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With List of APIs we currently working on to bridge to life.
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Population by age group in the near as of 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in the near world on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Negernbötel on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Negernbötel on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Nehms on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Nehms on 31.12. [on the HT
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Neuengörs on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age group in Neuengörs on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population level by age group in Neversdorf as at 31 December Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population by age group in Neversdorf as at 31.12. [On
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Norderstedt, city on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age group in Norderstedt, City on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age groups in uses on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in uses on 31.12. [on the HTM
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Oering on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Oering on 31.12. [on the H
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Oersdorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Oersdorf on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Pronstorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Pronstorf on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Rickling on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Rickling on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Rohlstorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Rohlstorf on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Schackendorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Schackendorf on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population level (Official Population Update) — Population by age group at 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Lake Lake on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Lake Lake on 31.1
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in narrow-field on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in narrow-field on 3
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Schwissel on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Schwissel on 31.1
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Seedorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Seedorf on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Seth on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Seth on 31.12. [on the HTM
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Sievershütten on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Sievershütten on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Stipsdorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age group in Stipsdorf on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Stocksee on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Stocksee on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Strukturdorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Strukturdorf on 3
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in struvenhoods on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in struvenhoods on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Stuvenborn on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age group in Stuvenborn on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Sülfeld on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Sülfeld on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Tarbek on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Tarbek on 31.12. [on the H
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Tensfeld on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Tensfeld on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Todfelde on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official population update) — Population by age group in Death Fields on 31
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population level by age group in Trappenkamp on 31 December Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population by age group in Trappenkamp as at 31.12. [O
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Travenhorst on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Travenhorst on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Traventhal on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Traventhal on 31.12. [on t
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in election stedt, city on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Electoral Stedt, City on 31.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Wakendorf I on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Wakendorf I on 31.12. [on t
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Wakendorf II on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Wakendorf II on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Côdelbrook on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age group in Côdelbrook on 31.1
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Weede on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Weede on 31.12. [on the HT
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Wensin on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Wensin on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population level by age group in Westerrade as at 31 December Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population by age group in Westerrade as at 31.12. [On
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population level by age group in Wiemersdorf on 31 December Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population by age group in Wiemersdorf as at 31 December
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age groups in Winsen on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Winsen on 31.12. [on the H
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Wittenborn on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age group in Wittenborn on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Steinburg on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age group in Steinburg on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Aasbüttel on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official population update) — Population by age group in Aasbüttel on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Aebtissinv on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Aebtissinvich on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Agethorst on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Agethorst on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in old moor on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Altenmoor on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Bahrenfleth on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Bahrenfleth on 31
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Beidenfleth on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Beidenfleth on 31
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Bekdorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Bekdorf on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Bekmünde on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Bekmünde on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Besdorf on 31 December Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population by age group in Besdorf as at 31.12. [On th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age groups in wilderness Blomesche on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Blomesche Wildnis
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population level by age group in Bokelrehm as at 31.12. Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population level by age group in Bokelrehm as at 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Bokhorst on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Bokhorst on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Borsfleth on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Borsfleth on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Breitenberg on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official population update) — Population by age group in Breitenberg on 31.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Breitenburg on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Breitenburg on 31
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Brokdorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Brokdorf on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Brokstedt on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Brokstedt on 31.1
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Büttel on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age group in Büttel on 31.12. [on the HT
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Christinenthal on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Christinenthal on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Dägeling on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Dägeling on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Dammfleth on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Dammfleth on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population level by age group in Drage on 31 December Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population by age group in Drage on 31 December [On th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Ecklak on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Ecklak on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Alskop on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Alskop on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Anylean wilderness on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Anylean wildernes
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Fitzbek on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Fitzbek on 31.12. [on the H
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Glückstadt, city on 31 December Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population by age group in Glückstadt, city on 31 Decemb
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Grevenkop on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Grevenkop on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Gribbohm on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Gribbohm on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Hadenfeld on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Hadenfeld on 31.1
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age groups in Heiligenstedten on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Heiligenstedten on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Heiligenstedtenerkamp on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Heiligenstedtenerkamp on 31.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Hennstedt on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Hennstedt on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in cardiac horn on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age group in cardiac horn on 31
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population level by age group in Hingstheide at 31.12. Open Data
Population — population (official update) — population level by age group in Hingstheide as at 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Hodorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Hodorf on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Hohenaspe on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Hohenaspe on 31.12. [on th
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Hohenfelde on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Hohenfelde on 31.12. [on t
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Hohenlockstedt on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age groups in Hohenlockstedt on 31.12. [
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Holstenniendorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Holstenniendorf o
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Horst (Holstein) on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Horst (Holstein) on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Huje on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Huje on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Itzehoe, city on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Itzehoe, city on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kaaks on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Kaaks on 31.12. [on the HT
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kaisborstel on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Kaisborstel on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kellinghusen, city on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Kellinghusen, City on 31.12.
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in kiebitzen on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age group in Kiebitz series on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kleve on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age group in Kleve on 31.12. [on the HTM
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kollmoor on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (official update) — population by age group in Kollmoor on 31.12. [on the
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Krempdorf on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Krempdorf on 31.1
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Krempe, city on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Krempe, City on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kremperheide on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Kremperheide on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Krempermoor on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Update) — Population by age groups in Krempermoor on 31.12. [on
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kronsmoor on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Kronsmoor on 31.1
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Krummendiek on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official update) — Population by age group in Krummendiek on 31.12. [on t
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
Population by age group in Kudensee on 31.12. Open Data
Population — Population (Official Population Update) — Population by age groups in Kudensee on 31.12
Issued on 2022-06-13T00:00:00Z
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