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Scottish Government Utility and Governmental Services Download Service (WFS) Open Data

This download service provides spatial data relating to utility and governmental services held by th

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Scottish Government Utility and Governmental Services Download Service (WFS) details >

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2004 Open Data

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2004 is the Scottish Government’s official tool fo

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Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2004 details >

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary constituencies (SPC) as

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Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary constituencies (SPC) as

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Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary constituencies (SPC) as

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Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary constituencies (SPC) as

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Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary constituencies (SPC) as

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Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary regions (SPR) as at 5 Ma

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Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary regions (SPR) as at 5 Ma

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Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary regions (SPR) as at 5 Ma

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Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary regions (SPR) as at 5 Ma

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Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland Open Data

This file contains digital vector boundaries for the Scottish parliamentary regions (SPR) as at 5 Ma

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Scottish Parliamentary Regions (May 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Scotland details >

Scottish Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics Open Data

Detailed analysis of Total Income From Farming (TIFF) inputs, outputs, average prices, volume series

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Scottish Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics details >

Scottish Annual Business Statistics Open Data

Scottish Annual Business Statistics includes detailed data on employees, turnover, gross value added

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Scottish Annual Business Statistics details >

Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) Report on Antimicrobial Resistance and Use in Humans Open Data

Annual report summarising antimicrobial use and resistance in humans in Scotland Source agency: ISD

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Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) Report on Antimicrobial Resistance and Use in Humans details >

Scottish Arthroplasty Project Open Data

Summary statistics for Consultants and NHS Boards performing joint replacement operations. The Scott

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Scottish Arthroplasty Project details >

Scottish Audit of Surgical Mortality Annual Report Open Data

Update on the peer review audit of deaths under the care of a surgeon in Scotland. Due to system pro

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Scottish Audit of Surgical Mortality Annual Report details >

Scottish Bowel Screening Programme Statistics Open Data

Uptake, laboratory and clinical outcomes of the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme. As from May 2010

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Scottish Bowel Screening Programme Statistics details >

Scottish Breast Screening Programme Open Data

Scottish Breast Screening Programme Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scot

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Scottish Breast Screening Programme details >

Scottish Care Homes Census Open Data

Annual report on registered Care Homes in Scotland Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS Nationa

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Scottish Care Homes Census details >

Scottish Corporate Sector Statistics Open Data

Business stock information by industry, sizeband, ownership and Local Authorities. Source agency: S

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Scottish Corporate Sector Statistics details >

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Report Open Data

High Level Summary of Statistics Trends for Crime and Justice Source agency: Scottish Government D

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Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Report details >

Scottish Drug Misuse Database (SDMD) People in Treatment Open Data

Information on individuals presenting to drug treatment services, their journey through treatment an

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Scottish Drug Misuse Database (SDMD) People in Treatment details >

Scottish Economic Statistics Open Data

This compendium publication presents a range of official statistics relevant to the Scottish economy

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Scottish Economic Statistics details >

Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey Open Data

Production, employment and escapes figures for fin fish aquaculture. Source agency: Scottish Govern

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Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey details >

Scottish Forestry Strategy Indicators Open Data

Annual indicators for the Scottish Forestry Strategy Source agency: Forestry Commission Designatio

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Scottish Forestry Strategy Indicators details >

Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions Open Data

Summary statistics on geenhouse gas emissions for the period 1990-2007 Source agency: Scottish Gove

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Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions details >

Scottish Health Service Costs Open Data

Scottish Health Service Costs Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland)

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Scottish Health Service Costs details >

Scottish House Condition Survey : Local Authority Fuel Poverty Nowcasts Open Data

Fuel Poverty estimates updated using average earnings index and fuel price indexes for local authori

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Scottish House Condition Survey : Local Authority Fuel Poverty Nowcasts details >

Scottish House Condition Survey: Local Authority Report Open Data

An annual publication which combines 3 years data to provide key analysis of the physical condition

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Scottish House Condition Survey: Local Authority Report details >

Scottish Household Survey: Local Authority Tables Open Data

Local Authority level analysis from the Scotland's People report. Source agency: Scottish Governmen

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Scottish Household Survey: Local Authority Tables details >

Scottish Household Transport Statistics Open Data

Provides information about the transport facilities available to private households, some travel by

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Scottish Household Transport Statistics details >

Scottish Housing Statistics Open Data

Routine update of housing statistics web tables and summary of key trends. Source agency: Scottish

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Scottish Housing Statistics details >

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation Open Data

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivat

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Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation details >

Scottish Insolvencies Open Data

Quarterly figures for personal insolvency, corporate insolvency, and Debt Payment Programmes under t

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Scottish Insolvencies details >

Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics Open Data

Main annual publication of Local Government income and expenditure statistics Source agency: Scotti

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Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics details >

Scottish Manufactured Exports Open Data

Time series of exports from Scotland's manufacturing sector. Source agency: Scottish Government De

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Scottish Manufactured Exports details >

Scottish Maternity Care Survey Open Data

The aim of the survey is to find out about the experiences of mothers during the different stages of

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Scottish Maternity Care Survey details >

Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Open Data

Broad range of small area socio-economic statistics. Source agency: Scottish Government Designatio

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Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics details >

Scottish Quarterly Gross Domestic Product Open Data

Key indicator of Economic Growth for Scotland, identifying the economic output for the latest quarte

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Scottish Quarterly Gross Domestic Product details >

Scottish Renal Registry Report Open Data

Scottish Renal Registry Report Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland)

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Scottish Renal Registry Report details >

Scottish Safety Camera Programme Statistics Open Data

Data relating to road traffic collisions, injuries and offences detected at speed and red-light came

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Scottish Safety Camera Programme Statistics details >

Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey Open Data

Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of

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Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey details >

Scottish Stroke Care Audit Open Data

Scottish Stroke Care Audit Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) De

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Scottish Stroke Care Audit details >

Scottish Suicide Information Database Open Data

Report from the Scottish Suicide Information Database (ScotSID) and covers suicides occurring in eac

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Scottish Suicide Information Database details >

Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy Open Data

The Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN) is an annual sample survey which monitors nation

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Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy details >

Scottish Transport Statistics Open Data

A wide-ranging compendium of statistics on many aspects of transport. Source agency: Scottish Gover

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Scottish Transport Statistics details >

Scottish Trauma Audit Group Open Data

Scottish Trauma Audit Group Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) D

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Scottish Trauma Audit Group details >

Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey Open Data

Total amount of vacant and derelict land in Scotland and land reclaimed for new uses since the previ

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Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey details >

Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics Open Data

Summary pending Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated

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Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics details >

Screens Open Data

Spatial layer of flood risk structures. Attribute of screen.

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Screens details >

Sea Passenger Bulletin Open Data

Annual bulletin presenting information on UK international and domestic sea passengers. Source agen

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Sea Passenger Bulletin details >

Seabed still images analysis (species) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI Open Data

Seabed still images analysis (species) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey

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Seabed still images analysis (species) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI details >

Seabed still images analysis (substrate) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI Open Data

Seabed still images analysis (substrate) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). This surve

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Seabed still images analysis (substrate) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI details >

Seabed still images and videos from Orkney E Approaches during North Sea and North East Scotland Open Data

Seabed still images and videos from Orkney E Approaches during the survey 0911S on the research vess

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Seabed still images and videos from Orkney E Approaches during North Sea and North East Scotland details >

Seabed still images and videos from Papa Bank High during North Sea and North East Scotland Open Data

Seabed still images and videos from Papa Bank High during the survey 0911S on the research vessel Sc

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Seabed still images and videos from Papa Bank High during North Sea and North East Scotland details >

Seabed still images from core Central Fladen Open Data

Seabed still images from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at core Central Fladen

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Seabed still images from core Central Fladen details >

Seabed still images from Dogger Bank SCI (CEND 07/08) Open Data

Seabed still images from Dogger Bank SCI (CEND 07/08). This survey was carried out at Dogger Bank SA

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Seabed still images from Dogger Bank SCI (CEND 07/08) details >

Seabed still images from Haig Fras Open Data

Seabed still images from Haig Fras SCI/cSAC survey. The primary aim was to conduct a bathymetric sur

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Seabed still images from Haig Fras details >

Seabed still images from Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge cSAC, and Haisborough, Hammond and... Open Data

Seabed still images from Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge cSAC, and Haisborough, Hammond and

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Seabed still images from Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge cSAC, and Haisborough, Hammond and... details >

Seabed still images from Rona and Windsock survey Open Data

Seabed still images from the survey 1111S, which collected acoustic data from Rona and Windsock area

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Seabed still images from Rona and Windsock survey details >

Seabed still images from Solan Bank Area of Search Open Data

Seabed still images from Solan Bank Area of Search (CEND 11/08). This survey, carried out on the Cef

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Seabed still images from Solan Bank Area of Search details >

Seabed still images from Solan Bank Reef Open Data

Seabed still images from Solan Bank Reef cSAC/SCI survey, which was planned with the aim of informin

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Seabed still images from Solan Bank Reef details >

Seabed still images from South-east Fladen Open Data

Seabed still images from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at South-east Fladen SM

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Seabed still images from South-east Fladen details >

Seabed still images from transit between Fladen Grounds Open Data

Seabed still images from transits between Fladen Grounds SMPAs sites, during survey undertaken by Ce

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Seabed still images from transit between Fladen Grounds details >

Seabed still images from Western Fladen Open Data

Seabed still images from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at Western Fladen SMPA,

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Seabed still images from Western Fladen details >

Seabed still images from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI Open Data

Seabed still images from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was carried out to acqui

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Seabed still images from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI details >

Seabed still images GIS data from Rona and Windsock Open Data

Seabed still images GIS data from the survey 1111S, which was planned to collect data from Rona and

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Seabed still images GIS data from Rona and Windsock details >

Seabed still images habitat analysis from Solan Bank Reef Open Data

Seabed still images habitat analysis from Solan Bank Reef cSAC/SCI survey, which was planned with th

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Seabed still images habitat analysis from Solan Bank Reef details >

Seabed still images log data from North Sea Acoustic Herring survey 2010 Open Data

Seabed still images log data from the North Sea Acoustic Herring survey during 2010 on the research

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Seabed still images log data from North Sea Acoustic Herring survey 2010 details >

Seabed still images logs and GIS from Solan Bank Reef Open Data

Seabed still images logs and GIS from the from Solan Bank Reef cSAC/SCI survey, which was planned wi

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Seabed still images logs and GIS from Solan Bank Reef details >

Seabed still images reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI Open Data

Seabed still images reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey wa

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Seabed still images reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI details >

Seabed stills analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC Open Data

Seabed stills analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC (CEND 22/13). The surve

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Seabed stills analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC details >

Seabed stills reference collection from North East Scotland Open Data

Seabed stills reference collection from North East Scotland (Scottish MPA). The objective of the im

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Seabed stills reference collection from North East Scotland details >

Seabed stills reference collection from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC Open Data

Seabed stills reference collection from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC (CEND 22/13). Th

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Seabed stills reference collection from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC details >

Seabed video analysis data from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI Open Data

Seabed video analysis data from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was carried out

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Seabed video analysis data from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI details >

Seabed video analysis data from Fladen Grounds Open Data

Seabed video analysis data from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at the three Fla

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Seabed video analysis data from Fladen Grounds details >

Seabed video analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC Open Data

Seabed video analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC (CEND 22/13). The survey

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Seabed video analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC details >

Seabed video analysis (species) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI Open Data

Seabed video analysis (species) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was car

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Seabed video analysis (species) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI details >

Seabed video analysis species matrix data from Fladen Grounds Open Data

Seabed video analysis species matrix data from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 a

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Seabed video analysis species matrix data from Fladen Grounds details >

Seabed video analysis (substrate) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI Open Data

Seabed video analysis (substrate) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was c

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Seabed video analysis (substrate) data from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI details >

Seabed video GIS data from Anton Dohrn and East Rockall Bank Open Data

Seabed video GIS data from Anton Dohrn and East Rockall Bank (2009_07-RVFranklin-AntonDhorn-Rockall

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Seabed video GIS data from Anton Dohrn and East Rockall Bank details >

Seabed video GIS (line) data from Hatton Rockall Basin Open Data

Seabed video GIS (line) data from a survey to Hatton Rockall Basin NCMPA on the research vessel Scot

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Seabed video GIS (line) data from Hatton Rockall Basin details >

Seabed video GIS (line) data from Rona and Windsock Open Data

Seabed video GIS (line) data from the survey 1111S, which was planned to collect data from Rona and

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Seabed video GIS (line) data from Rona and Windsock details >

Seabed video GIS (point) data from Rona and Windsock Open Data

Seabed video GIS (point) data from the survey 1111S, which was planned to collect data from Rona and

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Seabed video GIS (point) data from Rona and Windsock details >

Seabed video line GIS data from Fladen Grounds Open Data

Seabed video line GIS data from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at the three Fla

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Seabed video line GIS data from Fladen Grounds details >

Seabed video reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI Open Data

Seabed video reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was carri

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Seabed video reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI details >

Seabed video reference collection from Haig Fras Open Data

Seabed video reference collection from Haig Fras SCI/cSAC survey. The primary aim was to conduct a b

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Seabed video reference collection from Haig Fras details >

Seabed video reference collection from North East Scotland SMPA Open Data

Seabed video reference collection from North East Scotland (Scottish MPA). The objective of the imag

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Seabed video reference collection from North East Scotland SMPA details >

Seabed video species analysis from Solan Bank Reef Open Data

Seabed video species analysis from Solan Bank Reef cSAC/SCI survey, which was planned with the aim o

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Seabed video species analysis from Solan Bank Reef details >

Seabed videos from Rona and Windsock survey Open Data

Seabed videos from survey 1111S, which collected acoustic data from Rona and Windsock area. This was

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Seabed videos from Rona and Windsock survey details >

Seabed videos from Solan Bank Reef Open Data

Seabed videos from Solan Bank Reef cSAC/SCI survey, which was planned with the aim of informing deve

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Seabed videos from Solan Bank Reef details >

Seabed videos from West Shetland Shelf Open Data

Seabed videos for Quarter 4 International Bottom Trawl Survey to the north and west of Scotland (she

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Seabed videos from West Shetland Shelf details >

Seabed videos from Wight-Barfleur Reef cSAC/SCI Open Data

Seabed videos from Wight-Barfleur Reef cSAC/SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was carried out to acquir

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Seabed videos from Wight-Barfleur Reef cSAC/SCI details >

Seafarer Statistics Open Data

Annual report presenting estimates of the size and major characteristics of the active UK seagoing l

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Seafarer Statistics details >

Seagrass Taxa and Abundance Open Data

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA128. Information regarding the presence, and perce

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Seagrass Taxa and Abundance details >

Search and Rescue Monthly Report and Pocket Brief Open Data

Search and rescue statistics. Source agency: Defence Designation: Official Statistics not designat

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Search and Rescue Monthly Report and Pocket Brief details >

Search and Rescue Quarterly Report and Pocket Brief Open Data

Quarterly Search and Rescue Statistics. Source agency: Defence Designation: Official Statistics no

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Search and Rescue Quarterly Report and Pocket Brief details >

Seasonal abundance data of all Culex pipiens life stages at a UK field site Open Data

This dataset contains details of the seasonal abundance of each of the life stages of the mosquito s

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Seasonal abundance data of all Culex pipiens life stages at a UK field site details >

Seasonal streambed carbon and nitrogen cycling (including greenhouse gases) in an... Open Data

The dataset contains chemistry data from streambed porewater (10 and 20 cm) and surface water, as we

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Seasonal streambed carbon and nitrogen cycling (including greenhouse gases) in an... details >
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