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Development plan Billstedt 92 Hamburg Open Data
The development plan Billstedt 92 for the area of application between Glinder Straße and Öjendorfer
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age groups The following fields are inclu
Issued on 2022-05-01T00:00:00Z
State Election 2012 — Results in Arnsberg Open Data
Results of the 2012 Landtag election from Arnsberg.
Issued on 2020-09-25T00:00:00Z
Weekly and junk markets Open Data
Weekly and flea markets Berlin and Brandenburg 2022
Issued on 2017-10-24T09:23:24.669824Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-11-04T00:00:00Z
Health monitoring Berlin: Healthcare facilities -> outpatient medical facilities -> medical and... Open Data
43 documents (37 XLS files, 6 PDF files) for the period from 31.12.2003 to 1 January 2017 with the B
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:26:29.833710Z
Schools Open Data
Locations and contact details of schools in Schleswig-Holstein
Issued on 2021-02-15T00:00:00Z
Offers and use of the Youth Music Schools Hamburg Open Data
Key figures for youth music schools: • School name • Location • Type of instruction (distinction bet
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
Locations of public toilets Open Data
In this data set are the locations of all public toilets operated by Wall GmbH, as well as some loca
Issued on 2019-12-16T11:12:30.446947Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2021-07-23T00:00:00Z
At-risk-of-poverty thresholds based on average monthly net household income Open Data
Definition: The at-risk-of-poverty threshold is the income value below which income poverty is assu
Issued on 2017-11-03T00:00:00Z
Los_3_2018 (Berlin) Open Data
The Energy Industry Act and the Electricity Access Regulation oblige energy grid operators to procur
Issued on 2017-09-01T15:05:36.521186Z
reported Corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This dataset contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group. The following fields are incl
Issued on 2021-09-23T00:00:00Z
Small electrical appliances Locations of collection points Open Data
The API issues the locations of the bonnorange AöR’s small electrical equipment collection points (r
Issued on 2023-03-23T23:15:08Z
Los_4_2010 (Berlin) Open Data
The Energy Industry Act and the Electricity Access Regulation oblige energy grid operators to procur
Issued on 2016-02-19T14:01:17.986695Z
Nature reserves Wuppertal Open Data
The data set “Nature Protected Areas Wuppertal” covers, on the one hand, the scope of the nature res
Issued on 2019-02-01T18:14:35Z
Street map of urban planning in the district of Lichtenberg Open Data
This street directory from the district of Lichtenberg will help you find the right contact person i
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:13:12.152389Z
Legally binding building plans Wuppertal Open Data
The data set covers the spatial scope of the (as of 01/2021) 670 legally binding building plans (B p
Issued on 2017-08-21T14:25:48Z
Charging stations in public and semi-public spaces Open Data
The map shows e-charging columns in the public and semi-public space in Berlin. The presentations
Issued on 2018-10-05T14:29:41.658081Z
Soil benchmarks 2018 Open Data
The soil benchmarks are determined annually by the expert committee for site-typical plots and refer
Issued on 2023-03-23T23:10:06Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 3.8 — Most common causes of death (ICD classes) by age and... Open Data
Provision of 21 documents (21 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2001 to 31.12.2013 with the spati
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:23:07.905378Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2021-07-21T00:00:00Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health indicator 2.12 — Population at 31.12.20. and forecast 20.. by... Open Data
Provision of 10 documents (10 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2004 to 31.12.2015 with the spati
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:47:05.575073Z
Health and Social Structure Atlas Berlin 2022: Index values at district level Open Data
The dataset contains the index values of the Health and Social Structure Atlas Berlin 2022 at the le
Issued on 2022-03-29T11:49:26.358110Z
Standard feed-in profile CHP 2019 (Berlin) Open Data
Operators of small CHP plants according to Kraft- Wärmecoplungsgesetz (KWK-G), whose annual feed-in
Issued on 2019-02-16T19:00:50.630469Z
Health reporting Berlin: Healthcare workers -> Selected occupational groups working in the... Open Data
Provision of 86 documents (86 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2002 to 01.01.2017 with the space
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:55:21.600810Z
BSR Disposal balance 2007-2012 Open Data
Data from the BSR disposal balance for 2007 to 2012. Included are: * Overview of municipal waste by
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:15:33.697859Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age groups The following fields are inclu
Issued on 2022-04-25T00:00:00Z
Health reporting Berlin: State of health of the population -> Inferred indicators -> Avoidable... Open Data
Provision of 51 documents (51 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2003 to 31.12.2013 with the space
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:46:48.633603Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2022-01-20T00:00:00Z
Standard load profile belt load customers 2019 (Berlin) Open Data
The standard load profiles have been established on the basis of the synthetic load profile process.
Issued on 2021-08-31T09:30:32.193153Z
reported Corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
Dieser Datensatz enthält die gemeldeten Fallzahlen gruppiert nach Altersgruppen Enthalten sind fo
Issued on 2021-09-11T00:00:00Z
Health reporting Berlin: State of health of the population -> state of health of preschool children... Open Data
Provision of 47 documents (45 XLS files, 2 PDF files) for the period from 31.12.2004 to 30.11.2017 w
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:05:53.958988Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 3.50 — Liveborn by birth weight, country, time comparison... Open Data
Provision of 9 documents (9 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2003 to 31.12.2013 with the spatial
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:06:23.824014Z
Floating railway stops Wuppertal Open Data
The data set includes the 19 stops of the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn, all of which are located in the W
Issued on 2016-10-17T15:21:30Z
Solar Potential Roofs Wuppertal 2010 Open Data
The data set contains photogrammetrically specific roof sections from the urban sealing data informa
Issued on 2016-12-15T17:01:42Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-05-03T00:00:00Z
Main resident population Age groups by nationality and sex 2017 Open Data
Main resident population Age groups by nationality and sex 2017
Issued on 2023-01-18T10:41:49.434247Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 3.104 — Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and... Open Data
Provision of 17 documents (17 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2002 to 31.12.2013 with the spati
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:26:59.513320Z
Senate Templates Open Data
Senate Documents of the Senate Administration for Health and Social Affairs of Berlin
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:23:20.201718Z
Employees subject to social security contributions in Berlin Open Data
The employment statistics collected by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) as part of its statutory m
Issued on 2020-02-05T11:23:30.821414Z
Standard load profile Budget 2014 (Berlin) Open Data
The standard load profiles have been established on the basis of the synthetic load profile process.
Issued on 2016-02-19T14:01:18.863535Z
Health monitoring Berlin: Context District Profiles Berlin 2015 Open Data
Provision of 12 documents (12 PDF files) to the data status 30.09.2015 with 12 different room refere
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:48:27.045327Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-03-10T00:00:00Z
Foreign residents in Berlin in LOR planning areas on 31.12.2001 Open Data
Foreign residents in Berlin in LOR planning areas on 31.12.2001
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:30:31.762615Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2021-01-04T00:00:00Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2021-03-22T00:00:00Z
ZuFiSH — Areas Open Data
Areas (municipalities and districts) from the ZuFiSH
Issued on 2022-05-01T00:00:00Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 4.9 — Body Mass Index (BMI) in children at the time of... Open Data
Provision of 13 documents (12 XLS files, 1 PDF file) for the period from 31.12.2003 to 01.07.2017 wi
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:20:01.165854Z
Los_8_2022 (Berlin) Open Data
The Energy Industry Act and the Electricity Network Access Regulation require energy network operato
Issued on 2021-09-06T10:12:20.402448Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2021-07-20T00:00:00Z
Lot_5_2023 (Berlin) Open Data
The Energy Industry Act and the Electricity Access Regulation require operators of energy supply net
Issued on 2022-03-24T11:33:46.662411Z
List of buildings 100xWLAN Open Data
A list of national buildings that are eligible for free Wi-Fi as part of “100xWLAN”.
Issued on 2016-01-20T05:27:00Z
Doctors’ Houses Open Data
This data set includes the locations of the medical centers in the Hanseatic and University City of
Issued on 2017-08-01T10:46:45.590516Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age groups The following fields are inclu
Issued on 2022-05-26T00:00:00Z
Residents in the districts of Berlin on 30.06.2013 Open Data
Residents in the districts of Berlin on 30.06.2013
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:26:12.407257Z
Foreign residents in Berlin in LOR planning areas on 31.12.2012 Open Data
Foreign residents in Berlin in LOR planning areas on 31.12.2012
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:28:26.574565Z
Development plan Rotherbaum 12 Hamburg Open Data
The Rotherbaum 12 development plan for the Grindelallee area between Sedanstraße-Heinrich— Barth-St
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
Balance sheet 2018 (Berlin) Open Data
The actual withdrawals of final consumers supplied according to the simplified procedure (standard l
Issued on 2019-07-15T12:25:09.676421Z
Health reporting Berlin: Use of health promotion and health care services -> Use/services of... Open Data
Provision of 35 documents (34 XLS files, 1 PDF file) for the period from 31.12.2002 to 31.12.2016 wi
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:34:27.004460Z
Residents in Berlin in LOR planning rooms on 31.12.2019 Open Data
Residents in Berlin in LOR planning rooms on 31.12.2019
Issued on 2020-02-26T13:23:56.193869Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2022-04-03T00:00:00Z
Soil benchmarks 2005 Open Data
This data set includes the ground benchmarks of the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock of 2005
Issued on 2017-09-05T08:33:53.686438Z
Development plan BS Bergedorf New version 1957 Hamburg Open Data
See plan drawing
Issued on 2022-04-04T00:00:00Z
History from 2008 — Total load not measured by performance (Berlin) Open Data
Historical loads from 2008. The total load of the non-performance-measured customers (residual load)
Issued on 2016-02-19T14:01:19.683329Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-06-23T00:00:00Z
Thermal conductivity up to 100 m Open Data
Medium thermal conductivity card up to 100 m (in W/mK) All drilling available in the Geological Sta
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
Population by household type 2016 Open Data
Population by household type 2016
Issued on 2023-01-18T10:41:53.548529Z
Expenditure on basic needs and social participation by selected household types and income quintiles Open Data
Definition: Monthly expenditure for basic needs includes expenditure on: — Food, beverages and toba
Issued on 2017-11-03T00:00:00Z
List of projects and projects of the Pankow District Office Open Data
On this page, the current projects and projects of the Pankow District are published. The aim is to
Issued on 2021-01-21T18:27:15.599572Z
Statistical districts Open Data
This dataset comprises the statistical districts of the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock wit
Issued on 2017-08-01T10:46:45.590516Z
Los_2_2022 (Berlin) Open Data
The Energy Industry Act and the Electricity Network Access Regulation require energy network operato
Issued on 2021-09-06T09:13:01.950653Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 4.5 — Average age of smokers by age and gender,... Open Data
Provision of 6 documents (6 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.1998 to 31.12.2009 with the space r
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:32:10.233776Z
CVD-sh-circles 2022-03-06 Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2022-03-06T00:00:00Z
Development plan Barmbek-Süd 32 Hamburg Open Data
The development plan Barmbek-Süd 32 for the area of application south of Holsteiner Kamp, west of Ma
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
Total load of network losses 2009 (Berlin) Open Data
The total load of the network losses 2009 is the load output of network losses across all network an
Issued on 2016-02-19T14:01:20.923841Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-05-23T00:00:00Z
Counting areas of road traffic censuses Hamburg Open Data
This data set contains the counting ranges of all traffic censuses in the public road network of the
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 2.5 — Population by gender, country by regional... Open Data
Provision of 21 documents (21 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2003 to 31.12.2015 with the spati
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:31:04.833942Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 3.91 — Hospital cases due to diseases of the circulatory... Open Data
Provision of 14 documents (14 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2002 to 31.12.2016 with the spati
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:35:09.005904Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-05-14T00:00:00Z
reported Corona cases Circle data Open Data
The following fields are included: — Circle — name of the circle — Abbreviation — abbreviation for
Issued on 2022-01-18T00:00:00Z
Environmental zones Wuppertal Open Data
The data set includes the polygons of the two environmental zones in the Wuppertal city area, valid
Issued on 2016-08-22T16:12:28Z
GDR data on undeclared work 2013 — decisions on fines pursuant to § 145(1) No. 1 GewO — Natural... Open Data
With the overview “GZR data on undeclared work 2013”, the Federal Office of Justice presents the res
Issued on 2014-06-30T00:00:00Z
Offers for newborns, infants and young children Open Data
“Welcome to life” Offers for parents with their children in Marzahn-Hellersdorf
Issued on 2020-05-07T13:22:47.797368Z
Key figures of vocational schools Open Data
The key figures for vocational schools 2019/2020 give an overview of the number of institutions, cla
Issued on 2020-07-29T08:46:55.375725Z
Senate proposals of the Senate Administration for Economics, Energy and Enterprises Open Data
Parliament Documentation
Issued on 2018-02-06T12:34:07.620229Z
Geometries Deputies for the 2013 Bundestag Elections in Berlin Open Data
Polygon, Key Members’ Selection Committee
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:55:10.221558Z
reported cases of coronavirus circle data Open Data
Enthalten sind folgende Felder: - Kreis - Name des Kreises - Kürzel - Kürzel für den Kreis - Me
Issued on 2021-10-02T00:00:00Z
Geological Map Prequarter Underground 1:50 000 Hamburg Open Data
The Hamburg city area is completely covered by quaternary sediments. The Geological Map “Prequarter
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
Inhabitants in the districts of Berlin on 30.06.2012 Open Data
Inhabitants in the districts of Berlin on 30.06.2012
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:58:02.969091Z
Health reporting Berlin: Health Indicator 3.113 — Medical rehabilitation and other benefits for... Open Data
Provision of 11 documents (11 XLS files) for the period from 31.12.2002 to 31.12.2015 with the spati
Issued on 2016-02-18T20:56:50.651781Z
Regional Education Atlas — Key Figures on the School Landscape of the Social Spaces of Hamburg Open Data
Includes the current data and data over time for the Hamburg social spaces. The included records ar
Issued on 2022-10-17T00:00:00Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-06-19T00:00:00Z
reported corona cases — data on age groups Open Data
This record contains the reported case numbers grouped by age group The following fields are includ
Issued on 2021-03-20T00:00:00Z
Standard load profile Commercial customers 2010 (Berlin) Open Data
The standard load profiles have been established on the basis of the synthetic load profile process.
Issued on 2016-02-19T14:01:22.023468Z
Total solar thermal systems in Berlin per district Open Data
The presentation shows the sum of solar thermal systems in Berlin, aggregated by district. It is ass
Issued on 2018-10-08T09:27:41.570066Z
Prisons Open Data
Locations and contact details of the prisons in Schleswig-Holstein
Issued on 2021-05-03T00:00:00Z
Federal election 2013 in Berlin by constituency (final result) Open Data
Final outcome of the Bundestag election; First and Second Votes Update of the record: Removal of
Issued on 2016-02-18T21:00:39.483711Z
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