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List of paid medical services provided by ICML IMR KO Open Data
On approval of the list of paid medical services provided by the ICML IMR KO in the new edition
Issued on 2019-07-08T11:47:19.022377Z
Annual consolidated main financial indicators of implementation of financial plans of the "auto... Open Data
Annual consolidated main financial indicators of implementation of financial plans for 2019
Issued on 2020-02-20T09:44:35.530456Z
Passports of budget programs for 2019 Open Data
passports of budget programs
Issued on 2019-12-24T14:50:58.483059Z
reports of the KP KNP Voznesensk IC PHC 2018 Open Data
The Balance
Issued on 2019-10-31T10:50:25.088469Z
Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts for 2019 Open Data
Plan of activities for the preparation of draft regulatory acts indicating the types and names of pr
Issued on 2019-10-08T08:24:35.936332Z
Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity Open Data
Regulations and amendments, regulations on the internal structure of financial management
Issued on 2019-07-17T11:00:46.315765Z
Telephone Directory of Vinnytsia District State Administration Open Data
Directory of phones
Issued on 2018-10-29T07:26:58.455908Z
List of concluded contracts Open Data
Open Data Sets of Vinnytsia City Council
Issued on 2020-04-23T14:51:48.079293Z
Register (list) of open data sets, which are published by the enterprise Open Data
Register of open data sets,which are publishedRegister (list) of open data sets, which are published
Issued on 2020-01-28T07:55:52.982350Z
Data on medical workers of health care institutions Open Data
Register of employees of health care institutions of Dnipro City Council
Issued on 2019-07-24T12:41:54.271332Z
Data on administrative services provided Open Data
The set contains data on the administrative services provided by the Ternopil City Council
Issued on 2019-06-21T08:46:53.214057Z
Financial statements of the Department of Culture and Public Relations of Cherkasy Regional State... Open Data
Financial statements of the Department of Culture and Public Relations of Cherkasy Regional State Ad
Issued on 2019-07-03T09:29:35.755524Z
Reports on the use of budget funds Open Data
Reports on the use of budget funds
Issued on 2018-08-16T05:58:14.219590Z
Regulatory act - the decision "On the establishment of a tax on real estate other than the land plot... Open Data
Taking into account the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-
Issued on 2020-06-22T11:56:42.972114Z
List of contracts, concluded contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional agreements and other... Open Data
List of contracts of DACC Management
Issued on 2019-01-12T14:53:55.957985Z
Financial statements for the 1st half of 2017 LKP Yuzhnoye Open Data
Financial statements for the 1st half of 2017 LKP Yuzhnoye
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:08:20.790084Z
Information about the structure (organizational structure) of the information manager of KP... Open Data
The set contains information about the organizational structure of the manager in accordance with th
Issued on 2021-06-01T07:20:13.642507Z
Regulatory Act - Decision "On Establishment of Single Tax Rates for 2021 on the territory of... Open Data
The importance of the problem when approving a single tax is to replenish the local budget and direc
Issued on 2020-06-22T12:10:06.098795Z
Information on general secondary education institutions Svyatoshinsky district of Kyiv, in which... Open Data
Number of inclusive classes and pupils by nosology in general secondary education institutions Svyat
Issued on 2020-05-15T22:21:17.703040Z
Full-time writing in 2019 Open Data
Full-time writing in 2019
Issued on 2019-12-04T10:45:03.924861Z
List of concluded contracts (concluded agreements, other transactions, annexes, additional... Open Data
The set contains information on contracts concluded in 2019
Issued on 2019-10-21T12:28:42.013255Z
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Sportresurs Open Data
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Sportresurs
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:08:22.253908Z
List of objects of communal property that are leased Open Data
List of objects of communal property that are leased or other right of use (with data on the conditi
Issued on 2019-09-25T08:51:25.767169Z
Direction of free balances and overfulfillment of own revenues by the budgets of Demidovsky district Open Data
Sources of changes in expenditures of local budgets of Demidovsky district
Issued on 2019-04-11T15:07:29.536521Z
Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data
Information about passports of budget programs of the local budget. Manager - Sumy Regional Council.
Issued on 2020-04-23T13:27:00.474568Z
Annual Procurement Plan for 2020 Open Data
Annual Procurement Plan for 2020
Issued on 2020-03-02T11:55:35.946272Z
Uzdytska Rural Council's Action Plan for Preparation of Draft Regulatory Acts for 2019 Open Data
the set contains a plan for the preparation of regulatory acts, including the names of projects, typ
Issued on 2019-02-15T12:19:05.276944Z
Information on receipt and use of charitable donations of the Municipal Non-profit Enterprise "City... Open Data
Information on receipt and use of charitable donations of the Municipal Non-profit Enterprise "City
Issued on 2020-12-18T07:47:30.574270Z
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Staryi Lviv Open Data
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Staryi Lviv
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:08:23.918960Z
Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of information distributor Open Data
The set contains three resources. Organizations - a directory of subordinate enterprises, institutio
Issued on 2019-10-22T07:21:05.125711Z
Tariff indices for post and communication services for enterprises, institution and organization Open Data
Tariff indices for post and communication services for enterprises, institution and organization
Issued on 2020-08-18T12:53:33.872929Z
Financial statements for 2015 LKP Zhitlovik-S Open Data
Financial statements for 2015 LKP Zhitlovik-S
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:09:14.451284Z
List of regulatory acts for 2019 Open Data
The list of regulatory acts indicating the date of entry into force, the term of the basic, repeated
Issued on 2019-12-20T11:43:51.388967Z
Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data
Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Executive Committee of the Bilitsk City Coun
Issued on 2020-01-30T12:22:13.013884Z
Organizational structure of Vinnytsia Regional Territorial Branch of the Antimonopoly Committee of... Open Data
The organizational structure
Issued on 2018-08-17T10:50:45.675147Z
1.1. Directory KZ "ZDO "Yablunka" VMR" Open Data
Directory of communal institution "Preschool education "Yablunka" Vinnytsia City Council"
Issued on 2021-06-14T10:20:19.680826Z
Budget reporting of Kherson nursery-garden Ü12 KhMR Open Data
Forms 2, 4.1,.4.2,.4.3
Issued on 2019-07-18T12:49:57.846793Z
List of regulatory acts of Ladyzhyn village council Open Data
The set contains a list of current regulatory acts of Ladyzhyn Village Council with information on n
Issued on 2019-09-06T07:58:13.669857Z
Schedule of reception of citizens Open Data
Schedule of personal reception of citizens by the Chairman of the Mankivsky District State Administr
Issued on 2019-07-24T12:31:27.085230Z
Ukrainian Classifier of Regulatory Documents Open Data
Ukrainian Classifier of Regulatory Documents
Issued on 2019-07-31T13:06:56.794887Z
Regulations on allotment of land for ATO participants Open Data
Regulations on the allotment of land for the construction and maintenance of residential buildings i
Issued on 2020-01-27T12:51:48.368194Z
List of land plots of communal property offered for transfer into ownership of citizens and legal... Open Data
List of land plots offered for transfer into ownership, use
Issued on 2020-02-12T12:42:04.412861Z
List of concluded agreements of management of capital construction, reconstruction and technical... Open Data
register of Dogovry
Issued on 2019-05-24T06:22:39.917749Z
Information on the organizational structure of the KNP "Dnepr Center for Primary Health Care Ü4" DMR Open Data
Information on the organizational structure of the KNP "Dnepr Center for Primary Health Care Ü4" DMR
Issued on 2020-03-13T09:46:38.717334Z
Financial statements for 9 months of 2017 LKP 503 Open Data
Financial statements for 9 months of 2017 LKP 503
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:10:53.921948Z
Financial statements for 2014 LCP House Open Data
Financial statements for 2014 LCP House
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:10:55.525708Z
Information on contracts, the cost of which exceeds 1 million UAH 2018. KP KMR "Tramway" Open Data
Information about contracts, the cost of which exceeds 1 million UAH
Issued on 2019-02-05T12:11:39.275712Z
Reports on the use of budget funds of the Transcarpathian Regional Territorial Branch of the... Open Data
The Financial Reporting
Issued on 2019-02-19T11:20:49.550233Z
Report on subthreshold procurement of the Department of Municipal Economy Open Data
This set contains reports on subthreshold procurements of the Department of Municipal Economy(/p>
Issued on 2018-11-21T00:00:00Z
Report on Public Procurement Procedures Open Data
the public funds
Issued on 2019-01-02T11:55:05.061001Z
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Citadel-Center Open Data
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Citadel-Center
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:10:57.065211Z
Financial statements for the 1st quarter of 2017 LKP "Zboiishcha-408" Open Data
Financial statements for the 1st quarter of 2017 LKP "Zboiishcha-408"
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:10:59.341513Z
Directory of Communal Institution of Social Protection "Center for Social Support for Children and... Open Data
The set contains three resources. directory of the Municipal Social Protection Institution "Center f
Issued on 2020-02-18T16:43:05.712713Z
List of lease agreements for communal property of Lviv as of January 2018 Open Data
List of lease agreements for communal property objects in Lviv
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:11:01.013482Z
Organizational structure of municipal development management of Zhytomyr City Council Open Data
Organizational structure of municipal development management
Issued on 2020-10-15T08:43:51.597261Z
The structure of the executive apparatus of the district council Open Data
The structure of the executive apparatus of the district council
Issued on 2019-08-01T12:39:51.299480Z
List of current regulatory acts of the Alexandria City Council Open Data
The set contains a list of current regulatory acts of the Alexandria City Council with information o
Issued on 2019-05-29T07:34:03.979987Z
List of concluded contracts Open Data
List of concluded contracts
Issued on 2020-02-25T14:09:02.607208Z
Information cards of the service for children of the executive committee of the Berdyansk City... Open Data
Information cards of the service for children's affairs
Issued on 2018-10-12T08:41:56.447353Z
Information on the state of consideration of requests for public information for 2019 by the... Open Data
Information on the state of consideration of requests for public information for 2019 by the Departm
Issued on 2020-02-18T08:39:00.931025Z
Balance, Form 2 KP "Municipal Guard"PMR Open Data
Balance, Form 2 for 2019
Issued on 2020-01-21T12:06:15.583062Z
Report on the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data
Report on the satisfaction of requests for information
Issued on 2018-08-29T11:05:56.984450Z
Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019 Open Data
Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2019
Issued on 2020-02-28T13:20:18.793233Z
1.11 Financial statements of economic entities of the state and communal sectors of economy Open Data
Financial statements of the institution
Issued on 2020-02-26T14:41:38.421007Z
Passports of budget programs for 2018 Open Data
Passports of budget programs for 2018
Issued on 2019-07-14T14:23:17.456539Z
Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data
Information about the state of consideration of requests for public information
Issued on 2018-11-08T10:26:48.417865Z
Annual Procurement Plan 2019 Open Data
Annual Procurement Plan 2019
Issued on 2019-12-04T10:48:05.086507Z
Financial statements for 2016 LKP "Green Lviv" Open Data
Financial statements for 2016 LKP "Green Lviv"
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:11:10.391745Z
Report on work with information requests Open Data
THE REPORT about work with requests for information
Issued on 2018-10-18T12:27:54.884875Z
Report on the use of budgetary funds (for managers of information using budget funds), in particular... Open Data
The financial resources
Issued on 2019-06-14T08:19:26.834198Z
Decision of Kamyanka City Council Open Data
the solution
Issued on 2019-04-12T10:43:05.918241Z
Data on deputies of the Teplodar City Council, including contact details and reception schedule Open Data
The set contains identification, biographical and contact details of deputies of the Teplodar City C
Issued on 2021-06-15T06:09:27.019056Z
Information on the payment of benefits Open Data
Information on the payment of benefits
Issued on 2018-11-01T09:13:22.364293Z
Decisions and recommendations of the administrative board of Kirovohrad Regional Territorial Branch... Open Data
Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Economic Competition" and the Law of Ukraine "On Protection from Un
Issued on 2018-08-31T07:47:41.284140Z
Data on the administrative services provided by the sector of state registration of legal and... Open Data
The set contains data on the administrative services provided by the sector of state registration of
Issued on 2019-11-11T09:54:33.330328Z
Financial statements for 2016 LMKP Lvivteploenergo Open Data
Financial statements for 2016 LMKP Lvivteploenergo
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:11:12.049836Z
Register of datasets Open Data
Register of datasets
Issued on 2019-08-06T09:25:03.959185Z
Data on deputies of Gorodnyan City Council Open Data
members of the City Council
Issued on 2019-08-15T07:54:00.360356Z
List of concluded contracts, concluded contracts, annexes, additional agreements and other materials... Open Data
The contracts concluded
Issued on 2020-01-15T06:56:47.089027Z
Register of datasets owned by the Municipal Enterprise "SPORT-INVEST" of the Dnipro City Council Open Data
The set contains the Register of datasets owned by the Municipal Enterprise "SPORT-INVEST" of the Dn
Issued on 2020-02-26T08:47:23.240430Z
Rules of internal labor regulations in Ivano-Frankivsk Court of Appeal Open Data
Rules of internal labor regulations in Ivano-Frankivsk Court of Appeal
Issued on 2019-03-11T06:55:15.489957Z
Financial statements of 2019 Open Data
Financial statements of 2019
Issued on 2020-05-08T11:22:01.427774Z
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Snopkivske Open Data
Financial statements for 2014 LKP Snopkivske
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:11:13.660980Z
Report on the number of pensioners and the amount of assigned monthly pensions Open Data
Form Ü6-PF
Issued on 2019-05-15T10:57:55.599661Z
Passports of budget programs for 2020 Open Data
Passports of budget programs of the crossroads of the village council for 2020
Issued on 2020-02-27T14:55:21.623613Z
Directory of management of capital construction, reconstruction and technical supervision of the... Open Data
Directory of management of capital construction, reconstruction and technical supervision of the exe
Issued on 2020-10-13T08:35:21.577658Z
Structure of Municipal Enterprise of Kyiv City Council "Kyiv City Bureau of Technical Inventory" Open Data
Structure of the enterprise
Issued on 2019-07-25T08:09:56.031520Z
Annual reports of the head and supervisory board Open Data
On the basis of the order of Kharkiv Mayor 21.10.2021 "On Approval of the Regulations on Open Data S
Issued on 2019-05-20T11:59:14.652892Z
List of objects of communal property that are leased or other right of use (with data on the... Open Data
list of communal property leased or other right of use with data on the conditions of leased objects
Issued on 2020-09-02T09:15:06.470412Z
Financial statements for 2015 LKP 504 Open Data
Financial statements for 2015 LKP 504
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:11:17.929210Z
List of open data sets Open Data
register of open data sets, the manager of which is management
Issued on 2019-07-24T11:51:04.528819Z
Financial statements of the municipal enterprise of Kamyanka City Council "Urban Information... Open Data
Financial statements of the communal enterprise. Report for the 2nd quarter of 2020
Issued on 2018-09-07T06:53:23.961488Z
Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget of Bolekhiv city... Open Data
Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget of Bolekhiv city c
Issued on 2019-08-28T07:49:33.832486Z
2.52. Statistical reporting of the State Institution "State Research Institute" Open Data
The set contains statistical reports, information about the institution, report 85-K
Issued on 2020-02-04T16:59:43.345126Z
Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts of Kamenetz-Podolsk City Council and the... Open Data
Plan as of 31.12.2019
Issued on 2019-07-08T07:37:40.447194Z
Financial statements for 2017 SE "Park-High Castle" Open Data
Financial statements for 2017 SE "Park-High Castle"
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:11:19.377656Z
Financial statements for 2014 LKP "LvivSvitlo" Open Data
Financial statements for 2014 LKP "LvivSvitlo"
Issued on 2018-12-14T14:11:21.102336Z
Passports of budget programs of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Stepanets Village... Open Data
The set contains passports of budget programs of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of th
Issued on 2020-05-06T06:17:42.349520Z
Structure of MC "MC "Smart" USSR Open Data
Structure of MC "MC "Smart" USSR
Issued on 2020-04-08T09:24:40.360937Z
Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs Open Data
Reports on the implementation of budget programs
Issued on 2020-01-14T08:51:40.410516Z
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