Dataset information
Available languages
Malmö stad, arbete, näringsliv, business, arbetsmarknad
Dataset description
Shows in which industry the employed persons working in the field work. The breakdown follows the Standard for Swedish Industrial Classification (SNI) 2007. Categories 0 (unknown), A (Agriculture, hunting and forestry), B (extraction of materials), D (supply of electricity, gas, heating and cooling), E (water supply, etc.), T (household production, etc.) and U (activities of international organisations) have been merged into the category “Others” due to the low number of workers in these industries. The variable also shows the total number of people working in the area. The variable is divided by gender. Shown to the population aged 16-74. Based on statistics from Statistics Sweden RAMS (“Register-based labour market statistics”). The statistics include all individuals between 16 and 74 who are registered in Sweden on 31 December. It takes a large number of workers in one area to be able to break down the group into the various SNI categories. Therefore, the SNI categories can only be reported for a few sub-areas. As of 2011, Statistics Sweden has made some changes in how to count people aged 65 or over to get a more consistent assessment of self-employed persons. It is therefore not appropriate to compare statistics further back in time than in 2011.
In this file there are statistics for a number of variables broken down by Malmö’s different areas over time.
Unless otherwise stated, the statistics in this database are retrieved from Statistics Sweden’s (SCB) regional database, Skånedatabasen or from Statistics Sweden’s area statistics database (OSDB). The Skåne database and OSDB show data from several different sources that Statistics Sweden has compiled on a geographical level. The statistics only cover persons who are part of the population registered in the population. Therefore, persons without a residence permit, such as asylum seekers, and persons who simply have not registered in the municipality are not included. Statistics Sweden does not provide statistics on which language residents speak, which religion you belong to or what ethnicity or political views you have. Therefore, such data is not available here either. However, the Electoral Authority reports election results per constituency on its website There are statistics from the last election as well as several previous elections available. Please note, however, that the constituencies do not necessarily follow the division of the city made here.
The data is updated every spring as Statistics Sweden releases the figures to the municipality. Most variables are available for the year before. However, income and employment data are released with another year’s backlog. Unless otherwise stated, the date of measurement is 31 December of each year.
__Geographical breakdown__
Unless otherwise stated, the data is available for Malmö as a whole and broken down into urban areas (5 pieces), districts (10 pieces) and subareas (136 pieces). In addition to these, there is a residual post that contains the people who are not written in a specific place in the municipality, have protected identity and more. These people are also part of the total. In several of the subareas there are no or only a few registered population registers. Therefore, no data are reported for these areas. Examples of such sub-areas are parks such as Pildammsparken and Kroksbäcksparken and industrial areas such as Fosieby Industriområde and Spillepengen.
__Privacy clearance__
In order to protect the identity of individuals, the data is confidentially audited. This means that small values are suppressed, i.e. replaced by empty cells. However, the values are included in summaries. In general, the following rules apply:
* No statistics are reported for geographical areas with very few housing.
* No cells with fewer than 5 individuals are reported. For data classified as sensitive (e.g. income and country of birth), larger values can also be suppressed.
* In cases where a subcategory (e.g. a training category) is too small to be accounted for, all categories are often suppressed.
With the help of the API call **, you get in JSON format all datasets that contain statistical data for Malmö’s areas.
In each instance of result/results in the JSON result, for each resource there is an “id” property. The value of “id” can be used to retrieve the data for the respective statistical variable (according to the value of the property “name”).
API calls to retrieve the statistical data: *[id-värdet]*
Please use the numbers, but use “City Office, Malmö City” as the source.
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