Dataset information
Available languages
Ingen eller försumbar, Stockholms stad, Extern dataportal, Verksamhetsdata, Måttlig
Dataset description
City Map — Grounds consisted of the following subtypes (subtypes) at the information classification 2020 (for current list see General Product Specification Urban map):450610, Grounds10, Bank/Score, Modifiable, Active20, Landscape, Modifiable, Active30, Support Wall, Modifiable, Active40, Grind, Modifiable, Active50, Mur, Modifiable, Modifiable, active60, Fence, Modifiable, Active70, Stonewall, Modifiable, Active80, Gravel Plan, Modifiable, Active90, Gravel Plan, Modifiable, Modifiable, Active100, Asphalt Plan, Modifiable, Active110, Square, Modifiable, Active120, Funeral Site, Modifiable, Modifiable, Active130, Animal Park, Modifiable, Active140, Amusement Facility, Modifiable, Active150, Noise Protection, Modifiable, Modifiable, Active
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