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Road images Open Data
This is a web based technical system for displaying road images, developed by the Norwegian Public R
Issued on 2021-06-09T08:56:19.760035Z
Traffic volume/Year-day traffic (ÅDT) on ESRI geodatabase format as of 2013.08.06 Open Data
ESRI geodatabase (*.gdb) with the ERFK road sections where traffic volume (ÅDT) data is available, v
Issued on 2020-06-21T15:04:49.138595Z
Statistics theory test and run-up Open Data
Statistics on theory tests and driving up to the driving test per year, with information on driving
Issued on 2019-04-04T07:52:10.117858Z
TRINE: web application for statistics about traffic accidents (open to the public) Open Data
Offers reports on traffic accidents from 1990 and onwards. The statistics covers traffic accidents (
Issued on 2020-09-29T11:50:59.931452Z
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) for 2009 Open Data
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an initiative by former British Prime Mi
Issued on 2011-09-20
Classification of statistical tract and basic statistical unit Open Data
The latest data set shows the division into base circuits and sub-areas. Norway is divided into abou
Issued on 2014-10-15
Price subsidies for agricultural enterprises for 2013 Open Data
Data set with payments of price subsidies to agricultural enterprises. For each enterprise, the orga
Issued on 2014-10-17
Mapping of work on internationalisation among municipal school owners (2010) Open Data
The study is about work on internationalisation in the school sector. The data is based on a quantit
Issued on 2014-11-05
Mapping of internationalisation in upper secondary education (2011) Open Data
Mapping of internationalisation in upper secondary education (2011) is a quantitative internet-based
Issued on 2014-11-05
Reputation survey among international students in Norway 2010 Open Data
The dataset is based on a quanitative web-based survey sent to international students at Norwegian u
Issued on 2014-11-10
Reputation survey among international students in Norway 2012 Open Data
The dataset is based on a quanitative web-based survey sent to international students at Norwegian u
Issued on 2014-11-18
Nordic Student Survey, 2013 Open Data
This dataset is taken from the Nordic Student Survey on student mobility in Finland, Norway and Swed
Issued on 2014-11-20
International Mobility among PhD Candidates at Norwegian Higher Education Institutions 2011 Open Data
This dataset is based on a web survey among PhD candidates at higher education institutions in Norwa
Issued on 2014-11-20
Deliveries to egg packaging in agriculture in 2013 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of eggs delivered from agricultural enterprises to egg wrappi
Issued on 2014-12-19
Deliveries to dairy in agriculture in 2013 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of milk delivered from agricultural enterprises to dairy in a
Issued on 2014-12-19
Deliveries to grain buyers or agricultural sawmills during the grain year of July 2013 to June 2014 Open Data
These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural
Issued on 2015-01-12
School Year 2015/2016 Open Data
The overview shows the school board for 2015/2016 in Aure municipality
Issued on 2015-02-12
Norway.no — digital services from the public sector Open Data
The services are registered with the *title of the service * name of the service owner * description
Issued on 2015-02-23
Norway.no — service owners. State enterprises, municipalities and county councils. Open Data
Service owners who have registered services on Norge.no. A service owner is registered with * name *
Issued on 2015-02-23
Online quality — results list 2010 Open Data
Results list from the quality assessment of nearly 700 public websites 2010. The assessment was carr
Issued on 2015-03-19
Quality online — results list 2011 Open Data
Results from the quality assessment of nearly 700 public websites 2011. The assessment was carried o
Issued on 2015-03-19
Quality Online — Detail Results 2010 Open Data
Results from the quality assessment of nearly 700 public websites 2010. Contains assessment report f
Issued on 2015-03-19
Quality Online — Detail Results 2011 Open Data
Results from the quality assessment of nearly 700 public websites 2010. Contains assessment report f
Issued on 2015-03-19
Quality Online — Detail Results 2013 Open Data
Results from the quality assessment of nearly 700 public websites 2010. Contains assessment report f
Issued on 2015-03-19
Quality of Digital Services — Detail Results 2014 Open Data
Results from the quality assessment of 52 public digital services 2014. Contains assessment report f
Issued on 2015-03-19
Reputation survey among international students in Norway, 2014 Open Data
This survey is a national reputation survey conducted by SIU among international students in Norway.
Issued on 2015-04-13
Party support for 2011 Open Data
The data set contained data about paid state grants to political parties at the municipal and county
Issued on 2015-04-15
Party support for 2012 Open Data
The data set contained data about paid state grants to political parties at the municipal and county
Issued on 2015-04-17
Party support for 2014 Open Data
The data set contained data about paid state grants to political parties at the municipal and county
Issued on 2015-04-17
Deliveries to dairy in agriculture in 2014 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of milk delivered from agricultural enterprises to dairy in a
Issued on 2015-05-06
Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2014 Open Data
These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises
Issued on 2015-05-06
Price subsidies for industrial enterprises for 2014 Open Data
Data sets of payments of price subsidies to industrial enterprises for 2014. For each enterprise, th
Issued on 2015-05-06
Price subsidies for agricultural enterprises for 2014 Open Data
Data set of payments of price subsidies to agricultural enterprises for 2014. For each enterprise, t
Issued on 2015-05-06
Polling stations to vote on election day, municipal and county council elections 2015 Open Data
List of polling stations to vote on Election Day(s). Election Day is Monday 14 September. Some munic
Issued on 2015-09-02
Polling stations to vote in advance, municipal and county council elections 2015 Open Data
List of polling stations to vote in advance. Election Day is Monday 14 September. Some municipalitie
Issued on 2015-09-04
Kindergarten & skulerute 2015-2016 Fusa municipality Open Data
Overview of planning days, holiday and holiday days in kindergarten and children’s school (1-7th gra
Issued on 2015-11-19
Skuleruten Fusa Youth Ball 2015-2016 Open Data
Overview of holiday and holiday days at Fusa Youth School 2015-2016.
Issued on 2015-11-19
School Routes for Children’s and Secondary Schools in Stavanger Municipality Open Data
Contains the schoolhouses for all primary and secondary schools in Stavanger. Schools are listed alp
Issued on 2015-11-23
Catalog of occupations Open Data
The central focus of the Vocational Catalogue are occupational codes and professional titles. The 7-
Issued on 2015-11-26
Standard Classification of Occupational Classification (STYRK08) Open Data
The standard is based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 — ISCO-08. Th
Issued on 2015-11-27
Investment budget 2016 The Council’s proposal Open Data
Stavanger municipality Councilman’s investment budget proposal 2016
Issued on 2015-12-07
Deliveries to grain purchaser or sawmills in agriculture during the grain year July 2014 to June... Open Data
These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural
Issued on 2016-01-18
School Route 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019 Open Data
The approved school route shows holiday and holiday days as well as the number of school days per ye
Issued on 2016-01-29
ATC Index for Drugs Open Data
The ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) system is an international classification system for pharm
Issued on 2021-02-04
Investment Budget 2016 Open Data
Adopted by Stavanger City Council on 14.12.2015 as Case 217/15
Issued on 2016-02-26
Mapping of internationalisation in primary school, 2014 Open Data
The dataset is based on a survey addressed to the management of Norwegian primary schools about how
Issued on 2016-03-07
Municipal buildings with public services Open Data
An overview of municipal buildings with a description of public service. Connected to the data set O
Issued on 2016-04-12
Opening hours municipal buildings with public services Open Data
An overview of the opening hours of municipal buildings with public service. Connected to the data s
Issued on 2016-04-12
Localisation of bathing areas Open Data
Location of swimming spots in Stavanger Municipality
Issued on 2016-04-18
Localisation cemeteries Open Data
Showing location of cemeteries in Stavanger municipality
Issued on 2016-04-18
Localisation of health buildings Open Data
Showing location of health buildings in Stavanger municipality
Issued on 2016-04-18
Localisation churches, chapels, mosques Open Data
Showing location of churches, chapels and mosques in Stavanger Municipality
Issued on 2016-04-18
Localisation playgrounds Open Data
Shows the location of all playgrounds that Stavanger municipality is responsible for
Issued on 2016-04-20
School Route for Gjesdal Municipality 2016-2017 Open Data
Includes schools for all schools in Gjesdal. Schools are listed alphabetically. The data set has one
Issued on 2016-05-19
Localisation of schools in Gjesdal Municipality Open Data
Contains positions for all schools in Gjesdal. The data set has one line per school per day.
Issued on 2016-06-01
Rented premises in Gjesdal Municipality Open Data
Contains overview on all rental premises in Gjesdal. Schools are listed alphabetically. The dataset
Issued on 2016-06-03
Swimming spots in Gjesdal Municipality Open Data
In this dataset, we publish data sets with coordinates for bathing sites registered in Gjesdal munic
Issued on 2016-06-21
Barbecue spots in Gjesdal Municipality Open Data
In this dataset, we publish data sets with coordinates for barbecue sites registered in Gjesdal muni
Issued on 2016-06-21
Revised National Budget 2016 Open Data
The Ministry of Finance presents the figures behind the figures in the Revised National Budget 2016
Issued on 2016-07-05
Operational Recruitment 2010-2015 Open Data
Operations for Os municipality in Hordaland in the years 2010-2015, divided by responsibility, tenes
Issued on 2016-07-13
Traffic registrations Open Data
County overviews of car traffic from a sample of traffic registration points (continuous registratio
Issued on 2016-08-10
Statistics on immigration and integration Open Data
The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) publishes statistics on immigration and integrat
Issued on 2016-08-29
Hiking trails Stavanger Open Data
This dataset shows hiking trails in Stavanger municipality
Issued on 2016-09-09
Linked Stavanger Open Data
Covered areas cf. the Planning and Building Act & 11-8 d. The areas are protected pursuant to th
Issued on 2016-09-12
Cultural environment Stavanger Open Data
Cultural heritage plan for Stavanger Municipality. Areas with protected buildings, priority for futu
Issued on 2016-09-12
User survey of Norwegian students abroad in Vg2, 2016 Open Data
User survey of Norwegian pupils abroad in VG2, 2016 is aimed at Norwegian students abroad in the Vg2
Issued on 2016-10-04
Cultural Heritage Images Open Data
During the last 100 years, the Directorate for Cultural Heritage has built up a large photo collecti
Issued on 2016-10-20
Public data via BarentsWatch Open Data
BarentsWatch collects, connects and shares information from the public about the oceans and coasts t
Issued on 2016-10-28
Norway Around Statistic Fun Open Data
Norway has its 40th anniversary in 2016. In the anniversary year, we have, on a voluntary basis, loo
Issued on 2016-10-29
Construction register Open Data
Describe areas for which Park and Road are responsible. Theme Object type 4022 nature conservation a
Issued on 2016-12-14
Operating budget 2017-2020 proposal Stavanger municipality Open Data
The Councilman’s proposal for the operating budget 2017-2020 for the municipality of Stavanger
Issued on 2016-12-14
Investment accounting 2nd tertial 2016 Open Data
Investment account 2nd tertial 2016 Stavanger municipality
Issued on 2016-12-14
Playgrounds Stavanger municipality address Open Data
The data set contains all municipal playgrounds with name, address, area, district, type and plant n
Issued on 2016-12-14
Playgrounds Stavanger municipality equipment Open Data
The data set contains all municipal playgrounds with name, address, district, plant type, plant numb
Issued on 2016-12-14
Venues in Stavanger Municipality Open Data
List of venues with name, address and location
Issued on 2016-12-14
Cycling routes Stavanger Open Data
Cycling routes Stavanger
Issued on 2016-12-14
Municipal and county structure Open Data
The data set provides an overview of all municipalities and districts as of 2020 and with the corres
Issued on 2017-01-20
Fotgangertelling 2015-2016 Open Data
Four of Stavanger municipality’s 14 bike counters also count pedestrians (in both directions). This
Issued on 2017-01-25
The Storting’s Data Service Open Data
The Storting’s data service offers extracts from databases used in Parliamentary proceedings. This m
Issued on 2012-05-08
The Emigrant Protocols 1866-1930 Open Data
Around 700,000 entries with emigrants from Norwegian ports 1860-1930. Contains your name, age, desti
Issued on 2017-03-07
Electrical certificates Open Data
Electricity certificates are a support scheme for power produced from renewable energy sources. The
Issued on 2017-10-11
Party support Open Data
Paid state subsidies to political parties. Here is an overview of payments for the county youth orga
Issued on 2017-05-19
Construction Award Stavanger Open Data
Overview and description of projects that have won the Building Customs Award for Stavanger Municipa
Issued on 2017-06-08
Proposal box Stavanger municipality Open Data
Use this dataset’s comment field to make suggestions. Do you want us to post a specific data set? Do
Issued on 2017-06-08
Buried containers Open Data
The data set shows the type of waste, filling rate and location of over 2,000 buried garbage contain
Issued on 2017-06-08
Parking machines in Stavanger Open Data
The data set contains location and prices for the parking machines in Stavanger
Issued on 2017-06-08
Application overview for Stavanger, Rennesøy, Finnøy and Forsand Open Data
List of applications, in which organisation they are used and who is the administrator
Issued on 2017-06-08
Telephone list Stavanger municipality Open Data
Contains the name, department, telephone and mobile number of employees in Stavanger municipality.
Issued on 2017-06-13
Employees per organizational unit Stavanger municipality Open Data
The data set shows the number of employees and the number of man-years with a percentage of 0 per un
Issued on 2017-06-13
Election facilities, Storting and Sami Parliament elections 2017 Open Data
The data set contains polling stations both to vote in advance and to vote on election day itself.
Issued on 2017-08-25
Statistics on maps Open Data
Map portal with access to WMS and WFS services for, inter alia, base circuits, urban settlements and
Issued on 2017-09-05
Statistics — Number of jobseekers by occupation and year Open Data
NAV publishes official statistics on nav.no about the number of unemployed and jobseekers. This data
Issued on 2017-10-04
State Budget 2018 Open Data
It may be appropriate to extract the figures in the tables that are in the budget documents in a mor
Issued on 2017-10-24
Traffic measurements — sample data Open Data
Here are measurements for one month for two measuring stations on the outskirts of Oslo — on a highw
Issued on 2017-10-26
Satellite data.no Open Data
The data set contains data from Sentinel satellites over Norwegian areas.
Issued on 2017-10-26
N-grams from NBdigital 2021 Open Data
This resource contains n-grams - i.e. unigrams, bigrams and trigrams - from all books and newspapers
Issued on 2021-06-01
Translation Memories from EFTA Open Data
These translation memories have been made by the EEA Coordination Division at the European Free Trad
Issued on
NB-BERT-base Open Data
NB-BERT-base is a general BERT-base model built on the large digital collection at the National Libr
Issued on
N-gram - Norwegian Nynorsk Open Data
This corpus is a collection of n-grams (n=1-6) based on approximately 60 million words of running te
Issued on 2012-01-02
SCARRIE Lexicon Open Data
The original SCARRIE lexical resource was developed for use in automatic proofreading of Norwegian B
Issued on 1996-12-01
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