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INSPIRE (PF) — Estonian Fuel Monitoring Database (WMS) Open Data
The fuel monitoring database is part of the national fuel quality management system being developed,
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (SD) — Estonian Nature Observations (WFS) Open Data
The Nature Observation Database has been created for all nature lovers to enter observations on diff
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (EF) — Estonian Hydrological Stations (WMS) Open Data
Wiski is a database of the Environment Agency where hydrological monitoring data are stored.
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (ER) — Estonian Energy Resources (WFS) Open Data
The spatial data set of energy resources is a dataset of the mineral resources register, which cover
Issued on 2020-10-20
Modelled distribution of habitats in the Estonian Habitats Directive (EELIS) Open Data
Map layers updated in 2017 for the distribution of habitat types 1110, 1140, 1170 of the Habitats Di
Issued on 2018-02-26
Estonian fuel monitoring database Open Data
The fuel monitoring database is part of the national fuel quality management system under developmen
Issued on
Estonian inventive habitats (EELIS) Open Data
Data on areas characterised by specific ecological conditions, processes, structures and (sustaining
Issued on
Inspire (HB) — Marine Strategy Framework Directive modelled habitat types (WMS) Open Data
Map layer for the distribution of the main types of seabed habitats in accordance with the Marine St
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (PF) — Estonian Fuel Monitoring Database (WFS) Open Data
The service includes fuel monitoring refuelling stations/containers from the Estonian fuel monitorin
Issued on 2020-10-20
Basic map of Tallinn — WMS Open Data
The WMS service includes four layers of basic cards: • Detailed basic map — detailed map of Tallinn
Issued on 2016-10-10
Estonian Spatial Data Catalogue (Search Service) Open Data
The metadata directory service of the Estonian geoportal, where metadata of spatial data sets and se
Issued on 2012-03-01
INSPIRE (EF) — Estonian Hydrological Stations (WFS) Open Data
Wiski is a database of the Environment Agency where hydrological monitoring data are stored. This is
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (HB) — Noble habitats in the Estonian Environmental Register (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is m
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (HB) — Invented habitats in Estonia — semi-natural communities (WMS) Open Data
Data on areas characterised by specific ecological conditions, processes, structures and (life conse
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (HB) — Modelled distribution of habitats under the Habitats Directive (WFS) Open Data
Updated map layers for the distribution of habitat types 1110, 1140 and 1170 of the Habitats Directi
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (AM) — Estonian hunting districts (WMS) Open Data
Layer contains data from the Estonian Nature Information System (EELIS) list of hunting districts.
Issued on 2020-10-20
Estonian surface water bodies (EELIS) Open Data
Data on Estonian standing water bodies, watercourses and coastal marine bodies. The data is managed
Issued on 2019-03-28
List of Estonian hunting districts (EELIS) Open Data
The list of hunting districts in the former environmental register entered in the Estonian Nature In
Issued on
Estonian maritime areas and sea borders Open Data
Sea areas are the part of the sea bordering Estonia’s mainland, to which Estonian jurisdiction exten
Issued on 1993-03-10
INSPIRE (EF) — Estonian Environmental Monitoring Stations, Areas and Places (WFS) Open Data
Environmental monitoring stations, areas and locations included in the Estonian Nature Information S
Issued on 2020-10-20
Estonian Water Use Database (VEKA) Open Data
Database of information characterising water use.
Issued on
Estonian Sources and Karsts (EELIS) Open Data
Information about sources and karst.
Issued on
Inspire (SD) — Estonian Nature Observations (WMS) Open Data
The Nature Observation Database has been created for all nature lovers to enter observations on diff
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (HB) — Modelled distribution of habitats under the Habitats Directive (WMS) Open Data
Updated map layers for the distribution of habitat types 1110, 1140 and 1170 of the Habitats Directi
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (HB) — Invented habitats in Estonia — semi-natural communities (WFS) Open Data
Data on areas characterised by specific ecological conditions, processes, structures and (life conse
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (HB) — Marine Strategy Framework Directive modelled habitat types (WFS) Open Data
Map layer for the distribution of the main types of seabed habitats in accordance with the Marine St
Issued on 2020-10-20
INSPIRE (HB) — Noble habitats in the Estonian Environmental Register (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is ma
Issued on 2020-10-20
List of Estonian Residual Pollution Objects (EELIS) Open Data
The dataset shall include residual pollution objects and areas. The dataset is managed in the Estoni
Issued on
Modelled habitat types of the Estonian Marine Strategy Framework Directive (EELIS) Open Data
A mapping layer for the distribution of key types of seabed habitats in accordance with the Marine S
Issued on
List of Estonian hydrological stations (Wiski) Open Data
Wiski is a database of the Environment Agency where hydrological monitoring data are stored.
Issued on
Estonian plant cover height model (CHM — Canopy Height Model) Open Data
The plant cover height model (CHM — Canopy Height Model) indicates the height of vegetation above th
Issued on 2015-03-27
Estonian Water Framework Directive inventory, river basins Open Data
A repository of WFD reporting units and their data.
Issued on
Estonian Forest Register Open Data
Database of information related to the management of Estonian forests and timber stock. The oldest d
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INSPIRE (EF) — Estonian Weather Stations (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is m
Issued on 2020-10-20
Estonian agricultural and aquaculture holdings (data collection) Open Data
Estonian agricultural and aquaculture enterprises. The database shall contain the spatial shapes of
Issued on 2016-05-09
INSPIRE (SU) - Eesti NUTS piirkonnad (WMS) Open Data
Kaardikiht sisaldab NUTS piirkondade ruumikujusid ning nendega seotud nimesid ja Eurostati poolt kas
Issued on 2020-12-14
Digital layers of plans (WMS) Open Data
Public planning data compiled by the Land Board. The data have been transmitted to the Land Board by
Issued on 2021-04-14
REGIO MVT vector base card service (Regio MVT Basemap) Open Data
The REGIO MVT (MapBox Vector Tile) vector card is displayed on the screen on the basis of the parame
Issued on
Basic maps of the Land Board: Base (WMS) Open Data
The Land Board’s first public WMS contains the following data: 1) cadastral units (spatial shape, i
Issued on 2008-04-28
Map (WMS) Open Data
WMS provides the ground card service of the Land Board. The basic card contains the following card g
Issued on 2010-08-04
Photo card (WMS) Open Data
Photocard WMS contains the following data: 1) hybrid card vector layers: Road network, water networ
Issued on 2010-08-04
Historical Photography Plans (WMS) Open Data
Service of photographic plans scanned by the Land Board. The service includes layers of deciphered a
Issued on
INSPIRE (HY) — Estonian Topography Database — Hydrography (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2021-06-15
Estonian INSPIRE Discovery Service Open Data
Metadata Discovery Service, hosted by Estonian Land Board, part of the Estoninan Geoportal. The meta
Issued on 2020-07-03
INSPIRE (OI) — Estonian orthophoto mosaic elements (WMS) Open Data
INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the mosque elements and orthoimage
Issued on 2021-11-30
Inspire (BU) — Estonian Buildings (ETAK) (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the buildings of ETAK 2D are m
Issued on 2021-09-15
INSPIRE (HY) — Estonian dams (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE view service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is made
Issued on 2021-05-11
Historical Administrative Division (WMS) Open Data
The service includes historical administrative units from 1917 until now. Years represented: 1917, 1
Issued on 2020-05-12
INSPIRE (CP) — Estonian Land Cadastral Cadastral Cadastral Cadastral (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, which makes cadastral units available. The d
Issued on 2021-05-05
INSPIRE (TN) — Estonian ports (WFS) Open Data
INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board containing the following data layers: ports of t
Issued on 2022-04-26
Inspire (GE) — Estonian groundwater bodies (WFS) Open Data
INSPIRE WFS service set up by the Land Board, through which data on groundwater bodies can be downlo
Issued on 2020-12-14
Inspire (US) — Estonian Waste Management Sites (WMS) Open Data
Data collection of waste management sites. A waste treatment facility is a technically equipped bui
Issued on 2020-10-20
Historical Administrative Division (WFS) Open Data
The service allows you to download historical administrative units from 1917 to the present day. Yea
Issued on 2020-05-12
INSPIRE (GE) — Estonian Geological Base Chart Boreholes (WMS) Open Data
Estonian geological base map boreholes
Issued on 2020-10-20
Hunter card layers (WMS) Open Data
A viewing service managed by the Land Board with the following map layers: Lead-free hunting grounds
Issued on 2023-02-10
REGIO WMS: posts of Interest (Points of Interest) Open Data
The REGIO API provides information on points of interest (POI) in the Baltic States. For example, if
Issued on
ESTHub satellite images Open Data
ESTHub is the national satellite data centre through which users can access data from the European U
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Apartment ownership from address data (WFS) Open Data
Extract from address data about apartment ownership in Estonia. With the help of the service, it is
Issued on 2022-04-28
INSPIRE (OF) — Water Level and Temperature Data in Estonian Coastal Seas (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is ma
Issued on 2020-11-16
Estonian Topography Database — Hydrography Open Data
The spatial data set “Estonian Topography Database — Hydrography” includes the real-world phenomena
Issued on
Small fishing cells in the Estonian coastal sea Open Data
Small fishing cells established on the basis of Section 61(9) of the Fishing Act in the coastal sea
Issued on
Geodetic Points Database (WMS) Open Data
The service contains data from the Geodetic Points Database: 1) National Geodetic Network 2) Gravime
Issued on
INSPIRE (SO) — Estonian Soil Map (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is ma
Issued on 2021-10-13
INSPIRE (HY) — Estonian Topography Database — Hydrography (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2021-08-25
Current Administrative and Population Distribution (WFS) Open Data
Through the service, it is possible to download the boundaries of settlement units, municipalities,
Issued on
INSPIRE (PD) — Estonian population density 1x1 km (WFS) Open Data
Grid-based population data. Population census data are geo-referenced to the accuracy of the buildin
Issued on 2021-01-20
Historical Maps Application Metadata (WMS) Open Data
The Historical Map Application Base Map Information Request Service.
Issued on
INSPIRE (SO) — Estonian Soil Map (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is m
Issued on 2021-10-13
Inspire (AM) — Estonian Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (WFS) Open Data
Includes a nitrate vulnerable zone in Estonia. The Pandivere and Adavere-Põltsamaa Nitrate Vulnerabl
Issued on
INSPIRE (GE) — Naturally sensitive areas of Estonia (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE view service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layer is made
Issued on 2021-05-14
Inspire (AM) — Estonian Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (WMS) Open Data
Includes a nitrate vulnerable zone in Estonia. The Pandivere and Adavere-Põltsamaa Nitrate Vulnerabl
Issued on
INSPIRE (AU) — Estonian Marine Areas and Maritime Borders (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE View Service provided by the Land Board, through which the following layers of data are
Issued on 2021-09-02
INSPIRE (TN) — Estonian Topography Database Transport Networks (WFS) Open Data
INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, which contains the main layers of the transport
Issued on 2022-03-31
INSPIRE (PD) - Eesti rahvastiku tihedus 1x1km (WMS) Open Data
Ruudustikupõhised rahvastiku andmed. Rahvaloenduse andmed on georeferentseeritud hoone täpsusega, mi
Issued on 2021-01-20
INSPIRE (PD) - Eesti rahvastiku tihedus NUTS3 (WMS) Open Data
Rahvastikutihedus NUTS3 piirkondades. 0-100+ vanuselise jaotumisega viie aasta kaupa. Andmed on 2022
Issued on 2021-01-28
Geodetic Points Database (WFS) Open Data
It is possible to download data from the Geodetic Points Database through the Service: 1) National G
Issued on
Geologic maps 1:200,000 Open Data
Bedrock, aeromagnetic anomalies, gravitational anomalies and soil air radon concentration data cover
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INSPIRE (AF) — Estonian Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2022-12-21
Elevation contours and points (WFS) Open Data
The service includes altitude data on land and depth data in the territorial sea: 1) the same height
Issued on 2021-06-14
Inspire (US) — Estonian waste water treatment plants, discharges of waste water and waste water... Open Data
The dataset contains information on waste water treatment plants, discharges of waste water and aggl
Issued on 2020-10-20
Geologic base map of Estonia Open Data
The dataset of the base map contains information on the construction of the Estonian earth’s crust,
Issued on
Inspire (BU) — Estonian Buildings (ETAK) (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Board, through which ETAK’s buildings 2D are made
Issued on 2021-09-15
INSPIRE (TN) — Estonian Road Register Transport Network (WFS) Open Data
The INSPIRE download service provided by the Land Administration, through which the following layers
Issued on 2022-03-31
Map Networks and Card Sheet Distributions (WFS) Open Data
You can download through the Service: EUREF-EST97 1’ geodetic grid and coordinate net points; L-EST9
Issued on 2022-11-30
Tallinn Flight Information Region flight information Open Data
The dataset contains geographic flight information data in Tallinn FIR.
Issued on
INSPIRE (GE) — Estonian Geological Base Chart Boreholes (WFS) Open Data
The layer contains boreholes on the Estonian geological base map.
Issued on 2020-10-20
Inspire (AD) — Estonian addresses (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by the Land Board, through which the following data layers are
Issued on 2022-09-22
Data on Estonian precious habitats (EELIS) Open Data
According to the Forest Act, a noble habitat is an area where the likelihood of the occurrence of na
Issued on 2016-01-26
Estonian waste water treatment plants, discharges of waste water and waste water agglomerations... Open Data
The dataset contains information on waste water treatment plants, discharges of waste water and aggl
Issued on 2016-01-26
Estonian Emission Sources Registry Open Data
The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is a national electronic database that aims to en
Issued on 2016-01-26
Statistical Units of Estonia — Local Governments (LAU2) Open Data
The database contains the spatial patterns of the local authorities and the associated names and cod
Issued on 2014-01-06
Main map of Estonia 1:20 000 Open Data
Estonia’s main map of 1:20 000 is a topographic print map produced from data from the Estonian Topog
Issued on
Information system for objects that cause restrictions in Estonian land cadastre Open Data
The spatial data set is part of the Estonian cadastre. The Estonian Land Cadastral Information Syste
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Mineral Resources Register Open Data
The mineral resources register is a database belonging to the state information system, the purpose
Issued on
Cadastral cadastral units in Estonia Open Data
The spatial data set is part of the Estonian land cadastre as a land register and includes the cadas
Issued on 2002-01-01
Register of Estonian cultural monuments Open Data
The register of cultural monuments is a database, the purpose of which is to register all cultural s
Issued on 1995-01-01
Inspire (LU) — Geospatial Aid Application Estonia (WMS) Open Data
The INSPIRE viewing service provided by ARIB, through which layers Põlls and Eco-areas (GSAA) are ma
Issued on 2020-03-10
Land Parcel Identification System Estonia Reference parcels Open Data
ARIB agricultural parcels
Issued on 2020-03-10
Estonian Statistics Database: population Open Data
Population by county, local government and settlement unit. In addition to population indicators, th
Issued on 2013-06-20
Spatial Data Set for Measurement Areas Open Data
The spatial data set for measuring areas includes measurement areas, depth points, depth contours, u
Issued on 2010-12-03
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