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The list of communal property objects that are leased or other right to use (with data on the... Open Data
Set The set contains data on communal property objects (identification data, location, area) that ar
Issued on 2019-07-17T12:37:01.829107Z
List of regulatory acts Open Data
The list of regulatory acts indicating the date of entry into force, the term of the basic, repeated
Issued on 2018-12-20T14:30:46.858406Z
Reports on the implementation of financial plans of communal enterprises Open Data
Report on the implementation of the financial plan for 2020 of the municipal non-profit enterprise o
Issued on 2021-03-25T15:49:10.188558Z
Information on certified forests of enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the State... Open Data
Information on certified forests of enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the State F
Issued on 2021-03-26T07:28:27.221715Z
Directory of the State Maritime and River Transport Service of Ukraine Open Data
State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine Preobrazhenska St, 25, Kyiv, 03110, Ukrain
Issued on 2019-12-19T15:33:31.707243Z
Report on the work of Pokrovskaya district in the city council and its executive committee Open Data
Report of the head of the Pokrovsky district in the city council on its activities from the managem
Issued on 2019-02-06T12:20:26.608593Z
Reports on the implementation of passports of the budget program of the local budget Open Data
Information on reports on the implementation of passports of the budget program of the local budget
Issued on 2019-11-18T07:06:45.598607Z
Receipt and use of charitable assistance Open Data
Receipt and use of charitable assistance
Issued on 2019-11-08T08:40:46.893810Z
List of budgetary programs of education management Svyatoshinsky district in the city of Kiev state... Open Data
List of budgetary programs of education management with the name by industry
Issued on 2020-05-26T17:39:09.191260Z
List of communal property objects subject to privatization Open Data
Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" dated 21.05.1997 Law of Ukraine "On privatizati
Issued on 2021-07-01T08:31:07.419841Z
List of budget managers of the budget of the Ugledar city amalgamated territorial community Open Data
The set contains a list of managers of budgetary funds, indicating the main managers of funds
Issued on 2019-07-11T07:04:57.789431Z
Reference book of Poltava Literary-Memorial Museum of V.G.Korolenko Open Data
This document Poltava Literary-Memorial Museum V.G. Korolenko Directory of the institution : working
Issued on 2020-12-16T09:36:18.533807Z
Public information accounting system Open Data
Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the manager
Issued on 2021-06-14T12:22:42.768661Z
Register of debt obligations Open Data
The dataset contains information about debt obligations
Issued on 2018-11-05T08:36:21.400154Z
Title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement Open Data
the Title Lists
Issued on 2019-10-31T10:03:28.124440Z
Register of datasets that are in possession of the information manager Open Data
Register of datasets owned by the Executive Committee of Kaniv City Council for 2021
Issued on 2021-04-01T12:41:55.032151Z
Structure of KP "Dubnocommunenergy" Open Data
Structure of municipal enterprise "Dubnocommunenergy"
Issued on 2021-06-14T12:22:48.420512Z
Changes to passports of budget programs for 2020 Open Data
Changes to Passports
Issued on 2020-08-19T06:12:42.683030Z
Reports on the implementation of financial plans for the 3rd quarter of 2020 according to the CPP... Open Data
The set contains a report on the implementation of financial plans for the 3rd quarter of 2020
Issued on 2021-03-29T07:46:19.644364Z
Regulations of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office of the Central Region Open Data
The Regulations
Issued on 2018-12-04T13:49:05.468114Z
Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations belonging to the sphere of... Open Data
Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations belonging to the sphere of m
Issued on 2021-03-10T13:37:04.640932Z
List of contracts of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Sumy City Council Open Data
The set contains a list of concluded contracts, contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional a
Issued on 2020-06-09T06:30:48.053337Z
Reports for 2020. Open Data
Reports Municipal non-profit enterprise "Polyclinic Association" of the City Council of Kropyvnytsky
Issued on 2020-07-01T08:51:05.959820Z
Financial statements of business entities of the communal sector of economy Open Data
Financial statements of business entities of the communal sector of economy
Issued on 2020-04-08T13:37:59.654896Z
Information on the training of ATO participants who started training under the agreements of 2018 Open Data
Information on training of ATO participants who started training under contracts
Issued on 2018-11-01T06:48:48.002770Z
List of concluded contracts Open Data
Lists of concluded contracts
Issued on 2019-09-19T12:57:48.255741Z
Data on electronic petitions, including those who signed them, and the results of consideration Open Data
The set contains petition data: name, essence, theme, date of commencement of collection and number
Issued on 2020-02-25T12:56:45.533933Z
Reference book "City Center for Social Assistance" Open Data
The data set contains a directory of officials of the "City Center for Social Assistance".
Issued on 2020-02-04T13:41:57.391258Z
Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the "Lutsk Primary Health... Open Data
Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the "Lutsk Primary Health
Issued on 2020-05-27T12:01:27.060938Z
Information about the acquired property (equipment, software) within the framework of international... Open Data
International technical assistance project 3838-01 EU-Ukraine Association Support Advisory Fund (in
Issued on 2020-10-28T09:41:47.987835Z
Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Poltava Regional State Administration Open Data
Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Poltava Regional State Admin
Issued on 2020-09-18T05:54:03.901944Z
Directory of municipal institution "Territorial social service center (provision of social... Open Data
Posts - Directory of Persons of the "Tercentre" BIS
Issued on 2020-10-09T11:42:40.214443Z
Structure of the Public Institution "Center for Social Services Provision" of Novosloboda Village... Open Data
Here is the structure of the communal institution "Center for the provision of social services" of N
Issued on 2021-07-21T11:26:34.931232Z
Information about the organizational structure of the enterprise Open Data
Organizational structure of the enterprise according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers o
Issued on 2018-09-18T16:57:13.417675Z
Separate collection of household waste Open Data
Scheme of placement of sites for separate waste collection
Issued on 2021-06-14T12:23:30.203361Z
Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data
Passport of the budget program for 2020 according to KPMC 0210180 and changes to it
Issued on 2020-10-16T09:36:31.817472Z
Information about the structure (organizational structure) of the information manager Open Data
The set contains information about the organizational structure of financial management of Kropyvnyt
Issued on 2018-08-30T11:46:28.397094Z
Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data
Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information
Issued on 2020-01-10T11:30:13.437928Z
Decision of Mohyliv-Podilsky City Council sessions of 8 convocation Open Data
Decision of Mohyliv-Podilsky City Council sessions of 8 convocation
Issued on 2020-11-16T09:23:49.589772Z
1.7. Register of datasets owned by the institution "Vinnytsia Children's Music School Ü 2" Open Data
Register of data sets of the institution VWYS Ü 2
Issued on 2020-09-28T15:29:31.960477Z
General plans of Podolsk City Council Open Data
General plans of Podolsk City Council: Podolsk town, Lipetske village, Oleksandrivka village, Kazbek
Issued on 2021-08-17T05:43:50.043992Z
Information on financing of expenditures of Goshcha district budget (general fund) Open Data
Information on financing of expenditures of Goshcha district budget (general fund)
Issued on 2018-12-17T07:54:18.983181Z
2.45. Data on the pedagogical staff of the State Institution "DNZ·6 VMR" Open Data
2.45. Data on the pedagogical staff of the State Institution "DNZ·6 VMR"
Issued on 2020-09-28T15:30:22.993179Z
List of contracts of the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Construction of the... Open Data
The set contains a list of concluded contracts, contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional a
Issued on 2020-07-20T06:44:08.339164Z
List of objects of communal property that are leased Open Data
the information
Issued on 2020-01-09T13:57:49.499799Z
Directory Kharkiv Gymnasium 46 named after M.V. Lomonosov of Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv region Open Data
On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, 194 "On Approval of the Regulations on
Issued on 2020-09-15T06:25:30.405295Z
Personal composition of the South Ukrainian City Council Open Data
Personal composition of the South Ukrainian City Council
Issued on 2019-07-17T10:27:00.607843Z
Passport of the budget program of the local budget for 2020 Open Data
Passport of the budget program of the local budget for 2020 The Executive Committee of the Novohrad-
Issued on 2020-11-26T16:56:12.085890Z
Financial statements for 2020 Open Data
Financial statements for 2020
Issued on 2020-04-21T07:24:31.998411Z
Register of datasets that are in possession of the information manager Open Data
Register of datasets that are in possession of the information manager
Issued on 2020-09-16T10:11:31.595955Z
The Handbook. Communal institution "Kharkiv Lyceum Ü 112 Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv region" Open Data
On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, 194 "On Approval of the Regulations on
Issued on 2019-09-11T13:59:32.944381Z
Data on tariffs for utilities Open Data
The set contains a list of tariffs for utilities approved by the Tetiiv City Council. In particular,
Issued on 2020-07-14T09:07:56.755861Z
List of contracts concluded, agreements, other transactions, annexes, additional agreements and... Open Data
List of contracts of TZR provision
Issued on 2019-04-24T00:47:53.116254Z
Data on tariffs for utilities Open Data
Information about the current tariffs for services of communal enterprises of the Roma City Council
Issued on 2021-04-29T05:40:38.431324Z
List of employees of the Municipal Non-profit Enterprise "Dnipro Center for Primary Health Care Ü8"... Open Data
List of employees of the State Employees of the State Enterprise "SPMSD Ü8" DMC
Issued on 2021-02-25T13:28:36.300907Z
schedule of reception of the community by the leadership of the Ternopil Regional Prosecutor's... Open Data
schedule of reception of the community by the leadership of the Ternopil Regional Prosecutor's Offic
Issued on 2018-11-30T07:21:36.910418Z
Passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2021 Open Data
Passports of budget programs of the local budget for 2021 on the Department of Education and Culture
Issued on 2021-04-19T11:52:08.677322Z
List of certain telecommunication services markets, results of their analysis and list of operators,... Open Data
List of certain markets of certain telecommunication services, information on the results of their a
Issued on 2020-11-03T07:42:05.323644Z
it is n04. Data on pedagogical workers of educational institutions Open Data
The set contains data on positions, education, qualifications, pedagogical title, experience of peda
Issued on 2020-05-28T17:00:50.640703Z
Schemes of territorial planning and zoning plans of Bolekhiv city council Open Data
Information scheme of territories planning and zoning plans of Bolekhiv city council
Issued on 2019-08-30T07:58:46.851381Z
Data on the service area of the city of Ugledar Open Data
Information about the service area of the ZFSO of the city of Ugledar
Issued on 2019-07-17T10:36:49.499208Z
Pastors of budget programs for 2021 (regional budget) Open Data
Passports of budget programs (regional budget) according to the main manager of funds of the Service
Issued on 2020-01-16T14:45:19.698523Z
Report on implementation of passports of budgetary programs management of housing and communal... Open Data
Report on implementation of passports of budget programs of management of housing and communal servi
Issued on 2021-06-14T12:24:18.675905Z
List of contracts of purchase and sale of communal property of the territorial community of... Open Data
The Extraordinary Objects
Issued on 2018-12-28T12:45:30.668805Z
Information about the contracts, the communal social security institution of the Center for Social... Open Data
Contracts with suppliers 2020 on the LCSC "Mother's Happiness" DMC
Issued on 2020-06-08T20:25:58.999534Z
The financial plan Open Data
On approval of the financial plan for 2020 of the Municipal non-profit enterprise "Burshtyn City Cen
Issued on 2019-12-17T10:56:52.837826Z
Estimates of the Department of Economics and Investments of the executive body of the Kyiv City... Open Data
Estimates for 2019 of the Department of Economics and Investments of the executive body of the Kyiv
Issued on 2019-06-11T11:10:53.064340Z
The queue for obtaining land from communal land Open Data
The queue for obtaining land from communal land as of 01.07.2019
Issued on 2019-07-23T12:08:44.550015Z
3.6. List of concluded procurement agreements Open Data
Issued on 2020-09-28T15:36:21.345327Z
Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity Open Data
A set of data contains information on the regulatory and legal principles of the Novosloboda village
Issued on 2021-10-11T10:31:26.084699Z
1.10. Information on the regulatory and legal principles of the rehabilitation center "Harmony"... Open Data
A set of data contains information on the regulatory and legal principles of the rehabilitation cent
Issued on 2020-09-28T15:36:30.950421Z
Information about the acquired property (equipment, software) by the Department of Economics and... Open Data
Information about the acquired property (equipment, software) by the Department of Economics and Inv
Issued on 2020-01-31T07:52:09.529183Z
Debt on budget funds Open Data
Report on debt on budget funds form 7-m
Issued on 2019-12-16T07:42:03.691354Z
Information on the implementation of measures to prevent and combat violence in Ivano-Frankivsk... Open Data
The dataset contains information on the implementation of measures to prevent and combat violence in
Issued on 2020-02-18T21:40:33.569889Z
Passports of budget programs of the Executive Committee of Stepanets Village Council of the united... Open Data
The set contains passports of budget programs of Stepanets village council of the united territorial
Issued on 2020-05-05T11:56:39.219671Z
Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the children's service of... Open Data
the Public Information
Issued on 2019-10-15T13:20:46.595587Z
List of budget programs, including references to published resources on the Internet of the... Open Data
List of budget programs, including links to the public and resources on the Internet of the executi
Issued on 2020-06-23T07:34:20.472637Z
List of objects of communal property that are leased or other right of use (with data on the... Open Data
List of objects of communal property that are leased or other right of use (with data on the conditi
Issued on 2019-08-06T13:33:43.297228Z
Lists of regulatory acts indicating the date of entry into force, the term of the basic, repeated... Open Data
Lists of Regulatory Acts
Issued on 2019-07-09T06:33:14.200192Z
List of land plots offered for construction Open Data
List of land plots offered for construction
Issued on 2019-11-04T13:45:55.622021Z
Report on the satisfaction of requests for public information received by SPE "Engineering Networks"... Open Data
On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, "On Approval of the Regulations on Dat
Issued on 2019-01-15T10:31:24.500226Z
State Sanitary Regulations and Regulations Open Data
State sanitary norms and rules, DSN, chipboard, DSanPiN
Issued on 2020-10-21T13:55:52.681714Z
Information about the organizational structure of the municipal enterprise "Modern city" Open Data
On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021 "On Approval of the Regulation on Data
Issued on 2018-09-17T07:06:54.790846Z
Balance sheet (financial status) of municipal enterprise "City Treatment and Diagnostic Center" Open Data
Balance sheet (financial status) of municipal enterprise "City Treatment and Diagnostic Center"
Issued on 2018-10-31T07:03:33.863924Z
Directory of enterprises, institutions (institutions) and organizations of the department for... Open Data
Telephone and address directory of the Department of Assets of the Dnipro City Council
Issued on 2019-12-18T10:17:41.149960Z
Report on the amount and volume of expenses for business trips Open Data
Report on the amount and volume of expenses for business trips
Issued on 2020-11-02T08:33:14.378016Z
List of funds of documents of the National Archival Fond as of June 07, 2019, which are stored in... Open Data
List of funds of documents of the National Archival Fond as of June 07, 2019, which are stored in th
Issued on 2019-06-07T12:04:00.413745Z
Annual Procurement Plans and Applications Open Data
Annual Procurement Plan with Changes and Applications .
Issued on 2019-12-16T11:49:21.443225Z
Data on green plantations that are subject to removal, according to the issued acts of survey of... Open Data
Data on green plantations that are subject to removal, according to the documents issued by the surv
Issued on 2021-04-20T08:34:51.790470Z
Information on the state and volume of fish stocks in reservoirs where industrial catch is conducted Open Data
Limits and forecasts of admissible special use of aquatic bioresources of national importance
Issued on 2019-01-24T10:43:08.224436Z
The queue for the refurbishment of land plots of communal property Open Data
turn to otrm.zem.dil kom.vlasn
Issued on 2019-08-30T12:34:34.366336Z
Staffing and structure of the Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve Open Data
Staffing and structure of the Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve
Issued on 2019-01-10T12:31:58.577979Z
Financial statements of the city communal cultural institution "Dnipro Children's Art School Ü 1" of... Open Data
Financial statements of the city communal cultural institution "Dnipro Children's Art School Ü 1" of
Issued on 2020-02-26T14:47:16.735367Z
Lists of regulatory acts indicating the date of entry into force, the term of the basic, repeated... Open Data
Lists of regulatory acts of the Chop City Council indicating the date of entry into force, the term
Issued on 2019-09-19T07:28:49.827028Z
Reports on the implementation of financial plans of the public sector economic entities subordinated... Open Data
The set contains a consolidated report on the implementation of financial plans of the public sector
Issued on 2022-01-17T13:02:23.182545Z
Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data
the set contains passports of UMSC UMSC budget programs for subordinate institutions and in accordan
Issued on 2019-03-28T08:43:50.754610Z
Plan for preparation of draft regulatory acts of Shpolyan city amalgamated hromada Open Data
Set Description Plan: The set contains a plan for the preparation of regulatory acts, including the
Issued on 2022-01-18T14:20:14.782473Z
Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Financial Department of Fortress District in... Open Data
Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Financial Department of Fortress District in
Issued on 2019-04-08T13:24:31.569975Z
Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information of the Kharkiv Special Evening... Open Data
On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021 Ü194 "On Approval of the Regulations on
Issued on 2021-12-16T11:31:45.784401Z
List of objects of communal property of Pokrovsky city territorial community, leased or other right... Open Data
The set contains a list of communal property that is leased
Issued on 2020-07-16T10:18:12.736425Z
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