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Open Data Portal Norway datasets available on official portal for European data

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FKB Building Open Data

FKB Building contains detailed building information. The data includes description of all types of b

Issued on 2017-01-15

FKB Building details >

Administrative units counties — historical data 2019 Open Data

The data set of administrative units shows the county division in the country in 2019 with the most

Issued on 2020-01-03

Administrative units counties — historical data 2019 details >

Case management system for traffic accidents Open Data

The Traffic accident register at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, is a case management sys

Issued on 2020-10-13T08:42:18.155287Z

Case management system for traffic accidents details >

Air traffic September 2014 Open Data

Overview of air traffic in September 2014

Issued on 2014-10-15

Air traffic September 2014 details >

Monthly Statistics July 2014 Open Data

Monthly statistics with information pm passengers, flight movements and freight and mail.

Issued on 2014-10-15

Monthly Statistics July 2014 details >

Price subsidies for industrial enterprises for 2013 Open Data

Data sets of payments of price subsidies to industrial enterprises for 2013. For each enterprise, th

Issued on 2014-10-17

Price subsidies for industrial enterprises for 2013 details >

Reputation survey among international students in Norway 2008 Open Data

The dataset is based on a quanitative web-based survey sent to international students at Norwegian u

Issued on 2014-11-05

Reputation survey among international students in Norway 2008 details >

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2013 Open Data

These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises

Issued on 2014-12-19

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2013 details >

Deliveries to grain purchaser or sawmills in agriculture during the grain year July 2012 to June... Open Data

These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural

Issued on 2014-12-19

Deliveries to grain purchaser or sawmills in agriculture during the grain year July 2012 to June... details >

Quality online — results list 2013 Open Data

Results from the quality assessment of nearly 700 public websites 2013. The assessment was carried o

Issued on 2015-03-19

Quality online — results list 2013 details >

Party support for 2013 Open Data

The data set contained data about paid state grants to political parties at the municipal and county

Issued on 2015-04-17

Party support for 2013 details >

Deliveries to egg packaging in agriculture in 2014 Open Data

These are data sets showing deliveries of eggs delivered from agricultural enterprises to egg wrappi

Issued on 2015-05-06

Deliveries to egg packaging in agriculture in 2014 details >

School year 2015-2016 Open Data

School schedule for primary school in Sør-Varanger — the school year 2015-2016. The school is locate

Issued on 2015-09-10

School year 2015-2016 details >

Revised National Budget 2015 Open Data

These are the figures behind the figures in the Revised National Budget 2015. The first sheet of eac

Issued on 2015-09-15

Revised National Budget 2015 details >

Stavanger municipality councilman’s budget proposal 2016 Open Data

Stavanger municipality councilman’s budget proposal 2016

Issued on 2015-12-02

Stavanger municipality councilman’s budget proposal 2016 details >

Operating budget 2016 Open Data

Adopted by Stavanger City Council on 14.12.2015 as Case 217/15

Issued on 2016-02-26

Operating budget 2016 details >

Localisation of environmental stations Open Data

Shows the location of environmental stations (return point) in Stavaqnger municipality with an indic

Issued on 2016-04-18

Localisation of environmental stations details >

Localisation viewpoint Open Data

Showing location of viewpoint in Stavanger municipality

Issued on 2016-04-18

Localisation viewpoint details >

Localisation of Kindergarten in Gjesdal Municipality Open Data

Here you will find a position in all kindergartens in Gjesdal municipality, both municipal and priva

Issued on 2016-06-01

Localisation of Kindergarten in Gjesdal Municipality details >

Fishing spots in Gjesdal Municipality Open Data

In this dataset, we publish data sets with coordinates for fishing sites registered in Gjesdal munic

Issued on 2016-06-21

Fishing spots in Gjesdal Municipality details >

Churches in Gjesdal Municipality Open Data

Coordinates for churches registered in Gjesdal municipality.

Issued on 2016-06-21

Churches in Gjesdal Municipality details >

School Route 2017-2018 Open Data

School path for primary and secondary schools in Molde municipality. The school is located as open d

Issued on 2016-08-19

School Route 2017-2018 details >

Statistics from the grant scheme organised grazing use (operation of grazing cooperatives) Open Data

Farmers who release animals on land pastures can organise themselves in grazing communities and coop

Issued on 2016-11-02

Statistics from the grant scheme organised grazing use (operation of grazing cooperatives) details >

Air travel activity in the state 2009-2013 Open Data

The state buys climate quotas for international flights that state employees do by air. As a basis f

Issued on 2012-04-26

Air travel activity in the state 2009-2013 details >

Operating accounts 2nd tertial 2016 Open Data

Operating accounts second tertial 2016

Issued on 2016-12-14

Operating accounts 2nd tertial 2016 details >

Investment budget 2016 proposal Stavanger Open Data

The Councilman’s proposal for investment budget 2016 Stavanger

Issued on 2016-12-14

Investment budget 2016 proposal Stavanger details >

Investment budget 2017-2020 proposal Stavanger municipality Open Data

The Councilman’s proposal for investment budget 2017-2020 for Stavanger Municipality

Issued on 2016-12-14

Investment budget 2017-2020 proposal Stavanger municipality details >

State Budget 2017 Open Data

It may be appropriate to extract the figures in the tables that are in the budget documents in a mor

Issued on 2017-01-05

State Budget 2017 details >

Charging stations for electric cars in Stavanger Open Data

The data set shows the location of the charging stations for electric cars in Stavanger

Issued on 2017-06-08

Charging stations for electric cars in Stavanger details >

Open data sets from the Lottery and Foundation Authority (New Norwegian) Open Data

The Lottery and Foundation Authority controls Norwegian lotteries and money games, and supervises No

Issued on 2017-06-29

Open data sets from the Lottery and Foundation Authority (New Norwegian) details >

Deliveries to grain buyers or agricultural sawmills during the grain year July 2015 to June 2016 Open Data

These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural

Issued on 2017-07-05

Deliveries to grain buyers or agricultural sawmills during the grain year July 2015 to June 2016 details >

Statistics — payments of benefits municipality years Open Data

Data on the actual payments from NAV divided by the different main benefits, and then distributed by

Issued on 2017-09-12

Statistics — payments of benefits municipality years details >

Revised National Budget 2017 Open Data

The Ministry of Finance presents the figures behind the figures in the Revised National Budget 2017

Issued on 2017-10-24

Revised National Budget 2017 details >

52 every day. Turn 1: Eiganestrip Open Data

52 daily trips across Stavanger, one for each of this year’s weeks. The dataset contains 4 resources

Issued on 2017-11-13

52 every day. Turn 1: Eiganestrip details >

52 every day. Turn 3: Big mound tour Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-13

52 every day. Turn 3: Big mound tour details >

52 every day. Turn 5: Marierotur Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-13

52 every day. Turn 5: Marierotur details >

52 every day. Turn 8: City tour Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-13

52 every day. Turn 8: City tour details >

Proposed budget and economic plan 2013-2016 for the municipality of Bergen Open Data

Bergen municipality publishes the city council’s proposals for budget and financial plan as open dat

Issued on 2012-09-19

Proposed budget and economic plan 2013-2016 for the municipality of Bergen details >

52 every day. Turn 15: Stokkatur 52 every day. Turn 15: Stokkatur Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-14

52 every day. Turn 15: Stokkatur 52 every day. Turn 15: Stokkatur details >

52 every day. Turn 16: Husabøturen Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-14

52 every day. Turn 16: Husabøturen details >

52 every day. Turn 18: The Mjughaug tour Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-14

52 every day. Turn 18: The Mjughaug tour details >

52 every day. Turn 19: The Service Tour Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-14

52 every day. Turn 19: The Service Tour details >

52 every day. Turn 20: Forusstrandatur Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-14

52 every day. Turn 20: Forusstrandatur details >

52 every day. Turn 21: Stokkavatntour Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-14

52 every day. Turn 21: Stokkavatntour details >

52 every day. Turn 28: Vaulentur 52 every day. Turn 28: Vaulentur Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 28: Vaulentur 52 every day. Turn 28: Vaulentur details >

52 every day. Turn 33: Study trip Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 33: Study trip details >

52 every day. Turn 35: Mosvatntur Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 35: Mosvatntur details >

52 every day. Turn 38: The match Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This data set contains 4 resou

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 38: The match details >

52 every day. Turn 41: Boganestrip 52 every day. Turn 41: Boganestrip Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 41: Boganestrip 52 every day. Turn 41: Boganestrip details >

52 every day. Turn 42: The Eikeberg Tour Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 42: The Eikeberg Tour details >

52 every day. Turn 45: The Bear’s Tour Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 45: The Bear’s Tour details >

52 every day. Tour 46: Tour of Grannes Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Tour 46: Tour of Grannes details >

52 every day. Turn 47: Stokkavatnet Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 47: Stokkavatnet details >

52 every day. Tour 51: Madlasandnestrip Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Tour 51: Madlasandnestrip details >

52 every day. Turn 39: Buoyture Open Data

There are 52 daily tours in Stavanger, one for each week of the year. This dataset contains 4 resour

Issued on 2017-11-15

52 every day. Turn 39: Buoyture details >

Cemeteries Open Data

The dataset has the name, date of birth and death and location of all buried in Stavanger. Further e

Issued on 2017-11-15

Cemeteries details >

Schools and school districts Stavanger Open Data

The dataset contains both the placement of primary schools in Stavanger and the school districts. Co

Issued on 2017-11-15

Schools and school districts Stavanger details >

Responsible Account Plan 2017 Stavanger Open Data


Issued on 2017-11-23

Responsible Account Plan 2017 Stavanger details >

Accounting and budget investment 2017 Stavanger Open Data

Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at

Issued on 2017-11-27

Accounting and budget investment 2017 Stavanger details >

Deliveries to grain buyer or agricultural sawmills in the grain year July 2016 to June 2017 Open Data

These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural

Issued on 2017-12-12

Deliveries to grain buyer or agricultural sawmills in the grain year July 2016 to June 2017 details >

NXR Community Service Open Data

The NXR portfolio includes the NSR, NBR, NOR and NLR systems. NXR common service offers data via the

Issued on 2018-02-19

NXR Community Service details >

Deliveries to dairy in agriculture in 2017 Open Data

These are data sets showing deliveries of milk delivered from agricultural enterprises to dairy in a

Issued on 2018-03-21

Deliveries to dairy in agriculture in 2017 details >

Price subsidies for industrial enterprises for 2017 Open Data

Data sets of payments of price subsidies to industrial enterprises for 2017. For each enterprise, th

Issued on 2018-04-03

Price subsidies for industrial enterprises for 2017 details >

Free Dimension Account Plan 2018 Stavanger Open Data

Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at

Issued on 2018-05-11

Free Dimension Account Plan 2018 Stavanger details >

Project Account Plan 2018 Stavanger Open Data

Stavanger Municipality maintains KOSTRA accounts. Read about KOSTRA at

Issued on 2018-05-11

Project Account Plan 2018 Stavanger details >

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2012 Open Data

These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises

Issued on 2018-10-01

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2012 details >

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2011 Open Data

These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises

Issued on 2018-10-01

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2011 details >

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2006 Open Data

These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises

Issued on 2018-10-01

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2006 details >

Capture data linked to vessel data Open Data

The data set is a joint set of data sets that contain catch data from the Directorate of Fisheries’

Issued on 2018-10-16

Capture data linked to vessel data details >

Metadata about cultural history articles from the County Archives in Sogn og Fjordane Open Data

The dataset contains metadata about cultural history articles published at

Issued on 2018-11-29

Metadata about cultural history articles from the County Archives in Sogn og Fjordane details >

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2018 Open Data

These are data sets showing deliveries of slaughter and wool delivered from agricultural enterprises

Issued on 2019-03-15

Deliveries to agricultural slaughterhouses in 2018 details >

Parking data 2018 Stavanger Open Data

The Dasett shows the occupancy percentage hour by hour in the parking facilities Siddis,Forum,Jernba

Issued on 2019-04-05

Parking data 2018 Stavanger details >

Overview Printing Stavanger Municipality 2018 Open Data

The data set shows the number of prints, copies and scans distributed by colour and black and white

Issued on 2019-04-05

Overview Printing Stavanger Municipality 2018 details >

Holiday calendar Open Data

The calendar shows all holidays and holidays 2019-2022. The resource is available in two formats,.cs

Issued on 2019-04-05

Holiday calendar details >

Overview printing Stavanger municipality monthly totals 2018 Open Data

The data set shows the sum of prints, copies and scans for all printers on lease with Canon in the m

Issued on 2019-04-05

Overview printing Stavanger municipality monthly totals 2018 details >

Overview Printing Stavanger Municipality 2019 Open Data

The data set shows the number of prints, copies and scans distributed by colour and black and white

Issued on 2019-04-05

Overview Printing Stavanger Municipality 2019 details >

Active municipality — Events — Stavanger Municipality Open Data

Data set showing upcoming events in sports premises owned by the Sports Department in Stavanger Muni

Issued on 2019-04-05

Active municipality — Events — Stavanger Municipality details >

City bikes Stavanger. Open Data

The data set shows how many bikes are available at each station. Connected to the data set Bybikes S

Issued on 2019-04-05

City bikes Stavanger. details >

Price subsidies for agricultural enterprises for 2018 Open Data

Data set with payments of price subsidies to agricultural enterprises for 2018. For each enterprise,

Issued on 2019-04-08

Price subsidies for agricultural enterprises for 2018 details >

City of Oslo: Annual accounts 2017 Open Data

Oslo municipality’s open accounting data contains annual accounts, regulated budgets and original bu

Issued on 2019-05-21

City of Oslo: Annual accounts 2017 details >

Results on the National Test, divided by county and municipality Open Data

The statistics provide an overview of the results on the National Test. In order to obtain citizensh

Issued on 2019-07-29

Results on the National Test, divided by county and municipality details >

Expertiseplus work Open Data

Statistics on grants for courses in reading, writing, accounting, Norwegian and digital and oral ski

Issued on 2019-07-29

Expertiseplus work details >

Competence needs: The Business Barometer Open Data

In the Vox barometer, we try to give an overall picture of Norwegian companies’ needs and demand for

Issued on 2019-07-31

Competence needs: The Business Barometer details >

Skills plus volunteering Open Data

Statistics on grants for courses in reading, writing, bill, data and oral skills through Competencep

Issued on 2019-07-31

Skills plus volunteering details >

Bathing temperatures Stavanger History Open Data

Shows all measurements of water temperature from 29.8.2019 until today for 6 bathing spots in Stavan

Issued on 2019-09-09

Bathing temperatures Stavanger History details >

Bathing temperatures Stavanger Open Data

Bathing temperatures Stavanger. The data set shows current water temperature for 6 bathing spots in

Issued on 2019-09-09

Bathing temperatures Stavanger details >

Deliveries to grain buyer or agricultural sawmills in the grain year July 2018 to June 2019 Open Data

These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural

Issued on 2019-10-31

Deliveries to grain buyer or agricultural sawmills in the grain year July 2018 to June 2019 details >

The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per year Open Data

The social responsibility of the Labour Inspection Authority is given by the Storting. The Labour In

Issued on 2019-11-27

The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per year details >

The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per decision Open Data

The social responsibility of the Labour Inspection Authority is given by the Storting. The Labour In

Issued on 2019-11-27

The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per decision details >

The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per industry Open Data

The social responsibility of the Labour Inspection Authority is given by the Storting. The Labour In

Issued on 2019-11-27

The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per industry details >

StatBank Norway from Statistics Norway Open Data

StatBank Norway from Statistics Norway have 6000 tables covering most topics, i.e. regional data and

Issued on 2013-06-13

StatBank Norway from Statistics Norway details >

Reported net profit share per company for 2009 Open Data

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an initiative by former British Prime Mi

Issued on 2014-01-01

Reported net profit share per company for 2009 details >

Total reported payment flows per company for 2009 Open Data

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an initiative by former British Prime Mi

Issued on 2014-01-01

Total reported payment flows per company for 2009 details >

Reported tax per company for 2009 Open Data

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an initiative by former British Prime Mi

Issued on 2014-01-01

Reported tax per company for 2009 details >

Reported area fee per operator — 2009 Open Data

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an initiative by former British Prime Mi

Issued on 2014-01-01

Reported area fee per operator — 2009 details >

Reported CO2 tax per operator — 2009 Open Data

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an initiative by former British Prime Mi

Issued on 2014-01-01

Reported CO2 tax per operator — 2009 details >

Statistics on Norwegian official assistance in figures — advanced Open Data

The site provides an overview of all Norwegian public assistance from 1960 to the last calendar year

Issued on 2014-01-01

Statistics on Norwegian official assistance in figures — advanced details >

Deliveries to grain buyers or agricultural sawmills in the grain year of July 2021 to June 2022 Open Data

These are data sets that show deliveries of grain or seed that have been delivered from agricultural

Issued on

Deliveries to grain buyers or agricultural sawmills in the grain year of July 2021 to June 2022 details >

Tilda supervisory report Open Data

The data set shares information about supervision carried out by the Norwegian Environment Agency. T

Issued on

Tilda supervisory report details >

Tilda Supervisory Coordination Open Data

The data set shares information on supervision planned by the Norwegian Environment Agency. The supe

Issued on

Tilda Supervisory Coordination details >
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