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% Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) Open Data

% Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discon

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% Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) details >

Workless Households % of all Households Open Data

Workless Households % of all Households

Issued on

Workless Households % of all Households details >

Proportion of Children in Child Poverty (%) (HMRC) Open Data

Proportion of Children in Child Poverty (%) (HMRC) *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

Proportion of Children in Child Poverty (%) (HMRC) details >

Universal Credit: Claimants not in employment Open Data

Universal Credit: Claimants not in employment

Issued on

Universal Credit: Claimants not in employment details >

Lone Working Parents Claimants: % of Population Open Data

Lone Working Parents Claimants: % of Population *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

Lone Working Parents Claimants: % of Population details >

Lone Working Parents Claimants: Number Open Data

Lone Working Parents Claimants: Number *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

Lone Working Parents Claimants: Number details >

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 15) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households Open Data

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 15) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households. *This indi

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Percentage of Children (aged 0- 15) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households details >

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 18) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households Open Data

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 18) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households. *This indi

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Percentage of Children (aged 0- 18) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households details >

Disability Living Allowance Claimants: % of Population Open Data

Disability Living Allowance Claimants: % of Population

Issued on

Disability Living Allowance Claimants: % of Population details >

Disability Living Allowance Claimants: Number Open Data

Disability Living Allowance Claimants: Number

Issued on

Disability Living Allowance Claimants: Number details >

JSA and UC (Out of Work) Number of working age population (16 -64) Open Data

JSA and UC (Out of Work) Number of working age population (16 -64)

Issued on

JSA and UC (Out of Work) Number of working age population (16 -64) details >

Housing affordability (house prices to earnings ratio) Open Data

Housing affordability (house prices to earnings ratio) *This indicator has been discontinued

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Housing affordability (house prices to earnings ratio) details >

Housing affordability (lower quartile house prices to earnings ratio) Open Data

Housing affordability (lower quartile house prices to earnings ratio)

Issued on

Housing affordability (lower quartile house prices to earnings ratio) details >

% of working age population qualified - to at least L1 and above* Open Data

% of working age population qualified - to at least L1 and above*

Issued on

% of working age population qualified - to at least L1 and above* details >

% of working age population qualified - to at least L4 and above* Open Data

% of working age population qualified - to at least L4 and above*

Issued on

% of working age population qualified - to at least L4 and above* details >

Number of vacant city centre shops Open Data

Number of vacant city centre shops

Issued on

Number of vacant city centre shops details >

Total Businesses Open Data

Total Businesses

Issued on

Total Businesses details >

GVA per head (income approach) (£) Open Data

GVA per head (income approach) (£) *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

GVA per head (income approach) (£) details >

Total GVA (income approach) (£ billion) Open Data

Total GVA (income approach) (£ billion) *This indicator has been discontinued

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Total GVA (income approach) (£ billion) details >

GVA per head (balanced calculations) (£) Open Data

GVA per head (balanced calculations) (£)

Issued on

GVA per head (balanced calculations) (£) details >

Total GVA (balanced calculations) (£ billion) Open Data

Total GVA (balanced calculations) (£ billion)

Issued on

Total GVA (balanced calculations) (£ billion) details >

Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) Open Data

Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has b

Issued on

Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) details >

Employment Rate (%) (Female) Open Data

Employment Rate (%) (Female)

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Employment Rate (%) (Female) details >

Average broadband download speed (Mb/s) Open Data

Average broadband download speed (Mb/s)

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Average broadband download speed (Mb/s) details >

Superfast broadband availability (%) Open Data

Superfast broadband availability (%)

Issued on

Superfast broadband availability (%) details >

People entering IAPT (in month) as % of those estimated to have anxiety/depression (VoY CCG) -... Open Data

People entering IAPT (in month) as % of those estimated to have anxiety/depression (VoY CCG) - (Snap

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People entering IAPT (in month) as % of those estimated to have anxiety/depression (VoY CCG) -... details >

% of ST1 complaints responded to within 5 days Open Data

% of ST1 complaints responded to within 5 days A complaint is 'any expression of dissatisfaction,

Issued on

% of ST1 complaints responded to within 5 days details >

Performance Indicators : Consultation Open Data

Performance Indicators : Consultation

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Performance Indicators : Consultation details >

Red rated Large Projects - CYC Open Data

Red rated Large Projects - CYC. RAG (red-amber-green) project rating is used in project managemen

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Red rated Large Projects - CYC details >

Amber rated Large Projects - CYC Open Data

Amber rated Large Projects - CYC. RAG (red-amber-green) project rating is used in project managem

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Amber rated Large Projects - CYC details >

% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g) Open Data

% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)

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% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g) details >

Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 year old) Open Data

Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 year old)

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Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 year old) details >

Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-4 years), per 100,000 population Open Data

Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-4 years), per 100,000 population *This indicator has bee

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Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-4 years), per 100,000 population details >

Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-5 years), per 100,000 population Open Data

Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-5 years), per 100,000 population

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Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-5 years), per 100,000 population details >

Number of Contacts to Children's Services - (YTD) Open Data

Number of Contacts to Children's Services - (YTD)

Issued on

Number of Contacts to Children's Services - (YTD) details >

All Crime per 1000 population Open Data

All Crime per 1000 population

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All Crime per 1000 population details >

Criminal damage (excl. 59) Open Data

Criminal damage (excl. 59)

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Criminal damage (excl. 59) details >

NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service Open Data

NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service

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NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service details >

Domestic Violence Number of Repeat Incidents Open Data

Domestic Violence Number of Repeat Incidents *This indicator has been discontinued

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Domestic Violence Number of Repeat Incidents details >

Number of Incidents of ASB within the CIZ Open Data

Number of Incidents of ASB within the CIZ

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Number of Incidents of ASB within the CIZ details >

Number of Incidents of Alcohol Related ASB within the CIZ Open Data

Number of Incidents of Alcohol Related ASB within the CIZ *This indicator has been discontinued

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Number of Incidents of Alcohol Related ASB within the CIZ details >

Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only) Open Data

Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only)

Issued on

Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only) details >

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported Open Data

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

Issued on

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported details >

Calls for Service - Noise Open Data

Calls for Service - Noise *This indicator has

Issued on

Calls for Service - Noise details >

Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges) Open Data

Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges)

Issued on

Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges) details >

Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges) - (Rolling 12 months) Open Data

Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges) - (Rolling 12 months)

Issued on

Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges) - (Rolling 12 months) details >

Calls for Service - Cleansing Open Data

Calls for Service - Cleansing *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

Calls for Service - Cleansing details >

GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported Open Data

GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported

Issued on

GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported details >

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported Open Data

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported

Issued on

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported details >

DOG BINS - Number of issues reported Open Data

DOG BINS - Number of issues reported

Issued on

DOG BINS - Number of issues reported details >

NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service - Environmental Open Data

NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service - Environmental *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service - Environmental details >

CYC Mobile App - Grand Total Open Data

CYC Mobile App - Grand Total *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

CYC Mobile App - Grand Total details >

Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015) Open Data

Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015) *This indicator is discontinued

Issued on

Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015) details >

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues Open Data

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues *This in

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Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues details >

Total number of LA-funded out-City placements (0-25 years) - (Snapshot) Open Data

Total number of LA-funded out-City placements (0-25 years) - (Snapshot)

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Total number of LA-funded out-City placements (0-25 years) - (Snapshot) details >

Performance Indicators : Demographics Open Data

Key Performance Indicators related to Demographics

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Performance Indicators : Demographics details >

Indices of Multiple Deprivation Open Data

Indices of Multiple Deprivation

Issued on

Indices of Multiple Deprivation details >

% of domestic violence incidents crimed Open Data

% of domestic violence incidents crimed *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

% of domestic violence incidents crimed details >

Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - Crime Violence Open Data

Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - Crime Violence *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - Crime Violence details >

Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Standard Risk Open Data

Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Standard Risk

Issued on

Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Standard Risk details >

Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Medium Risk Open Data

Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Medium Risk *This indicator has been discontinued

Issued on

Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Medium Risk details >

Number of children in care, excluding Short Breaks - (Snapshot) Open Data

Number of children in care, excluding Short Breaks - (Snapshot)

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Number of children in care, excluding Short Breaks - (Snapshot) details >

Children subject to a Child Protection Plan per 10k - (Snapshot) Open Data

Children subject to a Child Protection Plan per 10k - (Snapshot)

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Children subject to a Child Protection Plan per 10k - (Snapshot) details >

Number of children subject to a Child Protection Plan - (Snapshot) Open Data

Number of children subject to a Child Protection Plan - (Snapshot)

Issued on

Number of children subject to a Child Protection Plan - (Snapshot) details >

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population Open Data

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population

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Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population details >

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-19 year olds), per 100,000 population Open Data

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-19 year olds), per 100,000 population *This indicator has been discontinu

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Chlamydia diagnoses (15-19 year olds), per 100,000 population details >

Proportion of population aged 15 to 24 screened for chlamydia (%) Open Data

Proportion of population aged 15 to 24 screened for chlamydia (%)

Issued on

Proportion of population aged 15 to 24 screened for chlamydia (%) details >

% of children who have achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) at Foundation Stage - (Snapshot) Open Data

% of children who have achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) at Foundation Stage - (Snapshot)

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% of children who have achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) at Foundation Stage - (Snapshot) details >

Performance Indicators : Employment and Skills Open Data

Key Performance Indicators related to Employment and Skills

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Performance Indicators : Employment and Skills details >

% of After School Clubs achieving 'good' or 'outstanding' - (Snapshot) Open Data

% of After School Clubs achieving 'good' or 'outstanding' - (Snapshot)

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% of After School Clubs achieving 'good' or 'outstanding' - (Snapshot) details >

% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot) Open Data

% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot)

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% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot) details >

Number of prosecutions (Duty of Care over waste) Open Data

Number of prosecutions (Duty of Care over waste)

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Number of prosecutions (Duty of Care over waste) details >

FOI & EIR - Total Received Open Data

FOI & EIR - Total Received The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) was intended to promote a cu

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FOI & EIR - Total Received details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received

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FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received

Issued on

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - In time - (YTD) Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - In time - (YTD)

Issued on

FOI (Freedom of Information) - In time - (YTD) details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - In time - (YTD) Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - In time - (YTD)

Issued on

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - In time - (YTD) details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % In time - (YTD) Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % In time - (YTD)

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EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % In time - (YTD) details >

FOI & EIR - In time Open Data

FOI & EIR - In time

Issued on

FOI & EIR - In time details >

FOI & EIR - % In time Open Data

FOI & EIR - % In time

Issued on

FOI & EIR - % In time details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - In time Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - In time

Issued on

FOI (Freedom of Information) - In time details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % In time Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % In time

Issued on

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % In time details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - In time Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - In time

Issued on

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - In time details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % In time Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % In time

Issued on

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % In time details >

FOI & EIR - % Out of time - (YTD) Open Data

FOI & EIR - % Out of time - (YTD)

Issued on

FOI & EIR - % Out of time - (YTD) details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time - (YTD) Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time - (YTD)

Issued on

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time - (YTD) details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time - (YTD) Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time - (YTD)

Issued on

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time - (YTD) details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Out of time - (YTD) Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Out of time - (YTD)

Issued on

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Out of time - (YTD) details >

FOI & EIR - Out of time Open Data

FOI & EIR - Out of time

Issued on

FOI & EIR - Out of time details >

FOI & EIR - % Out of time Open Data

FOI & EIR - % Out of time

Issued on

FOI & EIR - % Out of time details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time

Issued on

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time details >

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time Open Data

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time

Issued on

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Out of time Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Out of time

Issued on

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Out of time details >

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % Out of time Open Data

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % Out of time

Issued on

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - % Out of time details >

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - In time - (YTD) Open Data

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - In time - (YTD)

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DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - In time - (YTD) details >

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received Open Data

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received

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DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received details >

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - In time Open Data

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - In time

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DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - In time details >

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - % In time Open Data

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - % In time

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DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - % In time details >

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Out of time Open Data

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Out of time

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DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Out of time details >

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - % Out of time Open Data

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - % Out of time

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DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - % Out of time details >
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