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Regulations on the Rectorate Open Data

Regulations on the Rectorate

Issued on 2020-02-04T14:36:22.367503Z

Regulations on the Rectorate details >

Information about the organizational structure of the communal institution "Kharkiv Specialized... Open Data

Information about the organizational structure of the communal institution "Kharkiv Specialized Scho

Issued on 2018-09-13T12:28:50.042870Z

Information about the organizational structure of the communal institution "Kharkiv Specialized... details >

2.2. List of objects of communal property of the State Institution "State Institutions" Open Data

The data set contains information about the CC "DNZ Ü 36 VMR" as an object of communal property

Issued on 2020-09-28T17:20:05.668834Z

2.2. List of objects of communal property of the State Institution "State Institutions" details >

Directory of regional enterprises, institutions (institutions) of health care Open Data

List of health care institutions of regional subordination

Issued on 2019-07-03T12:26:03.699867Z

Directory of regional enterprises, institutions (institutions) of health care details >

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the Municipal non-profit... Open Data

On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, "On Approval of the Regulations on Dat

Issued on 2021-04-29T11:33:25.703702Z

Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the Municipal non-profit... details >

Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity Open Data

Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity

Issued on 2019-12-03T13:01:04.399390Z

Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity details >

Report on Form 5-FC Municipal Institution "Poltava Specialized Children's and Youth Sports School of... Open Data

Report on Form 5-FC 2019 Municipal Institution "Poltava Specialized Children's and Youth Sports Scho

Issued on 2020-06-11T08:51:55.105828Z

Report on Form 5-FC Municipal Institution "Poltava Specialized Children's and Youth Sports School of... details >

Data on medical workers of health care institutions Open Data

The set contains data on positions, education, qualification of medical workers of the CP "4th City

Issued on 2020-03-02T13:42:05.541167Z

Data on medical workers of health care institutions details >

General plan of Korostyshiv Open Data

General plan of Korostyshiv

Issued on 2019-08-28T12:14:28.890220Z

General plan of Korostyshiv details >

Average weighted tariffs for thermal energy produced from natural gas of the State Agency for Energy... Open Data

Average weighted tariffs for thermal energy produced from natural gas for the needs of the populatio

Issued on 2018-12-26T13:08:29.268461Z

Average weighted tariffs for thermal energy produced from natural gas of the State Agency for Energy... details >

Report on the implementation of the financial plans of the municipal enterprise "Kremenchug KATP... Open Data

Financial plans, implementation of financial plans, financial reports, budget funds, budget

Issued on 2019-10-24T07:21:10.849858Z

Report on the implementation of the financial plans of the municipal enterprise "Kremenchug KATP... details >

Information about electronic prescriptions according to the program of reimbursement of medicines... Open Data

##Information about electronic prescriptions for reimbursement program "Affordable Medicines" ###Di

Issued on 2019-11-09T09:27:30.178783Z

Information about electronic prescriptions according to the program of reimbursement of medicines... details >

Passport of the budget program of the local budget for 2018 with changes Open Data

Passport of the budget program of the local budget for 2018 with changes in the CPCCC MB 0813104 Pro

Issued on 2018-11-07T13:57:41.243199Z

Passport of the budget program of the local budget for 2018 with changes details >

Certificate of receivables on expenditures Open Data

Sitkovetska secondary school boarding school

Issued on 2019-08-16T07:19:40.211300Z

Certificate of receivables on expenditures details >

Single report on criminal offenses Open Data

Single report on criminal offenses (form Ü1) Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crime

Issued on 2021-06-18T09:37:22.099856Z

Single report on criminal offenses details >

The list of land plots selected by local self-government bodies, which are either the right of lease... Open Data

The list of land plots selected by local self-government bodies, which are either the right of lease

Issued on 2018-11-07T06:31:51.671847Z

The list of land plots selected by local self-government bodies, which are either the right of lease... details >

List of budget programs of the Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv City Council Open Data

The set contains a list of budget programs of the Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv

Issued on 2019-11-21T13:57:52.430396Z

List of budget programs of the Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv City Council details >

Data on medical equipment Open Data

Data on medical equipment

Issued on 2019-10-17T08:46:33.673109Z

Data on medical equipment details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

the set contains: report on satisfaction of requests for public information, report on work with cit

Issued on 2019-08-01T13:45:45.338802Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Structure of the Department of Culture, Tourism and the Protection of Cultural Heritage of... Open Data

Structure and number of management of culture, tourism and protection of cultural heritage of Solome

Issued on 2018-11-22T07:19:00.841227Z

Structure of the Department of Culture, Tourism and the Protection of Cultural Heritage of... details >

Passports of the budget program of Pohrebyshche district state administration Open Data

Passports of the budget program of the local budget

Issued on 2019-11-27T07:35:25.860099Z

Passports of the budget program of Pohrebyshche district state administration details >

Register of town-planning conditions and restrictions Open Data

Contains information about the provided town-planning conditions and restrictions to legal entities

Issued on 2019-11-25T12:52:24.373651Z

Register of town-planning conditions and restrictions details >

Annual Procurement Plans of Odessa Customs of the State Fiscal Service Open Data

Name of procedures for procurement of goods, works and services for public funds

Issued on 2018-12-20T10:12:26.658359Z

Annual Procurement Plans of Odessa Customs of the State Fiscal Service details >

Receipt and use of charitable assistance Open Data

Information on receipt and use of charitable assistance

Issued on 2019-08-16T09:34:52.906369Z

Receipt and use of charitable assistance details >

Information and technological cards of administrative services Main Territorial Department of... Open Data

Information and technological cards of administrative services provided by the Main Territorial Depa

Issued on 2019-07-26T07:59:45.024113Z

Information and technological cards of administrative services Main Territorial Department of... details >

Procurement plan of "TCSO Voznesenska" Open Data

List of products and services included in the planned procurement in 2019

Issued on 2019-08-13T11:15:45.148457Z

Procurement plan of "TCSO Voznesenska" details >

Information on taxpayers, who carried out VAT refund, Information on local budgets placement of... Open Data

Information on the budgetary refund of value added tax to the accounts of economic entities carried

Issued on 2020-12-22T15:48:22.217493Z

Information on taxpayers, who carried out VAT refund, Information on local budgets placement of... details >

Annual Procurement Plans Open Data

annual Procurement Plans

Issued on 2019-04-08T11:28:18.236568Z

Annual Procurement Plans details >

Balance sheet (Report on financial position) for 3 months 2020 Open Data

Kolomyia City Council

Issued on 2020-07-07T08:27:07.463761Z

Balance sheet (Report on financial position) for 3 months 2020 details >

Information about the organizational structure of the Municipal Enterprise "City Improvement" of the... Open Data

The staff painting

Issued on 2020-02-17T09:41:39.310645Z

Information about the organizational structure of the Municipal Enterprise "City Improvement" of the... details >

Balance of Alexandria Department of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine Kirovohrad region Open Data

Reflects the result of all conducted economic operations at the funds of the general and special fun

Issued on 2019-05-20T13:24:25.273662Z

Balance of Alexandria Department of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine Kirovohrad region details >

Directory of the Center of Social Services of Novobavarsky district of Kharkiv Open Data

It is not updated on the basis of the decision of the 2nd session of the Kharkiv City Council of the

Issued on 2019-02-19T10:24:20.445840Z

Directory of the Center of Social Services of Novobavarsky district of Kharkiv details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

The set contains reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the Department of

Issued on 2018-09-24T07:44:40.655964Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

Information about the organizational structure Open Data

Information about the organizational structure of the Kyiv City Customs SFS

Issued on 2018-11-02T13:01:45.645563Z

Information about the organizational structure details >

Data on medical equipment of CP "CPMSD 2 PMR" Open Data

The set contains a list of medical equipment

Issued on 2020-02-28T09:06:14.820970Z

Data on medical equipment of CP "CPMSD 2 PMR" details >

1.7. Register of datasets that are owned by the State Institution "State Educational Institutions" Open Data

The set contains a register of datasets that are owned by the State Institution "State Educational I

Issued on 2020-09-28T17:21:58.763682Z

1.7. Register of datasets that are owned by the State Institution "State Educational Institutions" details >

Financial and Budget Reporting Open Data

Financial and Budget Reporting

Issued on 2019-07-15T11:18:41.478439Z

Financial and Budget Reporting details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

The set contains a list of passports of budget programs, namely passports of budget programs of the

Issued on 2019-09-04T13:35:11.614088Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

List and location of health care institutions, which are equipped with gynecological, mammological... Open Data

The list and location of health care institutions, which are equipped with gynecological equipment,

Issued on 2019-11-22T08:52:19.164070Z

List and location of health care institutions, which are equipped with gynecological, mammological... details >

Directory of enterprises, institutions, organizations of the information manager and organizations... Open Data

This set contains information about communal enterprises and organizations that are subordinate or a

Issued on 2020-03-04T11:33:42.158445Z

Directory of enterprises, institutions, organizations of the information manager and organizations... details >

Data on the pedagogical staff of the State Educational Institution Ü 72 Open Data

Data on the pedagogical staff of the State Educational Institution Ü 72

Issued on 2019-06-26T05:51:30.729977Z

Data on the pedagogical staff of the State Educational Institution Ü 72 details >

List of tenants with whom land lease agreements of communal ownership have been concluded Open Data

Data on the list of tenants with whom land lease agreements of communal ownership are concluded. Man

Issued on 2021-10-26T05:46:23.717572Z

List of tenants with whom land lease agreements of communal ownership have been concluded details >

Information about the accounting system Open Data

Information about the accounting system used in the financial management of the Bakhmut State Admini

Issued on 2018-12-10T15:42:43.534942Z

Information about the accounting system details >

Financial report for 2018 CE "United Directorate of Cinemas of the City" Zhytomyr City Council Open Data

Financial report for 2018 CE "United Directorate of Cinemas of the City" Zhytomyr City Council

Issued on 2019-02-07T13:40:53.103656Z

Financial report for 2018 CE "United Directorate of Cinemas of the City" Zhytomyr City Council details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of... Open Data

Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of

Issued on 2020-03-12T12:45:53.560608Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of... details >

Notification of auctions for the sale of confiscated and seized property and their results Open Data

Notification of bidding and their results for the sale of confiscated, arrested and voluntarily sold

Issued on 2019-11-26T14:24:01.064461Z

Notification of auctions for the sale of confiscated and seized property and their results details >

Information about medicines/drugs purchased for budget funds. Open Data

The set includes data on residues of medicines and medical devices.

Issued on 2019-11-01T08:53:42.863704Z

Information about medicines/drugs purchased for budget funds. details >

The Address Register Open Data

Actual name of streets, squares, city halls, numbering of residential buildings, number of inhabitan

Issued on 2019-09-27T10:27:57.914752Z

The Address Register details >

Passports of budget programs and their changes in the service for children of the Executive... Open Data

Passports of budget programs

Issued on 2019-05-29T12:11:30.637874Z

Passports of budget programs and their changes in the service for children of the Executive... details >

Regulations (regulatory and legal acts) approved by the head of the Department of Agro-Industrial... Open Data

Normative-legal acts.

Issued on 2019-03-15T06:54:13.528191Z

Regulations (regulatory and legal acts) approved by the head of the Department of Agro-Industrial... details >

Directory of Vasylkiv District State Administration, its structural subdivisions, including their... Open Data

Directory of Vasylkiv District State Administration, its structural subdivisions contains informatio

Issued on 2019-09-11T06:31:51.819042Z

Directory of Vasylkiv District State Administration, its structural subdivisions, including their... details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, 194 "On Approval of the Regulations on

Issued on 2018-10-08T12:11:54.929150Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Information about the pearl of goods, works and services received from the state funds and as... Open Data

Information on the list of goods, works and services received at public expense and as a beneficiary

Issued on 2018-10-09T12:04:08.639227Z

Information about the pearl of goods, works and services received from the state funds and as... details >

Reports of the department of distribution of residential area of Kamyanka City Council Open Data

The set contains reports on the work of the department of distribution of living space of the city c

Issued on 2021-08-30T10:18:55.531631Z

Reports of the department of distribution of residential area of Kamyanka City Council details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

The amount of budget appointments under the budget program with effective indicators

Issued on 2019-09-03T13:48:56.917148Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

Data on objects and means of trade Open Data

Data on objects and means of trade (mobile, seasonal and others)

Issued on 2019-09-04T12:02:21.512888Z

Data on objects and means of trade details >

Structure and number of Shyrokiv district council of VII convocation Open Data

Structure and number of Shyrokiv district council of VII convocation

Issued on 2019-09-25T12:28:02.897852Z

Structure and number of Shyrokiv district council of VII convocation details >

Financial statements of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of... Open Data

Financial statements of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of Kamianets-Podils

Issued on 2019-08-19T14:55:10.112192Z

Financial statements of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of... details >

Financial statements of business entities managed by the SPFU in Chernihiv region Open Data

Financial statements of business entities managed by the SPFU in Chernihiv region

Issued on 2018-10-05T09:58:42.231150Z

Financial statements of business entities managed by the SPFU in Chernihiv region details >

Annual Procurement Plans of Chernihiv Regional Prosecutor's Office Open Data

Plans for purchases

Issued on 2018-11-14T13:19:33.103935Z

Annual Procurement Plans of Chernihiv Regional Prosecutor's Office details >

List of managers of budget funds Open Data

The dataset contains information about institutions and educational institutions of Burshtyn TG, whi

Issued on 2020-05-07T06:49:59.761195Z

List of managers of budget funds details >

Information about the organizational structure of Chornobay district state administration Open Data

Information about the organizational structure of Chornobay district state administration

Issued on 2018-10-24T09:04:36.930550Z

Information about the organizational structure of Chornobay district state administration details >

Register (list) of open data sets of Kharkiv Gymnasium Ü 46 named after M.V. Lomonosov Open Data

On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, 194 "On Approval of the Regulations on

Issued on 2019-11-14T10:46:04.754066Z

Register (list) of open data sets of Kharkiv Gymnasium Ü 46 named after M.V. Lomonosov details >

On the establishment of tariffs for urban electric transport (tram) provided by the municipal... Open Data

On the establishment of tariffs for urban electric transport (tram) provided by the municipal enterp

Issued on 2019-02-26T13:21:42.928981Z

On the establishment of tariffs for urban electric transport (tram) provided by the municipal... details >

Directory of Youth and Sports Department of Kolomyia City Council on 01.06.2020 Open Data

Directory of Department

Issued on 2020-07-07T08:28:24.900642Z

Directory of Youth and Sports Department of Kolomyia City Council on 01.06.2020 details >

Reports on requests for information Open Data

Reports on requests for information

Issued on 2019-07-12T10:57:32.006700Z

Reports on requests for information details >

Information on the availability of vaccines under the CDC "TSPMSD of the Talalay District Council"... Open Data

Information on the distribution and use of medical immunobiological drugs for June 2020

Issued on 2020-07-07T11:57:58.023924Z

Information on the availability of vaccines under the CDC "TSPMSD of the Talalay District Council"... details >

Accounting of requests for public information. Open Data

Providing information to citizens' requests

Issued on 2019-07-16T10:13:02.447668Z

Accounting of requests for public information. details >

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the Odessa OTV AMCU Open Data

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the Odessa OTV AMCU

Issued on 2019-06-19T08:32:58.585241Z

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the Odessa OTV AMCU details >

Title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement Open Data

The set contains data on capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement o

Issued on 2020-03-06T07:14:58.230043Z

Title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Department... Open Data

Set of cities information on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget

Issued on 2020-02-13T15:50:07.520127Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Department... details >

Information about the organizational structure of Kivertsi district state administration Open Data

The set contains information about the organizational structure of the manager in accordance with th

Issued on 2019-10-17T06:34:02.567606Z

Information about the organizational structure of Kivertsi district state administration details >

Information about the organizational structure of the Kharkiv Literary Museum Open Data

On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, 194 "On Approval of the Regulations on

Issued on 2020-09-02T08:29:09.978571Z

Information about the organizational structure of the Kharkiv Literary Museum details >

Report on the receipt and use of other revenues of the special fund (Form 4-3d, 4-3m) for... Open Data

Report on the receipt and use of other revenues of the special fund (Form 4-3d, 4-3m) for January-Se

Issued on 2018-10-05T10:48:03.903808Z

Report on the receipt and use of other revenues of the special fund (Form 4-3d, 4-3m) for... details >

Information on tariffs for utilities Open Data

The set contains a list of tariffs for utilities approved by the Cherkasy City Council. In particula

Issued on 2021-06-17T09:14:34.644223Z

Information on tariffs for utilities details >

Reporting on the results of the fight against organized groups and criminal organizations Open Data

Reporting on the results of the fight against organized groups and criminal organizations (form 1-HZ

Issued on 2021-06-18T10:10:01.546077Z

Reporting on the results of the fight against organized groups and criminal organizations details >

budget request for 2020-2022 Open Data

budget request for regional budget KTKVK 0913111, 0913112

Issued on 2019-12-02T10:47:39.070497Z

budget request for 2020-2022 details >

Information about the organizational structure of the information manager Open Data

Organizational structure of the enterprise "Shlyahrembud". It is no longer renewed. On the basis

Issued on 2019-07-12T06:12:04.101Z

Information about the organizational structure of the information manager details >

Reports on the satisfaction of requests for information for 2019 Open Data

Report on the number of requests

Issued on 2018-09-13T14:19:13.560838Z

Reports on the satisfaction of requests for information for 2019 details >

List of debtors to the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Lviv region Open Data


Issued on 2019-04-15T08:44:24.695013Z

List of debtors to the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Lviv region details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

Buildings and structures, which are on the balance sheet of KNP KMR "ML" as of 01.01.2020

Issued on 2021-08-13T09:21:49.150798Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Annual Procurement Plans of the Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in Poltava Region for 2020 Open Data

name of procedures for procurement of goods, works and services for public funds

Issued on 2019-10-15T14:01:21.593025Z

Annual Procurement Plans of the Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in Poltava Region for 2020 details >

Information on receipts of taxes and fees to the rural budget on the reporting date for 2019 Open Data

revenues of taxes and fees to the rural budget

Issued on 2019-08-27T13:26:37.668672Z

Information on receipts of taxes and fees to the rural budget on the reporting date for 2019 details >

Schedule of public transport Open Data

Bus schedule in the territory of Staroborodchanska hromada

Issued on 2019-10-18T08:29:12.728513Z

Schedule of public transport details >

Order of Berdyansk mayor on the main activities Open Data

Order of Berdyansk mayor on the main activities

Issued on 2018-10-02T12:19:49.598756Z

Order of Berdyansk mayor on the main activities details >

List of targeted programs, including links to the publication of resources on the Internet Open Data

List of target programs

Issued on 2020-09-08T08:14:56.737553Z

List of targeted programs, including links to the publication of resources on the Internet details >

List of unused land plots and property objects (rooms) of communal ownership Open Data

The set contains a list of unused land plots and property objects (rooms) of communal ownership, whi

Issued on 2019-09-10T06:38:47.690472Z

List of unused land plots and property objects (rooms) of communal ownership details >

The Financial Reporting Open Data

Financial statements of the Department of social protection of the population of Pechersk district i

Issued on 2019-07-04T11:41:15.540489Z

The Financial Reporting details >

Data on the location of city road transport stops Open Data

The set contains identification data of public transport stops.

Issued on 2020-02-13T13:46:35.108066Z

Data on the location of city road transport stops details >

Directory of Municipal Non-profit Enterprise "City Clinical Hospital Ü9" of Dnipro City Council Open Data

Directory of Municipal Non-profit Enterprise "City Clinical Hospital Ü9" of Dnipro City Council

Issued on 2020-02-26T08:09:36.042595Z

Directory of Municipal Non-profit Enterprise "City Clinical Hospital Ü9" of Dnipro City Council details >

Data on administrative services provided Open Data

Data on the administrative services provided by the management of the ASC of the Executive Committee

Issued on 2021-04-01T08:25:42.991045Z

Data on administrative services provided details >

List of land plots offered for construction Open Data

List of land plots offered for construction

Issued on 2019-12-05T09:36:44.325548Z

List of land plots offered for construction details >

Objects of communal ownership on the balance sheet LKP "Zatyshne" Open Data

Objects of immovable property of communal property that are on the balance sheet of LKP "Zatyshne" (

Issued on 2018-12-14T14:20:00.071217Z

Objects of communal ownership on the balance sheet LKP "Zatyshne" details >

Register of concluded contracts Open Data

Register of concluded contracts

Issued on 2019-08-13T09:56:47.737486Z

Register of concluded contracts details >

Directory of municipal institution "Contemporary Gymnasium" Kropyvnytskyi City Council" Open Data

The set contains three resources. Organizations - directory of communal institution "Gymnasium "Cont

Issued on 2019-08-06T09:00:25.637099Z

Directory of municipal institution "Contemporary Gymnasium" Kropyvnytskyi City Council" details >

Report on financial results as of 01.04.2020 Open Data

Report on financial results

Issued on 2020-07-07T08:29:27.387938Z

Report on financial results as of 01.04.2020 details >

Plans-graphics for conducting off-site and exit checks on compliance with the legislation on state... Open Data

Plans-graphics for conducting off-site and exit checks on compliance with the legislation on state r

Issued on 2020-07-15T10:44:29.026940Z

Plans-graphics for conducting off-site and exit checks on compliance with the legislation on state... details >

Name voting of city council deputies at plenary meetings of Kamenetz-Podolsk City Council for 2021 Open Data

Name voting of city council deputies at plenary meetings of Kamenetz-Podolsk City Council for 2021

Issued on 2021-02-22T09:20:46.082232Z

Name voting of city council deputies at plenary meetings of Kamenetz-Podolsk City Council for 2021 details >

On the activities of state social inspectors as of 01.10.2018 Open Data

On the activities of state social inspectors as of 01.10.2018

Issued on 2018-10-11T08:33:29.039057Z

On the activities of state social inspectors as of 01.10.2018 details >

Reports on the consumption of communal resources for 2019 Open Data

Data on the consumption of communal resources as of 01.10.2019

Issued on 2019-10-07T06:54:35.819561Z

Reports on the consumption of communal resources for 2019 details >
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