Dataset information
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Ingen eller försumbar, Extern dataportal, Verksamhetsdata, Stockholms stad, Måttlig
Dataset description
District map — Buildings consisted of the following subtypes (subtypes) at the information classification 2020 (for current list see General product specification Tätortskartan):450500, Residential BuildingSubtypes10, Multi-dwelling buildings, Modifiable, Active20, Modifiable, Modifiable, Modifiable, Active450510, Community BuildingSubtypes10, Ospec. community building, modifiable, Active20, Free Church, Modifiable, Active30, Moské, Modifiable, Active40, Synagogue, Modifiable, Active50, Church, Modifiable, Active450520, Industrial Building Subtypes10, Industrial Building, Modifiable, Active20, Ospec. Industrial Building, Modifiable, Active450530, Service BuildingPrimary Component200026, subtypes10, Transformer, Modifiable, Active20, Water Tower, Modifiable, Active30, Mobile Technology shed, Modifiable, Active40, Lighthouse, Modifiable, Active50, Phone kiosk, Modifiable, Active60, Rain Protection, Modifiable, Active70, Public Toilet, Modifiable, Active450540, Community Functional BuildingSubtypes10, general building, modifiable, active20, school, modifiable, active30, nursing building, modifiable, active40, kindergarten/preschool, modifiable, active50, Culture, modifiable, active60, sports building, modifiable, active450550, Unspec. buildingSubtypes10, Ospec. building Unregistered, Modifiable, Active20, Ospec. building Registered, subtypes10, commercial building, modifiable, active20, office building, modifiable, active30, Parking house, modifiable, active40, hotel building, modifiable, active50, Ospec. business building, modifiable, active30, active450570, Other building Subtypes10, Economy building, modifiable, active20, complement building, modifiable, active30, colony cabin, modifiable, active, active
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