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List of administrative services provided by the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of... Open Data

The set contains a list of administrative services provided by the Department of Agro-Industrial Dev

Issued on 2020-02-17T06:39:08.593306Z

List of administrative services provided by the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of... details >

Passports of budget programs and reports on their implementation Open Data

Passports of budget programs and reports on their implementation

Issued on 2019-07-17T07:25:32.722979Z

Passports of budget programs and reports on their implementation details >

List of investment agreements, annexes, Open Data

List of investment agreements, annexes,

Issued on 2020-01-28T09:19:05.272721Z

List of investment agreements, annexes, details >

Information about the organizational structure of Sinelnikov City Council Open Data

the structure

Issued on 2019-12-13T12:39:23.302553Z

Information about the organizational structure of Sinelnikov City Council details >

19. Results of anti-corruption examinations of draft legal acts Open Data

Results of anti-corruption examinations of draft legal acts

Issued on 2021-04-23T07:20:42.062669Z

19. Results of anti-corruption examinations of draft legal acts details >

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the Main Department of the... Open Data

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the Main Directorate of the

Issued on 2018-08-21T13:20:13.870791Z

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored by the Main Department of the... details >

List of employees of the financial department of Podolsk district in Kropyvnytskyi Council Open Data

List of employees of the financial division of the Podilskyi district in the city of Kropivnitskogo

Issued on 2019-11-18T13:36:35.155187Z

List of employees of the financial department of Podolsk district in Kropyvnytskyi Council details >

Decision of the Odessa OTB of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine Open Data

Decision of the Odessa OTB of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Issued on 2019-09-18T06:07:12.572100Z

Decision of the Odessa OTB of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine details >

Data on the consumption of utilities (electric energy, thermal energy, natural gas, solid fuel, cold... Open Data

The set contains: Data on the consumption of utilities (electrical energy, thermal energy, natural g

Issued on 2021-10-20T07:57:12.381546Z

Data on the consumption of utilities (electric energy, thermal energy, natural gas, solid fuel, cold... details >

List of managers of budget funds Open Data

List of managers of budget funds, which are held at the expense of the budget of the Bilyaiv city te

Issued on 2019-10-18T06:09:00.891319Z

List of managers of budget funds details >

Passports of budget programs 2019 Open Data

Passports of budget programs 2019

Issued on 2020-03-03T07:53:56.566975Z

Passports of budget programs 2019 details >

List of objects of communal property that are leased or other right of use (with data on the... Open Data

List of objects of communal ownership of Chop city council, leased or other right of use (with data

Issued on 2019-08-08T12:55:53.383069Z

List of objects of communal property that are leased or other right of use (with data on the... details >

Projects of decisions of Varas City Council Open Data

Projects of decisions of Varas City Council

Issued on 2020-01-08T09:52:00.865553Z

Projects of decisions of Varas City Council details >

Annual Procurement Plans Open Data

Annual Procurement Plans Department of Information and Communications of Sumy Regional State Adminis

Issued on 2019-04-03T12:39:09.801796Z

Annual Procurement Plans details >

Information about the structure (organizational structure) of the information manager Open Data

Contains information about the organizational structure of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in Lviv

Issued on 2019-10-23T09:27:14.563418Z

Information about the structure (organizational structure) of the information manager details >

Report 7m Communal institution "Poltava children's and youth sports school "wedding" Open Data

Report on debt on budget funds by the general fund

Issued on 2020-07-21T10:20:47.484230Z

Report 7m Communal institution "Poltava children's and youth sports school "wedding" details >

Construction passports of land plots of Murovanska village council of AHs Open Data

Construction passports of land plots of Murovanska village council of AHs

Issued on 2019-12-02T16:24:44.346713Z

Construction passports of land plots of Murovanska village council of AHs details >

Data of town-planning cadastre Open Data

Information on entering the data of the town-planning cadastre (registration and date of entering da

Issued on 2019-07-29T09:43:49.752245Z

Data of town-planning cadastre details >

Directory of structural subdivisions of the Executive Committee of the Irpin City Council Open Data

Directory of structural subdivisions of the Executive Committee of the Irpin City Council

Issued on 2019-07-08T08:54:08.048952Z

Directory of structural subdivisions of the Executive Committee of the Irpin City Council details >

Passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

Passports of budget programs of the local budget of the Department of social protection of the popul

Issued on 2018-12-18T07:20:09.606734Z

Passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

Financial statements of Dnipro district in Kyiv state administration Open Data

financial statements of Dnipro district in Kyiv state administration for 2020

Issued on 2020-11-02T11:09:57.287691Z

Financial statements of Dnipro district in Kyiv state administration details >

Application form of municipal enterprise "Sigma" of Kharkiv City Council Open Data

The application form

Issued on 2018-09-21T05:23:02.055534Z

Application form of municipal enterprise "Sigma" of Kharkiv City Council details >

Schedule of reception of citizens by the leadership of the Regional Department Open Data

Schedule of reception of citizens

Issued on 2019-09-25T07:15:03.805908Z

Schedule of reception of citizens by the leadership of the Regional Department details >

Statute of Prilutsky KM named after V.I. Maslov Open Data

Activity of Prilutsky KM named after V.I. Maslov

Issued on 2019-09-25T10:50:46.236140Z

Statute of Prilutsky KM named after V.I. Maslov details >

Business trip of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Dubno City Council Open Data

Business trip of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Dubno City Council

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:32:31.881638Z

Business trip of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Dubno City Council details >

Title lists for 2019. Open Data

development, improvement, roads

Issued on 2019-10-15T12:16:45.960808Z

Title lists for 2019. details >

Information about the organizational structure of the Kuyalnytska village council Open Data

Structure of executive bodies, number of employees of the Kuyalnytska village council

Issued on 2019-09-13T12:57:43.757659Z

Information about the organizational structure of the Kuyalnytska village council details >

Structure and staff number of the institution Open Data

structure and staff of 2019

Issued on 2019-10-24T12:53:30.473850Z

Structure and staff number of the institution details >

Directory of telephones of "Vinnytsiaoblteploenergo" Open Data

Directory of telephones of the State Enterprise "Vinnytsiaoblteploenergo" as of 2019

Issued on 2019-08-01T13:44:48.774571Z

Directory of telephones of "Vinnytsiaoblteploenergo" details >

Budget of the Vapnyarska AH 2020 Open Data

The budget

Issued on 2020-09-01T12:56:16.908488Z

Budget of the Vapnyarska AH 2020 details >

Data on green plantations that are subject to removal, crowning and sanitary cleaning in accordance... Open Data

The set contains a list of green plantations that are subject to removal, crowning and sanitary clea

Issued on 2020-03-17T15:04:36.286009Z

Data on green plantations that are subject to removal, crowning and sanitary cleaning in accordance... details >

Passports of local budget programs of the Department of Civil Protection and Defense Work of... Open Data

Passports of local budget programs, reports on their implementation

Issued on 2019-04-04T11:53:35.495555Z

Passports of local budget programs of the Department of Civil Protection and Defense Work of... details >

Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity Open Data

Normative-legal principles of the Department of Social Policy of the Executive Committee of Ivano-Fr

Issued on 2019-07-04T10:02:55.798972Z

Information on regulatory and legal principles of activity details >

Report on the implementation of the budget (estimates) of the Pension Fund of Ukraine Open Data

Report of the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine on the implementation of the budget (es

Issued on 2019-02-26T08:19:57.698830Z

Report on the implementation of the budget (estimates) of the Pension Fund of Ukraine details >

List of contracts of the CNP "Miskapoliclinika Ü6" DMR Open Data

The set contains a list of concluded contracts

Issued on 2020-12-16T18:22:51.604444Z

List of contracts of the CNP "Miskapoliclinika Ü6" DMR details >

Orders of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports of Okhtyrsk District State... Open Data

Orders on the main activities of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports of the Okhtyrs

Issued on 2019-01-24T13:48:07.758725Z

Orders of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports of Okhtyrsk District State... details >

Information about the contact details of the Seafarers Training and Certification Inspectorate Open Data

Contact information

Issued on 2019-10-18T07:35:22.778114Z

Information about the contact details of the Seafarers Training and Certification Inspectorate details >

List of agreements concluded by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Population... Open Data

The set contains a list of concluded contracts, contracts, other transactions, annexes, additional a

Issued on 2020-07-20T05:24:30.750119Z

List of agreements concluded by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Population... details >

Report on debt on budget funds of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Dubno City... Open Data

Report on debt on budgetary funds of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Dubno City

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:32:39.731511Z

Report on debt on budget funds of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Dubno City... details >

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget Open Data

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget

Issued on 2019-08-01T13:11:45.104031Z

Reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs of the local budget details >

1.10 Information on the normative-legal principles of the CZ "Vinnytsia City Club" Open Data

Information on the normative-legal principles of activity of the "Vinnytsia City Club"

Issued on 2020-09-28T16:28:15.610615Z

1.10 Information on the normative-legal principles of the CZ "Vinnytsia City Club" details >

Accessibility of buildings for persons with disabilities Open Data

The set contains a list of cultural institutions for accessibility of buildings for persons with dis

Issued on 2019-12-05T19:34:14.103403Z

Accessibility of buildings for persons with disabilities details >

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored in the Transcarpathian Regional... Open Data

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored in the Transcarpathian Regional

Issued on 2021-03-19T13:32:41.780273Z

Information about the accounting system, types of information stored in the Transcarpathian Regional... details >

State register of scientific objects constituting national property Open Data

The dataset contains a list of unique objects that are not reproducible, the loss or destruction of

Issued on 2020-08-17T16:40:08.871478Z

State register of scientific objects constituting national property details >

A new type of state social assistance to people who have reached 80 or more years. Open Data

the appointment of the state social assistance for the care of single living persons who are 80 or m

Issued on 2020-09-28T11:10:57.939817Z

A new type of state social assistance to people who have reached 80 or more years. details >

Passports of budget programs 2019 Open Data

Passports of budget programs 2019

Issued on 2020-03-03T07:38:48.909033Z

Passports of budget programs 2019 details >

List of agreements on mutual participation (contributions) of construction customers in the... Open Data

The set contains a list of agreements on mutual participation (contributions) of construction custom

Issued on 2019-12-05T07:15:35.091073Z

List of agreements on mutual participation (contributions) of construction customers in the... details >

Directory KP "Teploenergo" of Dnipro City Council Open Data

Directory of structural subdivisions, officials and list of regular employees of the State Enterpris

Issued on 2019-12-17T13:15:07.307303Z

Directory KP "Teploenergo" of Dnipro City Council details >

2.59 Recruitment and use of charitable assistance to the CZ "Zdoš20VMR" Open Data

The set contains information about the receipt and use of charitable assistance

Issued on 2020-09-28T16:29:22.101390Z

2.59 Recruitment and use of charitable assistance to the CZ "Zdoš20VMR" details >

List of communal property objects that can be leased Open Data

Information on the list of communal property objects that can be leased

Issued on 2018-11-26T15:35:53.118161Z

List of communal property objects that can be leased details >

List of objects of cultural heritage of Lutsk city territorial community Open Data

Monuments of archeology, architecture, history, monumental art of Lutsk city territorial community

Issued on 2019-09-18T09:24:22.968759Z

List of objects of cultural heritage of Lutsk city territorial community details >

Annual consolidated main financial indicators of implementation of financial plans of enterprises of... Open Data

The set contains reports on the implementation of financial plans of business entities

Issued on 2019-12-05T14:25:57.168476Z

Annual consolidated main financial indicators of implementation of financial plans of enterprises of... details >

Report on debt on budget funds of the financial management of Dubno City Council Open Data

Report on debt on budget funds of the financial management of Dubno City Council (0160 - Management

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:33:11.586926Z

Report on debt on budget funds of the financial management of Dubno City Council details >

List of concluded contracts of KP "Center for City Development and Recreation" Open Data

the set contains a list of concluded contracts of KP "City Development and Recreation Center"

Issued on 2018-12-18T09:42:48.566032Z

List of concluded contracts of KP "Center for City Development and Recreation" details >

Regulations on the administrative department of the CMR Open Data

Regulations on the establishment of the administrative department of Cherkasy City Council

Issued on 2019-05-23T09:10:42.883168Z

Regulations on the administrative department of the CMR details >

Annual Procurement Plan for 2020 Open Data

Annual Procurement Plan

Issued on 2020-07-09T08:30:19.446864Z

Annual Procurement Plan for 2020 details >

Lists of concluded contracts Open Data

Lists of concluded contracts

Issued on 2018-10-05T05:50:31.507404Z

Lists of concluded contracts details >

The Directory of Youth and Sports of the Executive Committee of the Berdyansk City Council Open Data

Department of Youth and Sports of BIS: contact phone numbers, address, email address

Issued on 2020-06-30T05:58:18.905486Z

The Directory of Youth and Sports of the Executive Committee of the Berdyansk City Council details >

Structure of the Mamayiv village council apparatus Open Data

Structure of the Mamayiv village council apparatus

Issued on 2019-12-02T08:57:40.992574Z

Structure of the Mamayiv village council apparatus details >

Register of minutes of meetings of the Standing Committee on Education Open Data

Register of minutes of meetings of the Standing Committee on National and Spiritual Revival, Educati

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:33:18.812071Z

Register of minutes of meetings of the Standing Committee on Education details >

Data on the location of city electric and road transport stops in the city of Sumy Open Data

List and names of city passenger transport stops in Sumy

Issued on 2021-05-13T12:11:32.075619Z

Data on the location of city electric and road transport stops in the city of Sumy details >

Information on the structure, total number of the apparatus of the Metallurgical district in the... Open Data

Information about the structure of the apparatus

Issued on 2019-10-07T13:16:09.536231Z

Information on the structure, total number of the apparatus of the Metallurgical district in the... details >

Financial statements of Municipal Cultural Institution "City Children's Library" of Kryvyi Rih City... Open Data

The Financial Reporting

Issued on 2019-11-22T11:09:56.281710Z

Financial statements of Municipal Cultural Institution "City Children's Library" of Kryvyi Rih City... details >

Socio-economic passport of Kholodnogorsk district Open Data

On the basis of the order of the Kharkiv Mayor of 21.10.2021, 194 "On Approval of the Regulations on

Issued on 2019-01-24T13:48:17.889124Z

Socio-economic passport of Kholodnogorsk district details >

Financial Plan Implementation Report Open Data

Financial Plan Implementation Report

Issued on 2018-09-06T10:24:46.558961Z

Financial Plan Implementation Report details >

System of accounting (registration) of public information of Putivl district state administration Open Data

Accounting system (register) of public information

Issued on 2019-01-11T13:37:08.703194Z

System of accounting (registration) of public information of Putivl district state administration details >

Services provided by ASC Open Data

This set contains a list of services provided by the Center for Administrative Services

Issued on 2019-07-15T00:00:00Z

Services provided by ASC details >

Passports of budget programs management of housing and communal services of Dubno City Council Open Data

Passports of budget programs of management of housing and communal services of Dubno City Council

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:33:21.036079Z

Passports of budget programs management of housing and communal services of Dubno City Council details >

Register of datasets that are in possession of the information manager Open Data

The register of datasets is formed on the basis of the List of data sets to be published in the form

Issued on 2020-01-14T11:16:02.244663Z

Register of datasets that are in possession of the information manager details >

Data on the consumption of municipal resources by budgetary institutions of the city Open Data

electrical energy, water

Issued on 2019-11-20T07:01:02.016595Z

Data on the consumption of municipal resources by budgetary institutions of the city details >

Information on regulatory and legal principles of management activity Open Data

Regulations on the Department of Education of the Executive Committee of the Slavutsk City Council i

Issued on 2020-04-15T13:47:24.988054Z

Information on regulatory and legal principles of management activity details >

Data on medical workers of health care institutions of Murovanska AH Open Data

Data on medical workers of health care institutions of Murovanska AH

Issued on 2019-12-02T09:46:35.948035Z

Data on medical workers of health care institutions of Murovanska AH details >

Report on the distribution of pensioners by the size of assigned monthly pensions Open Data

Report on the distribution of pensioners by the size of assigned monthly pensions

Issued on 2018-10-10T12:03:58.618432Z

Report on the distribution of pensioners by the size of assigned monthly pensions details >

Reports on receipt and use of funds Main Territorial Department of Justice in Zakarpattya region Open Data

The resource contains a list of reports on the use of budget funds, financial statements of the econ

Issued on 2019-06-03T14:05:41.224858Z

Reports on receipt and use of funds Main Territorial Department of Justice in Zakarpattya region details >

Medical equipment DMPB Open Data

This section contains information on medical equipment of Drohobych city maternity hospital(/p>

Issued on 2018-03-20T00:00:00Z

Medical equipment DMPB details >

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information Open Data

Statistical information on receipt to the Office (Center) of providing administrative services Desny

Issued on 2020-11-17T15:11:50.285778Z

Reports, including the satisfaction of requests for information details >

Data on the consumption of municipal resources (electricity, thermal energy, natural gas, solid... Open Data

Data on the consumption of communal resources

Issued on 2019-10-16T06:28:35.977415Z

Data on the consumption of municipal resources (electricity, thermal energy, natural gas, solid... details >

Budget requests of the executive committee of the Ternivsky District Council of Krivoy Rog for 2021 Open Data

Information on budget requests for 2020. The dataset contains information on budget programs that ar

Issued on 2021-01-22T09:37:01.175984Z

Budget requests of the executive committee of the Ternivsky District Council of Krivoy Rog for 2021 details >

Passport of the budget program of the executive committee of the Bilozir village council for 2020 Open Data

The set contains the passport of the budget program of the Executive Committee of the Bilozir villag

Issued on 2020-02-27T14:17:42.779831Z

Passport of the budget program of the executive committee of the Bilozir village council for 2020 details >

List of contracts 2019 Open Data

List of concluded contracts

Issued on 2019-04-22T08:18:22.800700Z

List of contracts 2019 details >

Telephone directory of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture Open Data

Directory of telephones of employees of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture with indic

Issued on 2019-01-16T12:29:31.015886Z

Telephone directory of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture details >

Data on accessibility of buildings for persons with disabilities and other low-mobile populations Open Data

The set includes two resources: the list of buildings and structures in which checks of compliance w

Issued on 2020-02-24T08:11:00.959048Z

Data on accessibility of buildings for persons with disabilities and other low-mobile populations details >

Financial Report of Education Management Open Data

Financial statements of the Education Department of Dubno City Council

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:33:44.240455Z

Financial Report of Education Management details >

Evaluation of the effectiveness of budget programs of the Department of Culture and Arts Open Data

This set contains assessments of the effectiveness of budget programs of the Department of Culture a

Issued on 2018-07-03T00:00:00Z

Evaluation of the effectiveness of budget programs of the Department of Culture and Arts details >

Information on receipt and use of charitable donations Open Data

Information about the receipt and use of charitable donations. On the basis of the order of the Khar

Issued on 2020-08-04T11:25:08.688728Z

Information on receipt and use of charitable donations details >

Investment plan KP "Dubnovodokal" Open Data

Financial plan for the use of funds for the implementation of the investment program and their takin

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:34:02.635426Z

Investment plan KP "Dubnovodokal" details >

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action (except intra-organizational), adopted by the... Open Data

The decision of the session, the decision of the Executive Committee, the order of the mayor

Issued on 2019-11-21T09:44:03.831868Z

Normative-legal acts, acts of individual action (except intra-organizational), adopted by the... details >

List of lawns served by the municipal enterprise "Green farming" Open Data

List of lawns served by the municipal enterprise "Green economy"

Issued on 2021-06-14T12:34:05.779189Z

List of lawns served by the municipal enterprise "Green farming" details >

Annual Procurement Plan and Supplement with Changes for 2019 Open Data

Annual plan 2019, procurement, applications

Issued on 2019-01-24T11:18:45.760380Z

Annual Procurement Plan and Supplement with Changes for 2019 details >

Information about deputies of Novozavodsk district in Chernihiv councils Open Data

The set contains information about deputies of the Novozavodsk district council of the seventh convo

Issued on 2019-11-05T08:34:09.420069Z

Information about deputies of Novozavodsk district in Chernihiv councils details >

Financial statements of the State Institutions Ü 72 "Gnomic" Open Data

The set contains the Balance and the Statement of Financial Results of the State Institutions Ü 72 "

Issued on 2019-07-05T11:01:57.749302Z

Financial statements of the State Institutions Ü 72 "Gnomic" details >

Financial statements of the municipal enterprise "Prylukyzhitlobud" of the Prilutsk City Council Open Data

The set contains balance sheets, reports on financial results, cash flow reports, reports on equity

Issued on 2020-05-18T05:49:17.723188Z

Financial statements of the municipal enterprise "Prylukyzhitlobud" of the Prilutsk City Council details >

3.6. List of concluded procurement agreements, made in the amount of up to 50 thousand UAH. Open Data

The set contains a list of concluded procurement agreements, made in the amount of up to 50 thousand

Issued on 2020-09-28T16:36:22.707891Z

3.6. List of concluded procurement agreements, made in the amount of up to 50 thousand UAH. details >

Additional agreements 2019 Open Data

Additional agreements 2019

Issued on 2019-08-02T07:33:06.881529Z

Additional agreements 2019 details >

Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts indicating the names of projects,... Open Data

The set contains the Delyatynska Regulatory Acts Adoption Plan settlement Council of the amalgamate

Issued on 2020-02-04T09:07:28.354793Z

Plan of activities for preparation of draft regulatory acts indicating the names of projects,... details >

Title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement Open Data

The set contains information about the list of planned works for the year, type of work, address of

Issued on 2019-08-01T12:32:57.335272Z

Title lists for capital and current repairs, construction, reconstruction and improvement details >

List of agreements concluded by Dnipro district in Kyiv by state administration for 2020 Open Data

List of agreements concluded by Dnipro district in Kyiv by state administration for 2020

Issued on 2020-10-21T08:50:07.769674Z

List of agreements concluded by Dnipro district in Kyiv by state administration for 2020 details >

Financial statements of the Public Institution of Out-of-school Education "Children and Youth Center... Open Data

Financial statements of DMC "LEDER" DMR

Issued on 2019-12-24T08:24:15.238876Z

Financial statements of the Public Institution of Out-of-school Education "Children and Youth Center... details >

List of objects of communal ownership of the municipal enterprise "Vinnytsiaoblteploenergo" Open Data

List of objects of communal ownership of the State Enterprise "Vinnytsiaoblteploenergo" as of 2019

Issued on 2019-08-01T12:28:26.631792Z

List of objects of communal ownership of the municipal enterprise "Vinnytsiaoblteploenergo" details >

Information and technological cards of administrative services provided by the State Service of... Open Data

Information and technological cards of administrative services provided by the State Service of Ukra

Issued on 2018-09-12T07:55:57.415109Z

Information and technological cards of administrative services provided by the State Service of... details >
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