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Students enrolled in Higher Education Open Data

Students enrolled in Higher Education, by Organic Unit, NUTS, District, Municipality, Nature of Esta

Issued on 2019-07-24T16:58:12.455Z

Students enrolled in Higher Education details >

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — Business Sector Open Data

Informação relativa a: QUADRO 1 - Despesa em I&D no setor empresas, por atividade económica principa

Issued on 2019-08-01T16:08:07.593Z

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — Business Sector details >

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — Higher Education Sector Open Data

Information relating to: Table 1 — Expenditure on R & D in the Higher Education sector, by type

Issued on 2019-08-01T16:22:05.405Z

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — Higher Education Sector details >

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — State Sector Open Data

Informação relativa a: QUADRO 1 - Despesa em I&D no setor Estado, por Ministérios e Governos Regiona

Issued on 2019-08-02T13:34:57.930Z

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — State Sector details >

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — Private Institutions without Profit Open Data

Information relating to: Table 1 — Expenditure on R & D in Private Institutions without Profit,

Issued on 2019-08-02T13:41:17.698Z

IPCTN17: Statistical Summary — Private Institutions without Profit details >

Research and Development — Main indicators by region Open Data

Information relating to: Table 1. R & D expenditure by NUTS III in 2017 Table 2. R & D expen

Issued on 2019-08-02T13:53:45.084Z

Research and Development — Main indicators by region details >

IPCTN17: Companies with more expenditure on research and development (R & D) activities Open Data

Information relating to: List 1 — Companies/Groups with the most intramural expenditure on R &

Issued on 2019-08-02T14:16:40.373Z

IPCTN17: Companies with more expenditure on research and development (R & D) activities details >

IPCTN17: Hospital institutions with more expenditure on research and development (R & D)... Open Data

Information relating to: List 1 — Hospital institutions with the most intramural expenditure on R &a

Issued on 2019-08-02T14:28:42.822Z

IPCTN17: Hospital institutions with more expenditure on research and development (R & D)... details >

IPCTN18: Main Research and Development Indicators (R & D) — Provisional Results Open Data

Information relating to: Table 1. R & D expenditure in 2018p, by implementation sector Table 2.

Issued on 2019-08-02T14:38:36.325Z

IPCTN18: Main Research and Development Indicators (R & D) — Provisional Results details >

Digital Transformation in Central, Regional and Municipal Councils — IUTICAP and IUTICCM 2017 Open Data

Information referring to the year 2017 relating to: Table 1. Public administration bodies which have

Issued on 2019-08-07T11:28:34.630Z

Digital Transformation in Central, Regional and Municipal Councils — IUTICAP and IUTICCM 2017 details >

Cloud Computing in Central, Regional and Municipal Public Administration — IUTICAP and IUTICCM 2017 Open Data

Information relating to: Table 1. Public Administration bodies that, in 2017, acquired cloud computi

Issued on 2019-08-07T11:35:30.956Z

Cloud Computing in Central, Regional and Municipal Public Administration — IUTICAP and IUTICCM 2017 details >

controversial sides Open Data

Life is not linear for everyone to what is called tides and good and bad vibrations depends on our c

Issued on 2020-07-20T23:55:01.349Z

controversial sides details >

Municipal Revenues 2018 Open Data

Municipal revenues of the year 2018 with quarters and annual

Issued on 2020-12-28T13:55:16.986Z

Municipal Revenues 2018 details >

Municipal Expenditure 2018 Open Data

Municipal expenditure of the year 2018 with quarters and annual

Issued on 2020-12-28T14:22:02.883Z

Municipal Expenditure 2018 details >

Municipal Expenditures 2019 Open Data

Municipal expenditure of the year 2019 with quarters and annual

Issued on 2020-12-28T14:41:19.005Z

Municipal Expenditures 2019 details >

Municipal Revenues 2019 Open Data

Municipal revenues of the year 2019 with quarters and annual

Issued on 2020-12-28T14:44:21.703Z

Municipal Revenues 2019 details >

The DSPA Observatory: The Data Science Sector in Portugal Open Data

Results of the survey with the first characterisation of the Data Science sector carried out in Port

Issued on 2021-01-04T21:03:01.139Z

The DSPA Observatory: The Data Science Sector in Portugal details >

Withdrawn trains Open Data

Withdrawn trains

Issued on 2021-03-03T14:19:38.639Z

Withdrawn trains details >

Defence expenditure in current and constant prices Open Data

Annual values of defence expenditure in current and constant prices (in million euro). The convers

Issued on 2021-03-15T13:59:41.881Z

Defence expenditure in current and constant prices details >

Defence expenditure, public expenditure and GDP Open Data

Defence expenditure, public expenditure and GDP, in current and constant prices (in EUR million).

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:03:18.707Z

Defence expenditure, public expenditure and GDP details >

Nature of defence expenditure — overall expenditure Open Data

Overall figures in current prices by nature of defence expenditure (in EUR'000).

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:14:15.889Z

Nature of defence expenditure — overall expenditure details >

Distribution of expenditure by chapters of the NAW Open Data

Distribution of expenditure by chapters of the NH at current prices (in EUR'000).

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:18:25.939Z

Distribution of expenditure by chapters of the NAW details >

Missions of Public Interest of the Navy Open Data

Organic elements and means allocated by the Navy’s mission area.

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:33:26.418Z

Missions of Public Interest of the Navy details >

Missions of Public Interest of the Army Open Data

Organic elements and means affected by the Army’s mission area.

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:40:55.105Z

Missions of Public Interest of the Army details >

Missions of Public Interest of the Air Force Open Data

Organic elements and means allocated by the Air Force’s mission area.

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:45:53.662Z

Missions of Public Interest of the Air Force details >

Mission expenses Open Data

Financial burden resulting from the participation of the Armed Forces in humanitarian and peacekeepi

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:50:27.245Z

Mission expenses details >

Staff on missions Open Data

Staff involved in UN, NATO and EU missions.

Issued on 2021-03-17T11:55:30.893Z

Staff on missions details >

Training of PLOP military personnel Open Data

Training of military personnel from Portuguese-speaking countries (PLOP) in Portugal by type of cour

Issued on 2021-03-17T14:20:02.830Z

Training of PLOP military personnel details >

Expenditure incurred by Armed Forces Branches in the framework of Technical-Military Cooperation... Open Data

Expenditure incurred by Armed Forces Branches in the framework of Technical-Military Cooperation (CT

Issued on 2021-03-17T14:27:37.414Z

Expenditure incurred by Armed Forces Branches in the framework of Technical-Military Cooperation... details >

Joint Exercises Open Data

Costs and Personnel involved in Joint Exercises by Armed Forces Branch.

Issued on 2021-03-17T14:58:09.846Z

Joint Exercises details >

Combined Exercises Open Data

Costs and Personnel involved in Exercises combined by Armed Forces Branch.

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:02:09.890Z

Combined Exercises details >

Exports of Military Goods and Technologies — Global Values by Globe Areas Open Data

Export Values of Military Goods and Technologies per Continent (in thousands of euros).

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:10:42.708Z

Exports of Military Goods and Technologies — Global Values by Globe Areas details >

Military Programming Law Open Data

No. of projects and amounts planned and implemented by capacity (in EUR'000).

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:18:32.856Z

Military Programming Law details >

Expenditure on the purchase and leasing of goods and services in Information Systems and Technology Open Data

Quantities and Values spent per Defence entity on the acquisition and leasing of goods and services

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:26:40.591Z

Expenditure on the purchase and leasing of goods and services in Information Systems and Technology details >

Military Staff, Second Regime and Situation Open Data

Annual numbers of military personnel from the different branches of the Armed Forces by branch and s

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:34:10.737Z

Military Staff, Second Regime and Situation details >

Etary Structure of Military Personnel Open Data

Age distribution of the military of the different branches of the Armed Forces, by branch and form o

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:37:01.177Z

Etary Structure of Military Personnel details >

Geographical Origin of the Military Open Data

Geographical distribution of the military of the different branches of the Armed Forces, by district

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:41:19.229Z

Geographical Origin of the Military details >

Civil Staff — Number of Effectives by Body Open Data

Number of civilian staff to be employed in the different branches and bodies of the Ministry of Defe

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:46:10.598Z

Civil Staff — Number of Effectives by Body details >

Students admitted to the Teaching Establishments of the Armed Forces Open Data

Number of students admitted to institutes, academies, schools and educational centers of the Armed F

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:54:41.335Z

Students admitted to the Teaching Establishments of the Armed Forces details >

Beds of the Armed Forces Hospital according to their intended purpose Open Data

Number of beds, per center of the Armed Forces Hospital, according to the intended purpose.

Issued on 2021-03-17T15:59:11.890Z

Beds of the Armed Forces Hospital according to their intended purpose details >

Hospital Activity — Consultations Open Data

Number of consultations, by specialty, at the Armed Forces Hospital.

Issued on 2021-03-17T16:04:48.326Z

Hospital Activity — Consultations details >

Hospital Activity — Acts Open Data

Number of therapeutic acts, diagnostic acts and surgical interventions performed, by specialty, in t

Issued on 2021-03-17T16:09:26.099Z

Hospital Activity — Acts details >

WMD beneficiaries Open Data

Number of beneficiaries of Sickness Assistance to Armed Forces Military (ADM) by branch of the Armed

Issued on 2021-03-17T16:14:03.082Z

WMD beneficiaries details >

Land Use and Occupation Letter — COS 2018 — RDF — Cross-Forest Project — Land Use Land Cover Map —... Open Data

This spatial data set, produced by DGT (Directorate-General for Territory), represents the thematic

Issued on 2021-05-10T15:24:24.262Z

Land Use and Occupation Letter — COS 2018 — RDF — Cross-Forest Project — Land Use Land Cover Map —... details >

6th National Forest Inventory — IFN6 — RDF — Cross-Forest Project — 6th National Forest Inventory —... Open Data

This set of spatial data, produced by the ICNF (Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation), corre

Issued on 2021-05-20T07:51:24.947Z

6th National Forest Inventory — IFN6 — RDF — Cross-Forest Project — 6th National Forest Inventory —... details >

Forest Fire Statistics (Portugal) — RDF — Cross-Forest Project — Statistics of Forest Fires... Open Data

The forest fire statistics dataset refers to the forest fire database transformed into RDF in the Cr

Issued on 2021-06-17T10:07:46.657Z

Forest Fire Statistics (Portugal) — RDF — Cross-Forest Project — Statistics of Forest Fires... details >

Research & Development Project Websites funded by the European Commission: H2020 Open Data

The Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020), implemented by the Europea

Issued on 2021-07-27T11:07:51.442Z

Research & Development Project Websites funded by the European Commission: H2020 details >

Universities and Polytechnic Institutes: websites and history in Open Data

List of websites of Universities and Polytechnic Institutes in the public and private sectors. The w

Issued on 2021-07-30T19:29:42.397Z

Universities and Polytechnic Institutes: websites and history in details >

FCT Research and Development Units 2019: websites and version history in Open Data

List of FCT-funded Research and Development Units websites (2019 data). The websites of the units an

Issued on 2021-07-30T20:18:22.679Z

FCT Research and Development Units 2019: websites and version history in details >

Websites da Administração Pública kein Portal Open Data

O portal Apresenta aos Cidadãos informação sobre os serviços públicos disponíveis e

Issued on 2021-08-25T16:09:01.450Z

Websites da Administração Pública kein Portal details >

Websites do Governo da Regional Madeira e histórico no Open Data

A Listagem dos sites do Governo Regional da Madeira tem por objetivo melhorar as recolhas do Arquivo

Issued on 2021-08-25T19:38:47.964Z

Websites do Governo da Regional Madeira e histórico no details >

Websites do Governo Regional dos Açores e histórico de versões no Open Data

A Listagem dos sites do Governo Regional dos Açores tem por objetivo melhorar as recolhas do Arquivo

Issued on 2021-08-26T19:00:35.100Z

Websites do Governo Regional dos Açores e histórico de versões no details >

Páginas do Governo de Portugal nas redes sociais e histórico de versões no Open Data

EM 2019, fez-se uma identificação manual das páginas Twitter do Governo de Portugal. Limitou-se a l

Issued on 2021-08-27T13:23:40.462Z

Páginas do Governo de Portugal nas redes sociais e histórico de versões no details >

Research & Development Project Websites funded by the European Commission: FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 Open Data

This data set contains the lists of Research Project Websites of the Framework Programmes 4th, 5th a

Issued on 2021-08-31T12:50:42.675Z

Research & Development Project Websites funded by the European Commission: FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 details >

Archive — dataset 01 news and entities MongoDB Open Data

Set of news (after non-trivial cleaning of duplicates) and extracted entities, this dataset was late

Issued on 2021-08-31T16:57:19.932Z

Archive — dataset 01 news and entities MongoDB details >

Archive — dataset 02 news and entities MongoDB Open Data

Final set of news and entities directly presented in the current version of the file available at ht

Issued on 2021-08-31T17:01:43.419Z

Archive — dataset 02 news and entities MongoDB details >

Unarchive — dataset 03 graph of links between Neo4j entities Open Data

Link between entities graph used in the current version of the file available at https://msramalho.g

Issued on 2021-08-31T17:04:10.984Z

Unarchive — dataset 03 graph of links between Neo4j entities details >

Unarchive — dataset 04 graph of links between Neo4j entities Open Data

Graph of links between entities and news (in this case the command with neo4j-import was not prepare

Issued on 2021-08-31T17:10:08.061Z

Unarchive — dataset 04 graph of links between Neo4j entities details > interface graph Open Data

RDF graph of support and opposition relations extracted from news archived in

Issued on 2021-09-02T15:44:01.009Z interface graph details >
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