Hydrological model (S-HYPE2016) — historical analysis data

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Provided by Agency for Digital Government

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
modelldata, hydrologi, hydrology, geodata.se, dataportal.se, vattenföring, öppna data, SMHI - Öppna Data, hydrosphere > ground water > discharge/flow
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset contains hydrological data from the model S-HYPE up to and including the day before the take-off takes place. S-HYPE is a national set of Hydrological Predictions for the Environment (HYPE), an open source hydrological calculation model. The model calculates both water balance and substance transport for every day in sub-basins. Currently there are about 40,000 sub-basins in Sweden and each sub-basin has an average area of approximately 10 km². The input data to the model consists of information on hydrographic conditions, topography, land use, soil species, controls, point emissions and atmospheric nutrient deposition. The drive data for the model consists of time series with daily rainfall and air temperature values generated in the national climatic database PTHBV. USE S-HYPE is used in the national forecasting and warning service at SMHI to characterise flow conditions in the country. S-HYPE is used within the Swedish Water Administration to characterise water flows and subject transport as a basis for, inter alia, status classification of water bodies. Model-calculated input of water and nutrients from S-HYPE is used as drive data to the coastal zone model to describe the environmental status of coastal areas. FORMAT Data from S-HYPE is delivered in Excel format and can be downloaded per area or for the whole of Sweden. MORE INFO Information about the model S-HYPE, see https://www.smhi.se/Professionella-tjanster/Professionella-tjanster/Miljo-och-klimat/Vattenmiljo/referensguide-till-smhi-vattenwebb-1.22742
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