open Data
Monthly average images of the 2000-2017 historical series of Chlorofila-a calculated from the daily
Issued on
Vegetation index (NDVI) of Andalusia. Annual average, 2014 (TERRA MODIS) Open Data
Images of the TERRA satellite captured by the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)
Issued on 2015-02-01
Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2013... Open Data
Average monthly SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images collected by the Advanced Very High Resolution
Issued on
Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Annual filtered average of... Open Data
Annual average image of the 2000-2020 historical series of Chlorofila-a calculated from the daily im
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Monthly filtered average... Open Data
Monthly average images of the historical 2000-2018 chlorophylate-a series calculated from the daily
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly by Month, 2021... Open Data
Images of differences (mg/cm³) of the average monthly concentrations of chlorophyll-a in 2021 compar
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Anomaly by Month, 2017 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Images of differences (°C) of monthly mean sea temperature (OSH) from monthly averages for the perio
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Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the 2000-2016 historical series of Chlorofila-a calculated from the daily
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Monthly average filtered, 2015... Open Data
Monthly SST (Sea Surface Temperature) images captured by the AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Ra
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Surface Temperature (SST) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Annual Anomaly, 2015 (NOAA AVHRR) Open Data
Image of differences (°C) of the annual mean sea surface temperature (SST) compared to the average f
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Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered... Open Data
Seasonal average images of the historical series 2000-2014 of K490 (diffuse water-light attenuation
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Concentration of chlorophylate-a in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Anomaly per station,... Open Data
Images of differences (mg/cm³) of the seasonal mean concentrations of chlorophyll-a in 2020 compared
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Ficocianin in reservoir waters of Andalusia, 2012 (ENVISAT MERIS) Open Data
Monthly images from 2012 of Ficocyanina captured by the multispectral MERIS (Medium Resolution Imagi
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Water transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered, 2016... Open Data
Seasonal average images of K490 (Diffuse attenuation coefficient of light in water for the wavelengt
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Average ten-year temperature in Andalusia: 1971-2000 Open Data
Raster cover of the ten-year average temperatures of the period 1971-2000.
Issued on 2009-01-01
Water transparency (K490) in the Atlantic Ocean and the Alboran Sea. Seasonal average filtered, 2017... Open Data
Average seasonal K490 (diffuse water-light attenuation coefficient for 490 nm wavelength) calculated
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Concentration of chlorophyll-a of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Filtered seasonal average,... Open Data
Seasonal average images of chlorophyll-a calculated from daily images captured by the OLCI (Ocean an
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Water Transparency (K490) of the Atlantic Ocean and Alboran Sea. Filtered seasonal average, 2022... Open Data
Seasonal average images of K490 (Diffuse attenuation coefficient of light in water for the wavelengt
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Phycocyanine in embalmed waters of Andalusia, 2011 (ENVISAT MERIS) Open Data
Monthly images of the year 2011 of Ficocianina captured by the multispectral sensor MERIS (Medium Re
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Average 10-year precipitation in Andalusia: 1988-2017 Open Data
Geographical information layers in raster format of average ten-year precipitation for the period fr
Issued on 2021-03-08
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