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Topographical map 1: 10 000 3743-SW Borkheide Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:46.672847Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3743-SW Borkheide details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 4053-NO Schenkendöbern Open Data

The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:40:45.230349Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS base landscape model) — 4053-NO Schenkendöbern details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3245-SO Borgsdorf Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:32.156041Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3245-SO Borgsdorf details >

Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 3749 Storkow Open Data

The production of the Prussian Urmesstischblatt began in 1822 for the entire territory of Prussia. T

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:04.325421Z

Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 3749 Storkow details >

List of monuments Nordfriesland County Open Data

Cultural monuments must be protected by law and must be entered in a list, the so-called list of mon

Issued on 2022-08-01T11:07:42.713470Z

List of monuments Nordfriesland County details >

Counselling Centres Against Forced Marriage Open Data

In a forced marriage, the future bride or groom is forced by their parents or family to marry agains

Issued on 2022-08-03T00:00:00Z

Counselling Centres Against Forced Marriage details >

List of monuments Dithmarschen County Open Data

Cultural monuments must be protected by law and must be entered in a list, the so-called list of mon

Issued on 2022-08-01T11:08:32.852844Z

List of monuments Dithmarschen County details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 100 000 — C3950 Frankfurt (Oder) Open Data

The digital topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:35:54.255961Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 100 000 — C3950 Frankfurt (Oder) details >

List of monuments Schleswig-Flensburg Open Data

Cultural monuments must be protected by law and must be entered in a list, the so-called list of mon

Issued on 2022-08-01T11:09:14.562143Z

List of monuments Schleswig-Flensburg details >

LN 2020 — Status List Schools 2022-05-05 Open Data

The status list contains implementation dates of the locations from the current planning. The list i

Issued on 2022-05-05T11:05:15.795525Z

LN 2020 — Status List Schools 2022-05-05 details >

26-2 Barnimer Feldmark and Barnim Nature Park, Recreation Card 1: 30 000 Open Data

The leisure maps Barnimer Land depict the entire district of Barnim on three map sheets with tourist

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:34:48.376855Z

26-2 Barnimer Feldmark and Barnim Nature Park, Recreation Card 1: 30 000 details >

ZuFiSH — Areas Open Data

Areas (municipalities and districts) from the ZuFiSH

Issued on 2022-08-01T00:00:00Z

ZuFiSH — Areas details >

Tempo limits Open Data

The geometries represent the arranged maximum speeds in the Berlin road network as exceptions to the

Issued on 2013-12-11T00:00:00Z

Tempo limits details >

Daycare centers of the city of Blankenhain Open Data

The data set shows the locations of kindergartens and crèches of the city of Blankenhain. This is a

Issued on 2022-08-02T00:00:00Z

Daycare centers of the city of Blankenhain details >

Development plans and statutes of the Dornburg-Camburg administrative community Open Data

The data set contains the scope of the development plans and articles of association of the Dornburg

Issued on 2021-04-19T00:00:00Z

Development plans and statutes of the Dornburg-Camburg administrative community details >

Playgrounds of the Dornburg-Camburg administrative community Open Data

The data set shows the locations of the freely accessible playgrounds of the Dornburg-Camburg admini

Issued on 2021-09-27T00:00:00Z

Playgrounds of the Dornburg-Camburg administrative community details >

Cemeteries of the city of Berga/Elster Open Data

The data set shows the circles of cemeteries of the city of Berga/Elster. This is a secondary databa

Issued on 2022-12-09T00:00:00Z

Cemeteries of the city of Berga/Elster details >

Geographical names in German coastal waters Open Data

Geographical names of areas and soil structures in German coastal waters of the North and Baltic Sea

Issued on 2022-06-30T00:00:00Z

Geographical names in German coastal waters details >

Cemeteries of the city of Lucka Open Data

The data set shows the circles of cemeteries of the city of Lucka. This is a secondary database.

Issued on 2022-07-13T00:00:00Z

Cemeteries of the city of Lucka details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3036-SO Beuster Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:27.447904Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3036-SO Beuster details >

Horst 6th Amendment Open Data

Development plan Horst 6. Change of the municipality of Hatzenbühl

Issued on 2022-08-11T03:35:20.942173Z

Horst 6th Amendment details >

Land use plan Partial change 4 Open Data

Land use plan “Area use plan” Purpose association Zweibrücken Airport

Issued on 2022-06-28T10:52:53.325568Z

Land use plan Partial change 4 details >

Dust precipitation (deposition) in the air quality monitoring network (LUQS) Open Data

By means of open vessels, all substances that come from the surface as dry dust (dry deposition) or

Issued on 2019-04-30T00:00:00Z

Dust precipitation (deposition) in the air quality monitoring network (LUQS) details >

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3251-SO Neulewin Open Data

The TK10 is the cartographic implementation of a comprehensive topographical country survey (photogr

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:39:32.439495Z

Topographical map 1: 10 000 3251-SO Neulewin details >

15 Nature Park Niederlausitzer Landrücken, hiking map 1: 50 000 Open Data

In cooperation with the administrations of the large protected areas, with district administrations,

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:34:48.268348Z

15 Nature Park Niederlausitzer Landrücken, hiking map 1: 50 000 details >

List of monuments Dithmarschen County Open Data

Cultural monuments must be protected by law and must be entered in a list, the so-called list of mon

Issued on 2022-06-29T11:08:09.787874Z

List of monuments Dithmarschen County details >

FH Research Funding of the State of NRW Open Data

Funding from the state of NRW for universities of applied sciences and universities of applied scien

Issued on 2022-07-12T00:00:00Z

FH Research Funding of the State of NRW details >

List of monuments City of Flensburg Open Data

Cultural monuments must be protected by law and must be entered in a list, the so-called list of mon

Issued on 2022-08-01T11:09:26.119481Z

List of monuments City of Flensburg details >

List of monuments Rendsburg-Eckernförde Open Data

Cultural monuments must be protected by law and must be entered in a list, the so-called list of mon

Issued on 2022-08-01T11:08:19.348946Z

List of monuments Rendsburg-Eckernförde details >

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3042-NW Wahlendorf Open Data

The preliminary edition consists of georeferenced grid data from the scanned topographic map 1: 10 0

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:37:08.354477Z

Digital Topographic Map 1: 10 000 — Preliminary edition 3042-NW Wahlendorf details >

Schools Open Data

Locations and contact details of schools in Schleswig-Holstein

Issued on 2022-08-01T00:00:00Z

Schools details >

Violence against women Open Data

Violence against women and girls occurs in all walks of life and has many faces. Whether physica

Issued on 2022-08-03T00:00:00Z

Violence against women details >

Schools in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim Open Data

Dataset Schools in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim. School master data on the schools in the dis

Issued on 2014-06-26T00:00:00Z

Schools in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim details >

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Edition State (1981-1989) N-33-85-C-c Creia Open Data

The topographical maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes

Issued on 2023-03-23T21:41:41.109029Z

Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Edition State (1981-1989) N-33-85-C-c Creia details >

Land use plans Open Data


Issued on 2022-06-28T10:52:51.850151Z

Land use plans details >

ATKIS Basic DLM WFS simple feature Type Open Data

This Web Feature Service provides data from the digital landscape model (ATKIS Basic DLM) for downlo

Issued on 2021-11-10T00:00:00Z

ATKIS Basic DLM WFS simple feature Type details >

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 314-15 Oberfinanzpräsident (Devisenstelle und Vermögensverwertungsstelle), Nr.... Open Data

314-15, Nr. R 1940/0093: Carlebach, Sonja, 1939-1940, 1948 (1967)

Issued on 2022-07-19T00:00:00Z

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 314-15 Oberfinanzpräsident (Devisenstelle und Vermögensverwertungsstelle), Nr.... details >

Funded research institutions of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Max Planck Society and Helmholtz... Open Data

In addition to the universities and universities of applied science, the research landscape of NRW i

Issued on 2022-07-13T00:00:00Z

Funded research institutions of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Max Planck Society and Helmholtz... details >

Land use plan Partial change 8 Open Data

Land use plan “Area use plan” Purpose association Zweibrücken Airport

Issued on 2022-06-28T10:52:53.842779Z

Land use plan Partial change 8 details >

Company/Key player/Market leader Open Data

The InnoProb indicator is a measure of a company’s degree of innovation; companies with a score >= 0

Issued on 2022-04-05T12:03:22.883372Z

Company/Key player/Market leader details >

Wastewater plants Open Data

Further information: This res

Issued on 2022-04-05T12:03:28.798015Z

Wastewater plants details >

Hairdressers Open Data

Further information: This resource has

Issued on 2022-04-05T12:04:55.949471Z

Hairdressers details >

Gross investment in trade: Germany, years, types of investment, economic sectors Open Data

Gross investment in trade: Germany, years, types of investment, economic sectors Gross investment in

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Gross investment in trade: Germany, years, types of investment, economic sectors details >

Turnover in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, types of turnover, economic sectors Open Data

Turnover in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, types of turnover, economic sectors

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Turnover in the hospitality industry: Germany, years, types of turnover, economic sectors details >

Arrivals and overnight stays in Beherbergungsbetrieben:Deutschland, years, residence of guests Open Data

Arrivals and overnight stays in Beherbergungsbetrieben:Deutschland, years, residence of guests

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Arrivals and overnight stays in Beherbergungsbetrieben:Deutschland, years, residence of guests details >

Goods transported (railway freight): Germany,years, country of dispatch, receiving country, goods... Open Data

Goods transported (railway freight): Germany,years, country of dispatch, receiving country, goods gr

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Goods transported (railway freight): Germany,years, country of dispatch, receiving country, goods... details >

Transport performance (railway freight): Germany,Months, Shipping region, Receiving region, Groups... Open Data

Transport performance (railway freight): Germany,Months, Shipping region, Receiving region, Groups o

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Transport performance (railway freight): Germany,Months, Shipping region, Receiving region, Groups... details >

Goods transported, transport performance, loading units, containers (railway freight): Germany,... Open Data

Goods transported, transport performance, loading units, containers (railway freight): Germany, Mont

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Goods transported, transport performance, loading units, containers (railway freight): Germany,... details >

Goods transported, transport performance (railway freight): Germany, Months (until 2010),Main... Open Data

Goods transported, transport performance (railway freight): Germany, Months (until 2010),Main transp

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Goods transported, transport performance (railway freight): Germany, Months (until 2010),Main... details >

Vehicles, seats and standing places (passenger traffic by buses and trains): Federal states, cut-off... Open Data

Vehicles, seats and standing places (passenger traffic by buses and trains): Federal states, cut-off

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Vehicles, seats and standing places (passenger traffic by buses and trains): Federal states, cut-off... details >

Goods carried, Inland transport: Germany, years, main transport relations Open Data

Goods carried, Inland transport: Germany, years, main transport relations

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Goods carried, Inland transport: Germany, years, main transport relations details >

Goods transported, transport performance (inland navigation): Germany, years, list of goods... Open Data

Goods transported, transport performance (inland navigation): Germany, years, list of goods (departm

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Goods transported, transport performance (inland navigation): Germany, years, list of goods... details >

Reception and dispatch of goods and/or loading units (sea cargo handling of German ports): Federal... Open Data

Reception and dispatch of goods and/or loading units (sea cargo handling of German ports): Federal s

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Reception and dispatch of goods and/or loading units (sea cargo handling of German ports): Federal... details >

Ship arrivals: Federal states with seaports, months, type of ship, gross tonnage class Open Data

Ship arrivals: Federal states with seaports, months, type of ship, gross tonnage class

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Ship arrivals: Federal states with seaports, months, type of ship, gross tonnage class details >

Employees in companies (from EUR 250.000 turnover):Dtld.,Stichtag(until 30.09.2007),Employment... Open Data

Employees in companies (from EUR 250.000 turnover):Dtld.,Stichtag(until 30.09.2007),Employment scope

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Employees in companies (from EUR 250.000 turnover):Dtld.,Stichtag(until 30.09.2007),Employment... details >

Expenses of companies: Germany, years, type of expenses, economic sections, size classes... Open Data

Expenses of companies: Germany, years, type of expenses, economic sections, size classes (sales/acti

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Expenses of companies: Germany, years, type of expenses, economic sections, size classes... details >

Insolvency proceedings: Federal states, years, application procedure Open Data

Insolvency proceedings: Federal states, years, application procedure

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Insolvency proceedings: Federal states, years, application procedure details >

Companies (other DL areas): Germany, years(until 2006), legal form, economic sectors Open Data

Companies (other DL areas): Germany, years(until 2006), legal form, economic sectors

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Companies (other DL areas): Germany, years(until 2006), legal form, economic sectors details >

Active persons (other DL areas): Germany,Stichtag (until 30.09.2006), type of employment, economic... Open Data

Active persons (other DL areas): Germany,Stichtag (until 30.09.2006), type of employment, economic s

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Active persons (other DL areas): Germany,Stichtag (until 30.09.2006), type of employment, economic... details >

Consumer price index: Germany, months Open Data

Consumer price index: Germany, months

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Consumer price index: Germany, months details >

Harmonised Consumer Price Index: Germany, Months, European Classification of Uses of Individual... Open Data

Harmonised Consumer Price Index: Germany, Months, European Classification of Uses of Individual Cons

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Harmonised Consumer Price Index: Germany, Months, European Classification of Uses of Individual... details >

Producer price index of industrial products: Germany,Years, List of goods (GP2009 2-6-Steller... Open Data

Producer price index of industrial products: Germany,Years, List of goods (GP2009 2-6-Steller Hierar

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Producer price index of industrial products: Germany,Years, List of goods (GP2009 2-6-Steller... details >

Construction price indices: Germany, reporting month in the quarter,measured figures with/without... Open Data

Construction price indices: Germany, reporting month in the quarter,measured figures with/without sa

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Construction price indices: Germany, reporting month in the quarter,measured figures with/without... details >

Producer price index for maritime and coastal shipping: Germany, months Open Data

Producer price index for maritime and coastal shipping: Germany, months

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Producer price index for maritime and coastal shipping: Germany, months details >

Index of import prices: Germany, Months,Euro and non-euro countries, Product groups... Open Data

Index of import prices: Germany, Months,Euro and non-euro countries, Product groups (EGW20021-Stelle

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Index of import prices: Germany, Months,Euro and non-euro countries, Product groups... details >

Purchase cases, Area sold, Purchase amount, Average purchase value for building land: Germany,... Open Data

Purchase cases, Area sold, Purchase amount, Average purchase value for building land: Germany, years

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Purchase cases, Area sold, Purchase amount, Average purchase value for building land: Germany,... details >

Purchase cases, Area sold, Purchase amount, Average purchase value for building land: Federal... Open Data

Purchase cases, Area sold, Purchase amount, Average purchase value for building land: Federal states

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Purchase cases, Area sold, Purchase amount, Average purchase value for building land: Federal... details >

Purchase cases, Expelled area, Average purchase valueFor building land: Germany, years (until 2020),... Open Data

Purchase cases, Expelled area, Average purchase valueFor building land: Germany, years (until 2020),

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Purchase cases, Expelled area, Average purchase valueFor building land: Germany, years (until 2020),... details >

Dependent employment relationships, dependent employment relationships with low wages:... Open Data

Dependent employment relationships, dependent employment relationships with low wages: Germany,Decem

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Dependent employment relationships, dependent employment relationships with low wages:... details >

Indices of tariff earnings, Wochenarbeitszeit:Deutschland, quarters, economic sectors Open Data

Indices of tariff earnings, Wochenarbeitszeit:Deutschland, quarters, economic sectors

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Indices of tariff earnings, Wochenarbeitszeit:Deutschland, quarters, economic sectors details >

Gross earnings, weekly working hours: Former federal territory/New Länder, Quarters (until 2021),... Open Data

Gross earnings, weekly working hours: Former federal territory/New Länder, Quarters (until 2021), Ec

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Gross earnings, weekly working hours: Former federal territory/New Länder, Quarters (until 2021),... details >

Gross labour costs per full-time unit, net labour cost per hour worked: Federal states, years,... Open Data

Gross labour costs per full-time unit, net labour cost per hour worked: Federal states, years, enter

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Gross labour costs per full-time unit, net labour cost per hour worked: Federal states, years,... details >

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag... Open Data

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag (un

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag... details >

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag... Open Data

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag (un

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Equipment of households (Running economic accounts.):Early Federal territory/New Länder,Stichtag... details >

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Germany, years,... Open Data

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Germany, years, househo

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Germany, years,... details >

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Germany, years,... Open Data

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Germany, years, househo

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Germany, years,... details >

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Former federal... Open Data

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Former federal territor

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Income and income and expenditure of households (current economic accounts): Former federal... details >

Equipment level per 100 households (EVS): Germany,Stichtag,Consumer goods, Household size Open Data

Equipment level per 100 households (EVS): Germany,Stichtag,Consumer goods, Household size

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Equipment level per 100 households (EVS): Germany,Stichtag,Consumer goods, Household size details >

Household Consumption Expenditure (EVS): Former federal territory/New Länder, years, uses, household... Open Data

Household Consumption Expenditure (EVS): Former federal territory/New Länder, years, uses, household

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Household Consumption Expenditure (EVS): Former federal territory/New Länder, years, uses, household... details >

Consulted persons (shared values), average debt: Germany, years, number of creditors, socioeconomic... Open Data

Consulted persons (shared values), average debt: Germany, years, number of creditors, socioeconomic

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Consulted persons (shared values), average debt: Germany, years, number of creditors, socioeconomic... details >

Non-public debt: Federal States,Stichtag, Public Sector Levels, Debt Types Open Data

Non-public debt: Federal States,Stichtag, Public Sector Levels, Debt Types

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Non-public debt: Federal States,Stichtag, Public Sector Levels, Debt Types details >

Profit and Loss Account (FEU): Germany, years, levels of the public sector, areas of responsibility Open Data

Profit and Loss Account (FEU): Germany, years, levels of the public sector, areas of responsibility

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Profit and Loss Account (FEU): Germany, years, levels of the public sector, areas of responsibility details >

Turnover subject to VAT, taxable turnover, value added tax (assessments): Germany, years Open Data

Turnover subject to VAT, taxable turnover, value added tax (assessments): Germany, years

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Turnover subject to VAT, taxable turnover, value added tax (assessments): Germany, years details >

Federal FGR — Productivity, compensation of employees, gross wages and salaries, unit labour costs:... Open Data

Federal FGR — Productivity, compensation of employees, gross wages and salaries, unit labour costs:

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Federal FGR — Productivity, compensation of employees, gross wages and salaries, unit labour costs:... details >

Federal FGR — Exports, Imports (nominal/price-adjusted):Germany, Years Open Data

Federal FGR — Exports, Imports (nominal/price-adjusted):Germany, Years

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Federal FGR — Exports, Imports (nominal/price-adjusted):Germany, Years details >

Federal national accounts — main aggregates of the state: Germany,Years, Government subsectors, Main... Open Data

Federal national accounts — main aggregates of the state: Germany,Years, Government subsectors, Main

Issued on 2018-05-14T00:00:00Z

Federal national accounts — main aggregates of the state: Germany,Years, Government subsectors, Main... details >

Population at the place of the main dwelling by state of education (3) — Municipalities — Cut-off... Open Data

*Short description The 1987 census, like all censuses, provides the basis for inventory of people an

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:02:27.944321Z

Population at the place of the main dwelling by state of education (3) — Municipalities — Cut-off... details >

Resident population according to the highest school leaving and gender — Municipalities — Cut-off... Open Data

*Short description The 2011 census (former census) provides the basis for inventory of people and ho

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:02:54.692506Z

Resident population according to the highest school leaving and gender — Municipalities — Cut-off... details >

Private households by household size (8)- Municipalities — Cut-off date — 06.06.1961 Open Data

*Short description The 2011 census (former census) provides the basis for inventory of people and ho

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:02:59.840870Z

Private households by household size (8)- Municipalities — Cut-off date — 06.06.1961 details >

Average mother’s age by mother’s marital status — circulating cities and districts — year Open Data

*Short description The statistics of births provide information on the number of live births in Nort

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:04:47.201660Z

Average mother’s age by mother’s marital status — circulating cities and districts — year details >

Employed (domestic) by economic section (21) -Country — Year Open Data

*Short description The employment account of the Länder provides information on the number of person

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:06:26.951334Z

Employed (domestic) by economic section (21) -Country — Year details >

Workers (domestic) by economic section (21)- Country — Year Open Data

*Short description The employment account of the Länder provides information on the number of person

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:06:27.688422Z

Workers (domestic) by economic section (21)- Country — Year details >

Self-employed/helping family members by economic phases (30) of the WZ 2008 — country — year Open Data

*Short description The employment account of the Länder provides information on the number of person

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:06:30.665661Z

Self-employed/helping family members by economic phases (30) of the WZ 2008 — country — year details >

Habilitations by age group and gender — country year Open Data

The habilitation statistics provide information on the habilitation procedures completed in the repo

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:08:12.300798Z

Habilitations by age group and gender — country year details >

Rates by economic activity (16) and size (4)- Country — Year/quarter Open Data

The annual survey in the development and construction sector provides important data on the structur

Issued on 2023-01-18T11:14:26.293766Z

Rates by economic activity (16) and size (4)- Country — Year/quarter details >

Ready for construction.: new residential building in prefabricated building (without residences),... Open Data

Baufertigst.: neue Wohngeb. im Fertigteilbau (ohneWohnheime), Wohnfläche, Geb. mit 1 oder 2 Wohnunge

Issued on 2011-04-20T00:00:00Z

Ready for construction.: new residential building in prefabricated building (without residences),... details >

Measurement results for radioactivity in: Chinese cabbage (23.04.2013) Open Data

Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed

Issued on 2014-09-25T00:00:00Z

Measurement results for radioactivity in: Chinese cabbage (23.04.2013) details >

Measurement results for radioactivity in: Multifruit juice light red + iron (16.05.2018) Open Data

Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed

Issued on 2019-03-12T00:00:00Z

Measurement results for radioactivity in: Multifruit juice light red + iron (16.05.2018) details >

Filed for insolvency proceedings in Schleswig-Holstein May 2022 Open Data

Filed for insolvency proceedings in Schleswig-Holstein May 2022

Issued on 2022-08-01T00:00:00Z

Filed for insolvency proceedings in Schleswig-Holstein May 2022 details >
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Frequently Asked Questions

Some basic informations about API Store ®.

Operation and development of APIs are currently fully funded by company Apitalks and its usage is for free.
Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

Didn't find the API you need?

Let us know and we will figure it out for you.

API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2024. Made with ♥ by Apitalks