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Investment and Contract Readiness Fund Data Open Data

This data shows grants made by the Investment and Contract Readiness Fund into high growth potential

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Investment and Contract Readiness Fund Data details >

ICT contracts over £10,000, Department for Education (2010) Open Data

As part of the transparency agenda, the Department for Education is publishing all new information a

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ICT contracts over £10,000, Department for Education (2010) details >

ICT Equipment Open Data

This dataset contains details of all ICT equipment currently owned by the Council, including contrac

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ICT Equipment details >

ICT Activity of UK Businesses Open Data

Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and e-commerce activity by UK businesses Sour

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ICT Activity of UK Businesses details >

ICU Associated Infections in Scotland Open Data

National report on incidence of healthcare associated infections within ICUs in Scotland. This publ

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ICU Associated Infections in Scotland details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Average IMD Rank Open Data

ID 2004 Average IMD Rank (population weighted average of combined index of multiple deprivation rank

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Average IMD Rank details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Average Score Open Data

ID 2004 Average IMD Score (Population weighted average of the combined index of multiple deprivation

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Average Score details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Barriers to Housing and Services Open Data

ID 2004: Barriers to Housing and Services domain (measures barriers to housing and key local service

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Barriers to Housing and Services details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Children / Young People Sub-domain Open Data

ID 2004 Education Skills and Training, Children and Young Persons subdomain (measures the deprivatio

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Children / Young People Sub-domain details >

ID 2004 Combined Employment Domain indicator (Illness) Open Data

ID 2004 Combined Employment domain indicator (Illness): Incapacity Benefit (IB) and Severe Disableme

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ID 2004 Combined Employment Domain indicator (Illness) details >

ID 2004 Combined National Curriculum Assessments indicator Open Data

ID 2004: Combined National Curriculum Assessments (Key Stages 2, 3 and 4) indicator Source: Office

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ID 2004 Combined National Curriculum Assessments indicator details >

ID 2004 Combined Road Distance to Services indicator Open Data

Road distances to nearest General Practice (GP) premises, primary schools, post offices and supermar

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ID 2004 Combined Road Distance to Services indicator details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Crime Domain Open Data

ID 2004 Crime Domain (measures the rate of recorded crime for four major crime themes - burglary, th

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Crime Domain details >

ID 2004 Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation indicator Open Data

ID 2004: Barriers To Housing and Services, Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation Indicator (house

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ID 2004 Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation indicator details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Employment Domain Open Data

ID 2004 Employment Domain (measures employment deprivation conceptualised as involuntary exclusion o

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Employment Domain details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Geographical Barriers Sub-domain Open Data

ID 2004: Geographical Barriers to Services Subdomain (distances from a range of key local services)

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Geographical Barriers Sub-domain details >

ID 2004 Homelessness indicator Open Data

Percentage of households for whom a decision on whether their application for assistance under the h

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ID 2004 Homelessness indicator details >

ID 2004 Household Overcrowding indicator Open Data

ID 2004: Wider Barriers: Household Overcrowding indicator Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minist

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ID 2004 Household Overcrowding indicator details >

ID 2004 Housing in Poor Condition indicator Open Data

These data represent a modelled probability that any given dwelling in the LSOA fails to meet the OD

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ID 2004 Housing in Poor Condition indicator details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Income Domain Open Data

ID 2004 Income domain: proportions of population experiencing income deprivation in an area Source:

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Income Domain details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Income Scale Open Data

ID 2004 Income Scale: Number of people income deprived Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - Income Scale details >

Index of Deprivation 2004 - population estimates Open Data

ID 2004 population estimates (constructed using a combination of the 2001 Census and the 2001 Mid-Ye

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Index of Deprivation 2004 - population estimates details >

ID 2004 Secondary School Absence indicator Open Data

Absences of pupils in maintained schools for academic years Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Mini

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ID 2004 Secondary School Absence indicator details >

ID 2004 Young People Not Staying in Education indicator Open Data

ID 2004: Education domain: Young People Not Staying in Education Indicator: Proportion of children a

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ID 2004 Young People Not Staying in Education indicator details >

ID 2007 Combined Employment Domain indicator (Unemployment Benefits and New Deal) Open Data

ID 2007 combined Employment domain indicator (JSA Claimants and New Deal) Source: Communities and L

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ID 2007 Combined Employment Domain indicator (Unemployment Benefits and New Deal) details >

ID 2007 Education Domain Open Data

ID 2007 Education Skills and Training domain (captures the extent of deprivation in education, skill

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ID 2007 Education Domain details >

ID 2007 Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator Open Data

ID 2007: Health Deprivation and Disability, Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator Source: Comm

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ID 2007 Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator details >

Index of Deprivation 2007 - Geographical Barriers Sub-domain Open Data

ID 2007: Geographical Barriers to Services subdomain (distances from a range of key local services)

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Index of Deprivation 2007 - Geographical Barriers Sub-domain details >

ID 2007 Income Domain Open Data

ID 2007 Income Domain: proportions of population experiencing income deprivation in an area Source:

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ID 2007 Income Domain details >

ID 2007 Income Scale Open Data

ID 2007 Income Scale: Number of people income deprived Source: Communities and Local Government (CL

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ID 2007 Income Scale details >

ID 2007 Living Environment Domain Open Data

ID 2007 Living Environment Domain (quality of physical environment and housing conditions) Source:

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ID 2007 Living Environment Domain details >

ID 2007 Local Concentration Open Data

ID 2007 Local Concentration Score: Population weighted average of the ranks of a district's most dep

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ID 2007 Local Concentration details >

ID 2007 Mental Health indicator Open Data

Indices of Deprivation (ID) 2004: Health Deprivation and Disability, measure of adults under 60 suff

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ID 2007 Mental Health indicator details >

Index of Deprivation 2007 - Outdoors Living Environment Sub-domain Open Data

ID 2007 Outdoors Living Environment Subdomain (air quality and road safety) Source: Communities and

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Index of Deprivation 2007 - Outdoors Living Environment Sub-domain details >

Index of Deprivation 2007 - PCT summaries Open Data

Indices of Deprivation 2007 data at Primary Care Trust (PCT) level Source: Communities and Local Go

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Index of Deprivation 2007 - PCT summaries details >

ID 2007 Population estimates Open Data

ID 2007 population estimates (constructed using a combination of the 2001 Census and the 2005 Mid-Ye

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ID 2007 Population estimates details >

ID 2007 Road Traffic Accident indicator Open Data

ID 2007: Road Traffic Accident indicator - Road traffic accidents involving injury to pedestrians an

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ID 2007 Road Traffic Accident indicator details >

ID 2007 Secondary School Absence indicator Open Data

Absences of pupils in maintained schools for academic years Source: Communities and Local Governmen

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ID 2007 Secondary School Absence indicator details >

Index of Deprivation 2007 - Wider Barriers Sub-domain Open Data

ID 2007 Wider Barriers Subdomain (issues relating to access to housing such as affordability) Sourc

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Index of Deprivation 2007 - Wider Barriers Sub-domain details >

ID 2007 Years of Potential Life Lost indicator Open Data

ID 2007: Health Deprivation and Disability, Years of Potential Life Lost indicator Source: Communit

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ID 2007 Years of Potential Life Lost indicator details >

IGI Source Rock Potential of the East Shetland Platform Open Data

Evaluation of the source rock potential of the East Shetland Platform including an interpretation re

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IGI Source Rock Potential of the East Shetland Platform details >

Images Open Data

<p>This dataset includes URL links to a diverse range of historic and current images of North Somers

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Images details >

Imaging and Radiodiagnostics Open Data

Imaging and radio diagnostics. Source agency: NHS England Designation: National Statistics Langua

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Imaging and Radiodiagnostics details >

IMD Barriers to Housing and Services Domain 2007 Open Data

Is one of 7 domains of the IMD, the indicators used in this domain are; - Household overcrowding - D

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IMD Barriers to Housing and Services Domain 2007 details >

IMD Crime Domain 2007 Open Data

The Index of Multiple Deprivation, which was produced at LSOA level in 2007 and 2004, combines seven

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IMD Crime Domain 2007 details >

IMD Income Deprivation Domain 2007 Open Data

This is one of 7 domains in the IMD, the Indicators used in the latest update of this domain are; -

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IMD Income Deprivation Domain 2007 details >

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004 Open Data

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004: Measure of multiple deprivation at small area level made up of s

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Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004 details >

Immigration and asylum appeals allowed under articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human... Open Data

The total number of immigration and asylum appeals allowed under articles 3 and 8 of the European Co

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Immigration and asylum appeals allowed under articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human... details >

Immigration Statistics: historical data asylum Open Data

Asylum data for 2001 - 2006.

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Immigration Statistics: historical data asylum details >

Immigration Statistics: citizenship Open Data

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statisti

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Immigration Statistics: citizenship details >

Immigration Statistics: detention Open Data

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statisti

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Immigration Statistics: detention details >

Immigration Statistics: European Economic Area (EEA) Open Data

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statisti

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Immigration Statistics: European Economic Area (EEA) details >

Immigration Statistics: extensions of stay Open Data

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statisti

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Immigration Statistics: extensions of stay details >

Immigration statistics: historical data before entry Open Data

Asylum data for 2005 to 2007.

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Immigration statistics: historical data before entry details >

Immigration Statistics: study Open Data

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statisti

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Immigration Statistics: study details >

Immigration Statistics Open Data

Quarterly and annual statistics relating to those: coming to the UK; extending their stay (temporari

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Immigration Statistics details >

Immunisation Statistics Open Data

Immunisation Statistics. From June 2010 onwards this pulication will be released under the title "Ch

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Immunisation Statistics details >

Impact indicator: affordable housing completions Open Data

Number of affordable housing completions (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated:

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Impact indicator: affordable housing completions details >

Impact indicator: housing starts Open Data

Total number of housing starts (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total ho

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Impact indicator: housing starts details >

Impact indicator: neighbourhood plans Open Data

Number of areas designated by the relevant local authority for Neighbourhood Plans #### How the fig

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Impact indicator: neighbourhood plans details >

Impact Readiness Fund Open Data

This was a new £1.5 million pilot fund managed by the Social Investment Business for the Cabinet Off

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Impact Readiness Fund details >

Impact of the Recession on the Labour Market Open Data

Article on the impact of the recession on the labour market Source agency: Office for National Stat

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Impact of the Recession on the Labour Market details >

Impacts of chronic radiation exposure on reproduction, development and genetic diversity of the... Open Data

This dataset contains morphological data from the isopod crustacean, Asellus aquaticus collected fro

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Impacts of chronic radiation exposure on reproduction, development and genetic diversity of the... details >

Import data for December 2007 to January 2008 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains passport applications that have passe

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Import data for December 2007 to January 2008 details >

Import demand: long run income elasticities Open Data

Results presented in BIS research paper no. 144 Long run income elasticities of import demand.

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Import demand: long run income elasticities details >

Important Hedges in South Norfolk Council Area Open Data

Hedges – Important Hedges. : Important as defined by the Hedgerows Regulations 1997. South Norfolk C

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Important Hedges in South Norfolk Council Area details >

Important Navigation Routes defining boundary of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore... Open Data

The data to define the extent of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans was b

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Important Navigation Routes defining boundary of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore... details >

Important Navigation Routes defining boundary of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore... Open Data

The data to define the extent of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans was b

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Important Navigation Routes defining boundary of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore... details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex 2014 Open Data

The Cattle Tracing System (CTS) is used to register cattle births and report cattle deaths and movem

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex 2014 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex April 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex April 2009 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex August 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex August 2009 details >

Imports by country breed type age and sex August 2011 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country breed type age and sex August 2011 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex December 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex December 2009 details >

Imports by country breed type age and sex December 2011 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country breed type age and sex December 2011 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex December 2012 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex December 2012 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex February 2012 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex February 2012 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex January 2010 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex January 2010 details >

Imports by country breed type age and sex January 2011 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country breed type age and sex January 2011 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex July 2012 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex July 2012 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex June 2012 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex June 2012 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex March 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex March 2009 details >

Imports by country breed type age and sex March 2011 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country breed type age and sex March 2011 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex March 2012 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex March 2012 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex May 2010 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Imports by Country of Export, Breed T

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex May 2010 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex May 2012 Open Data

The Cattle Tracing System (CTS) is used to register cattle births and report cattle deaths and movem

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex May 2012 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex November 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex November 2009 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex October 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex October 2009 details >

Imports by country breed type age and sex October 2011 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country breed type age and sex October 2011 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex October 2012 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex October 2012 details >

Imports by country, breed type, age and sex September 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country, breed type, age and sex September 2009 details >

Imports by country breed type age and sex September 2011 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country breed type age and sex September 2011 details >

Imports by country of export, breed type, age and sex March 2009 Open Data

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains imports by country of export, breed t

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Imports by country of export, breed type, age and sex March 2009 details >

Improved methodology for producing estimates of adult educational attainment from Labour Force... Open Data

A final report on statistical research into measuring adult educational attainment using the Labour

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Improved methodology for producing estimates of adult educational attainment from Labour Force... details >

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Monthly Dataset Open Data

This statistical release makes available the most recent Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

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Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Monthly Dataset details >

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Key Performance Indicators Open Data

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme is designed to support the NHS in d

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Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Key Performance Indicators details >

Improving Public Engagement Survey January 2016 Open Data

Improving Public Engagement (closed 20 January 2016) Our Corporate and Scrutiny Management Commit

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Improving Public Engagement Survey January 2016 details >

Improving the local area Open Data

Survey results on improving the local area

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Improving the local area details >

Improving ethnic data collection for equality and diversity monitoring Open Data

Addressing ethnic inequalities in health requires accurate and complete information to support monit

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Improving ethnic data collection for equality and diversity monitoring details >

Improving National Accounts Open Data

This article highlights the work being carried out to improve the measurement of deposits and loans

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Improving National Accounts details >
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