Sveriges dataportal Open data in a single API request

National data portal in Sweden datasets available on official portal for European data

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Basic information

What is the DIGG?

The Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) is a government agency responsible for coordinating and supporting digitalisation within public administration. It was established in 2018 to help the Swedish government make better use of digital technologies to deliver services to citizens and businesses.

What does the DIGG do?

The DIGG works with government agencies to develop and implement digital strategies, to improve the quality of digital services, and to promote the use of open data. The DIGG also provides guidance and support to government agencies on a wide range of digitalization issues.

The responsibilities of the DIGG

The responsibilities of the DIGG include:

  • Coordinating and supporting digitalisation within public administration
  • Developing and implementing digital strategies
  • Improving the quality of digital services
  • Promoting the use of open data
  • Providing guidance and support to government agencies on digitalization issues

Headquarters address

The DIGG's headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden.

Date of foundation

The DIGG was established in 2018.


The current Director-General of the DIGG is Lena Micko. She is a Swedish civil servant and a former Director-General of the Swedish Agency for Public Management.

Number of employees

The DIGG has 1,000 employees.

What type of data they provide as open data

The DIGG provides a variety of data as open data, including:

  • Data on government services
  • Data on public procurement
  • Data on open data

Write all the details about the data sets they provide as open data

The data sets that the DIGG provides as open data are available on the DIGG's website. These data sets include information on:

  • Government services: This data set includes information on a wide range of government services, such as the services provided by the Swedish Tax Agency, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, and the Swedish Migration Agency.
  • Public procurement: This data set includes information on public procurement tenders, such as the value of tenders and the companies that have won tenders.
  • Open data: This data set includes information on the DIGG's activities related to open data, such as the number of data sets that have been published and the number of people who have accessed the data sets.

What is their goal regarding open data?

The DIGG's goal regarding open data is to make government data more accessible to the public and to facilitate the use of its data by businesses, researchers, and other stakeholders. By making its data open, the DIGG hopes to promote innovation and collaboration in the development of the public sector in Sweden.

In what formats they provide open data

The DIGG provides open data in a variety of formats, including:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • XML


The DIGG is an important organization that is working to coordinate and support digitalisation within public administration in Sweden. By providing open data, the DIGG is helping to make government data more accessible to the public and to facilitate the use of its data by businesses, researchers, and other stakeholders.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Detailed information


Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG)


September 1, 2018


Stockholm, Sweden


Lena Micko

Number of employees


Open data


Data types

Data on government services, data on public procurement, and data on open data

Data sets

Over 100 data sets


To coordinate and support digitalisation within public administration



Available datasets

Open data Portal Sveriges dataportal Open Data API in development

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Material and social deprivation by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers... Open Data

Material and social deprivation by indicator, study domain, sex, observations and period

Issued on

Material and social deprivation by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers... details >

Risk forests for spruce bark borers Open Data

Analysis of risk forests for infestation of spruce bark with zone rings from protected areas. The ma

Issued on 2022-07-07

Risk forests for spruce bark borers details >

Centre of agglomerations (91/271/EEC) Open Data

This data package contains GIS layers of points representing the centre of agglomerations which are

Issued on 2022-11-22

Centre of agglomerations (91/271/EEC) details >

Region Skånes medicinhistoriska samlingar Open Data

Medicinhistoriska föremål

Issued on

Region Skånes medicinhistoriska samlingar details >

SHM, Medeltidens bildvärld Open Data

Innehåller en nationell översikt över ett urval medeltida kyrkliga konstföremål. Fotografering och u

Issued on

SHM, Medeltidens bildvärld details >

Kulturmagasinet, Helsingborgs museer, objekt Open Data


Issued on

Kulturmagasinet, Helsingborgs museer, objekt details >

Västarvet, Bohusläns museum Open Data

Dokument, föremål, fotografier, kartor, ritningar

Issued on

Västarvet, Bohusläns museum details >

Hälsinglands Museum Open Data

Fotografier och föremål

Issued on

Hälsinglands Museum details >

Medelhavsmuseet, video Open Data


Issued on

Medelhavsmuseet, video details >

Basemap - Real properties Open Data

The basemap provided by Gävle Municipality is constructed in an accurate, timeless way, it is tailor

Issued on

Basemap - Real properties details >

Bicycle parking places Open Data

Bicycle parking places including the number of lots. The dataset consists only of bicycle parking pl

Issued on

Bicycle parking places details >

Street sweeping Open Data

Information about where street sweeping has been done within Gävle municipality. The Municipality

Issued on 2020-11-17

Street sweeping details >

Supplier invoices for 2020 Open Data

Invoices received by the City of Gothenburg during the respective month.The information on invoices

Issued on

Supplier invoices for 2020 details >

Air quality, monthly reports Open Data

Air quality and meteorological data

Issued on

Air quality, monthly reports details >

Parking spaces Open Data

Showing parking spaces and cleaning zones in Gothenburg. Places from the City of Gothenburg’s Parkin

Issued on 2018-01-08

Parking spaces details >

Outdoor swimming areas in Götene Municipality Open Data

All of the municipality’s bathing areas

Issued on 2022-08-22

Outdoor swimming areas in Götene Municipality details >

Swedish medicinal shortages Open Data

The list of medicinal shortages contains information on when the shortage starts and how long it is

Issued on 2022-03-22

Swedish medicinal shortages details >

Barbecue areas hiking trails, playgrounds, ski trails in Ulricehamn Municipality Open Data

The data set is an API to Ulricehamn’s municipal map

Issued on

Barbecue areas hiking trails, playgrounds, ski trails in Ulricehamn Municipality details >

Loans of books municipal libraries, number/inv Open Data

Number of book loans divided by the number of inhabitants 31/12. Total number of loans (initial loan

Issued on 2022-11-28T00:00:00Z

Loans of books municipal libraries, number/inv details >

Geographical statistical areas Open Data

## Map warehouse Map warehouse showing the city of Malmö’s geographical statistical areas. New divis

Issued on 2022-10-27T00:00:00Z

Geographical statistical areas details >

Women among elected municipal politicians, percentage (%) Open Data

Number of elected (municipal politicians) women divided by the number of elected municipal politicia

Issued on 2022-12-05T00:00:00Z

Women among elected municipal politicians, percentage (%) details >

JobAdLinks Job Advertisement Files Open Data

The API JobAd Links has been developed in a collaboration with Sweden's largest advertising and matc

Issued on

JobAdLinks Job Advertisement Files details >

Air quality measurements of particular matter PM2.5 and PM10 Open Data

Contains measurements of privately maintained air quality monitoring stations in Sweden and the rest

Issued on

Air quality measurements of particular matter PM2.5 and PM10 details >

Consumer survey by the Swedish Consumer Agency on telephone sales Open Data

Background to the report “A situation picture of telephone sales” (2020). The results review presen

Issued on 2020-08-16

Consumer survey by the Swedish Consumer Agency on telephone sales details >

Calculation for grease separator Open Data

Spreadsheet for the calculation of the nominal size of grease traps

Issued on

Calculation for grease separator details >

Befolkningsstatistik Open Data

Linköping är Sveriges femte största kommun och antalet kommuninvånare ökar stadigt. Befolkningsstati

Issued on

Befolkningsstatistik details >

Geodata Open Data

Linköpings kommun upprätthåller geografisk information i form av kartor, flygfoton med mera som omfa

Issued on

Geodata details >

Kvalitetsredovisning Open Data

Med jämna mellanrum genomför kommunen undersökningar för att få reda på hur elever, brukare och Link

Issued on

Kvalitetsredovisning details >

Home Services Open Data

Home care facilities within Huddinge municipality.

Issued on

Home Services details >

Core Areas (New Insect) Open Data

The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc

Issued on

Core Areas (New Insect) details >

Core areas (Tofsmes) Open Data

The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc

Issued on

Core areas (Tofsmes) details >

Core areas (Common toads) Open Data

The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc

Issued on

Core areas (Common toads) details >

Traffic noise railway, Swedish Transport Administration and municipal roads (2 m) Open Data

Daily equivalent sound levels for municipal roads, roads and railways 2 m above the ground. Tyren’s

Issued on

Traffic noise railway, Swedish Transport Administration and municipal roads (2 m) details >

Traffic noise railway, Swedish Transport Administration and municipal roads (4 m) Open Data

Daily equivalent sound levels for municipal roads, the Swedish Transport Administration’s roads and

Issued on

Traffic noise railway, Swedish Transport Administration and municipal roads (4 m) details >

Daily noise collected road network (2 m) Open Data

Daily equivalent sound levels from accumulated road network 2 m above ground. Tyren’s noise mapping.

Issued on

Daily noise collected road network (2 m) details >

Night Noise Subway (2 m) Open Data

Daily equivalent sound levels from the metro 2 m above ground. Tyren’s noise mapping.

Issued on

Night Noise Subway (2 m) details >

Entrances to residential nature Open Data

Entrances towards residential nature

Issued on 2020-12-16

Entrances to residential nature details >

Meteorological reanalysis SMHIGridClim (UERRA-Harmonie) — Historical reanalysis data Open Data

A climateological gridded dataset (SMHI Gridded Climatology — SMHIGridClim) has been developed for t

Issued on 2022-05-16

Meteorological reanalysis SMHIGridClim (UERRA-Harmonie) — Historical reanalysis data details >

Accumulated newly registered cars Open Data

Data come from traffic analysis ( and show the number of newly registered passenger cars in

Issued on 2023-03-04T02:18:07.262Z

Accumulated newly registered cars details >

The place of libraries Open Data

Libraries in the Umeå region — a library collaboration consisting of the public libraries in Bjurhol

Issued on 2021-12-10T10:35:46.603Z

The place of libraries details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 010105 (Berghem, southeast) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-16T23:20:11.630Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 010105 (Berghem, southeast) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 040701 (Västerslätt (rent houses)) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-17T02:34:09.356Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 040701 (Västerslätt (rent houses)) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 061212 (Clockar Basin Industrial Area) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-17T02:30:11.504Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 061212 (Clockar Basin Industrial Area) details >

Energiförbrukning i Geografiska området 092001 (Böleäng, södra) Open Data

Anonymiserad förbrukningsdata från Umeå Energi per nyckelkodsområde i Umeå Kommun. Detta data bör in

Issued on 2020-11-24T14:20:52.816Z

Energiförbrukning i Geografiska området 092001 (Böleäng, södra) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 092110 (Röbäcksdalen) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-17T01:00:08.914Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 092110 (Röbäcksdalen) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 092114 (E4 — Tegsvägen) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-16T03:17:07.424Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 092114 (E4 — Tegsvägen) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 112703 (Gimonäs) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-16T23:28:05.981Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 112703 (Gimonäs) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 112806 (Ålidhem, eastern) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-16T22:27:05.625Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 112806 (Ålidhem, eastern) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical area 123306 (Mariedal) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-17T02:20:05.013Z

Energy consumption in Geographical area 123306 (Mariedal) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 143704 (Tavleliden) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-22T07:50:56.850Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 143704 (Tavleliden) details >

Energy consumption in the Geographical Area 164607 (Hörnefors Omland, Eastern) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-17T00:21:14.194Z

Energy consumption in the Geographical Area 164607 (Hörnefors Omland, Eastern) details >

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 193507 (Ottertavle) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-17T01:17:07.656Z

Energy consumption in Geographical Area 193507 (Ottertavle) details >

Energy consumption in the Geographical Area 200101 (Regement) Open Data

Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul

Issued on 2023-03-17T04:53:10.693Z

Energy consumption in the Geographical Area 200101 (Regement) details >

Flygfoton över Umeå Open Data

Här hittar du flygfoton från 2019 som tagits över Umeå stad. Till varje foto finns information om vi

Issued on 2021-04-16T09:10:32.154Z

Flygfoton över Umeå details >

Månadsstatistik premiepension 2016-10-31 Open Data

Statistik Premiepension

Issued on

Månadsstatistik premiepension 2016-10-31 details >

Biofuels consumption in industry by branch of industry from 1990, TWh Open Data

Biofuels consumption in industry by branch of industry from 1990, TWh

Issued on

Biofuels consumption in industry by branch of industry from 1990, TWh details >

Energy consumption in inland fisheries 2017 by fuel type and lake district Open Data

Energy consumption in inland fisheries 2017 by fuel type and lake district

Issued on

Energy consumption in inland fisheries 2017 by fuel type and lake district details >

Consumption of energy products in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007 Open Data

Consumption of energy products in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007

Issued on

Consumption of energy products in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007 details >

Modelled electricity use in road transport, GWh, 2016- by Year and Unit Open Data

Modelled electricity use in road transport, GWh, 2016- by Year and Unit

Issued on

Modelled electricity use in road transport, GWh, 2016- by Year and Unit details >

Copper roof Open Data

Results from IVL’s mapping of copper roofs in Stockholm, Solna and Sundbyberg based on digital IR ae

Issued on

Copper roof details >

SBK elevation grid (2017, 2018, 2019) Open Data

Height grid is a ground model (DTM = Digital terrain model, which reports elevation data. The coordi

Issued on

SBK elevation grid (2017, 2018, 2019) details >

Cycle Calculator — Signal Open Data

Point geometry showing the city’s automatic stations used for counting cycle flows on selected cycle

Issued on 2020-12-14

Cycle Calculator — Signal details >

SBK Ortofoto (2020) - bara internt Open Data

Ett ortofoto över Stockholm består av hundratals flygbilder. Flygbilderna bearbetas så att perspekti

Issued on 2020-12-18

SBK Ortofoto (2020) - bara internt details >

Sysselsättning (ur Hitta Service API) Open Data

Informationen i Hitta service API:et används på Stockholms stads webbplatser för att hitta olika typ

Issued on 2021-05-04

Sysselsättning (ur Hitta Service API) details >

SBK Registerkarta - Enhetsområde Open Data

Registerkarta - Enhetsområde bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informationsklassningen 20

Issued on

SBK Registerkarta - Enhetsområde details >

SBK Register Map Open Data

All land in Sweden is divided into real estate, each property can consist of one or more areas. A pr

Issued on 1995-01-01

SBK Register Map details >

NVDB — Bridge and Tunnel Open Data

Geometry representing the spread of crossings, underpasses and tunnels on road sections. The entity

Issued on 2012-03-09

NVDB — Bridge and Tunnel details >

Splash dust (from Find Service API) Open Data

The information in the Find service API is used on the City of Stockholm’s websites to find differen

Issued on 2021-05-04

Splash dust (from Find Service API) details >

Habitat network — coniferous forest birds Open Data

Habitat network 2007, coniferous birds.

Issued on

Habitat network — coniferous forest birds details >

Sjöisbana (ur Hitta Service API) Open Data

Informationen i Hitta service API:et används på Stockholms stads webbplatser för att hitta olika typ

Issued on 2021-05-04

Sjöisbana (ur Hitta Service API) details >

Daily operations (from Find Service API) Open Data

The information in the Find service API is used on the City of Stockholm’s websites to find differen

Issued on 2021-05-04

Daily operations (from Find Service API) details >

Carpooling 2021 — Points Open Data

Point layer with car pool stations from 2021 — i.e. fixed parking spaces for stationary car pools (a

Issued on

Carpooling 2021 — Points details >

SBK Register Map — Registry Unit Open Data

Register Map — registry unit consisted of the following subtypes (subtypes) at the information class

Issued on

SBK Register Map — Registry Unit details >

SBK Ortofoto (2009) Open Data

An orthophoto of Stockholm consists of hundreds of aerial images. Aerial images are processed so tha

Issued on 2010-01-01

SBK Ortofoto (2009) details >

Solar radiation — Buildings Open Data

Vector file of each individual roof polygon classified by the amount of incident solar energy within

Issued on

Solar radiation — Buildings details >

Housing support (from Find Service API) Open Data

The information in the Find service API is used on the City of Stockholm’s websites to find differen

Issued on 2021-05-04

Housing support (from Find Service API) details >

SBK Seat Map — Provisions and guidelines Open Data

Tätortskarta - Bestämmelser och riktlinjer bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informations

Issued on

SBK Seat Map — Provisions and guidelines details >

Ekdatabasen — Ekar (2006) Open Data

Mapping carried out in 2006 of valuable oak environments in the City of Stockholm.

Issued on

Ekdatabasen — Ekar (2006) details >

SBK Baskartan - Natur Open Data

Natur bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informationsklassningen 2020 (för aktuell lista s

Issued on 1992-01-01

SBK Baskartan - Natur details >

Habitat network — Frogs Open Data

Habitat network 2007, amphibians.

Issued on

Habitat network — Frogs details >

Grundsärskola (ur Hitta Service API) Open Data

Informationen i Hitta service API:et används på Stockholms stads webbplatser för att hitta olika typ

Issued on 2021-05-04

Grundsärskola (ur Hitta Service API) details >

Slussen in 3D Open Data

A point cloud from a laser scan of the old lock and photographs for staining the points to create a

Issued on

Slussen in 3D details >

Stockholms äldre bygglovsritningar Open Data

Arkivet är en lång serie av bygglovsansökningar som som till sitt innhåll speglar framväxten av Stoc

Issued on 2014-01-01

Stockholms äldre bygglovsritningar details >

SBK Detail plans etc. — plan mosaics including plan area limits for current plans and ongoing... Open Data

A zoning plan regulates the buildings within a particular area or property. It indicates, among othe

Issued on 2019-05-14

SBK Detail plans etc. — plan mosaics including plan area limits for current plans and ongoing... details >

Upper secondary school (from Finding Service API) Open Data

The information in the Find service API is used on the City of Stockholm’s websites to find differen

Issued on 2021-05-04

Upper secondary school (from Finding Service API) details >

Noise Map 2012 — All Sources Open Data

Noise mapping for Stockholm based on modelling based on traffic flows, roads, trains and flights, in

Issued on

Noise Map 2012 — All Sources details >

SBK Baskarta - Koloni Open Data

Koloni bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informationsklassningen 2020 (för aktuell lista

Issued on 1992-01-01

SBK Baskarta - Koloni details >

Fictitious Rinn Routes — Open Data Open Data

Here we have figured out fictitious runways. These are based solely on a simple GIS analysis. This m

Issued on 2020-05-04

Fictitious Rinn Routes — Open Data details >

SBK Base Map — Heights Open Data

Heights consisted of the following subtypes (subtypes) in the information classification in 2020 (fo

Issued on 1992-01-01

SBK Base Map — Heights details >

SBK City Map — Geographic Names Open Data

City Map — Geographic names consisted of the following subtypes (subtypes) in the information classi

Issued on 2005-01-01

SBK City Map — Geographic Names details >

Noise map 2012 — Road Train 2 m Leq 24h Open Data

Noise mapping for Stockholm based on modelling based on traffic flows, road and train, in 2012. The

Issued on

Noise map 2012 — Road Train 2 m Leq 24h details >

SBK Stadskarta - Övriga anläggningar Open Data

Stadskarta - Övriga anläggningar bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informationsklassninge

Issued on 2005-01-01

SBK Stadskarta - Övriga anläggningar details >

Fritidsklubb (ur Hitta Service API) Open Data

Informationen i Hitta service API:et används på Stockholms stads webbplatser för att hitta olika typ

Issued on 2021-05-04

Fritidsklubb (ur Hitta Service API) details >

Idrottsanläggning som bokas (ur Hitta Service API) Open Data

Informationen i Hitta service API:et används på Stockholms stads webbplatser för att hitta olika typ

Issued on 2021-05-04

Idrottsanläggning som bokas (ur Hitta Service API) details >

Pedagogical care (from Finding Service API) Open Data

The information in the Find service API is used on the City of Stockholm’s websites to find differen

Issued on 2021-05-04

Pedagogical care (from Finding Service API) details >

Tax outcome for income year 2022 Open Data

The tax outcome (previously the tax assessment result) contains data on municipal taxable earned inc

Issued on

Tax outcome for income year 2022 details >

Modulal data and heat conduction numbers (view service) Open Data

Display service for the Modal data set and heat conduction numbers (open data). The display service

Issued on 2022-12-08

Modulal data and heat conduction numbers (view service) details >

Physical influences in Swedish coastal waters 1960 and onwards: Wave exposure Open Data

Relative wave exposure data (m2s-1) based on wind stroke length and mean wind in different direction

Issued on 2020-09-30

Physical influences in Swedish coastal waters 1960 and onwards: Wave exposure details >

Topography 250 Download, vector Open Data

The product is excellent as a background map and as input to GIS applications. It is suitable for us

Issued on 2022-02-01

Topography 250 Download, vector details >

Groundwater levels, calculated, SGU-HYPE, areas (open data) Open Data

The product contains calculated daily groundwater levels in terms of fill rate and groundwater situa

Issued on 2022-11-14

Groundwater levels, calculated, SGU-HYPE, areas (open data) details >
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