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Planned land use in the INSPIRE data model (development areas) Open Data

The future planned land use at the sub-local level is shown. The areas are described by attributes o

Issued on 2023-03-10T00:00:00Z

Planned land use in the INSPIRE data model (development areas) details >

Development plans, land use plans, city of Lünen Open Data

Overview of the planning plans of the city of Lünen

Issued on 2020-01-20T00:00:00Z

Development plans, land use plans, city of Lünen details >

Insured persons of social care insurance by groups of insured persons and sex Open Data

Insured under social care insurance by groups of insured persons and sex for the years 1995 to 2016.

Issued on 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z

Insured persons of social care insurance by groups of insured persons and sex details >

Soil benchmarks 31.12.1972 Open Data

Ground reference value atlas based on the grid data of the Expert Committee for Land Values in Berli

Issued on 1972-12-31T00:00:00Z

Soil benchmarks 31.12.1972 details >

Map layer Landscapes NRW Open Data

Important note: The dataset is updated daily under OpenData NRW! Under Paragraph 15a(2) of the Law o

Issued on 2013-12-31T00:00:00Z

Map layer Landscapes NRW details >

Development plans Open Data


Issued on 2022-06-22T07:01:35.466423Z

Development plans details >

Serious Open Data

Construction plans by Ernst

Issued on 2022-06-22T07:00:51.599227Z

Serious details >

Digital Geological Map of Thuringia 1:200,000 — Geological Line Objects Open Data

The “Digital Geological Overview Map of Thuringia 1: 200,000” is a clear representation of Thuringia

Issued on 2015-06-05T00:00:00Z

Digital Geological Map of Thuringia 1:200,000 — Geological Line Objects details >

Share of wastewater (cumulated) in water from municipal wastewater treatment plants in NRW (2020) Open Data

Urban wastewater shares in water, as at 31.12.2020: In order to be able to assess the influence of w

Issued on 2017-01-20T00:27:00Z

Share of wastewater (cumulated) in water from municipal wastewater treatment plants in NRW (2020) details >

Development plan overview of the municipality of Langerwehe Open Data

Land use plans, development plans, clarification statutes

Issued on 2022-02-07T00:00:00Z

Development plan overview of the municipality of Langerwehe details >

Results of the Bundestag election_2017-09-24 Open Data

The files are encoded in UTF-8. The following fields are available in the file (fields for second vo

Issued on 2023-01-18T10:32:03.079602Z

Results of the Bundestag election_2017-09-24 details >

V — Steinkreuzwiesen/V_H_VII_1984 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: Green spaces. The development plan co

Issued on 1984-07-28T00:00:00Z

V — Steinkreuzwiesen/V_H_VII_1984 details >

S — Rammelswiesen Süd CHANGE/S_H_II_2005 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: GI, railway area, traffic area. The d

Issued on 2005-12-09T00:00:00Z

S — Rammelswiesen Süd CHANGE/S_H_II_2005 details >

S — Nagold-Enzstrasse/S_N_I_24_1957 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: Traffic area, green area. The develop

Issued on 1957-12-07T00:00:00Z

S — Nagold-Enzstrasse/S_N_I_24_1957 details >

S — Hirschberg-, Alleenstraße/S_A_I_10_1961 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. The development plan contains the legally bi

Issued on 1961-05-02T00:00:00Z

S — Hirschberg-, Alleenstraße/S_A_I_10_1961 details >

S — Riemenäcker AENDERUNG/S_C_II_1964 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: WR, traffic areas, green areas. The d

Issued on 1964-03-31T00:00:00Z

S — Riemenäcker AENDERUNG/S_C_II_1964 details >

S — Rammelswiesen East CHANGE/S_H_III_2006 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Non-autonomous modification of S_H_III_1998,

Issued on 2006-07-14T00:00:00Z

S — Rammelswiesen East CHANGE/S_H_III_2006 details >

V — Hafnerviertel SUPPORT/V_A_II_2003 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Cancellation of V_A_II_1991. The development

Issued on 2003-03-14T00:00:00Z

V — Hafnerviertel SUPPORT/V_A_II_2003 details >

S — Dickenhardt Süd/S_M_II_3_1999 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: GE, GI, traffic area, green area. The

Issued on 1999-01-30T00:00:00Z

S — Dickenhardt Süd/S_M_II_3_1999 details >

S — Randenstrasse 15/S_N_II_1_1961 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. The development plan contains the legally bi

Issued on 1961-03-27T00:00:00Z

S — Randenstrasse 15/S_N_II_1_1961 details >

S — Herdstraße/S_A_II_8_1891 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. The development plan contains the legally bi

Issued on 1891-03-11T00:00:00Z

S — Herdstraße/S_A_II_8_1891 details >

S — Superstructure_and_Uplift_der_Olgastraße_between Wera-and_Neckarstrasse/S_K_III_5_1971 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. The development plan contains the legally bi

Issued on 1971-03-03T00:00:00Z

S — Superstructure_and_Uplift_der_Olgastraße_between Wera-and_Neckarstrasse/S_K_III_5_1971 details >

S — Liebigstraße/S_I_10_1934 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. The development plan contains the legally bi

Issued on 1934-02-16T00:00:00Z

S — Liebigstraße/S_I_10_1934 details >

S — Deutenberg_Mitte_and_West_Part range_um_den_Hunsrückweg_INDERATION/S_F_III_1_1995 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Non-autonomous change of S_F_III_1_1985. The

Issued on 1995-12-02T00:00:00Z

S — Deutenberg_Mitte_and_West_Part range_um_den_Hunsrückweg_INDERATION/S_F_III_1_1995 details >


Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: WA, MI, GEE, GE, GBF — kindergarten,

Issued on 1988-05-03T00:00:00Z


V — Eckweg Süd in Milanstraße/V_H_VIII_2014 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: Gee area. The development plan contai

Issued on 2014-04-26T00:00:00Z

V — Eckweg Süd in Milanstraße/V_H_VIII_2014 details >

S — Old brickworks 1 change/S_N_I_3_2020 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. The development plan contains the legally bi

Issued on 2020-09-21T00:00:00Z

S — Old brickworks 1 change/S_N_I_3_2020 details >

OE — Freithof-Käpeleäcker/Oe_1955 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. The development plan contains the legally bi

Issued on 9999-01-01T00:00:00Z

OE — Freithof-Käpeleäcker/Oe_1955 details >

S — Downtown East; Section Schützenstraße 42/S_I_3_2006 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: So, traffic area, green area, water a

Issued on 2006-07-20T00:00:00Z

S — Downtown East; Section Schützenstraße 42/S_I_3_2006 details >


Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: GE, traffic area, green area. The dev

Issued on 1988-09-20T00:00:00Z


WB — Haarlanden, Change Section Gnädlingsstraße/Wb_2006_1 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Change of development plan “Haarlanden subar

Issued on 2006-07-14T00:00:00Z

WB — Haarlanden, Change Section Gnädlingsstraße/Wb_2006_1 details >

T — On Zindelsteiner Str. I subdivision AMENDATION/T_1997 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Sub-area: FLST. No. 2693-2696, non-autonomou

Issued on 1997-01-11T00:00:00Z

T — On Zindelsteiner Str. I subdivision AMENDATION/T_1997 details >

V — Shopping Center WÜBA — new/V_G_II_9_2007 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: IT’S LIKE THAT. The development plan

Issued on 2007-09-28T00:00:00Z

V — Shopping Center WÜBA — new/V_G_II_9_2007 details >

MH — Brotkörble 1, lifting & repositioning/Mh_1987 Open Data

Development plan of the city of Villingen-Schwenningen. Usage: WR, WA, traffic area, green area, the

Issued on 1987-01-22T00:00:00Z

MH — Brotkörble 1, lifting & repositioning/Mh_1987 details >

Soil tests according to the Fertiliser Ordinance (DüV), registered laboratories Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2022-03-13T06:44:26.983417Z

Soil tests according to the Fertiliser Ordinance (DüV), registered laboratories details >

Parental allowances Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T17:03:54.508715Z

Parental allowances details >

Weaning clinics — inpatient Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T17:01:10.503351Z

Weaning clinics — inpatient details >

Highest Fisheries Authority of the State of Brandenburg Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T16:57:29.647427Z

Highest Fisheries Authority of the State of Brandenburg details >

Publicly appointed and sworn experts in forestry Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, postal code, city), telephone, fax, e-mai

Issued on 2022-09-30T00:57:41.668145Z

Publicly appointed and sworn experts in forestry details >

Health offices in the district-free cities and districts of the state of Brandenburg Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T17:02:09.814578Z

Health offices in the district-free cities and districts of the state of Brandenburg details >

Cadastral authorities Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T16:59:10.169953Z

Cadastral authorities details >

Recognised agricultural consultants Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T16:58:53.500553Z

Recognised agricultural consultants details >

Publicly appointed and sworn experts in agriculture Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, postal code, city), telephone, fax, e-mai

Issued on 2022-09-30T00:57:37.022699Z

Publicly appointed and sworn experts in agriculture details >

Offices for Agriculture of Districts and Cities Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T16:59:39.391697Z

Offices for Agriculture of Districts and Cities details >

Medical massages and baths, practice centers Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T16:57:21.226816Z

Medical massages and baths, practice centers details >

Public waste disposal facilities and special waste company Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T17:01:04.398212Z

Public waste disposal facilities and special waste company details >

Outpatient rehabilitation clinics (Reha) Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T17:00:25.451427Z

Outpatient rehabilitation clinics (Reha) details >

School administration offices/citizen service Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T16:58:37.866497Z

School administration offices/citizen service details >

Search Prevention Units, nationwide and supra-regional Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T17:00:58.498350Z

Search Prevention Units, nationwide and supra-regional details >

Lower environmental authorities Open Data

The address collection includes the name, address (street, zip code, town), telephone, fax, e-mail a

Issued on 2021-11-03T16:57:24.822512Z

Lower environmental authorities details >

Volume index of new orders, total capital goods Open Data

Tables and diagrams with calendar and seasonal adjustment according to the Berlin method (BV 4.1) an

Issued on 2023-03-06T00:00:00Z

Volume index of new orders, total capital goods details >

Employees in the hospitality industry Open Data

Tables on persons employed in hotels and restaurants by sector of activity selected

Issued on 2023-03-21T00:00:00Z

Employees in the hospitality industry details >

Production index of consumer goods Open Data

Tables and diagrams with calendar and seasonal adjustment according to the Berlin method (BV 4.1) an

Issued on 2023-03-07T00:00:00Z

Production index of consumer goods details >

Volume index of turnover, manufacturing, domestic Open Data

Tables and diagrams with calendar and seasonal adjustment according to the Berlin method (BV 4.1) an

Issued on 2023-03-06T00:00:00Z

Volume index of turnover, manufacturing, domestic details >

Volume index of turnover, capital goods, domestic Open Data

Tables and diagrams with calendar and seasonal adjustment according to the Berlin method (BV 4.1) an

Issued on 2023-03-06T00:00:00Z

Volume index of turnover, capital goods, domestic details >

Private households: Germany, years (until 2019), gender, age and marital status Open Data

Private households: Germany, years (until 2019), gender, age and marital status

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Private households: Germany, years (until 2019), gender, age and marital status details >

Total migration across the borders of the federal states: Germany, years, nationality, gender, age... Open Data

Total migration across the borders of the federal states: Germany, years, nationality, gender, age y

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Total migration across the borders of the federal states: Germany, years, nationality, gender, age... details >

Adopted Children and Teens, Repealed Adoptions, Cancelled Adoption Care: Germany, Years, Carrier... Open Data

Adopted Children and Teens, Repealed Adoptions, Cancelled Adoption Care: Germany, Years, Carrier gro

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Adopted Children and Teens, Repealed Adoptions, Cancelled Adoption Care: Germany, Years, Carrier... details >

Horticultural businesses with a focus on trade & services: Germany, years, types of farms, size... Open Data

Horticultural businesses with a focus on trade & services: Germany, years, types of farms, size

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Horticultural businesses with a focus on trade & services: Germany, years, types of farms, size... details >

Domestic sales of fertilisers: Germany, Quarters, Fertiliser varieties Open Data

Domestic sales of fertilisers: Germany, Quarters, Fertiliser varieties

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Domestic sales of fertilisers: Germany, Quarters, Fertiliser varieties details >

School register Open Data

List of all primary and secondary schools in the urban area of Dormagen.

Issued on 2021-02-28T23:36:57.371631Z

School register details >

The registered foreigners in Schleswig-Holstein on 31.12.2005 Open Data

The registered foreigners in Schleswig-Holstein on 31.12.2005 — Correction

Issued on 2019-06-05T00:00:00Z

The registered foreigners in Schleswig-Holstein on 31.12.2005 details >

Population development in the districts and district-free cities in Schleswig-Holstein until 2020 Open Data

Population development in the districts and district-free cities in Schleswig-Holstein until 2020

Issued on 2005-03-30T00:00:00Z

Population development in the districts and district-free cities in Schleswig-Holstein until 2020 details >

Building permits in Schleswig-Holstein 2007 Open Data

Building permits in Schleswig-Holstein 2007

Issued on 2008-05-22T00:00:00Z

Building permits in Schleswig-Holstein 2007 details >

Motor vehicles in Schleswig-Holstein 2005/2006 Open Data

Motor vehicles in Schleswig-Holstein 2005/2006

Issued on 2006-04-18T00:00:00Z

Motor vehicles in Schleswig-Holstein 2005/2006 details >

Investments for environmental protection in the manufacturing industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2010 Open Data

Investments for environmental protection in the manufacturing industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2010

Issued on 2013-06-28T00:00:00Z

Investments for environmental protection in the manufacturing industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2010 details >

Value of agricultural land in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Value of agricultural land in Schleswig-Holstein 2012

Issued on 2013-07-16T00:00:00Z

Value of agricultural land in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Hazardous waste in Schleswig-Holstein 2011 Open Data

Hazardous waste in Schleswig-Holstein 2011

Issued on 2013-07-17T00:00:00Z

Hazardous waste in Schleswig-Holstein 2011 details >

Business advertisements in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Business advertisements in Schleswig-Holstein 2012

Issued on 2013-08-01T00:00:00Z

Business advertisements in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Import and export of Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Import and export of Schleswig-Holstein 2012 — - by goods

Issued on 2013-08-20T00:00:00Z

Import and export of Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Accidents in the handling of water-hazardous substances and in the transport of water-hazardous... Open Data

Accidents in the handling of water-hazardous substances and in the transport of water-hazardous subs

Issued on 2013-08-30T00:00:00Z

Accidents in the handling of water-hazardous substances and in the transport of water-hazardous... details >

The construction industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

The construction industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 — Results of the annual surveys of 30.06.2012

Issued on 2013-10-01T00:00:00Z

The construction industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Services company in Schleswig-Holstein in 2011 Open Data

Services company in Schleswig-Holstein in 2011

Issued on 2013-11-27T00:00:00Z

Services company in Schleswig-Holstein in 2011 details >

Real Tax Comparison in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Real Tax Comparison in Schleswig-Holstein 2012

Issued on 2013-11-27T00:00:00Z

Real Tax Comparison in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Population and employment in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Population and employment in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 — Results of the 1 % microcensus survey — Revi

Issued on 2014-02-28T00:00:00Z

Population and employment in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Manufacturing in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Manufacturing in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 — (final results)

Issued on 2013-11-26T00:00:00Z

Manufacturing in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Marriages, born and deceased in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein in 2005 Open Data

Eheschließungen, Geborene und Gestorbene in Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein 2005

Issued on 2006-11-30T00:00:00Z

Marriages, born and deceased in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein in 2005 details >

Marriages, Births and Deaths in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein 2006 Open Data

Marriages, Births and Deaths in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein 2006

Issued on 2008-02-28T00:00:00Z

Marriages, Births and Deaths in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein 2006 details >

Construction companies in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Enterprises in the construction industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 — Business and investment survey

Issued on 2014-04-09T00:00:00Z

Construction companies in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Production of the manufacturing industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 Open Data

Manufacturing production in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 — enterprises with generally 20 employees or mor

Issued on 2014-07-01T00:00:00Z

Production of the manufacturing industry in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 details >

The vocational schools in Schleswig-Holstein in the school year 2003/2004 Open Data

The vocational schools in Schleswig-Holstein in the school year 2003/2004

Issued on 2014-09-01T00:00:00Z

The vocational schools in Schleswig-Holstein in the school year 2003/2004 details >

Sample of income and consumption in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 — equipment and housing situation of... Open Data

Sample of income and consumption in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 — equipment and housing situation of pri

Issued on 2014-09-04T00:00:00Z

Sample of income and consumption in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 — equipment and housing situation of... details >

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 Open Data

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein 2013

Issued on 2014-10-07T00:00:00Z

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein 2013 details >

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein 2012

Issued on 2014-04-04T00:00:00Z

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Cultivation, yields and use of shrubberries in Schleswig-Holstein 2014 Open Data

Cultivation, yields and use of shrubberries in Schleswig-Holstein 2014

Issued on 2015-02-02T00:00:00Z

Cultivation, yields and use of shrubberries in Schleswig-Holstein 2014 details >

Import and export of Schleswig-Holstein 2012 Open Data

Import and export of Schleswig-Holstein 2012 — - by country

Issued on 2013-08-20T00:00:00Z

Import and export of Schleswig-Holstein 2012 details >

Tourist accommodation in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 Open Data

Tourist accommodation in Schleswig-Holstein 2016

Issued on 2017-03-15T00:00:00Z

Tourist accommodation in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 details >

Legal marriage solutions in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 Open Data

Legal marriage solutions in Schleswig-Holstein 2016

Issued on 2017-08-09T00:00:00Z

Legal marriage solutions in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 details >

Services for asylum seekers in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 Open Data

Asylum Benefits in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 — Recipients of Standard Benefits under the Asylum Seeker

Issued on 2018-01-05T00:00:00Z

Services for asylum seekers in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 details >

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein in 2016 Open Data

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein in 2016

Issued on 2018-02-19T00:00:00Z

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein in 2016 details >

The cultivation of vegetables and strawberries in Schleswig-Holstein in 2017 Open Data

The cultivation of vegetables and strawberries in Schleswig-Holstein in 2017 — results of the main s

Issued on 2018-02-27T00:00:00Z

The cultivation of vegetables and strawberries in Schleswig-Holstein in 2017 details >

Investments for environmental protection in the manufacturing sector in Schleswig-Holstein 2015 Open Data

Investments for environmental protection in the manufacturing sector in Schleswig-Holstein 2015

Issued on 2018-03-28T00:00:00Z

Investments for environmental protection in the manufacturing sector in Schleswig-Holstein 2015 details >

Aquaculture in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 Open Data

Aquaculture in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 — Result of aquaculture statistics

Issued on 2017-09-11T00:00:00Z

Aquaculture in Schleswig-Holstein 2016 details >

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein in 2016 Open Data

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein in 2016 — final result of the Farm Structure Survey

Issued on 2018-04-05T00:00:00Z

Livestock farming in Schleswig-Holstein in 2016 details >

The cultivation of vegetables and strawberries in Schleswig-Holstein in 2018 Open Data

The cultivation of vegetables and strawberries in Schleswig-Holstein in 2018 — preliminary survey fo

Issued on 2018-07-18T00:00:00Z

The cultivation of vegetables and strawberries in Schleswig-Holstein in 2018 details >

Earnings in the manufacturing industry and in the services sector in Schleswig-Holstein Open Data

Earnings in the manufacturing and services sector in Schleswig-Holstein — Year 2019

Issued on 2020-04-23T00:00:00Z

Earnings in the manufacturing industry and in the services sector in Schleswig-Holstein details >

Manufacturing production in Schleswig-Holstein 2019 Open Data

Manufacturing production in Schleswig-Holstein 2019 — establishments with generally 20 employees or

Issued on 2020-06-05T00:00:00Z

Manufacturing production in Schleswig-Holstein 2019 details >

Housing stock in Schleswig-Holstein 2019 Open Data

Housing stock in Schleswig-Holstein 2019

Issued on 2020-06-22T00:00:00Z

Housing stock in Schleswig-Holstein 2019 details >

Earnings structure of employees in Schleswig-Holstein Open Data

Earnings structure of employees in Schleswig-Holstein — Results of the 2018 Earnings Structure Surve

Issued on 2020-09-22T00:00:00Z

Earnings structure of employees in Schleswig-Holstein details >

The registered foreigners in Schleswig-Holstein on 31.12.2020 Open Data

The registered foreigners in Schleswig-Holstein on 31.12.2020

Issued on 2021-05-07T00:00:00Z

The registered foreigners in Schleswig-Holstein on 31.12.2020 details >
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