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Statistics for drug treatment activity in England Open Data
A one-off statistical bulletin presenting key results from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring Sy
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Statistics on Alcohol, England Open Data
This statistical report acts as a reference point for health issues relating to alcohol use and misu
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Statistics on Deaths Reported to Coroners, England and Wales Open Data
The annual release presents statistics on the work of coroners in England and Wales. Data are obtain
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Statistics on Drug Misuse, England Open Data
This annual statistical report presents information on drug misuse among both adults and children. T
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Statistics on football-related arrests and football banning orders Open Data
Annual release of statistics for football-related arrests and football banning orders. Breakdowns pr
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Statistics on International Development Open Data
UK expenditure on international development. Source agency: International Development Designation:
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Statistics on Waiting Times for Suspected and Diagnosed Cancer Patients Annual Report Open Data
Information on the waiting times of patients with suspected cancer and those subsequently diagnosed
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Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System Open Data
A Ministry of Justice publication under section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991. To avoid discri
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Status of UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority habitats Open Data
Status of UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority habitats
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Statutory Listed Buildings Open Data
Shows all statutory listed buildings and monuments in Hackney. From Design Team.
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Statutory homelessness Open Data
Number of statutory homeless households expressed as a crude rate per 1,000 households Source: Comm
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Statutory Homelessness Statistics, England Open Data
National Statistics on Homelessness. Data on households found to be homeless. Contains most useful
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Stepfamilies Open Data
Presents estimates of the number of stepfamilies and children in stepfamilies. This includes trends
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Stevenage Borough Local Plan Open Data
The Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 was adopted on 22 May 2019. The Local Plan replaces the D
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STFC Senior Pay Data at 31 March 2011 Open Data
STFC Senior Staff Pay Data
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Information about the Impacts and related Projects on the Community of Stockland Bristol, of the... Open Data
This data contains Information about the Impacts and related Projects on the Community of Stockland
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Stockport Brownfield Land Register Open Data
Stockport Council's Brownfield Land Register published in December 2020 in accordance with regulatio
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Car Parks Open Data
Stockport Council car parks information. This dataset includes information about facilities at each
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Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations Open Data
This dataset contains details of all grants made by the Council to voluntary, community and social e
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Housing Revenue Account Open Data
The Local Government transparency code 2015 requires that a Local Authority publishes social housing
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Purchase Orders over £5000 Open Data
Purchase orders over £5000 by Stockport Council. Whilst all transactions are published, certain piec
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Senior Salaries Open Data
Salaries of the council's senior staff
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Trade Union Facility Time Open Data
Trade Union information as required under Transparency Code including numbers, unions and estimated
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Stockport Council Grants Programme Open Data
Stockport Council run various grant programmes to support communities in Stockport.
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Stockton Brownfield Land Open Data
Stockton Borough Council's Brownfield Site Register published in December 2017 in accordance with re
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Stoke-on-Trent Brownfield Register Open Data
All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Regist
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Stop and Search Statistics 2016/17 Open Data
Stop and Search is an operational tool used to prevent, detect and investigate crime as well as to b
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Stop Smoking Services Open Data
NHS Stop smoking services at Levels 1 to 3. 1 -Voucher Scheme 2 - Stop Smoking Service 3 - [Y
Issued on 2018-10-25T15:51:20.859Z
Story of the Prison Population Open Data
Presentation slides by the Ministry of Justice on prison population trends from 1993 to 2012. Sourc
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Strangford Network Contribution Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span><span>About this layer</s
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Strangford Network Contribution Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span><span>About this layer</s
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Strangford Network Contribution Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span><span>About this layer</s
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Strategic Arts Grants Open Data
<p>This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Counc
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Strategic Clinical Networks (December 2016) Names and Codes in England Open Data
This file contains the names and codes for Strategic Clinical Networks (SCN) in England as at 31 Dec
Issued on 2017-04-04T14:17:18Z
Strategic Clinical Networks (December 2016) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England Open Data
This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Strategic Clinical Networks in England, as at 3
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Strategic View Background Area Open Data
Strategic View Background Area
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Strategy for England’s Wildlife and Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity 2020 indicators Open Data
The indicators show progress towards the vision set out in the 2002 Strategy. They have also been us
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Stratford-on-Avon Brownfield land register Open Data
Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Brownfield land register published December 2017 in accordance
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Strava Heat Map Open Data
Find out the most popular cycling routes and running routes across North Yorkshire and the world.
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STREAM Open Data
The local information system for North Yorkshire and York STREAM provides access to statistic
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STREAM at Data North Yorkshire newsletters Open Data
Subscribe to the STREAM at Data North Yorkshire newsletter for demographic and economic data users b
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Street Cleaning - All Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains __all__ street cleaning incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s c
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Street Cleaning - Last 30 Days Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains the __most recent__ street cleaning incidents in York - covering a 30 days pe
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Street Cleaning - Unresolved Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains __current unresolved__ street cleaning incidents in York recorded in City of Y
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Street Furniture - All Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains __all__ street furniture incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s
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Street Furniture - Last 30 Days Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains the __ most recent__ street furniture incidents in York - covering a 30 days p
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Street Furniture - Unresolved Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains __current unresolved__ street furniture incidents in York recorded in City of
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Street Level Crime Data Open Data
Data from North Yorkshire Police http://data.police.uk/data/
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Street Lighting - All Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains __all__ street lighting incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s c
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Street Lighting - Last 30 Days Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains the __ most recent__ street lighting incidents in York - covering a 30 days pe
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Street Lighting - Unresolved Incidents Open Data
This dataset contains __current unresolved__ street lighting incidents in York recorded in City of Y
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Street Lights Open Data
Street Lights covering Cheshire West and Chester area
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Street Markets Open Data
Shows locations of street markets in Hackney part of LDF evidence base.
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Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2007/2008 Open Data
List of Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2007/2008 includes all delegated decisions
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Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2010/2011 Open Data
List of Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2010/2011 includes all delegated decisions
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Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2011/2012 Open Data
List of Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2011/2012 includes all delegated decisions
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Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2015/2016 Open Data
List of Street Naming and Numbering Decisions 2015/2016 includes all delegated decisions
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Stroke Improvement National Audit Programme (SINAP) 2010-2012 Open Data
Data submission for SINAP has now ended. The new stroke audit, the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Pr
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Stroke: Deaths within 30 days of emergency admission to hospital Open Data
Deaths within 30 days of emergency admission to hospital: Stroke - indirectly age standardised morta
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Stroke: Emergency hospital admissions Open Data
The number of finished and unfinished continuous inpatient spells (CIPS) for patients of all ages wi
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Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) PCT Performance Data from VSMR Open Data
Stroke Vital Signs Monitoring Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designate
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Strule Network Contribution Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span><span>About this layer</s
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Strule Network Contribution Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span><span>About this layer</s
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Strule Network Contribution Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span><span>About this layer</s
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Strule Network Contribution Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span><span>About this layer</s
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Student Loans Company Spend Data FY1011 Open Data
A monthly-updated list of financial spend transactions over £500 made by The Student Loans Company i
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Student Loans Company Spend Data FY 1516 Open Data
Supplier spend for Student Loan Company for FY 15/16
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Student Loans Company Spend Data FY1213 Open Data
A monthly-updated list of financial spend transactions over £500 made by The Student Loans Company i
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Student Loans Company Supplier Transparency Spend Data FY19-20 Open Data
Supplier Spend over £500 FY19-20
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Student enrolments on Higher Education courses: Northern Ireland Open Data
This statistical bulletin details the number of students enrolled at Higher Education Institutions (
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Student Loans Open Data
Presents statistics on student loan borrower status and repayments by repayment cohort and tax year,
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Student Loans for Higher Education in Northern Ireland Open Data
Presents statistics on the status of student loans borrowers and the change in debt in the financial
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Student Loans for Higher Education in Scotland, Financial Year 2008-09 (Provisional) Open Data
Annex provides additional tables to complement Student Loans publication released in June. It shows
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Student Loans for Higher Education in Wales Open Data
Presents statistics on the status of student loans borrowers and the change in debt in the financial
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Student Loans in England Open Data
Presents statistics on the status of student loans borrowers and the change in debt in the financial
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Student Support for Higher Education in Northern Ireland Open Data
Presents statistics on student support paid to students in the form of loans and grants or to their
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Student Support for Higher Education in Wales Open Data
Presents statistics on student support paid to students in the form of loans and grants or to their
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Stumpd counters 2019 Devonport and The Hoe Open Data
Footfall counters - Devonport park, Autumn 2019. The Hoe, Christmas 2019 This is an evolving datase
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Sub-hourly discharge data for the Siksik catchment, North West Territories, Canada from September... Open Data
Data comprise sub-hourly discharge measurements including mean stream height, discharge and stream t
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Sub-national health expectancies Open Data
Estimates of disability-free life expectancy by upper tier local authority, using a number of data s
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Sub-national population projections Open Data
Subnational population projections use past trends to project forward the population to give an indi
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Sub-National Tourism Open Data
Estimates of the economic value of tourism within UK regions, sub-regions and local areas. Includes
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Sub-Northern Ireland Household Projections Open Data
Household Projections for areas within Northern Ireland by Household Type and Size Source agency: N
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Sub-Northern Ireland Population Projections Open Data
Sub-Northern Ireland Population Projections. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Researc
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Sub-regional household population projections Open Data
Projected change in household population at sub-regional level Tables provide the latest, most usef
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Sub-regional public and private sector employee job estimates Open Data
The preferred souce of public sector employment data is the ONS National Statistics of Public Sector
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Subjective wellbeing, 'Anxious Yesterday', percentage of responses in range 4-10 Open Data
Percentage of responses in range 4-10 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Anxious Yest
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Subjective wellbeing, 'Anxious Yesterday', standard deviation Open Data
Standard deviation of responses for 'Anxious Yesterday' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subject
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Subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', average rating Open Data
Average (mean) rating for 'Life Satisfaction' by County and Unitary Authority in the First ONS Annua
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Subjective wellbeing, 'Worthwhile', average rating Open Data
Average (mean) rating for 'Worthwhile' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing sur
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Subjective wellbeing, 'Worthwhile', percentage of responses in range 0-6 Open Data
Percentage of responses in range 0-6 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Worthwhile' i
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Subjective wellbeing, 'Worthwhile', standard deviation Open Data
Standard deviation of responses for 'Worthwhile' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wel
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Subnational health expectancies Open Data
Estimates of health expectancy by administrative greography and area-based measures of deprivation,
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Subnational Population Projections Open Data
Subnational population projections for England, based on the population at 30 June 2012. These use p
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Subtidal and Intertidal Seagrass Beds Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;font-size:12pt'><p style='margin:0 0 0 0;'><span><span>The subtidal poly
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Suffolk Coastal Local Plan Open Data
Policies affecting the former Suffolk Coastal area of East Suffolk.
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Public toilets Open Data
Public Toilets owned by Suffolk Coastal District Council, Suffolk, UK. Data formatted according to O
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Suffolk Costal District Council/Average salary Open Data
Average salary
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Suffolk Costal District Council/Election results Open Data
Election results
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Suffolk Costal District Council/Member allowances Open Data
Member allowances
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