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MGśP - Składowanie odpadów Open Data
Potencjalne obszary lokalizacji okreslonego typu składowisk odpadów oraz warunki izolacyjne podłoża
Issued on
Download service for the “Noise Directive” collection (DF1 and DF5): location of major aerodromes,... Open Data
Data Collection Service "Noise Directive (DF1 and DF5): location of major airports, 2020.’ The servi
Issued on 2021-03-25
View WMTS service for hypsometric and hillshaded 1m DEM Open Data
The service of reviewing shadowed hipsometry for NMT for the area of Poland. The data provided by th
Issued on 2013-01-09
The State Environmental Monitoring - Groundwater quality monitoring Open Data
The spatial dataset concerns the groundwater quality monitoring, which is conducted as part of the w
Issued on
Production and industrial facilities Open Data
The collection of production and industrial facilities was created as a result of the harmonisation
Issued on
The State Environmental Monitoring - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Open Data
The spatial dataset concerns the monitoring of the Baltic marine environment, which is carried out a
Issued on
National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Open Data
The spatial dataset refers to the National Register of Pollutant Release and Transfer, which is a to
Issued on
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Habitats and Biotypes for Poland - ATOM Download Service (predefined... Open Data
The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Polish public administration
Issued on 2020-12-11
Browsing service for the “Noise Directive” collection (DF1 and DF5): agglomerations (range,... Open Data
Data Collection Viewing Service "Noise Directive (DF1 and DF5): agglomerations (range, population),
Issued on 2021-03-25
Geographical names Open Data
The set of Geographical Names was developed based on the resource National Geographical Names Regist
Issued on
Land use Open Data
The set of Land Use was developed in accordance to "D2.8.III.4 Data Specification on Land Use – Tech
Issued on
The Polish ATOM feed download service of river basins dataset Open Data
This service enables download the polish river basin districts. Data come from the polish river basi
Issued on 2020-10-30
Dyrektywa Hałasowa (DF1 i DF5): główne drogi (osie), 2020 r. Open Data
Zbiór zawiera informację o położeniu głównych dróg (osie), o ruchu powyżej 3 mln pojazdów rocznie. D
Issued on
The INSPIRE view service of Metrological hazards data for INSPIRE Natural Risk Zones theme Open Data
This service enables viewing Metrological hazards data for INSPIRE Natural Risk Zones theme. The ser
Issued on 2019-02-12
View WMS dynamic service for hypsometric 1m DEM Open Data
Web Map Service (WMS) which allows you to review hypnometry with dynamically spreading color scale d
Issued on 2013-01-09
Browsing service for the “Noise Directive” collection (DF4 and DF8): Strategic acoustic maps of... Open Data
Data Collection Viewing Service "Noise Directive (DF4 and DF8): Strategic acoustic maps of major roa
Issued on 2020-10-07
The State Environmental Monitoring - Monitoring of birds Open Data
The spatial dataset concerns the Monitoring Birds of Poland, which is carried out as part of the nat
Issued on
Ewidencja pożarów lasów Open Data
Baza zawiera podstawowe dane o zaistniałych pożarach lasu i terenów niezagospodarowanych (bez względ
Issued on
INSPIRE view service for harmonized spatial dataset “The State Environmental Monitoring - The air... Open Data
INSPIRE view service for harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - The air qu
Issued on 2019-10-31
The INSPIRE download service of Metrological hazards data for Natural Risk Zones INSPIRE theme. Open Data
This service enables download Metrological hazards data for INSPIRE Natural Risk Zones theme. The da
Issued on 2019-02-12
MIN4EU harmonized dataset - "Minerals Inventory" - national data for Poland Open Data
Under the Act of June 9, 2011, Geological and Mining Law (Journal of Laws No. 163, item 981, as amen
Issued on 2021-10-28
Dyrektywa Hałasowa (DF4 i DF8): Strategiczne mapy akustyczne aglomeracji - przemysł, wskaźnik LDWN,... Open Data
Zbiór zawiera mapy akustyczne dla aglomeracji, o liczbie mieszkańców przekraczającej 100 tys. osób.
Issued on
INSPIRE download service for predefined harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental... Open Data
INSPIRE download service for predefined harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitori
Issued on 2019-12-24
Extractive waste disposal facilities Open Data
Collections created for reporting purposes under Directive 2006/21/EC of the European Parliament and
Issued on
Dyrektywa Hałasowa (DF4 i DF8): Strategiczne mapy akustyczne aglomeracji - ruch drogowy, wskaźnik... Open Data
Zbiór zawiera mapy akustyczne dla aglomeracji, o liczbie mieszkańców przekraczającej 100 tys. osób.
Issued on
INSPIRE download service of WORP data for Natural Hazard Zones INSPIRE theme Open Data
INSPIRE download service of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (WORP) data for Natural Hazard Zon
Issued on 2019-10-31
MIN4EU harmonized dataset - "Minerals Inventory" - service for Poland Open Data
Under the Act of June 9, 2011, Geological and Mining Law (Journal of Laws No. 163, item 981, as amen
Issued on 2021-09-02
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Species Distribution for Poland - SpeciesDistributionDataset Open Data
This dataset was reported by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection
Issued on 2020-12-11
The INSPIRE download service of the hydrological observations and measurements (SOS) Open Data
This service enables download the hydrological observations and measurements making IMGW-PIB. The se
Issued on 2019-02-12
INSPIRE download service for harmonized spatial dataset “National Pollutant Release and Transfer... Open Data
INSPIRE download service for harmonized spatial dataset "National Pollutant Release and Transfer Reg
Issued on 2019-10-31
Zabytki nieruchome wpisane do rejestru zabytków województwa podkarpackiego Open Data
Zasób zawierający dane dotyczące zabytków nieruchomych wpisanych do rejestru zabytków województwa po
Issued on
Rejestr zabytków archeologicznych województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego Open Data
Zbiór zawiera dane dotyczące wpisanych do rejestru zabytków województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego stanow
Issued on
Statistical Units 2019. (BREC) Open Data
Collection of Statistical Units 2019. (BREC) was created as a result of the harmonisation of the set
Issued on
Rejestr zabytków archeologicznych województwa lubelskiego Open Data
Zbiór zawiera dane dotyczące wpisanych do rejestru zabytków województwa lubelskiego stanowisk archeo
Issued on
The Polish ATOM feed download service of bodies of water designated for the abstraction of water... Open Data
This service enables download the polish bodies of water designated for the abstraction of water int
Issued on 2020-10-30
Dyrektywa Hałasowa (DF1 i DF5): główne koleje (osie), 2015 r. Open Data
Zbiór zawiera informację o położeniu głównych linii kolejowych (osie), o ruchu powyżej 30 000 przeja
Issued on
Pomniki Historii Open Data
Zgodnie z Ustawą o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami z 2003 r. Pomnikami Historii mogą zostać
Issued on
Rejestr zabytków archeologicznych województwa lubuskiego Open Data
Zbiór zawiera dane dotyczące wpisanych do rejestru zabytków województwa lubuskiego stanowisk archeol
Issued on
Zabytki nieruchome wpisane do rejestru zabytków województwa dolnośląskiego Open Data
Zasób zawierający dane dotyczące zabytków nieruchomych wpisanych do rejestru zabytków województwa do
Issued on
Dyrektywa Hałasowa (DF1 i DF5): położenie głównych lotnisk, 2015 r. Open Data
Zbiór zawiera informację o położeniu cywilnych głównych lotnisk, o ruchu powyżej 50 tys. operacji lo
Issued on
Bodies of water designated for the abstraction of water intended for human consumption Open Data
Waterbodies established as protected areas designated for the abstraction of water intended for huma
Issued on 2019-12-10
Zabytki nieruchome wpisane do rejestru zabytków województwa lubelskiego Open Data
Zasób zawierający dane dotyczące zabytków nieruchomych wpisanych do rejestru zabytków województwa lu
Issued on
The State Environmental Monitoring - The ionizing radiation monitoring - Radioactive contamination... Open Data
The spatial dataset concerns the monitoring of radioactive contamination of surface waters and botto
Issued on
Rozmieszczenie ludności - demografia 2011r. (BREC) Open Data
Zbiór danych Rozmieszczenie ludności - demografia, reprezentuje rozmieszczenie ludności w odniesieni
Issued on
Zabytki nieruchome wpisane do rejestru zabytków województwa opolskiego Open Data
Zasób zawierający dane dotyczące zabytków nieruchomych wpisanych do rejestru zabytków województwa op
Issued on
Register of immovable monuments Open Data
A resource containing data on immovable monuments from the territory of the Republic of Poland enter
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Download Service (WFS) History Monuments Open Data
Download Service (WFS) to download the History Monuments Spatial Data Set
Issued on 2013-12-31
Download service for the harmonised collection ‘Objects for the disposal of extractive waste’ (WFS) Open Data
INSPIRE dataset download service — ‘Objects for the disposal of extractive waste’. The service provi
Issued on 2020-05-26
Browsing service for the “Noise Directive” collection (DF4 and DF8): Strategic acoustic maps of... Open Data
Data Collection Viewing Service "Noise Directive (DF4 and DF8): Strategic acoustic maps of major roa
Issued on 2020-10-07
Register of archaeological monuments of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Open Data
The collection contains data on archaeological sites entered in the register of monuments of the Pom
Issued on
Data Viewing Service (WMS) Registered Archaeological Monuments Open Data
Web Map Service (WMS) for viewing data Registered Archaeological Monuments
Issued on 2013-12-31
Register of archaeological monuments of Mazowieckie Voivodeship Open Data
The collection contains data on archaeological sites entered in the register of monuments of the Maz
Issued on
Sea Regions Open Data
The set of Sea Regions is the result of harmonization and integration of National Register of Bounda
Issued on
The Polish ATOM feed download service of marine reporting units Open Data
This service enables download the Polish marine reporting units. The service uses the Atom 1.0 inter
Issued on 2020-10-30
Immovable monuments entered in the register of monuments of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Open Data
A resource containing data on immovable monuments entered in the register of monuments of the Pomera
Issued on
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Habitats and Biotypes for Poland - WFS Download Service Open Data
The Web Feature Services (WfS) download service, giving download access to all harmonised datasets o
Issued on 2020-12-11
UNESCO World Heritage Open Data
On the basis of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972),
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Immovable monuments entered in the register of monuments of the Lodzkie Voivodeship Open Data
A resource containing data on immovable monuments entered in the register of monuments of the Lodzki
Issued on
Digital elevation model Open Data
Digital elevation model (DEM) consists of the following components: data from laser scans with a den
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Polish INSPIRE view service for the “Geographical names” theme. Tile profile Open Data
This service enables viewing the INSPIRE data for the “Geographical names” theme for the territory
Issued on 2012-05-24
Register of archaeological monuments of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Open Data
The collection contains data on archaeological sites entered in the register of monuments of the Świ
Issued on
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