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Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2021 Designations Open Data

This dataset identifies Nitrate Vulnerable Zones for implementation in 2021. The designations are

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Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2021 Designations details >

Nitrogen oxide and ozone concentrations, pollinator visitation frequencies and yield metrics of... Open Data

The dataset contains concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2, collectively NOx) and ozone (O3)

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Nitrogen oxide and ozone concentrations, pollinator visitation frequencies and yield metrics of... details >

NNPA Land and Property Assets Open Data

Northumberland National Park Authority's freehold and leasehold estate.

Issued on

NNPA Land and Property Assets details >

Non-Civil Parished Areas (December 2019) Names and Codes in England Open Data

<span style='color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Lato, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;; font-size: 16px;'>This

Issued on 2019-12-12T12:50:31Z

Non-Civil Parished Areas (December 2019) Names and Codes in England details >

Non-Civil Parished Areas to Local Authority Districts (December 2019) Lookup in England Open Data

<span style='color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Lato, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;; font-size: 18px;'>This

Issued on 2019-12-17T10:07:27Z

Non-Civil Parished Areas to Local Authority Districts (December 2019) Lookup in England details >

Non-domestic Energy Performance Certificate and Display Energy Certificate data Open Data


Issued on

Non-domestic Energy Performance Certificate and Display Energy Certificate data details >

North Lincolnshire Council Local Air Quality Management Zone Open Data

As declared on the 10th March 1999 under the Environment Act 1995 Part 1

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Local Air Quality Management Zone details >

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Proposed Industry Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Proposed Industry represented as polygons.

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Proposed Industry details >

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links details >

North Lincolnshire Council Local Wildlife Sites Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Local Wildlife Sites represented as polygons digitised with reference to

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Local Wildlife Sites details >

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Ironstone Gullets Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Ironstone Gullets represented as polygons.

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Ironstone Gullets details >

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Mineral Applications Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Mineral Applications represented as polygons.

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Mineral Applications details >

North Lincolnshire Council Premises Database/Land and Property Assets Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Premises Database/Land and Property Assets represented as polygons.

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Premises Database/Land and Property Assets details >

North Lincolnshire Council Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites represented as

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites details >

North Lincolnshire Council Section 106 Open Data

North Lincolnshire Council Section 106 represented as polygons.

Issued on

North Lincolnshire Council Section 106 details >

North Norfolk District Council Tree Preservation Orders Open Data

This dataset records the extent and location of Tree Preservation Orders within the North Norfolk ge

Issued on

North Norfolk District Council Tree Preservation Orders details >

North West England Priority Butterfly Conservation Area 2009 Open Data

This data supported prioritisation of England Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Gran

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North West England Priority Butterfly Conservation Area 2009 details >

Number of Deaths by Birth Country during 2008 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Passport applications that have passe

Issued on

Number of Deaths by Birth Country during 2008 details >

Number of Pupils on Roll in Secondary schools by Ethnicity Open Data

Number of pupils on roll in Calderdale secondary schools (academies and local authority maintained s

Issued on 2019-04-29T14:50:44.337Z

Number of Pupils on Roll in Secondary schools by Ethnicity details >

NUTS Level 1 (January 2015) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales Open Data

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Stati

Issued on 2016-08-24T08:24:20Z

NUTS Level 1 (January 2015) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales details >

Oak Processionary Moth Survey GB 10K Grid 2013 Open Data

Sites selected for inspection were formerly used for the Forestry Commission Forest Condition Survey

Issued on

Oak Processionary Moth Survey GB 10K Grid 2013 details >

Oil palm frond litter decomposition rates in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical... Open Data

Data comprise weight (grams) of dried oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) frond litter remaining in a varie

Issued on

Oil palm frond litter decomposition rates in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical... details >

On the Importance of Shipwrecks Open Data

The On the Importance of Shipwrecks project developed a framework and methodology for evaluating the

Issued on

On the Importance of Shipwrecks details >

ONS Postcode Directory (August 2017) User Guide Open Data

<span style='font-family: &quot;Avenir Next W01&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next W00&quot;, &quot;Avenir Nex

Issued on 2017-08-21T10:20:08Z

ONS Postcode Directory (August 2017) User Guide details >

ONS Postcode Directory Tabular and Spatial Extract Tool Open Data

<p align='center' style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: &quot;Avenir Lig

Issued on 2017-08-07T13:53:58Z

ONS Postcode Directory Tabular and Spatial Extract Tool details >

OPDC Senior Salaries/Pay Multiple Open Data

OPDC Senior salaries and pay multiple are published in line with the Local Government Transparency C

Issued on 2017-01-27T10:02:55Z

OPDC Senior Salaries/Pay Multiple details >

Open Space Areas Open Data

Protected open space as identfiied within the Adopted Local Plan.

Issued on

Open Space Areas details >

OS Downloads API Open Data

The OS Downloads API is a service that lets users automate the discovery and download of OS OpenData

Issued on

OS Downloads API details >

OS Features API Open Data

Direct access to the most detailed geographic data for your analysis. Take full advantage of rich ge

Issued on

OS Features API details >

OS Terrain 5 Contour Open Data

Ordnance Survey’s OS Terrain 5 Contour is a dataset representing the physical shape of the real wo

Issued on

OS Terrain 5 Contour details >

Our Marine Historic Environment: Enhancing the National Monument Record Open Data

Maritime Archaeology Ltd (MA Ltd) have been commissioned by English Heritage through the Aggregates

Issued on

Our Marine Historic Environment: Enhancing the National Monument Record details >

Out Of Work Benefit Claims Open Data

<span style='line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size:

Issued on 2016-09-23T14:43:43Z

Out Of Work Benefit Claims details >

Output Area to Ward to Local Authority District (December 2019) Lookup in England and Wales Open Data

<span style='color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Lato, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;; font-size: 18px;'>This

Issued on 2019-12-18T09:37:05Z

Output Area to Ward to Local Authority District (December 2019) Lookup in England and Wales details >

Oxfordshire County Council Salt Bins Open Data

Dataset showing salt bin locations maintained by Oxfordshire County Council

Issued on

Oxfordshire County Council Salt Bins details >

Packaging Flow Summary Open Data

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA361. Packaging Flow Summary, provides the 4 agenci

Issued on

Packaging Flow Summary details >

PalaeoQUMP (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System - Using Palaeodata to Quantify... Open Data

PalaeoQUMP was headed by Prof Sandy Harrison of the University of Bristol, with co-investigators at

Issued on

PalaeoQUMP (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System - Using Palaeodata to Quantify... details >

Parish to Ward to Local Authority District (December 2018) Lookup in England and Wales Open Data

<span style='color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Lato, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;; font-size: 16px;'>This

Issued on 2019-01-04T04:50:26Z

Parish to Ward to Local Authority District (December 2018) Lookup in England and Wales details >

Parishes (December 2015) Full Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2 Open Data

<p>This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes in England and Wales as at 31 Decem

Issued on 2017-01-17T14:32:14Z

Parishes (December 2015) Full Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2 details >

Parishes (December 2019) Names and Codes in England and Wales Open Data

<span style='color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Lato, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;; font-size: 18px;'>This

Issued on 2019-12-12T13:06:11Z

Parishes (December 2019) Names and Codes in England and Wales details >

Parking Services Open Data

shows boundaries and locations of lambeth parking services information

Issued on 2015-12-01T14:21:31Z

Parking Services details >

Peaty Soils Location Open Data

The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of

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Peaty Soils Location details >

Perth & Kinross Polling Places Open Data

Location of polling places to be used for elections in PKC from 2017 onwards

Issued on

Perth & Kinross Polling Places details >

Perth & Kinross St Ninians Episcopal School Catchment Open Data

St Ninians Episcopal School Catchment Boundary (Whole of PKC) areas

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Perth & Kinross St Ninians Episcopal School Catchment details >

Physico-chemical characterization of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash derived from UK bioenergy... Open Data

This dataset contains nitrogen data from nitrate, ammonium and nitrite, total nitrogen and carbon da

Issued on

Physico-chemical characterization of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash derived from UK bioenergy... details >

Phytophthora Lateralis Confirmed Infection Sites GB 10K Grid Open Data

Sites confirmed of having Phytothphora Lateralis present. Phytophthora lateralis is a pathogen whic

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Phytophthora Lateralis Confirmed Infection Sites GB 10K Grid details >

Plynlimon research catchments: soil parent materials Open Data

Distribution of soil parent materials in the Severn and Wye catchments. These were mapped during the

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Plynlimon research catchments: soil parent materials details >

Police Force Strength Open Data

Numbers of police officers, police civilian staff, and Police Community Support Officers in the Metr

Issued on 2018-07-25T10:40:05.840Z

Police Force Strength details >

Polling district boundaries - City of Edinburgh Open Data

The boundaries for each polling station district used in elections.

Issued on

Polling district boundaries - City of Edinburgh details >

Polling stations - City of Edinburgh Open Data

The locations of polling stations used in elections.

Issued on

Polling stations - City of Edinburgh details >

Pontbren automatic weather station (AWS) dataset Open Data

This dataset is from an automatic weather station (AWS) located at the Pontbren study site in mid-Wa

Issued on

Pontbren automatic weather station (AWS) dataset details >

Pontbren land use manipulation plot data Open Data

Overland flow data and soil water tension data at 10cm, 30cm, & 50cm from four manipulation plot sit

Issued on

Pontbren land use manipulation plot data details >

Pool metrocard use Open Data

Data set to show the use of Leeds City Council staff using pool Metro cards for work travel.

Issued on 2019-10-16T08:19:41.725Z

Pool metrocard use details >

Portsmouth City Council - Public Rights of Way Open Data

Extract from Portsmouth City Council's Definitive Public Rights of Way map.

Issued on

Portsmouth City Council - Public Rights of Way details >

Possible Special Areas of Conservation (England) Open Data

These are possible SAC site boundaries. Please note that as a result of the consultation there may b

Issued on

Possible Special Areas of Conservation (England) details >

Postcode to Output Area to Lower Layer Super Output Area to Middle Layer Super Output Area to Local... Open Data

<span style='font-family: &quot;Avenir Next W01&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next W00&quot;, &quot;Avenir Nex

Issued on 2019-08-16T08:04:00Z

Postcode to Output Area to Lower Layer Super Output Area to Middle Layer Super Output Area to Local... details >

Potentially Contaminated Land Source Areas Open Data

Potential areas of contaminated land

Issued on

Potentially Contaminated Land Source Areas details >

Prestwick Airport Safeguarding Zones Open Data

Safeguarding zones for developments around Prestwick Airport

Issued on

Prestwick Airport Safeguarding Zones details >

Primary Holiday Areas Open Data

The main identifiable holiday accommodation areas within which further losses of hotel development

Issued on

Primary Holiday Areas details >

Primary School Catchment Areas Open Data

Primary school cathment areas in Luton.

Issued on

Primary School Catchment Areas details >

Primary School Delineated Areas - Angus Open Data

Gives current catchment/delineated areas for all primary schools in Angus.

Issued on

Primary School Delineated Areas - Angus details >

Pro- Active Camden Outdoor Gym Evaluation 2011 Open Data

The Camden outdoor gym programme is the largest of any borough in the UK. Eight sites opened in 2009

Issued on 2015-06-29

Pro- Active Camden Outdoor Gym Evaluation 2011 details >

Probable Shallow Coal Mine Workings Open Data

Probable shallow coal mine workings contain locations and estimated extents of probable shallow unde

Issued on

Probable Shallow Coal Mine Workings details >

PS_SD_HBSMRConservationAreas_POLY_CURRENT Open Data

Conservation Areas are areas designated for their special architectural or historic interest whose c

Issued on

PS_SD_HBSMRConservationAreas_POLY_CURRENT details >

PS_SD_HBSMRConservationAreasNowDedesignated_POLY_CURRENT Open Data

Areas formerly designated as Conservation Areas under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservatio

Issued on

PS_SD_HBSMRConservationAreasNowDedesignated_POLY_CURRENT details >

PS_SD_HBSMRLocallyListedBuildings_POINT_CURRENT Open Data

Local Lists of Historic Buildings recognise locally distinctive historic or architecturally signific

Issued on

PS_SD_HBSMRLocallyListedBuildings_POINT_CURRENT details >

PS_SD_HBSMRRegisteredParksAndGardens_POINT_CURRENT Open Data

Historic England maintains a Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. This is not a statutory list, b

Issued on

PS_SD_HBSMRRegisteredParksAndGardens_POINT_CURRENT details >

PS_SD_HBSMRRegisteredParksAndGardens_POLY_CURRENT Open Data

Historic England maintains a Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. This is not a statutory list, b

Issued on

PS_SD_HBSMRRegisteredParksAndGardens_POLY_CURRENT details >

Public Health England Centres (December 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in England Open Data

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Public Health England Centres in England as at

Issued on 2017-05-19T13:31:46Z

Public Health England Centres (December 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in England details >

Public Property and Land Open Data

Land under the responsibility of The Public Sector and part of the Dorset Joint Asset Management Pro

Issued on

Public Property and Land details >

Published Data Standards May 2016 Open Data

This dataset is now retired and it is no longer maintained. This is the Environment Agency list of

Issued on

Published Data Standards May 2016 details >

Quarterly Performance Report Q1 2016-17 Open Data

The quarterly performance of the measures of success outlined in the council's Corporate Plan. Furth

Issued on 2017-01-05T14:48:08Z

Quarterly Performance Report Q1 2016-17 details >

Quarterly Performance Report Q4 2016-17 Open Data

The quarterly performance of the measures of success outlined in the council's Corporate Plan. Furth

Issued on 2017-08-15T13:45:40Z

Quarterly Performance Report Q4 2016-17 details >

QUEST Quaternary: Marine isotope and glacial cycle model data (150,000 years ago to present) Open Data

Quaternary QUEST was led by Dr Tim Lenton at UEA, with a team of 10 co-investigators at the Universi

Issued on

QUEST Quaternary: Marine isotope and glacial cycle model data (150,000 years ago to present) details >

Radionuclide distribution down soil profiles in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, 2020 Open Data

A large area of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone was affected by severe wildfires in April 2020. This da

Issued on

Radionuclide distribution down soil profiles in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, 2020 details >

Rail Safeguarding Lines Open Data

Areas where the railway will be shallow, at or above ground level.They may also include land require

Issued on

Rail Safeguarding Lines details >

Ramsar (England) Open Data

A Ramsar site is the land listed as a Wetland of International Importance under the Convention on We

Issued on

Ramsar (England) details >

RE Planning In Oxfordshire Open Data

Renewable energy planning applications in Oxfordshire

Issued on

RE Planning In Oxfordshire details >

Record of expert inputs shaping future city discourses for Urban Living Birmingham Open Data

The dataset consists of the transcripts of expert inputs considering how the conceptual thinking for

Issued on

Record of expert inputs shaping future city discourses for Urban Living Birmingham details >

Regions (December 2015) Full Extent Boundaries in England Open Data

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for regions in England as at 31 December 2015. The

Issued on 2016-08-19T10:29:00Z

Regions (December 2015) Full Extent Boundaries in England details >

Regions (December 2015) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England Open Data

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for regions in England as at 31 December 2015. The

Issued on 2016-08-19T10:29:00Z

Regions (December 2015) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England details >

Regions (December 2018) EN BFC Open Data

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Regions, in England, as at 31 December 2018. T

Issued on 2019-04-24T11:31:10Z

Regions (December 2018) EN BFC details >

Regions (December 2018) EN BUC Open Data

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Regions, in England, as at 31 December 2018. T

Issued on 2019-04-24T15:53:38Z

Regions (December 2018) EN BUC details >

Register of Temporary Exemption Notices for Beeston and Harehills Open Data

Some properties are the subject of a Temporary Exemption Notice (TEN) for a Selective Licence served

Issued on 2021-01-14T08:53:45.795Z

Register of Temporary Exemption Notices for Beeston and Harehills details >

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Relations) Open Data

This relations dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that co

Issued on

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Relations) details >

Remaining Landfill Capacity Open Data

Datasets for remaining landfill capacity by site in England at the end of the calendar year. Data i

Issued on

Remaining Landfill Capacity details >

River Habitat Survey (RHS) data 2007 [Countryside Survey] Open Data

River Habitat Survey (RHS) data from rivers and streams surveyed in 2007 as part of the Countryside

Issued on

River Habitat Survey (RHS) data 2007 [Countryside Survey] details >

Road Collision Vehicles In Camden Open Data

This dataset contains road collisions in Camden dating back to 2005. Data is provided by TfL (Transp

Issued on 2016-11-04

Road Collision Vehicles In Camden details >

Roads Service Assets (WMS) Open Data

This service contains information from DRD Roads Service. This information includes: bridges, illumi

Issued on

Roads Service Assets (WMS) details >

Roads (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lnight Round 2 Open Data

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of all road sources with

Issued on

Roads (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lnight Round 2 details >

Roman Catholic School Catchments Open Data

Catchment Areas for Denominational Primary Schools in Aberdeen

Issued on 2018-04-09T13:29:40Z

Roman Catholic School Catchments details >

ROW Bridleways Open Data

A working copy extract of the Definitive Map and Statement, the legal record of Public Rights of Way

Issued on

ROW Bridleways details >

ROW Restricted Byways Open Data

A working copy extract of the Definitive Map and Statement, the legal record of Public Rights of Way

Issued on

ROW Restricted Byways details >

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea INSPIRE Service Open Data

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea INSPIRE Service

Issued on

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea INSPIRE Service details >

RQIA Registered Services (Pre-defined Download) Open Data

This dataset details the independent hospitals, nursing agencies, nursing homes, private dental prac

Issued on

RQIA Registered Services (Pre-defined Download) details >

Saltmarsh Extent & Zonation Open Data

Saltmarsh Extent and Zonation Summary: The Saltmarsh Extent & Zonation V4_09 layer was mapped from

Issued on

Saltmarsh Extent & Zonation details >

Scottish Parliamentary Constituency to Scottish Parliamentary Region (December 2018) Lookup in... Open Data

<span style='color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Lato, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;; font-size: 16px;'>A lo

Issued on 2019-01-04T06:45:25Z

Scottish Parliamentary Constituency to Scottish Parliamentary Region (December 2018) Lookup in... details >

Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey 2017 - Perth and Kinross Open Data

A survey issued by the Scottish Government to establish the extent & state of vacant & derelict land

Issued on

Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey 2017 - Perth and Kinross details >

SDNPA Conservation Areas Open Data

Local authorities (including National Park Authorities) have the power to designate conservation are

Issued on

SDNPA Conservation Areas details >

sea_chemists_and_pharmacies Open Data

This dataset shows the locations of Pharmacists and Chemists as used in the Sustainable Environmenta

Issued on

sea_chemists_and_pharmacies details >
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