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Geo Data Portal Norway datasets available on official portal for European data

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Corine Landcover 2012 (CLC) - WFS Open Data

The CORINE (Coordination of information on the environment) program was started by the European Envi

Issued on 2016-08-11

Corine Landcover 2012 (CLC) - WFS details >

Sea shadow relief WMS Open Data

The WMS service shows the depth conditions in Norwegian sea areas as shadow relief with resolutions

Issued on 2018-06-07

Sea shadow relief WMS details >

Artskart fremmede arter WMS Open Data

Kartdataene viser funn av fremmede arter registrert i Artsdatabanken. Dataene er merket med fremmeda

Issued on 2007-12-01

Artskart fremmede arter WMS details >

Names of Norwegian maritime areas Open Data

Names of Norwegian maritime areas

Issued on 0001-01-01

Names of Norwegian maritime areas details >

Nature types - Naturbase WMS Open Data

Tjenesten viser naturtypelokaliteter på land og i ferskvann, kartlagt etter DN-håndbok 13.

Issued on 2011-11-01

Nature types - Naturbase WMS details >

Marine environmental management zones WMS Open Data

The dataset contains the borders for the management plan areas Barents Sea and Lofoten Area, the Nor

Issued on 2016-12-09

Marine environmental management zones WMS details >

Matrikkelen - Adresse WFS Open Data

Tjenesten leverer datasettet "Matrikkelen-Adresse" på GML-format i henhold til WFS-standarden. Datas

Issued on 2018-04-26

Matrikkelen - Adresse WFS details >

Anchoring conditions Open Data

Anchoring and mooring conditions, as interpreted from bottom type (hard or soft bottom) and depth.

Issued on 2010-04-20

Anchoring conditions details >

Matrikkelen Enkel WMS Open Data

Tjenesten viser enkelt eiendomskart basert på daglig uttrekk fra Matrikkelen (Geonorge distribusjons

Issued on 2017-11-21

Matrikkelen Enkel WMS details >

Aquaculture locations WFS Open Data

The Aquaculture locations WFS dataset shows the approximate centre point of all aquaculture sites in

Issued on 2017-10-17

Aquaculture locations WFS details >

Cultural heritage - Cultural environments Open Data

The dataset covers cultural environments protected according to the Cultural heritage act § 20, area

Issued on 2013-01-22

Cultural heritage - Cultural environments details >

Territorial Waters Open Data

Zone that covers waters from the coastline of the State, and to the outer limit of territorial water

Issued on 0001-01-01

Territorial Waters details >

INSPIRE ElevationVectorElements WFS Open Data

Norwegian Download service for INSPIRE ElevationVectorElements

Issued on 2016-02-08

INSPIRE ElevationVectorElements WFS details >

Field by status Open Data

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s interactive FactMaps contain information on wells, surveys, fi

Issued on 0001-01-01

Field by status details >

Mattilsynet - Dyrehold med produksjonsdyr Open Data

Aktive dyrehold med produksjonsdyr og inntakspunkt for vannverk

Issued on 2015-11-17

Mattilsynet - Dyrehold med produksjonsdyr details >

Nature types Saltstraumen Open Data

Modelled distribution of marine nature types in Saltstraumen Marine Protected Area, Bodø municipalit

Issued on 2010-04-20

Nature types Saltstraumen details >

MarineBottomSedimentsWMS Open Data

Seabed sediments and sedimentary environment. The map service presents the grain size composition, r

Issued on 2006-12-15

MarineBottomSedimentsWMS details >

Production licence, all - current Open Data

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s interactive FactMaps contain information on wells, surveys, fi

Issued on 0001-01-01

Production licence, all - current details >

Hydrology - catchment areas WMS Open Data

REGINE (REGIster for NEdbørfelt) inneholder nedbørfelt for hele landet. Nedbørfeltene er digitaliser

Issued on 2014-08-22

Hydrology - catchment areas WMS details >

Marine transport networks WFS Open Data

Fairway and secondary watercourse in accordance with European specification; Inspire Transport netwo

Issued on 2016-08-26

Marine transport networks WFS details >

Industrial minerals WMS Open Data

The service displays recorded instances of industrial minerals divided into group and subtype, as we

Issued on 2020-10-01

Industrial minerals WMS details >

Hydroelectric power system WMS Open Data

Tjenesten viser elementene i det de utbygde vannkraftsystemet, samt status på søkte vannkraftprosjek

Issued on 2015-11-09

Hydroelectric power system WMS details >

Economic Zone for Norway Open Data

An adjacent belt at sea, the breadth of which is measured from the outer limit of territorial waters

Issued on 0001-01-01

Economic Zone for Norway details >

Biogeographical regions WMS Open Data

Tjenesten inneholder Biogeografiske regioner iht. offisielle avgrensinger for Emerald Network under

Issued on 2008-06-12

Biogeographical regions WMS details >

INSPIRE Elevation WMS Open Data

Norwegian web mapping service for INSPIRE Elevation.

Issued on 2019-11-08

INSPIRE Elevation WMS details >

Matrikkelen - Eiendomskart Teig WFS Open Data

Tjenesten leverer datasettet "Matrikkelen - Eiendomskart Teig" på GML-format i henhold til WFS-stand

Issued on 2019-01-07

Matrikkelen - Eiendomskart Teig WFS details >

Corine Landcover (CLC) Norway - WMS Open Data

The CORINE (Coordination of information on the environment) program was started by the European Envi

Issued on 2014-11-13

Corine Landcover (CLC) Norway - WMS details >

ELF PhysicalWaters WFS Open Data

Norwegian Download service for ELF PhysicalWaters

Issued on 2015-04-30

ELF PhysicalWaters WFS details >

Mattilsynet - Innsjø drikkevann Open Data

Aktive dyrehold med produksjonsdyr og inntakspunkt for vannverk

Issued on 2015-11-17

Mattilsynet - Innsjø drikkevann details >

Mattilsynet - Varsomhetsområder for innsjøer Open Data

Aktive dyrehold med produksjonsdyr og inntakspunkt for vannverk

Issued on 2015-11-17

Mattilsynet - Varsomhetsområder for innsjøer details >

Height DTM projects WMS Open Data

Height variation in the terrain model within a screen section. The colour scale is extended to the h

Issued on 2016-07-01

Height DTM projects WMS details >

Maritime transport - emergency ports WFS Open Data

The service includes a description of the Norwegian Coastal Administration's pre-evaluated emergency

Issued on 2017-10-18

Maritime transport - emergency ports WFS details >

Internal Waters Open Data

Waters on the landward side of the baseline of the territorial sea

Issued on 0001-01-01

Internal Waters details >

Artskart API Open Data

API gir tilgang til funn av norske arter som er registrert i Artsdatabanken. Dataeiere kvalitetssikr

Issued on 2016-01-31

Artskart API details >

Maritime transport - Fairways Open Data

Fairways are indicated through the Regulation dated 30 November 2009, no. 1477 (Regulation on fairwa

Issued on 2020-01-01

Maritime transport - Fairways details >

Adresse REST-API Open Data

API for oppslag av offisielle adresser i matrikkelen. Spørring skjer mot en distribusjonsdatabase av

Issued on 2018-11-09

Adresse REST-API details >

Hydrology - locations WMS Open Data

Karttjeneste som viser vannforekomster for overflatevann og grunnvann. En overflatevannforekomst er

Issued on 2015-07-28

Hydrology - locations WMS details >

Territorial Area Open Data

Zone covering all Norwegian lands and seas of the northern hemisphere to the territorial limits, 12

Issued on 0001-01-01

Territorial Area details >

Granada WMS Open Data

The national groundwater database GRANADA is available as web map service. The service is related to

Issued on 2018-04-30

Granada WMS details >

Names of Norwegian maritime boundaries Open Data

Names Norwegian maritime boundaries

Issued on 0001-01-01

Names of Norwegian maritime boundaries details >

Avalanches - rough susceptiblitity zones WMS Open Data

Aktsomhetsområder for snøskred er en nasjonal kartserie som viser potensielt snøskredutsatte områder

Issued on 2012-02-02

Avalanches - rough susceptiblitity zones WMS details >

Agreed Delimitation Line Open Data

Agreed Delimitation Line at sea based on a binding International Agreement \\nNote: The Agreed Delim

Issued on 0001-01-01

Agreed Delimitation Line details >

Mattilsynet - Innsjø drikkevannforekomster Open Data

Viser innsjøer definert som vannforekomster i arbeid etter vannforskriften, og som samtidig benyttes

Issued on 2015-11-17

Mattilsynet - Innsjø drikkevannforekomster details >

Sentrumssoner 2016-2021 WFS Open Data

Tjenesten leverer datasettet "Sentrumssoner" på GML-format i henhold til WFS-standarden. Tjenesten i

Issued on 2016-11-08

Sentrumssoner 2016-2021 WFS details >

INSPIRE Buildings WMS Open Data

Norwegian View service for INSPIRE Buildings. Scale levels are from 1:25,000 to 1:50

Issued on 2020-03-27

INSPIRE Buildings WMS details >

Administrative enheter WFS Open Data

Tjenesten viser administrative enheter inndelt i fylker og kommuner. Enhetene er avgrenset av riksgr

Issued on 2019-03-20

Administrative enheter WFS details >

Bathymetry Open Data

Depth contours and detailed shaded relief images of submarine landscapes with indication of depth. D

Issued on 2010-04-20

Bathymetry details >

Polar shaded relief map for depths Open Data

Data from the GEBCO_08 Grid, version 20100927,, and the Mareano project, http:/

Issued on 2015-10-15

Polar shaded relief map for depths details >

Shaded relief 50m Open Data

Skyggebatymetrikart som viser relieff på havbunnen sammen med dybdeindikasjon i blåskala. Kartet gir

Issued on 2010-04-20

Shaded relief 50m details >

Marine Basemap WMS Open Data

The map service presents a number of thematic layers derived from detailed basis information about t

Issued on 2010-04-20

Marine Basemap WMS details >

Species map service WMS Open Data

Norsk rødliste for arter er en oversikt over arter som er vurdert å ha en risiko for å dø ut fra Nor

Issued on 2007-01-01

Species map service WMS details >

Administrative units counties Open Data

The dataset administrative units shows the county divisions within the country with the most accurat

Issued on 2006-07-01

Administrative units counties details >

Støysoner for Forsvarets skyte- og øvingsfelt etter T-1442 WFS Open Data

Denne tjenesten gir tilgang til GML-data for datasettet "Støysoner for Forsvarets skyte- og øvingsfe

Issued on 2016-09-06

Støysoner for Forsvarets skyte- og øvingsfelt etter T-1442 WFS details >

Cultural heritage - SEFRAK buildings WFS Open Data

Buildings (mainly built before 1900) that are registered as cultural heritage in the so called SEFRA

Issued on 2011-01-01

Cultural heritage - SEFRAK buildings WFS details >

INSPIRE Sea regions WMS Open Data

Norwegian Inspire service for sea regions

Issued on 2020-04-01

INSPIRE Sea regions WMS details >

Rockfall - rough susceptiblitity zones WMS Open Data

Aktsomhetsområder for steinsprang er en nasjonal kartserie som viser potensielt steinsprangutsatte o

Issued on 2012-02-02

Rockfall - rough susceptiblitity zones WMS details >

Matrikkelen - Bygningspunkt OGC API - Features - Test Open Data

Tjenesten er ny våren 2022 og følger standarden "OGC API - Features". Tjenesten går mot data som opp

Issued on 2022-03-28

Matrikkelen - Bygningspunkt OGC API - Features - Test details >

Marine sedimentary environment, regional Open Data

The dataset provides an overview of dominant sedimentary environments in the mapped area. This is an

Issued on 2007-06-21

Marine sedimentary environment, regional details >

NP Basiskart Jan Mayen WMTS 25829 Open Data

The service contains the official topographical data of Jan Mayen

Issued on 0001-01-01

NP Basiskart Jan Mayen WMTS 25829 details >

Marine transport - navigation installations WFS Open Data

The Norwegian Coastal Administration administers a system of navigation guidance devices in Norway.

Issued on 2016-08-31

Marine transport - navigation installations WFS details >

Discovery service for Norwegian Inspire data Open Data

National discovery service for Norwegian spatial datasets within the scope of the European Inspire

Issued on 2007-05-23

Discovery service for Norwegian Inspire data details >

Brannstasjoner WFS Open Data

For more information on these themes, see metadata on the relevant downloadable datasets.

Issued on 2016-11-11

Brannstasjoner WFS details >

Population on grid 2019 WFS Open Data

The service delivers the dataset population on grid for 2019 on 250m, 1000m and 5000m grid.

Issued on 2019-10-08

Population on grid 2019 WFS details >

Schools WFS Open Data

WFS service for the datasets "Primary schools" and "Secondary schools". The datasets delivers the lo

Issued on 2015-12-21

Schools WFS details >

Licensing APA gross Open Data

Awards in Predifined Areas, APA gross

Issued on 0001-01-01

Licensing APA gross details >

Marine landscapes Open Data

The data set shows the landscape classification in the sea areas. In our mapping, landscape is defin

Issued on 2010-01-15

Marine landscapes details >

Outer Limit of Territorial Waters Open Data

Delimitation at sea of the sovereignty of a coastal State, the line every point of which is at a di

Issued on 0001-01-01

Outer Limit of Territorial Waters details >

Production licences Open Data

This licence gives a monopoly to perform investigations, exploration drilling and recovery of petrol

Issued on 0001-01-01

Production licences details >

Cultural heritage - Protected buildings Open Data

Buildings and churches that are protected according to Norwegian law, either automatically, permanen

Issued on 2005-01-01

Cultural heritage - Protected buildings details >

Bedrock, scale 1:50,000 Open Data

The bedrock data shows the prevalence of rocks and rock structures on the earth's surface. The data

Issued on 2004-01-30

Bedrock, scale 1:50,000 details >

Contiguous Zone Open Data

An adjacent belt at sea, the breadth of which is measured from the outer limit of territorial waters

Issued on 0001-01-01

Contiguous Zone details >

Nurseries WFS Open Data

WFS for nurseries

Issued on 2015-12-21

Nurseries WFS details >

High Seas Open Data

Sea ​​area that is not subject to the jurisdiction of any coastal state

Issued on 0001-01-01

High Seas details >

Marine Landscape WMS Open Data

The map service features wide variety of land forms and landscapes on the sea floor. Marine landscap

Issued on 2012-06-15

Marine Landscape WMS details >

Inspire Geographical Names WFS Open Data

Norwegian Download service for Inspire Geographical Names

Issued on 2015-04-10

Inspire Geographical Names WFS details >

Soil and water slides - rough susceptibility zones WFS Open Data

Tjenesten leverer datasettet "Jord- og flomskred aktsomhetsområder" på GML-format i henhold til WFS-

Issued on 2016-12-23

Soil and water slides - rough susceptibility zones WFS details >

Tettsteder 2015-2021 WFS Open Data

WFS service delivering the dataset urban settlements from 2015 and forward. Urban settlements are ge

Issued on 2020-08-07

Tettsteder 2015-2021 WFS details >

Mineral exploration- and extraction permits Open Data

The data display areas covered with mineral permits for the Norwegian state’s minerals, according to

Issued on 2009-06-01

Mineral exploration- and extraction permits details >

Hoved- og biled, arealavgrensning Open Data

The data set shows the Norwegian Coastal Administration's defined area of authority as given through

Issued on 0001-01-01

Hoved- og biled, arealavgrensning details >

200 Nautical Miles Open Data

The line every point of which is at a distance of 200 NM (370 400 m) from the nearest point of the B

Issued on 0001-01-01

200 Nautical Miles details >

Avalanches - rough susceptiblitity zones WFS Open Data

Tjenesten leverer datasettet "Snøskred - aktsomhetsområde på GML-format i henhold til WFS-standarden

Issued on 2016-12-23

Avalanches - rough susceptiblitity zones WFS details >

Matrikkel - Adresse OGC API - Features - Test Open Data

Tjenesten er ny våren 2022 og følger standarden "OGC API - Features". Tjenesten går mot data som opp

Issued on 2022-03-28

Matrikkel - Adresse OGC API - Features - Test details >

NP_Base map_Svalbard_WMTS_25833 Open Data

The service contains the official topographical data for Svalbard

Issued on 0001-01-01

NP_Base map_Svalbard_WMTS_25833 details >

Fishing grounds - active equipment WFS Open Data

The service returns the dataset "Fishing grounds – active equipment" in GML format in accordance wit

Issued on 2016-12-12

Fishing grounds - active equipment WFS details >

Distribution maps marine mammals Open Data

Inneholder generaliserte utbredelseskart av marine arter i norske områder. Kartene er inndelt i tre

Issued on 0001-01-01

Distribution maps marine mammals details >

Species distribution Marine Mammals (WMS) Open Data

Karttjenesten (WMS/WFS) inneholder generaliserte utbredelseskart av marine arter i norske områder. K

Issued on 2006-12-12

Species distribution Marine Mammals (WMS) details >

Hydrology network WMS Open Data

WMS-tjenesten inneholder 2 datasett basert på NVEs nasjonale elvenettverksdatabase(ELVIS). Det ene d

Issued on 1970-01-01

Hydrology network WMS details >

Outer limit of the Continental Shelf Open Data

Documented and approved outer boundary line of the submerged prolongation of the land mass of the co

Issued on 0001-01-01

Outer limit of the Continental Shelf details >

The Special Area Open Data

Sea ​​area east of the delimitation line with Russia and within 200 Nautical Miles from the baseline

Issued on 0001-01-01

The Special Area details >

Norway's maritime boundaries Open Data

"Norway's maritime boundaries" is a generic term for boundaries and zones in sea areas that are subj

Issued on 2007-07-01

Norway's maritime boundaries details >

Norway's maritime boundaries WMS Open Data

"Norway's maritime boundaries" is a generic term for boundaries and zones in sea areas that are subj

Issued on 0001-01-01

Norway's maritime boundaries WMS details >

DSBs WFS-tjenester Open Data

The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection's WFS services include a number of themes: Fire stat

Issued on 2011-09-30

DSBs WFS-tjenester details >

Place names WFS Open Data

WFS can be used to download named places with all information from the Central Register of Place Nam

Issued on 2019-01-29

Place names WFS details >

Spices distribution Fish Open Data

Contains generalised distribution maps of marine species in Norwegian areas. The maps are divided in

Issued on 2016-06-02

Spices distribution Fish details >

Land slide susceptibilty zones WFS Open Data

Tjenesten leverer datasettet "Skredfaresoner" på GML-format i henhold til WFS-standarden. Kartleggin

Issued on 2016-12-12

Land slide susceptibilty zones WFS details >

Cadastre – Address Open Data

Addresses with geographical points and **peripheral information**. Copied approx. monthly from the C

Issued on 0001-01-01

Cadastre – Address details >

Continental Shelf for Norway Open Data

Zone covering the submarine prolongation of the land mass out to the deep water, the breadth of whic

Issued on 0001-01-01

Continental Shelf for Norway details >

Flooding susceptibility zones WMS Open Data

Flomsoner viser arealer som oversvømmes ved ulike flomstørrelser (gjentaksintervall). Det blir utar

Issued on 1970-01-01

Flooding susceptibility zones WMS details >

DTM1 Atom feed-tjeneste Open Data

Den nasjonale 1m høydemodellen DTM1 er forvaltet på hø og er basert på punktskyer lastet o

Issued on 2022-06-08

DTM1 Atom feed-tjeneste details >

Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen Open Data

An adjacent belt at sea, the breadth of which is measured from the outer limit of territorial waters

Issued on 0001-01-01

Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen details >
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