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Estonian water intake list (EELIS) Open Data
The list of Estonian water intakes contains data on surface and groundwater intakes covered by an en
Issued on
INSPIRE (SD) — Estonian Species Distribution Data (WMS) Open Data
Data on the distribution of Estonian species. The layer does not contain category I and II species.
Issued on 2020-10-20
Estonian weather and climate data (CLIDATA) Open Data
Physical conditions in the atmosphere. Includes spatial data resulting from measurements and modelli
Issued on
INSPIRE (EF) — Estonian Weather Stations (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is ma
Issued on 2020-10-20
Estonian list of bore wells (EELIS) Open Data
Estonian groundwater cadastre data on wells and wells with detailed information. The dataset is mana
Issued on
List of Estonian Environmental Monitoring Stations, Areas and Places (EELIS) Open Data
Environmental monitoring stations, areas and locations included in the Estonian Nature Information S
Issued on 1999-02-15
Estonian Naturally Sensitivity Area Dataset (EELIS) Open Data
The dataset shall include the external boundary of the nitrate-vulnerable zone, karst areas, karstfo
Issued on
Mosaic elements for Estonian ortho-photos Open Data
Mosaic elements and ortho-image coverage of up-to-date orthoimagery of the Land Board.
Issued on 2017-12-22
INSPIRE (AM) — Estonian Hunting Areas (WFS) Open Data
Layer contains data from the Estonian Nature Information System (EELIS) list of hunting districts.
Issued on 2020-10-20
Data on strategic noise maps in Estonia Open Data
Strategic noise maps for cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants (Tallinn and Tartu) and major roa
Issued on 2010-08-12
Inspire (ER) — Estonian Energy Resources (WMS) Open Data
The spatial data set of energy resources is a dataset of the mineral resources register, which cover
Issued on 2020-10-20
Species distribution data (EELIS) Open Data
Data on the distribution of species in Estonia. The dataset is managed in the Estonian Nature Inform
Issued on
INSPIRE (EF) — Estonian Environmental Monitoring Stations, Areas and Places (WMS) Open Data
Environmental monitoring stations, areas and locations included in the Estonian Nature Information S
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (AM) — Estonian groundwater deposits dataset — groundwater resource utilisation areas (WMS) Open Data
The stratum contains areas for the use of Estonian groundwater resources. The source: Advantage (Est
Issued on 2021-03-01
Estonian agricultural and aquaculture production sites (data collection) Open Data
Production sites for agricultural and aquaculture products in Estonia. The database shall contain th
Issued on 2016-05-09
Address database (address database) Open Data
Regio has a constantly updated and accurate address database for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The
Issued on
Inspire (AU) — Unofficial Areas of the Estonian Address Data System Information System (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2021-07-08
INSPIRE (EL) — Concentrations and elevations (WFS) of the main map of Estonia Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2021-10-05
Estonian Health Statistics and Research Database Open Data
Health-related statistics and survey results are published in the database on health statistics and
Issued on 2012-01-01
Estonian 3D buildings LoD1 dataset Open Data
The models of LoD1 buildings are made using automatic data processing data from the Estonian Topogra
Issued on 2021-03-31
INSPIRE (SR) — Estonian Marine Regions (WMS) Open Data
INSPIRE viewing service created by the Land Board, which includes a layer of Estonian sea basins.
Issued on 2022-03-22
INSPIRE (SU) - Eesti statistiline ruutvõrk (WFS) Open Data
Kaardikiht sisaldab statistiline ruutvõrku 1x1km, mis on mõeldud asukohapõhiste andmete esitamiseks
Issued on 2020-12-14
ETA Data View Service (WMS) Open Data
Estonian Topography Database (ETAK) core data view service. The data are broken down by topic (using
Issued on 2022-01-14
Inspire (GE) — Estonian groundwater bodies (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE WMS service established by the Land Board, through which the dataset of groundwater bodi
Issued on 2020-12-14
Unofficial areas of the Estonian address data system information system Open Data
Agglomerations and unofficial districts are recorded as unofficial areas in the address data system.
Issued on
Geology (WFS) Open Data
Geology WMS contains the data of the Estonian Geological Base Map (1:50 000), the Mineral Resources
Issued on 2014-01-31
INSPIRE (ACMF) — Estonian Observatory Climate Standards (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Administration, through which the following data l
Issued on 2020-11-23
INSPIRE (TN) — Waterborne Transport Network (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the data of the Estonian navig
Issued on 2022-05-19
Road network and navigation database Open Data
It is possible to solve logistical tasks with the data contained in the REGIO Baltic Roads and Navig
Issued on
INSPIRE (SR) — Estonian Marine Regions (WFS) Open Data
INSPIRE download service created by the Land Board, which includes a layer of Estonian sea basins.
Issued on 2022-03-22
Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan on Intervention for the Protection of Surface and... Open Data
Service through which the following data layers are made available: 1) areas with unprotected ground
Issued on
INSPIRE (PF) — Estonian Air Sources (WFS) Open Data
The layer contains emission sources to air from the emission sources registry of the KOTKAS informat
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (TN) — Estonian ports (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2022-04-26
INSPIRE (TN) — Estonian Road Register Transport Network (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE View Service provided by the Land Board, through which the following layers of data are
Issued on 2022-03-31
Inspire (LC) — Estonian topography database — land cover (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is m
Issued on 2021-09-22
Contours and elevations of the main map of Estonia Open Data
The spatial data set includes data from the elevation layer of Estonia’s main map 1:10000: contours
Issued on 2018-08-15
Energy resources of the Mineral Resources Register Open Data
The mineral resources register spatial data set compiles information related to oil shale and peat.
Issued on
INSPIRE (ACMF) — Estonian Observatory Climate Standards (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE view service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is made
Issued on 2020-11-23
INSPIRE (PD) - Eesti rahvastiku tihedus NUTS3 (WFS) Open Data
Rahvastikutihedus NUTS3 piirkondades. 0-100+ vanuselise jaotumisega viie aasta kaupa. Andmed on 2022
Issued on 2021-01-28
INSPIRE (TN) — Estonian Topography Database Transport Networks (WMS) Open Data
INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, which contains the main layers of the transport
Issued on 2022-03-31
Estonian 3D Buildings LoD2 Data Set Open Data
The models of LoD2 buildings are made from data from the Estonian Topography Database (ETAK) by auto
Issued on 2021-03-31
INSPIRE (LU) — Closely populated areas following the comprehensive plan of the Land Board’s Planning... Open Data
Tiheasustus areas are rural areas where spatial planning must follow the principles specific to urba
Issued on 2022-08-23
Inspire (TN) — Estonian Air Transport Network (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, which provides the following layers of data:
Issued on 2022-04-12
Inspire (US) — Estonian waste water treatment plants, discharges of waste water and waste water... Open Data
The dataset contains information on waste water treatment plants, discharges of waste water and aggl
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (AM) — Regulated Marine Areas (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer from
Issued on 2022-05-19
Coastal Sea Monitoring Data (Wiski) Open Data
The coastal hydrological monitoring network includes 15 coastal sea stations. Sea level and water te
Issued on 1994-01-01
INSPIRE (TN) — Waterborne Transport Network (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the data of the Estonian navi
Issued on 2022-05-18
Deposits (WMS) Open Data
The service contains information related to mineral resources from the mineral resources register an
Issued on 2020-11-12
Inspire (US) — Estonian Waste Management Sites (WFS) Open Data
Data collection of waste management sites. A waste treatment facility is a technically equipped buil
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (TN) — Common Transport Elements (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2022-06-16
Current administrative and settlement limits (WMS) Open Data
The service includes layers of settlement units, municipalities, county boundaries and names, the st
Issued on
Inspire (AU) — Unofficial Areas of the Estonian Address Data System Information System (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2021-07-08
Historical City Plans (WMS) Open Data
Historical city plans for displaying the Land Board’s historical maps in the application. The servic
Issued on 2021-08-19
Inspire (TN) — Estonian Air Transport Network (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Administration, through which the following layers
Issued on 2022-04-12
Land Board’s planning information system densely populated areas Open Data
Tiheasustus areas are rural areas where spatial planning must follow the principles specific to urba
Issued on
INSPIRE (AU) — Administrative and settlement division of the Estonian Land Cadastre (WMS) Open Data
INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, which includes Estonian administrative and settl
Issued on 2021-06-29
Inspire (GE) — Estonian bore wells (WMS) Open Data
The layer contains data from the list of bore wells in the Estonian Nature Information System (EELIS
Issued on
INSPIRE (GN) — Place Names of the Estonian Register of Place Names (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on
Areas designated for the implementation of international agreements in Estonia (EELIS) Open Data
Areas submitted by Estonia in accordance with international conventions and directives managed by th
Issued on
INSPIRE (AU) — Administrative and settlement division of the Estonian Land Cadastre (WFS) Open Data
INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, which includes Estonian administrative and sett
Issued on 2021-06-29
INSPIRE (PF) — Estonian Air Sources (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is ma
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (GE) — Naturally sensitive areas of Estonia (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE view service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is made
Issued on 2021-05-14
Estonian Marine Regions Open Data
Estonian marine regions, their species and names.
Issued on
Inspire (LC) — Estonian topography database — land cover (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is ma
Issued on 2021-09-22
List of Estonian weather stations (CLIDATA) Open Data
The Estonian meteorological and hydrological monitoring network consists of 107 monitoring stations.
Issued on
Estonian groundwater deposits dataset (EELIS) Open Data
The dataset on groundwater deposits in Estonia contains the name, code and place name of the deposit
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Estonian groundwater body dataset (EELIS) Open Data
The dataset of groundwater bodies in Estonia compiles data on the locations, technical parameters an
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Estonian water catchment data (EELIS) Open Data
Water catchment areas, river basins, sub-basins. The data is managed in the Estonian Nature Informat
Issued on 2016-01-26
Estonian list of Natura 2000 sites (EELIS) Open Data
Natura 2000 is a pan-European network of protected areas aimed at ensuring the protection of rare or
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Estonian Environmental Monitoring Database (KESE) Open Data
The information system aggregates environmental monitoring data directly, but also details of monito
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Space data for area payments and livestock buildings (download service) WFS Open Data
Download service provided by ARIB. The database shall include: Arable parcels — agricultural parcel
Issued on 2015-06-08
Space data for area payments and livestock buildings (viewing service) WMS Open Data
Viewing service provided by ARIB. The database shall include: Arable parcels — agricultural parcels
Issued on 2015-06-08
Estonian Address Data System Information System Open Data
The Estonian address data system information system (ADS management system) manages all address data
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Main map of Estonia 1:10 000 Open Data
Estonia’s main map of 1:10000 is a large-scale topographic map with information on communications (r
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Estonian Geodetic Points Database Open Data
The Estonian Geodetic Points Database (GPA) consists of a database of geodetic points maintained dig
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Geologic map 1:50 000 (land administration presentation model) Open Data
A geological map (scale 1:50 000) provides the user with information on the construction of the eart
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Estonian Road Register Open Data
Aggregating technical data on public roads. Data and reports prepared on the basis of requests for d
Issued on 2005-07-28
Estonian public transport register Open Data
Pursuant to Section 53(2)(1)(7) of the Public Transport Act, the national public transport register
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Estonian Building Register Open Data
The purpose of maintaining a building register (EHR) according to the statutes is to assemble, store
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INSPIRE (LU) — Geospatial Aid Application Estonia (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by ARIB, through which the data layer Fields and Eco-areas (GS
Issued on 2020-03-10
INSPIRE (LC) — Land Parcel Identification System Estonia (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by ARIB, through which data layers on agricultural parcels and
Issued on 2020-03-10
INSPIRE (LC) — Land Parcel Identification System Estonia (WMS) Open Data
INSPIRE viewing service provided by ARIB, through which layers of agricultural parcels and landscape
Issued on 2020-03-10
Land Parcel Identification System Estonia Landscape elements Open Data
ARIB Landscape Elements
Issued on 2020-04-27
Geospatial Aid Application Estonia EFA Open Data
Issued on 2020-04-27
Geospatial Aid Application Estonia Agricultural parcels Open Data
ARIB fields
Issued on 2020-03-10
Eesti põllumajandusloomade register (ruumiandmekogum) Open Data
Põllumajandusloomade registrisse kantakse andmed identifitseeritud põllumajandusloomade, loomapidami
Issued on
Estonian statistical grid (1x1 km) Open Data
The statistical grid is intended to provide location-based data across spatially homogeneous surface
Issued on
Estonian railway traffic register Open Data
The register contains technical data on railway installations located in Estonia. The purpose of kee
Issued on
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