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Visiting address for the computer hotel Open Data
Visitor numbers for the data hotel (hotel.difi.no) showing page views per dataset, and for quarter d
Issued on 2017-10-26
52 every day. Turn 2: Lundsnestrip Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-13
52 every day. Turn 4: The Sound Tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-13
52 every day. Tour 6: Jåttåtur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-13
52 every day. Turn 7: Vardenestrip Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-13
52 every day. Turn 9: Skeietur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-13
52 every day. Turn 10: Vardentur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Tour 11: The Madlamark Tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Tour 12: Waterworks tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Tour 13: Heddåtur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Tour 14: Tastavedentour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Turn 17: Large mound around Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Turn 22: Austbøturen Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Turn 23: Revheimstrip Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-14
52 every day. Tour 24: Kristianslyst Tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 25: Lindøytur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Tour 26: Kvernevikturen Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 27: Double trip Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 29: Dusavigtur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 30: Urban culture Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Tour 31: The Hundvåg Around 52 every day. Tour 31: The Hundvåg Around Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 32: Vassøytur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 34: The Gausel Tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 36: The Long Island Tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 37: The Southmarkature Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 40: Hålandsvatntur Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Tour 43: The keyboard 52 every day. Tour 43: The keyboard Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 44: Museum Tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This data set contains 4 resou
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Tour 48: Hillevågstrip Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This data set contains 4 resou
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 49: Austre Åmøyturen Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 50: Cross-border tour Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This data set contains 4 resou
Issued on 2017-11-15
52 every day. Turn 52: Pilgrimage Open Data
There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour
Issued on 2017-11-15
Funeral Ceremony Open Data
Shows name, time and place for planned funeral ceremonies in Stavanger
Issued on 2017-11-15
Population density in Stavanger’s boroughs Open Data
Number of people per square kilometre of land area. Source: The Stavanger Statistics.
Issued on 2017-11-15
Project Account Plan 2017 Stavanger Open Data
Issued on 2017-11-23
Free Dimension Account Plan 2017 Stavanger Open Data
Issued on 2017-11-23
Accounting and budget operations 2017 Stavanger Open Data
Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at https://www.regjeringen.no/no
Issued on 2017-11-27
Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2017 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises
Issued on 2018-03-21
Deliveries to egg packaging in agriculture in 2017 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of eggs delivered from agricultural enterprises to egg wrappi
Issued on 2018-03-21
Price subsidies for agricultural enterprises for 2017 Open Data
Data set with payments of price subsidies to agricultural enterprises for 2017. For each enterprise,
Issued on 2018-03-21
The State’s Global Governance 2016 Open Data
OBS. This is a historical dataset with old rates. The data set shows the state’s rates for travel ab
Issued on 2018-05-09
Buried containers: Technical status Open Data
See technical_status.txt for further explanation of the fields in this dataset
Issued on 2018-05-11
Arts Account Plan 2018 Stavanger Open Data
Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at https://www.regjeringen.no/no
Issued on 2018-05-11
Responsible Account Plan 2018 Stavanger Open Data
Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at https://www.regjeringen.no/no
Issued on 2018-05-11
Accounting and budget operations 2018 Stavanger Open Data
Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at https://www.regjeringen.no/no
Issued on 2018-05-11
Accounting and budget investment 2018 Stavanger Open Data
Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at https://www.regjeringen.no/no
Issued on 2018-05-11
IMDi survey on municipalities’ work on integration 2017/2018 Open Data
At the turn of the year, IMDi conducts a survey on the municipalities’ work on settlement and integr
Issued on 2018-06-13
The State’s Global Governance 2018 Open Data
The data set shows the state’s rates for travel abroad as they stand in a special agreement on cover
Issued on 2018-07-04
The municipality of Førde: Operating and Investment Budget 2013 Open Data
Førde Municipality lays out the Byteke operating and investment bid 2013 as open data. Data sets are
Issued on 2013-01-28
Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2010 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises
Issued on 2018-10-01
Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2009 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises
Issued on 2018-10-01
Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2008 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises
Issued on 2018-10-01
Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2007 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises
Issued on 2018-10-01
Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2005 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises
Issued on 2018-10-01
Metadata about photos from the County Archives in Sogn og Fjordane Open Data
The dataset contains metadata about photos published on photo.fylkesarkivet.no. web archive for phot
Issued on 2018-10-24
Deliveries to grain buyer or agricultural sawmills in the grain year July 2017 to June 2018 Open Data
These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural
Issued on 2018-11-19
The State’s Global Governance 2019 Open Data
The data set shows the state’s rates for travel abroad as they stand in a special agreement on cover
Issued on 2019-01-03
Metadata about stadnamn from the County Archives in Sogn og Fjordane Open Data
The data set contained metadata about stadnamn published on stadnamn.fylkesarkivet.no. the web archi
Issued on 2019-02-13
Deliveries to egg packaging in agriculture in 2018 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of eggs delivered from agricultural enterprises to egg wrappi
Issued on 2019-03-14
Deliveries to dairy in agriculture in 2018 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of milk delivered from agricultural enterprises to dairy in a
Issued on 2019-03-14
Daily trips Stavanger Open Data
This dataset contains all 52 daily trips in.json format
Issued on 2019-04-05
Waiting list kindergarten Stavanger Open Data
Some comments on the dataset: & Field &Alt.nr » shows what option the requested ki
Issued on 2019-04-05
Parking data 2018 Stavanger Open Data
The Dasett shows the occupancy percentage hour by hour in the parking facilities Siddis,Forum,Jernba
Issued on 2019-04-05
Parking data 2017 Stavanger Open Data
The data set shows the occupancy percentage hour by hour in the parking facilities Siddis,Forum,Jern
Issued on 2019-04-05
Maintenance Nights IT Stavanger Municipality Open Data
Contains data, time and comment for planned and completed maintenance evenings IT Stavanger Municipa
Issued on 2019-04-05
Overview printing Stavanger municipality monthly totals 2019 Open Data
The data set shows the sum of prints, copies and scans for all printers on lease with Canon in the m
Issued on 2019-04-05
Active municipality — Reserves — Stavanger Municipality Open Data
Data sets showing reserved sports premises/resources rented out by the sports department in Stavange
Issued on 2019-04-05
Active municipality — Resource overview — Stavanger Municipality Open Data
Data sets showing resources rented out by the sports department in Stavanger municipality, with coor
Issued on 2019-04-05
Forecast for Stavanger Weather Open Data
The data set shows hourly forecasts for each of the air measurement stations (See the dataset air me
Issued on 2019-04-05
City bikes Stavanger Stations Open Data
The dataset shows all locations of city bikes on Nordjæren. It is linked to the data set Bybikes Sta
Issued on 2019-04-05
Price subsidies for industrial enterprises for 2018 Open Data
Data sets of payments of price subsidies to industrial enterprises for 2018. For each enterprise, th
Issued on 2019-04-08
Municipal and county council elections 2019 New Stavanger municipality Open Data
Overview of all polling stations in new Stavanger municipality with address, opening hours and GPS c
Issued on 2019-05-03
Overview of digitalisation measures in the state 2018 Open Data
In autumn 2018, Difi conducted a survey of digitalisation measures in the state and made an overview
Issued on 2019-05-16
City of Oslo: Annual accounts 2015 Open Data
Oslo municipality’s open accounting data contains annual accounts, regulated budgets and original bu
Issued on 2019-05-21
City of Oslo: Annual accounts 2014 Open Data
Oslo municipality’s open accounting data contains annual accounts, regulated budgets and original bu
Issued on 2019-05-21
Statistics on most read datasets Open Data
The dataset contains the names of datasets, how often it has been read in total and how often it has
Issued on 2019-05-27
Norwegian and social studies for immigrants Open Data
The statistics provide an overview of results on Norwegian samples for adult immigrants. Tables Resu
Issued on 2019-07-29
Testing scheme with vocational training in Competencepluss Open Data
Statistics on applications and grants for trial projects with vocational training through Kompetanse
Issued on 2019-07-31
Standard prices for crude oil Open Data
In order to calculate taxable income for the oil companies, the Petroleum Price Council (PPR) sets n
Issued on 2019-10-21
Applications for and granted projects from the Research Council Open Data
NB! Due to the need for technical and legal assessments, the Research Council currently does not pub
Issued on 2023-02-15
The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per county Open Data
The social responsibility of the Labour Inspection Authority is given by the Storting. The Labour In
Issued on 2019-11-27
The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per business size Open Data
The social responsibility of the Labour Inspection Authority is given by the Storting. The Labour In
Issued on 2019-11-27
Folketeljinga 1910 Open Data
The 1910-teljinga as open data The National Archives, like other governmental bodies, shall publish
Issued on 2013-03-04
Open data sets from the Lottery and Foundation Authority (book goal) Open Data
The Lottery and Foundation Authority controls Norwegian lotteries and gambling, and supervises Norwe
Issued on 2013-03-11
City of Oslo: Annual accounts 2013 Open Data
Oslo municipality’s open accounting data contains annual accounts, regulated budgets and original bu
Issued on 2014-03-19
Telephone number for government agencies and municipalities Open Data
Data set of phone numbers for state-of-the-art businesses, municipalities and county authorities. It
Issued on 2014-04-09
Units of general government Open Data
The dataset contains the names of the units (in Bokmål, Nynorsk and English), organisation number, m
Issued on 2014-04-09
Visiting address to state enterprises and municipalities Open Data
The data set contains visitor addresses to municipalities and government offices and businesses. It
Issued on 2014-04-09
Postal addresses for state enterprises and municipalities Open Data
The data set contains postal address, postal code and place of municipalities and state enterprises.
Issued on 2014-04-09
Map coordinates for state enterprises and municipalities Open Data
The data set contains coordinates (the position) of state enterprises and municipal and county admin
Issued on 2014-04-10
URLs (url) for government agencies and municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains Internet addresses for government agencies and municipalities. It is intended t
Issued on 2014-04-10
Data on which municipalities regional government agencies cover Open Data
Data sets with the regional division of state enterprises and which municipalities the regional acti
Issued on 2014-04-10
Investment budget 2013-2016 Open Data
Aure municipality publishes budget and economic plan 2013-2016 as open data on Aure municipality’s w
Issued on 2014-01-01
Operating Frameworks of the Units 2013-2016 Open Data
Aure municipality publishes budget and economic plan 2013-2016 as open data on Aure municipality’s w
Issued on 2014-01-01
Finance chapter — economic plan 2013-2016 Open Data
Aure municipality publishes budget and economic plan 2013-2016 as open data on Aure municipality’s w
Issued on 2014-01-01
State funding abroad 2011 Open Data
OBS. This is a historical dataset with old rates. Rates for nat supplementation and cost allowance f
Issued on 2011-09-19
City of Oslo: Annual accounts 2016 Open Data
Oslo municipality’s open accounting data contains annual accounts, regulated budgets and original bu
Issued on 2014-01-01
Labour market statistics Open Data
Statistics on jobseekers, persons with reduced capacity to work and others who participate in labour
Issued on
Statistics Pre-included operational restrictions Open Data
The statistics show the total number of enterprises that have sent notice to NAV in the relevant mon
Issued on
Supervisory report Open Data
Report following audits of enterprises subject to industrial protection
Issued on 2021-06-01
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