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Open Data Portal Ukraine datasets available on official portal for European data

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Directory "Regions of Ukraine" Open Data

The dataset contains information about the regions of Ukraine, consisting of the following requisite

Issued on 2018-10-18T14:20:44.743379Z

Directory "Regions of Ukraine" details >

Report on the quantitative composition of civil servants Open Data

Report on the quantitative composition of civil servants

Issued on 2019-01-15T07:04:09.150463Z

Report on the quantitative composition of civil servants details >

Title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement Open Data

The kit contains title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and impro

Issued on 2019-07-03T11:44:19.369998Z

Title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement details >

Directory of telephones of Yampil district state administration and subordinate enterprises,... Open Data

Directory of telephones of Yampil district state administration and subordinate enterprises, institu

Issued on 2019-09-26T11:03:09.057494Z

Directory of telephones of Yampil district state administration and subordinate enterprises,... details >

Reports on the implementation of the financial plans of the municipal enterprise "auto enterprise of... Open Data

Execution of financial plan

Issued on 2020-07-20T10:19:04.745257Z

Reports on the implementation of the financial plans of the municipal enterprise "auto enterprise of... details >

Principles of using an automated document management system Open Data

Principles of use of automated document circulation system of the District Administrative Court of K

Issued on 2021-09-30T06:26:12.033592Z

Principles of using an automated document management system details >

Reports on the number of written appeals of citizens Open Data

Report on the number of written appeals received to the health care department of Kropyvnytskyi City

Issued on 2019-02-26T10:16:57.390571Z

Reports on the number of written appeals of citizens details >

Reports of the Service for Children of the Regional State Administration for 2018 Open Data

Reports of the Service for Children of the Regional State Administration for 2018

Issued on 2020-02-05T15:15:05.021704Z

Reports of the Service for Children of the Regional State Administration for 2018 details >

List of regulatory acts of Privilska village council Open Data

the set contains a list of existing regulatory acts with the name, date, registration number of the

Issued on 2019-02-18T14:42:51.175951Z

List of regulatory acts of Privilska village council details >

Information about fairs (term, place, number of places, cost of seats), organizers of fairs,... Open Data

Information about fairs on the territory of the Ukrainian City Council

Issued on 2020-07-31T08:41:35.068809Z

Information about fairs (term, place, number of places, cost of seats), organizers of fairs,... details >

Directory of telephones of the Department of Youth and Sports of Rivne Regional State Administration Open Data

Directory of telephones of the Department of Youth and Sports of Rivne Regional State Administration

Issued on 2018-11-15T13:30:45.262243Z

Directory of telephones of the Department of Youth and Sports of Rivne Regional State Administration details >

Directory of the Department of Emergency Situations and Civil Protection of the City Council of... Open Data

The set contains three resources. Organizations is a directory of the Department of Emergency Situat

Issued on 2019-07-30T07:31:48.666890Z

Directory of the Department of Emergency Situations and Civil Protection of the City Council of... details >

The order Open Data

Order of the Barvinkiv City Council

Issued on 2019-01-02T07:09:46.251201Z

The order details >

Information about advertising tools Open Data

Information about advertising tools (data about the location of the advertising medium, its type and

Issued on 2019-07-22T11:19:46.543949Z

Information about advertising tools details >

The list of types of public information, the manager of which is the main management of the Pension... Open Data

The list of types of public information, the manager of which is the main management of the Pension

Issued on 2018-10-05T10:17:34.564683Z

The list of types of public information, the manager of which is the main management of the Pension... details >

Information about the state of consideration of requests for public information Open Data

Information about the state of consideration of requests for public information

Issued on 2018-10-03T15:18:30.853650Z

Information about the state of consideration of requests for public information details >

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the information manager... Open Data

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations belonging to the sphere of i

Issued on 2021-05-06T06:35:30.255876Z

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the information manager... details >

List of contracts of Left Bank Department of Social Protection of the Dnipro City Council Open Data

The set contains a list of concluded contracts, contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional a

Issued on 2021-02-17T12:43:27.506055Z

List of contracts of Left Bank Department of Social Protection of the Dnipro City Council details >

Accounting data of citizens who need to improve living conditions (apartment accounting) Open Data

The set has information about citizens, taken to housing records, and separately about those who enj

Issued on 2020-02-07T13:35:23.768235Z

Accounting data of citizens who need to improve living conditions (apartment accounting) details >

Data on receipt of appeals to the emergency dispatch service Open Data

Data on receipt of appeals to the emergency dispatch service for 2019

Issued on 2019-07-24T07:39:20.418298Z

Data on receipt of appeals to the emergency dispatch service details >

Data on the queues of children in preschool educational institutions Open Data

A set of data contains information about resources, where data about the queues of children in presc

Issued on 2019-08-27T10:55:47.044067Z

Data on the queues of children in preschool educational institutions details >

List of liquidated enterprises, institutions and organizations of the city, documents from the... Open Data

THE LIST OF liquidated enterprises, institutions and organizations of the city, documents from the

Issued on 2019-02-12T13:09:30.191618Z

List of liquidated enterprises, institutions and organizations of the city, documents from the... details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

The set contains the resource ListOfReports - a list of reports of the CP "Lutsk Primary Care Center

Issued on 2020-03-03T08:37:19.758623Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Financial plan KP KMR "Information Systems" for 2017. Open Data

Financial plan KP KMR "Information Systems" for 2017.

Issued on 2019-01-31T12:16:33.429807Z

Financial plan KP KMR "Information Systems" for 2017. details >

Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts of Sumy Regional State Administration Open Data

The set contains a plan of activity for the preparation of draft regulatory acts indicating the type

Issued on 2019-08-21T06:02:27.064702Z

Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts of Sumy Regional State Administration details >

List of land plots offered for construction Open Data

List of land plots offered for construction

Issued on 2020-02-05T15:09:56.469991Z

List of land plots offered for construction details >

Information on identified administrative offenses Open Data

Information on identified administrative offenses with details on the date, type of document and typ

Issued on 2020-08-05T14:03:44.122284Z

Information on identified administrative offenses details >

List of budget programs, including links to published resources on the Internet Open Data

List of budget programs

Issued on 2021-02-10T07:24:20.943276Z

List of budget programs, including links to published resources on the Internet details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

The set contains a list of reports

Issued on 2018-09-25T12:20:28.410674Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the information manager... Open Data

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of Kovalivska village counci

Issued on 2020-07-31T12:46:12.777917Z

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the information manager... details >

Data on tariffs for utilities Open Data

Tariff data

Issued on 2020-01-28T07:56:55.720036Z

Data on tariffs for utilities details >

Financial management of Podolsk district in Poltava Council Open Data

List of concluded contracts for 2018

Issued on 2018-11-13T13:46:42.660085Z

Financial management of Podolsk district in Poltava Council details >

Passports of budget programs, changes to passports of budget programs Open Data

Passports of budget programs, changes to passports of budget programs

Issued on 2018-10-29T09:23:24.334727Z

Passports of budget programs, changes to passports of budget programs details >

Reports on Implementation of Financial Plans of the State Enterprise "DTSPMSD 2" DMC Open Data

Report on the implementation of the financial plan of the CNP "DTSPMSD 2" DMC for the first half of

Issued on 2020-08-21T13:06:14.430283Z

Reports on Implementation of Financial Plans of the State Enterprise "DTSPMSD 2" DMC details >

Information about the company's activities Open Data

Name of the enterprise, goals of activity, organizational structure.

Issued on 2018-11-20T07:42:25.691732Z

Information about the company's activities details >

List of concluded contracts Open Data

list of concluded contracts (concluded agreements, other transactions, annexes, additional agreement

Issued on 2019-12-26T12:10:31.574594Z

List of concluded contracts details >

Data on electronic petitions Open Data

Data on electronic petitions, including those who signed them, and the results of consideration

Issued on 2021-10-07T12:30:58.149318Z

Data on electronic petitions details >

Information on the city budget of the Ugledarska city territorial community for 2021, including the... Open Data

The decision on the city budget of the Ugledarska city territorial community for 2021 with annexes t

Issued on 2021-04-26T11:22:35.717722Z

Information on the city budget of the Ugledarska city territorial community for 2021, including the... details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

The set contains Reports on the implementation of budget programs of the Ternopil City Council

Issued on 2019-09-03T14:08:26.862612Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget management of capital construction Open Data

Passports of budget programs of the local budget management of capital construction

Issued on 2020-05-02T18:18:19.035965Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget management of capital construction details >

Plan for the use of budget funds Open Data

description contains information about current expenditures by classification code for 2019

Issued on 2019-11-07T11:14:45.780841Z

Plan for the use of budget funds details >

List of Regulatory Acts of the Studenotska Village Council Open Data

the set contains a list of existing regulatory acts with the name, date, registration number of the

Issued on 2019-02-14T13:49:44.576827Z

List of Regulatory Acts of the Studenotska Village Council details >

Data on green plantations that are subject to removal, according to the documents issued by the... Open Data

the Green Plants

Issued on 2019-07-12T10:15:21.236220Z

Data on green plantations that are subject to removal, according to the documents issued by the... details >

Information on the normative-legal principles of activity of the CP "TSPMSD Ü 2 PMR" Open Data

The set contains information on normative legal acts

Issued on 2020-02-28T08:59:20.598703Z

Information on the normative-legal principles of activity of the CP "TSPMSD Ü 2 PMR" details >

Data on medical equipment of municipal institutions of Mamayivska AH Open Data

Data on medical equipment of municipal institutions of Mamayivska AH

Issued on 2019-11-27T08:01:34.724554Z

Data on medical equipment of municipal institutions of Mamayivska AH details >

List of capital and current repairs of the Municipal Institution "Poltava Specialized Children's and... Open Data

List of capital and current repairs of the Municipal Institution "Poltava Specialized Children's and

Issued on 2020-07-27T12:57:54.937877Z

List of capital and current repairs of the Municipal Institution "Poltava Specialized Children's and... details >

Annual Procurement Plans 2020 Open Data

Annual Procurement Plans of the City Municipal Cultural Institution "Centralized System of Libraries

Issued on 2021-07-05T10:06:14.141799Z

Annual Procurement Plans 2020 details >

Functions and powers of the prosecutor's office Open Data

Functions and powers of the prosecutor's office

Issued on 2018-12-04T14:59:04.563334Z

Functions and powers of the prosecutor's office details >

Detailed plan of the territory adjacent to Horobets street Open Data

Detailed plan of the territory adjacent to Horobets street

Issued on 2018-10-18T06:28:00.432188Z

Detailed plan of the territory adjacent to Horobets street details >

Information about the organizational structure of the communal out-of-school educational institution... Open Data

Organizational structure of communal out-of-school educational institution "House of Children's Crea

Issued on 2020-02-19T17:25:08.386350Z

Information about the organizational structure of the communal out-of-school educational institution... details >

Receipt and use of charitable assistance Open Data

Charitable assistance was received by the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Dnipro City Counc

Issued on 2021-05-05T10:56:57.711332Z

Receipt and use of charitable assistance details >

Tariff indices for freight transportation by rail Open Data

Tariff indices for freight transportation by rail

Issued on 2020-08-18T12:47:32.604580Z

Tariff indices for freight transportation by rail details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

requests for information

Issued on 2020-02-17T14:15:24.581016Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Plan for preparation of draft regulatory acts of the Yuzhny City Council for 2020 Open Data

Plan for preparation of draft regulatory acts of the Yuzhny City Council for 2020

Issued on 2019-12-03T10:48:00.556220Z

Plan for preparation of draft regulatory acts of the Yuzhny City Council for 2020 details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

Quarterly report on the satisfaction of requests for information ,

Issued on 2019-11-19T14:09:59.956977Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

List of concluded contracts (concluded agreements, other transactions, annexes, additional... Open Data

The set contains a list of concluded contracts KP "Ivano-Frankivskmisklight"

Issued on 2018-10-09T06:34:07.921521Z

List of concluded contracts (concluded agreements, other transactions, annexes, additional... details >

Financial statements of Lviv Regional Council Open Data

Financial statements of Lviv Regional Council for 9 months of 2019

Issued on 2019-11-07T13:46:28.346094Z

Financial statements of Lviv Regional Council details >

List of administrative services Open Data

ASCs, administrative services

Issued on 2019-07-15T07:58:08.369562Z

List of administrative services details >

Register (list) of open data sets of the educational institution of KhZOS Ü 91 Open Data

On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, 194 "On Approval of the Regulations on

Issued on 2019-03-01T08:42:59.738498Z

Register (list) of open data sets of the educational institution of KhZOS Ü 91 details >

The Statute Open Data


Issued on 2020-07-27T06:32:35.298895Z

The Statute details >

Report on the implementation of the financial plug-in Open Data

Financial Plan Implementation Report

Issued on 2020-05-05T06:51:23.254603Z

Report on the implementation of the financial plug-in details >

The list of contracts concluded by the Municipal Enterprise "Direction of territories and... Open Data

The set contains a list of concluded contracts, contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional a

Issued on 2020-01-29T10:16:50.960450Z

The list of contracts concluded by the Municipal Enterprise "Direction of territories and... details >

Financial statements (archive page, dataset is not updated) Open Data

Financial statements for 2018 Territorial center of social services (provision of social services) L

Issued on 2019-02-25T14:02:02.828431Z

Financial statements (archive page, dataset is not updated) details >

Report, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

Report, including on the satisfaction of information requests by the Main Directorate of the State G

Issued on 2018-11-09T08:34:44.232485Z

Report, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations Open Data

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations

Issued on 2020-02-21T08:24:36.319319Z

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations details >

Results of monitoring of appeals of citizens received to the Main Department of the Pension Fund of... Open Data

Results of monitoring of appeals of citizens received to the Main Department of the Pension Fund of

Issued on 2018-10-01T08:17:06.990938Z

Results of monitoring of appeals of citizens received to the Main Department of the Pension Fund of... details >

Orders on the main issues of activity, instructions, rules of the Sumy Regional Prosecutor's Office Open Data

Orders of Sumy Regional Prosecutor's Office on the main issues of activity

Issued on 2018-10-17T05:10:23.296930Z

Orders on the main issues of activity, instructions, rules of the Sumy Regional Prosecutor's Office details >

Organizational structure of Fontanska village council Open Data

Organizational structure of the Fontanska village council (names of positions, structural units, num

Issued on 2021-06-04T17:07:18.969674Z

Organizational structure of Fontanska village council details >

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by FUVMR Open Data

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by FUVMR

Issued on 2019-11-20T08:28:59.735557Z

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by FUVMR details >

Information on revenues to the district budget of Berezne district of Rivne region as of 01.11.2018 Open Data

Information on revenues to the district budget of Berezne district of Rivne region as of 01.11.2018

Issued on 2018-11-02T12:49:43.943031Z

Information on revenues to the district budget of Berezne district of Rivne region as of 01.11.2018 details >

Financial statements for 2020 Open Data

Balance sheet and report on financial results

Issued on 2020-04-23T11:50:36.159094Z

Financial statements for 2020 details >

Financial statements of "Poltava City Central Library System" for 2019 Open Data

Set contains balance (form 1-ds)

Issued on 2020-02-12T18:01:52.280060Z

Financial statements of "Poltava City Central Library System" for 2019 details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

Report on the implementation of passports of budget programs

Issued on 2020-01-29T08:09:35.046029Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

Report on the implementation of financial plans of the KNP "Malynskyi CPMS" of the Malyn City... Open Data

The set contains a report on the implementation of the financial plan of the entity of the "Malynsky

Issued on 2020-03-24T15:11:13.214761Z

Report on the implementation of financial plans of the KNP "Malynskyi CPMS" of the Malyn City... details >

Information about the structure (organizational structure) of the information manager Open Data

Information on structural subdivisions that are part of the Information and Reference Department of

Issued on 2019-11-27T09:29:33.258383Z

Information about the structure (organizational structure) of the information manager details >

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the information manager... Open Data

Directory of territorial bodies of state statistics

Issued on 2018-08-27T11:27:12.875930Z

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the information manager... details >

Organizational structure of management Open Data

Organizational structure of Starobilsk Joint Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, Luhansk regi

Issued on 2018-10-09T06:37:03.572058Z

Organizational structure of management details >

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the manager Open Data

The set contains information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the State B

Issued on 2021-01-20T08:40:22.906145Z

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the manager details >

Plan of activities for the preparation of draft regulatory acts indicating the types and names of... Open Data

The set contains a plan for the preparation of regulatory acts. Including the names of projects, typ

Issued on 2020-02-24T07:56:29.091218Z

Plan of activities for the preparation of draft regulatory acts indicating the types and names of... details >

List of applications for free privatization of land plots by citizens Open Data

List of applications for free privatization of land by citizens in the city of Ternivka

Issued on 2020-03-06T07:25:16.051523Z

List of applications for free privatization of land plots by citizens details >

Passports of budget programs of the Department of Social Policy of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State... Open Data

The set contains passports of budget programs of the Department of Social Policy of Ivano-Frankivsk

Issued on 2020-02-18T20:54:05.246511Z

Passports of budget programs of the Department of Social Policy of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State... details >

Register of datasets owned by the information manager - Department of Culture and Tourism of... Open Data

Register of datasets owned by the information manager - the Department of Culture and Tourism

Issued on 2020-01-11T08:45:01.558071Z

Register of datasets owned by the information manager - Department of Culture and Tourism of... details >

Title for design and survey works for construction Open Data

This set contains the title for the design and survey works for the construction of objects

Issued on 2019-09-12T07:25:04.444176Z

Title for design and survey works for construction details >

List of contracts, concluded contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional agreements and other... Open Data

List of contracts for 2018

Issued on 2019-01-10T12:11:00.469289Z

List of contracts, concluded contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional agreements and other... details >

Schedule of personal reception of citizens of KNP "Dental polyclinic Ü 2" DMR Open Data

Schedule of personal reception of citizens in KNP "Dental polyclinic Ü 2" DMC as of 01.09.2020

Issued on 2020-03-12T10:06:18.506517Z

Schedule of personal reception of citizens of KNP "Dental polyclinic Ü 2" DMR details >

Report of the Berezne District State Administration on the satisfaction of requests for information... Open Data

Report of the Berezne District State Administration on the satisfaction of requests for information

Issued on 2018-10-10T14:04:39.948540Z

Report of the Berezne District State Administration on the satisfaction of requests for information... details >

List of contracts Open Data

List of contracts

Issued on 2019-07-12T12:54:08.983596Z

List of contracts details >

Register of datasets owned by the information manager - GU SFS in Dnipropetrovsk region Open Data

idioms about data sets to be published in the form of open data: name of the dataset; identification

Issued on 2018-10-22T11:09:44.475729Z

Register of datasets owned by the information manager - GU SFS in Dnipropetrovsk region details >

Information about District Administrative Court of Kyiv Open Data

Detailed information about District Administrative Court of Kyiv, reference, work schedule, etc.

Issued on 2021-09-30T11:14:44.844892Z

Information about District Administrative Court of Kyiv details >

Report on receipt and use of funds Open Data

about receipt and use

Issued on 2019-09-19T08:44:35.830349Z

Report on receipt and use of funds details >

List of targeted programs, including links to published resources on the Internet Open Data

List of target programs to be implemented in 2021 on the territory of Yakushynetska Territorial Comm

Issued on 2021-09-15T11:46:11.631284Z

List of targeted programs, including links to published resources on the Internet details >

List of data sets to be published in the form of open data managed by Irpin City Council Open Data

List of data sets to be published in the form of open data managed by Irpin City Council

Issued on 2019-12-20T08:56:34.009869Z

List of data sets to be published in the form of open data managed by Irpin City Council details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the Department of Housing and... Open Data

Reports of the Department of Housing and Communal Infrastructure of the KMR (KCSA) on the implementa

Issued on 2019-03-27T12:30:22.792986Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the Department of Housing and... details >

Passports of budget programs for 2019 Open Data

Passports of budget programs for 2019

Issued on 2019-02-19T08:37:01.347799Z

Passports of budget programs for 2019 details >

List of budget managers of Yakushynetska rural territorial community Open Data

List of budget managers of Yakushynetska rural territorial community for 2021

Issued on 2021-09-15T11:34:43.158328Z

List of budget managers of Yakushynetska rural territorial community details >

Information on the regulatory and legal principles of the Khmelnytsky Regional Council Open Data

The set contains information about the regulatory framework, which Khmelnitsky Regional Council is g

Issued on 2019-09-16T14:49:31.006750Z

Information on the regulatory and legal principles of the Khmelnytsky Regional Council details >

Name results of voting of deputies at plenary sessions of Odessa Regional Council of VII convocation Open Data

Name results of voting of deputies at plenary sessions of Odessa Regional Council of VII convocation

Issued on 2019-07-17T05:00:44.070125Z

Name results of voting of deputies at plenary sessions of Odessa Regional Council of VII convocation details >

Information from the state register of insurance and reinsurance brokers Open Data

The set contains information about persons whose information is included in the state register of in

Issued on 2021-07-24T15:14:59.903184Z

Information from the state register of insurance and reinsurance brokers details >

Annual procurement plans of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in Kyiv region Open Data

Annual procurement plans of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in Kyiv region

Issued on 2019-01-31T09:15:25.575084Z

Annual procurement plans of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in Kyiv region details >

List of orders of the mayor of Nikopol City Council Open Data

This section contains a list of orders of the mayor of Nikopol City Council

Issued on 2020-05-21T11:16:43.743908Z

List of orders of the mayor of Nikopol City Council details >
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