Prohibition of land drainage

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.05.03 00:00
Available languages
Inspire, Områden med särskild förvaltning/begränsningar/reglering samt enheter för rapportering, Naturvårdsverket
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Dataset description

Data report the areas where the Council bans land drainage under the Environmental Code (Chapter 11, Section 14, first paragraph) and Ordinance (1998:1388) on water activities, etc. Soil dewatering is the measures carried out to remove unwanted water (drain soil) or protect against water. In order for a measure to be soil dewatering within the meaning of the Environmental Code, the aim of the measure must be to permanently increase the suitability of the soil for a particular purpose. Land drainage is a legal definition that shall not: mixed with the hydrological definition of soil water.A permit is always required for soil drainage. In most parts of southern and central Sweden there is a ban on land drainage. It requires a derogation from the ground drainage ban if a permit is to be granted. The County Administrative Board is testing dispensations. Permits for land drainage are examined by the County Administrative Board or the Environmental Court. Data was updated in July 2018 (amendment of two RAMSAR areas).
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