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08.10 Youth Schools Open Data
The location of municipal youth schools.
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3D urban model by Jelling Open Data
3D urban model of Jelling. Data has been mapped in 2012 and therefore describes the situation at thi
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3D urban model of Vejle city centre Open Data
3D urban model of Vejle city centre. Data has been mapped in 2012 and therefore describes the situat
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3D urban model Børkop Open Data
3D urban model of Børkop. Data has been mapped in 2012 and therefore describes the situation at this
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3D urban model Egtved Open Data
3D urban model of Egtved. Data has been mapped in 2012 and therefore describes the situation at this
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3D Urban Model Give Open Data
3D urban model of Give. Data has been mapped in 2012 and therefore describes the situation at this t
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Aarhus Citizen Kit — Sensors Open Data
Smart Citizen Kit is a sensor kit used for citizen science projects across Europe. Aarhus Municipali
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Administrative road information Open Data
Contains administrative road information from Hjørring Municipality. Data indicates, for example, wh
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Marking on roads Open Data
The dataset shows all markings on public and private common roads.It is a collection of the individu
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Activity Member Grant 2015 for FOU Open Data
List of associations that receive the grant.
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General housing per school district Open Data
Number of public housing units per school district.
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Social housing associations in Vejle Municipality Open Data
Shows social housing associations in Vejle Municipality.
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Share of pupils who completed secondary education in 2006, 2007 and 2008 Open Data
The indicator indicates the proportion of pupils in 9th grade who have completed at least one upper
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Construction projects Open Data
Igangværende og kommende anlægsprojekter bestilt hos Teknik og Miljøforvaltningen.
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Employees on special conditions Open Data
Shows data on the share of municipal employees under special conditions. Data includes all employe
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Number of crossing cyclists across Randers Fjord Open Data
The average number of cyclists who daily cross the trail bridge at Randersbro. Shows the trend per m
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Accidents at work Open Data
Displays Data on accidents at work (registered in EASY) with and without absence, broken down by man
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Land use Open Data
Arealanvendelse i København. Data indeholder bl.a.: * Grønne områder * Parker * Rekreative omr
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BBR building — leisure purposes Open Data
The theme shows all geocoded buildings where the use of buildings is indicated for recreational purp
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BBR building-all-year residence Open Data
The theme shows all geocoded buildings where the use of buildings is indicated for year-round reside
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BBR building industry, crafts and supply Open Data
The theme shows all geocoded buildings where the use of buildings is indicated for industry, crafts
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BBR Building — Office, Trade and Transport Open Data
The theme shows all geocoded buildings where the building use is indicated for office/trade/transpor
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BBR building — cultural/public purpose Open Data
The theme shows all geocoded buildings where the use of buildings is indicated for cultural and publ
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BBR-building-agriculture Open Data
The theme shows all geocoded buildings where the use of buildings is indicated for agricultural use
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Population forecast 2020-2034 by urban area Open Data
Population forecast 2020-2034 by age and urban area. The forecast was prepared for the period 1 J
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Population forecast 2020-2034 by school district Open Data
Population forecast 2020-2034 by age and school district The forecast was prepared for the period
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Inventory at Vejle Libraries Open Data
Vejle Library inventory data. This dataset contains a complete list of all records in Vejle Librar
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Lighting, master Open Data
This data is maintained by the Municipality’s service provider — Citelum (https://citelum.com/da/)
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text Open Data
Cyklerne er talt på områder der er vurderet som værende offentligt tilgængelige for byens borgere.
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Cycling routes Open Data
Cycling routes (national and regional) in Vejle Municipality. The KML/KMZ format can be used for Goo
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Bicycle rack Open Data
Bicycle racks operated by Ballerup Municipality. The data set is in the coordinate system EPSG:4326
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Bicycle paths Open Data
Overview of cycle paths in Aarhus Municipality
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Bicycle taxi stands Open Data
Parkeringsmuligheder i cykeltaxi rødzone. Tal viser antal af holdepladser.
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Day care institutions in Vejle Municipality Open Data
Short theme with day care institutions in Vejle Municipality. Contains crèches, kindergartens, resid
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Kommunale nøgletal Open Data
Social- og Indenrigsministeriet har samlet en lang række data om landets 98 kommuner. Her kan bl.a.
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Detector form for EC — 2 Open Data
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Drinking water posts and fountains Open Data
Master register containing all drinking water posts and fountains that are handled and operated by t
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The owner’s limit Open Data
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Example of bus priority Open Data
Here you can see documentation for an example of bus prioritisation in the intersection Hulgårdsvej
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Student figures forecast 2014/15-2028/29 by elementary school Open Data
Student numbers forecast 2014/15-2028/29, divided into years and primary schools in Vejle Municipali
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Commercial land for sale Open Data
Short theme with the sale of commercial plots from Vejle Municipality. Includes information about sa
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eHealth — Your access to public health data Open Data
eHealth is a source of statistical knowledge of Danish health. You can find public health data at re
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Facilities & Attractions — Recreational Routes Open Data
Map theme of facilities and attractions related to recreational routes (cycling and hiking routes)
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Fresh water bodies — overview 2016 analytical forms Open Data
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Bottle containers in Vejle Municipality Open Data
Location of bottle containers in Vejle Municipality. Contains information about location (location n
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Population by urban area Open Data
Population of Vejle Municipality by urban area and age per quarter. The urban areas are confined t
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Population by postcode Open Data
Population of Vejle Municipality by postcode per quarter.
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Population by school district Open Data
Population of Vejle Municipality by school district and age per quarter.
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Memories of the past Open Data
Ancient monuments in the City of Copenhagen.
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Fritvalgsdatabasen Open Data
Dette datasæt fra Socialstyrelsen er en national oversigt over kommunernes pris for ydelser til ældr
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Full-time positions Open Data
Full-time positions at Vejle Municipality divided by collective agreements, administration and FagME
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Kajkant Ownership Open Data
Shows who the quay is owned by. • The State • Private owner The City of Copenhagen The defe
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Climate and environmental accounts for the Capital Region of Denmark Open Data
In the Capital Region’s digital climate and environmental accounts you will find information about t
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Climate Adaptation Open Data
Regn: Data er udarbejdet til Klimatilpasningsplanen og viser steder, hvor der sker oversvømmelse ve
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Properties of Copenhagen Open Data
Buildings owned by the City of Copenhagen. Look at me! That a building may be partly owned by the m
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The municipality’s plans at PlansystemDK Open Data
PlansystemDK contains all plans and adopted plans under the Planning Act. This includes, inter alia,
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Municipal elections 2013 Open Data
Election results as well as polling stations from the 2013 municipal elections. Broken down by votin
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Gender and age Open Data
Data on gender and age distribution employees at Vejle Municipality. Data includes all employees on
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Medical Practice in the Middle Region Open Data
The dataset contains contact information for medical practices in the Central Region. Stats Serum
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Play equipment Open Data
Play equipment operated by Ballerup Municipality. The data set is in the coordinate system EPSG:4326
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Local plans Open Data
Lokalplan er betegnelsen på en type plan, som kommunalbestyrelser udarbejder for anvendelsen af et o
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Most reserved titles at Vejle Libraries Open Data
Top 100 lists of the most booked titles at Vejle Libraries. Currently, the lists are updated and a
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The Metro Open Data
Sydhavnens, Nordhavns og cityringens linjeføring, stationer, trapper, perroner og skakter. Sidst opd
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Companies that are subject to environmental supervision Open Data
• Establishments authorised to divert waste water into public sewers; • Companies covered by the Us
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Publicly owned land Open Data
The theme shows public-owned areas, broken down by state, region, municipality, and other public ins
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Public toilets in Hjørring Municipality Open Data
Displays all public toilets in Hjørring Municipality. Includes information about the toilet’s addres
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OS2iot test Open Data
OS2iot tests data sharing with ODDK
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Parking — grass rattles Open Data
The dataset shows grass rebates along roads operated and maintained by Vejle Kommunes Vej & Park Dri
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Park drift — Park care (surface data) Open Data
The dataset shows park elements (surfaces) that are operated and maintained by Vejle Kommunes Vej &
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Park drift — Park care (line data) Open Data
The dataset shows park elements (line data) that are operated and maintained by Vejle Kommunes Vej &
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Park drift — Park care (point data) Open Data
The dataset shows park elements (points) that are operated and maintained by Vejle Municipality’s Ve
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Park drift — trees Open Data
The dataset shows shaped and free-growing trees (points) operated and maintained by Vejle Kommunes V
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Parking spaces — handicap (municipal owned and publicly accessible) Open Data
Disabled parking spaces in Vejle Municipality (municipal owned and publicly accessible). The KML/KMZ
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Parking spaces (municipal owned and publicly accessible) Open Data
Parking spaces in Vejle Municipality (municipal owned and publicly accessible). The KML/KMZ format c
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Partnership trees Open Data
Master register containing all partnership trees awarded by the Technical and Environmental Administ
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Bearings Open Data
Pejlinger er de målte trykniveauer i det primære grundvandsreservoir i kalken, april 2018 Potenti
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Staff turnover Open Data
Data includes all employees at Vejle Municipality on monthly salary excluding pupils, temporary work
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Recycling stations in Vejle Municipality Open Data
Shows the location of recycling stations and information here about address, opening hours, etc.
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Nursing home Open Data
Kommunale og privatejede ældreboliger Københavns Kommune
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Popular materials at Vejle Libraries Open Data
Top 100 lists of popular materials from Vejle Library inventory. UPDATE 30-01-2017: This dataset
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Private road classification Open Data
Private common roads, classification according to coating condition.
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Rck processing units Open Data
Processing units under the Consultative Centre Copenhagen [Contact here](https://rusmiddelbehandli
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Regulatory plans Open Data
7 Old Citizen Representation Decisions under the Construction Act then in force.
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Recreational cycling routes Open Data
Recreational cycling routes from municipal plan 2017
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Servitut Roman numerals Open Data
Bebyggelsesregulerende servitutter for større områder, hvor kommunen er påtaleberettiget. Disse er f
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School districts in Vejle Municipality Open Data
Short theme with school districts in Vejle Municipality. The theme contains information about school
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Schools Open Data
Map theme with schools in Vejle Municipality. The theme contains information about school name, addr
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Cloudburst Plan — Pools and Squares Open Data
The dataset shows the planned climate adaptation projects to be established in the long term, in ord
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Snow removal (winter service) Open Data
Snow removal (winter service) in Vejle Municipality. Contains information about the winter maintenan
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Boundary of the Parish Open Data
In the Matriklen the individual plot is built with cadastral number in a town (village) that belonge
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Beach protection, untriculed areas (DAF) Open Data
Beach protection on untriculed areas in the City of Copenhagen. 300 m protection zone for the protec
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Sick leave Open Data
Data on sick leave for employees at Vejle Municipality. Data contains the causation codes Own illnes
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Counts, cut counts Open Data
Tælling af cykler, MC, biler og tunge køretøjer for udvalgte strækninger. Snittællinger tæller trafi
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Registration for secondary education — data from school year 14/15 Open Data
Distribution of pupils after enrolment for secondary education and 10th grade. 9. Class distributio
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Traffic numbers Open Data
Traffic figures (traffic counts) for Vejle Municipality’s counting stations in the period 2008 onwar
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Well-being Open Data
Contains results for well-being measurements in 2011,2013 and 2015 for employees at Vejle Municipali
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Wet and low bottom areas in Randers municipality since 2000 Open Data
It is established wet and low bottom areas in Randers municipality from the year 2000 onwards
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Hiking trails Open Data
Hiking trails in Vejle Municipality
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Waiting Time for Rehabilitation Open Data
Citizens may wait a maximum of 15 working days for rehabilitation after the municipality has receive
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Recipients of benefits — Flex jobs and unemployment benefit Open Data
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