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With List of APIs we currently working on to bridge to life.
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Topo_skaermkort, View Open Data
Topo skaermkort is a digital topographic map of Denmark suitable for viewing on-screen with zoom fun
Issued on
Project Live fence Open Data
The layer contains all existing commitments given for projects on the establishment of hedges/lead f
Issued on 2011-11-04
Field Blocks2015 Open Data
The field block map is a digital field map, with agricultural land collected in field blocks. A fiel
Issued on 2019-04-15
Natural inspections Open Data
GIS theme (divided into flat, line and point themes) with spatial objects from the Nature Database o
Issued on 2007-01-01
INSPIRE_FloodAreas_2016_2021_Vandlob Open Data
The spread of flooding incident from streams.
Issued on
Grass in 5 years 2017 Open Data
Based on declarations back in 2012, the number of years each area has declared grass has been calcul
Issued on 2019-04-15
Projekt Planlaegning Open Data
Laget indeholder alle gældende tilsagn givet til planlægningsprojekter under tilskudsordningen natur
Issued on 2011-11-04
Field Blocks2013 Open Data
A geographically contiguous area with a permanent physical external border. The outer boundary of th
Issued on 2019-04-15
NP3h2021 Lakes over 5 ha Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the Natura 2000 baseline analysis 2022-2027 revised in 2021, which is t
Issued on 2021-06-03
Unemployed persons by region, age and sex Open Data
Unemployed persons by region, age and sex
Issued on 2020-11-30
INSPIRE_FloodAreas_2016_2021_100aar Open Data
The prevalence of a 100-year flooding incident from the sea in the year 2019. 2065 and 2115.
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INSPIRE_PFRA_2016_2021 Open Data
Preliminary flood risk assessment for seas and streams(ocean and fluvial).
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Project habitats Open Data
The layer contains all existing commitments for projects to establish special habitats for animal sp
Issued on 2011-11-04
Born by region and sex Open Data
Born by region and sex
Issued on
Project Establishment Recovery Open Data
The layer contains all existing commitments for projects concerning the protection, establishment an
Issued on 2011-11-04
Marker2015 Open Data
The theme contains all of the declared parcels from each year the theme refers to. Each parcel conta
Issued on 2015-06-19
NP3_2022 Herbal strips Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the final Natura2000 plan 2022, which is the revised Natura 2000 baseli
Issued on 2023-02-14
GLM Restored Meminder_WFS_INSPIRE Open Data
Download service according to WFS standard. The map contains GAEC monuments, i.e. ancient monuments
Issued on 2019-07-01T12:00:00Z
Field Blocks2005 Open Data
A geographically contiguous area with a permanent physical external border. The outer boundary of th
Issued on 2019-04-15
N2000, Arealer til Hydrologi Open Data
Arealer indenfor Natura 2000-områderne, hvor der kan søges om tilskud til at skabe naturlige vandsta
Issued on
Land Use_WFS_INSPIRE Open Data
Download service according to WFS standard. The map contains a classification of agricultural land.
Issued on
Field Blocks 2006 Open Data
A geographically contiguous area with a permanent physical external border. The outer boundary of th
Issued on 2019-04-15
Marker_WFS_INSPIRE Open Data
Download service according to WFS standard. The map contains all declared parcels from the last clai
Issued on 2019-07-01T12:00:00Z
Project Trampaths Open Data
The layer contains all current commitments given to projects concerning live fences or small plantin
Issued on 2011-11-04
Hazard and Exercise Areas (MIPA) Open Data
Overview of the shooting and exercise areas of the Defence, cf. Act No. 336 of 6 June 1991, Order No
Issued on
Field Blocks_WFS_INSPIRE Open Data
Download service according to WFS standard. The field block map is a digital field map, with agricul
Issued on 2019-07-01T12:00:00Z
Marine Restricted Areas (CARA) Open Data
List of restricted areas and areas of attention, cf. Order No 135 of 4 March 2005. The layer shows r
Issued on
Organic parcels 2012 Open Data
The layer consists of the organic parcels registered with the Agricultural Agency as organic in 2012
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Basic paymentDeductions Open Data
Landscape element in Internet Mark Map (IMK) showing areas registered as ineligible under basic paym
Issued on 2011-11-04
Mark 2009 Open Data
The theme contains all of the registered fields from each year the theme refers to. Each parcel cont
Issued on 2019-04-15
GAEC Lakes Open Data
The layer contains GAEC lakes and ponds, i.e. lakes and ponds including rim vegetation/planting with
Issued on 2011-11-04
NP3h2021 Natura 2000 sites Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the Natura 2000 baseline analysis 2022-2027 revised in 2021, which is t
Issued on 2021-10-01
Field Blocks 2007 Open Data
A geographically contiguous area with a permanent physical external border. The outer boundary of th
Issued on 2019-04-15
GLM lakes_WFS_INSPIRE Open Data
Download service according to WFS standard. The map contains GAEC lakes and ponds, i.e. lakes and po
Issued on 2019-07-01T12:00:00Z
Mark 2012 Open Data
The theme contains all of the registered fields from each year the theme refers to. Each parcel cont
Issued on 2019-04-15
Marker2015 Open Data
The theme contains all of the declared parcels from each year the theme refers to. Each parcel conta
Issued on 2015-06-19
Inspire — forecast data from DMI Open Data
Forecast data from DMI’s operational wave model
Issued on
NP3h2021 AIS yarn Open Data
Static theme. The theme shows data for the Natura 2000 baseline analysis 2022-2027 revised in 2021,
Issued on 2021-01-01
MFO buffer zones Open Data
MFO rim zone/brace map is a combination of 2 m buffer maps from the Nature Agency and the buffer zon
Issued on 2011-11-04
DK INSPIRE AM coastal forest zones Open Data
Owners of real estate, real estate agents, lawyers, land surveyors, public authorities and others ne
Issued on 2018-08-01
Population by age and sex Open Data
The population of the municipalities by age and sex.
Issued on
Inspire — Radardata from DMI Open Data
Data from DMI radars in Denmark
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Marine Prohibition Areas (Proa) Open Data
List of prohibition areas, cf. Order No 135 of 4 March 2005. The layer shows prohibition areas where
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Field Blocks2018 Open Data
The field block map is a digital field map, with agricultural land collected in field blocks. A fiel
Issued on 2019-04-15
KDI INSPIRE OSD Data Download Open Data
Download af KDI INSPIRE data fra SIT FTP
Issued on
INSPIRE_APSFR_2016_2021 Open Data
Flood risk areas 2016 and 2021.
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NP3_2021 Invasive Species Areas (2016-2019) Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the final Natura2000 plan 2022, which is the revised Natura 2000 baseli
Issued on 2023-02-15
Field Blocks2014 Open Data
A geographically contiguous area with a permanent physical external border. The outer boundary of th
Issued on 2019-04-15
hydro_model Open Data
Historical modelling of the depth of ground water, groundwater level, soil water content and flow in
Issued on
Grass for 5 years 2016 Open Data
Based on notifications back from 2012, it has been calculated how many years each area has had decla
Issued on 2019-04-15
NP3_2022 Analysed fishing intensity 2013-2018 Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the final Natura2000 plan 2022, which is the revised Natura 2000 baseli
Issued on 2023-02-14
Project Vegetation Tribes Open Data
The layer contains all existing commitments for projects to establish vegetation strips under the Na
Issued on 2011-11-04
Field Blocks 2009 Open Data
A geographically contiguous area with a permanent physical external border. The outer boundary of th
Issued on 2019-04-15
NP11 structure index (both open nature and forest) (static theme 27 Nov. 2011) Open Data
Structural index (both open nature and forest)
Issued on
Land distribution project Open Data
The layer contains all applicable commitments made for land consolidation under the grant scheme nat
Issued on 2011-11-04
VP11 Area use Open Data
Basis for a nationwide GIS theme on land use for the preparation of water plans.
Issued on
Mark 2008 Open Data
The theme contains all of the registered fields from each year the theme refers to. Each parcel cont
Issued on 2015-06-19
VP11 Lakes Open Data
The Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000) The Milømål Act (Order of t
Issued on
Marker2016 Open Data
The theme contains all of the declared parcels from each year the theme refers to. Each parcel conta
Issued on 2015-06-19
VP13 drinking water areas, OSD Open Data
Law on water supply.
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MFS Marin, Biota Effects (MFS) Open Data
Data from the Environmental Protection Agency’s studies on the impact of environmental alien substan
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API for climate data from DMI Open Data
Through the API, it is possible to retrieve quality-assured meteorological observations from DMI’s m
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Nitrogen reduction potentials Open Data
The theme shows the nitrogen reduction potential from root zone to water body expressed in per cent.
Issued on 2016-09-01
Geological Model Area Open Data
Geographical demarcation of geological models from groundwater mapping. The models can be downloaded
Issued on
VP13 Peaceed Areas (draft) Open Data
Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water Static extraction from DAI 5/4-2013. Data
Issued on
NP3b2020 fishing intensity 2017 Open Data
The theme shows the intensity of fishing with bottom trolling nets in squares of 100x100m from Danis
Issued on 2020-05-26
Livestock after-crop requirements N-sensitive habitat 2018/19 Open Data
The theme shows in which catchment areas for nitrate-sensitive habitat habitats in Natura 2000 areas
Issued on 2018-08-01
INSPIRE_FloodAreas_2016_2021_20aar Open Data
The spread for a 20-year flooding incident from the sea.
Issued on
VP11 Community areas Open Data
s Order No 26 of 4 April 1978 concerning the Convention on Wetlands.
Issued on
NP3h2021 Ramsar areas Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the Natura 2000 baseline analysis 2022-2027 revised in 2021, which is t
Issued on 2021-10-01
VP13 Larger cohesive landscapes Open Data
Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water. The theme shows the designated larger co
Issued on
VP13 Peaceed areas proposals (draft) Open Data
Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water Static extraction from DAI 5/4-2013. Data
Issued on
INSPIRE_FloodAreas_2016_2021_50aar Open Data
The prevalence of a 50-year flooding incident from the sea.
Issued on
VP13 Community bird protection areas Open Data
The designation was implemented in Danish legislation by Order No 408 of 25 May 1994, as amended. S
Issued on
Bathing water Open Data
The MFVM reports bathing water information annually to the EU. The data sets are a point theme of me
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MiljoeBetting Commitments Open Data
The layer shows areas with environmental aid. Areas subject to environmental obligations — spray-fre
Issued on 2011-11-04
INSPIRE_FloodAreas_2016_2021_1000aar Open Data
The spread for a 1000-year flooding incident from sea in the years 2065 and 2115.
Issued on
VP13 Community areas (draft) Open Data
s Order No 26 of 4 April 1978 concerning the Convention on Wetlands. Static extraction from DAI 5/4
Issued on
VP13 Insert requirements — Additional catch crops (draft) Open Data
Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water
Issued on
NP3b2020 light-open habitats (2016-2019) Open Data
Static theme. The theme shows the state of light-open habitat nature within the habitat areas mapped
Issued on 2020-05-26
NP3b2020 Peace forest subject areas Open Data
Areas with a forest obligation, cf. the Forest Act. The theme shows current data as of 1/3-2020. The
Issued on 2020-03-01
NP3h2021 light-open habitat types (2004-2006) Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the Natura 2000 baseline analysis 2022-2027 revised in 2021, which is t
Issued on 2021-01-01
Folding pitches Open Data
Map of the location of folding places in Danish waters. Some are in use in current permissions, othe
Issued on 2020-01-29
Natura 2000 plans Open Data
The Natura2000 plans 2015-2021 published on 24 February 2016 contain a number of different data, all
Issued on
VP11 Protected habitat types, lakes Open Data
Ordinance of the Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water and international nature
Issued on
INSPIRE_Management_Unit_2016_2021 Open Data
The municipalities that manage the flood risk
Issued on
NP3h2021 Community bird protection areas Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the Natura 2000 baseline analysis 2022-2027 revised in 2021, which is t
Issued on 2021-01-01
VP13 drinking water areas, nitrate action areas Open Data
Areas of action with regard to nitrates.
Issued on
Monitoring of Annex species Open Data
GIS theme (divided into flat and point theme) with spatial objects from the Nature database associat
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Monitoring of Nature Types Open Data
GIS theme (divided into flat and point theme) with spatial objects from the Nature database associat
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VP13 Insert requirements — Additional catch crops Open Data
Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water
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Mapping reports Open Data
The task portfolio of Grundvand Mapping is defined in the period 2016-2020 on the basis of mapping n
Issued on
VP11 Drinking water interests (OSD) and abstraction areas outside Open Data
The theme is the framework for the current and future drinking water supply as well as the tax-funde
Issued on
NP3_2022 Watercourses (2014-2018) Open Data
Static theme. Shows data for the final Natura2000 plan 2022, which is the revised Natura 2000 baseli
Issued on 2023-02-14
VP13 Protected habitat types, lakes (draft) Open Data
Ordinance of the Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water and international nature
Issued on
NP3b2020 Marine biogeographical regions Open Data
Geographical extent of the terrestrial biogeographical regions to which Denmark belongs. Data from t
Issued on 2020-05-26
VP13 Cooling Water Open Data
Cooling water discharges
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Potential Open Data
Potential lines based on hydrological models carried out in groundwater mapping. Typically, the calc
Issued on
Marker2019 Open Data
The theme contains all of the declared parcels from each year the theme refers to. Each parcel conta
Issued on 2019-04-15
VP13 Sub-programme marine Open Data
Act on environmental objectives, etc. for bodies of water
Issued on
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