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2009 Defra MB0102 2B Distribution of Lucernariopsis campanulata in the United Kingdom and Isle of... Open Data
This layer shows the distribution of a stalked jellyfish, Lucernariopsis campanulata, a Biodiversity
Issued on
2009 Defra MB0102 2C Distribution of blue mussel beds (from polygon data) in the United Kingdom and... Open Data
This layer shows the distribution of polygon records of blue mussel beds, a Biodiversity Action Plan
Issued on
2009 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Kyle Rhea... Open Data
The purpose of this benthic survey in the southern region of Kyle Rhea was to improve knowledge of t
Issued on
2009 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Mull of... Open Data
The purpose of this benthic survey off the Mull of Kintyre peninsula was to improve knowledge of the
Issued on
2009 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Sound of... Open Data
The purpose of this benthic survey in Gills Bay, Sound of Stroma was to improve knowledge of the occ
Issued on
2009, Taqa Bratani Ltd, North Tern, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number 2015 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for a semi-sub rig acquired under licences P296, P945 in July/Au
Issued on
2009, Taqa Bratani Ltd, Pelican, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number 2014 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licence P296 in July 2009. The
Issued on
2009, Total E&P UK Ltd, West Franklin, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2032 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licences P362, P752 in Septembe
Issued on
2010 Defra MB0102 2B Distribution of Edwardsia timida in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man Open Data
This layer shows the distribution of the Timid Burrowing Anemone, Edwardsia timida, a Biodiversity A
Issued on
2010 Defra MB0106 Palaeolandscapes Open Data
This sub datalayer comprises marine and associated intertidal sites, findspots and palaeoenvironment
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2010, Fairfield Energy, Crawford, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2222 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licence P209 in May 2010. The b
Issued on
2010, RWE Dea Ltd, Macanta, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2124 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licences P1230, P1327, P1231 in
Issued on
2010 University of Plymouth Guernsey towed underwater video benthic survey Open Data
This data set comprises of marine epibenthos (approx. 74 identified taxa derived from Algae, Annelid
Issued on
2010, Wintershall, WI10G02002, Drilling Hazard Survey, DECC Reference Number 2142 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for drilling hazards acquired under licence P1430 in February 20
Issued on
2011 Census DC Tables 2. Ethnicity, Identity, Language And Religion Open Data
2011 Census cross-tabulations within the ETHNICITY, IDENTITY, LANGUAGE AND RELIGION topic. Tables pr
Issued on 2015-07-03
2011 Census DC Tables 5. Qualifications Open Data
2011 Census cross-tabulations within the QUALIFICATIONS topic. Tables provided for Camden, Greater L
Issued on 2015-07-03
2011 Dansey, P. Liverpool Bay records of Ensis directus Open Data
A collection of Ensis directus records from the Liverpool Bay area, records collated by Paul Dansey.
Issued on
2011, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Buzzard NT, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2660 Open Data
An oil and gas industry environmental, drilling hazard, semi-sub rig site survey acquired under lice
Issued on
2011 Sharma et al. Strangford Lough Sargassum muticum record Open Data
A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from S.H.S. Sharma. The species listed is Sargassum mut
Issued on
2011, Shell UK Ltd, Denver, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2640 Open Data
An oil and gas industry shallow gas site survey acquired under licence P088 in October 2011. The blo
Issued on
2011, Shell UK Ltd, Shearwater, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2490 Open Data
An oil and gas industry shallow gas site survey acquired under licence P188 in March 2011. The block
Issued on
2011, Sterling Resources Ltd, Cladhan, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number 2533 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for a semi-sub rig acquired under licences P1064 and P1680 betwe
Issued on
2012, Enquest PLC, Kraken, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2845 Open Data
An oil and gas industry debris clearance, environmental, semi-sub rig, geotechnical site survey acqu
Issued on
2012 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Batten Bay Corella eumyota survey Open Data
Targeted search for the Orange-Tipped Sea Squirt Corella eumyota at Batten Bay.
Issued on
2012 Nall et al. Scotland records of Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Crassostrea, Crepidula fornicata,... Open Data
A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Christopher Nall. The species listed are Bonnemais
Issued on
2012, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Bardolph, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2639 Open Data
An oil and gas industry environmental, drilling hazard, semi-sub rig site survey acquired between No
Issued on
2012, Shell UK Ltd, Commander, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2881 Open Data
An oil and gas industry shallow gas site survey acquired under licence P012 in August 2012. The bloc
Issued on
2012, Tullow Oil Ltd, Schooner, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2744 Open Data
An oil and gas industry relief well, debris clearance site survey acquired under licence P516 betwee
Issued on
2013 - 2013 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Whitsand and Looe Bay... Open Data
Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 26 grab samples collected at W
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2013, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Blackjack, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2953 Open Data
An oil and gas industry semi-sub rig, drilling hazard, environmental, debris clearance site survey a
Issued on
2013 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Carn... Open Data
The purpose of this benthic survey (cruise 1213A) at Carn Skerries in the Ullapool approaches was to
Issued on
2013, Talisman Sinopec Energy (UK) Ltd, Andromeda, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 3098 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey acquired under licence P1880 between August and September 2013.
Issued on
2013, Taqa Bratani Ltd, Tulla, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number 3055 Open Data
An oil and gas industry site survey for a semi-sub righ acquired under licences P472, P570, P1600, P
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2014 Marine Biological Association (MBA) Antony Lynher Estuary Transect Survey of Crassostrea gigas Open Data
Transect survey of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas at Antony on the south shore of St Germans,
Issued on
2014 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (MBA) Bovisand Sandy Shore Box Cores Open Data
At Bovisand Bay work experince students took box cores and recorded the abundance of species found u
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2014 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Armadale... Open Data
The main aim of this investigation off Armadale, Sutherland coast was to improve knowledge of the oc
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2014 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Kincardine... Open Data
The main aim of this investigation off the Aberdeenshire coast at Kincardine was to improve knowledg
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2014 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Moray... Open Data
The main aim of this investigation in the Moray Firth off Banff, Aberdeenshire was to improve knowle
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2014, Shell UK Ltd, Skua, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_42 Open Data
An oil and gas industry shallow gas site survey acquired under licence P358 between February and Mar
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2015 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Fladen experimental... Open Data
Particle size distribution, Folk, European Nature Information System (EUNIS) and Broadscale habitat
Issued on
2015 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Fladen experimental... Open Data
Total count and biomass in grams of taxa identified from 4m beam trawl samples of the seabed, with
Issued on
2015, BP Exploration, Vorlich 3D HR Seismic Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_349 Open Data
An oil and gas industry drilling hazard, debris clearance site survey acquired under licence P363 be
Issued on
2015 David Fenwick Challaborough Devon Ad-hoc sightings and kelp holdfast washing records Open Data
A collection of species obtained by washing kelp holdfasts. The purpose of this survey was to searc
Issued on
2015 Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (DENI) Glenarm Undaria pinnatifida records Open Data
A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (DE
Issued on
2015 Manx Wildlife Trust (MWT) Sargassum muticum records Open Data
A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Manx Wildlife Trust (MWT). The species listed are
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2015 Owen Michael Cornwall rockpool survey Open Data
A comparison between urban and non-urban rockpools at Gwithian and Porthmeor (Feb-April 2015) compa
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2015 Roch et al. Holyhead Didemnum vexillum record Open Data
A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from R.C. Roche. The species listed is Didemnum vexillu
Issued on
2016 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) Fal Oyster Survey Open Data
Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) conduct annual dredge surveys within th
Issued on
2016, Hurricane, Bombardier, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_489 Open Data
An oil and gas industry debris clearance, semi-sub rig, drilling hazard, environmental site survey a
Issued on
2018 - 2019 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Small Scale Semi‐Pelagic... Open Data
This work was carried out as part of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) programme. The fishing
Issued on
2018, Shell UK Ltd, Pierce 2DHR Infill Seismic Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_779 Open Data
An oil and gas industry rig site survey acquired under licences P111, P114 between September and Oct
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2020, Shell UK Ltd, Jaws 2DUHR Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1101 Open Data
An oil and gas industry rig site survey acquired under licences P2380, P2351, P2381 between July and
Issued on
2021 Census Topic Summary Education Open Data
7th tranche of 2021 Census 'Topic Summary' tables: Education. These are a set of univariate tables f
Issued on 2023-01-10
2022, Total E&P UK Ltd, Janice DHSS Block 30/17, Drilling Hazard Survey, DECC Reference Number... Open Data
An oil and gas industry shallow geophysical drilling hazard site survey acquired in January 2022. Th
Issued on
Air Quality Management Areas Open Data
Under the Environmental Protection Act 1995 local authorities are required to review air quality in
Issued on 2018-01-02T11:25:11Z
Better Business Partnership Open Data
The Better Business Partnership (BBP) is the trusted trader scheme operating in Perth and Kinross. T
Issued on
Chlorophyll fluorescence data collected on Mount Etna, Sicily, 2017 Open Data
The dataset contains chlorophyll fluorescence data from different genotypes of two Senecio species o
Issued on
City of London Boundary Open Data
The current boundary of the City of London
Issued on
CM3(Manningham Lane) Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-style:italic;margin:0 0 11 0;'><span><span>Lo
Issued on 2020-09-01T10:57:28Z
CM8(Tong Street) Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='font-style:italic;margin:0 0 11 0;'><span><span>Lo
Issued on 2020-09-01T12:48:53Z
ConservationAreas Open Data
Areas designated as Conservation Areas under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed buildings and Conser
Issued on 2016-08-01T09:35:32Z
Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Somerset) Open Data
This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categoris
Issued on
Land Cover Map 2019 (1km summary rasters, GB and N. Ireland) Open Data
This 1 km summary pixel data set represents the land surface of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
Issued on
Local Plan Open Data
Policies affecting land within Wigan Borough
Issued on 2016-11-21T15:49:39Z
Multi-tier archetypes to characterise British landscapes, farmland and farming practices Open Data
This dataset consists of landscape and agricultural management archetypes (1 km resolution) at three
Issued on
Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries Open Data
Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the
Issued on
Potential evapotranspiration derived from HadUK-Grid 1km gridded climate observations 1969-2021... Open Data
Gridded potential evapotranspiration calculated from HadUK-Grid gridded observed meteorological data
Issued on
Rainfall Gauge Harden Moor Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>These data were measured using 'industry standard'
Issued on 2020-01-24T15:24:57Z
Rainfall Gauge Keighley Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>These data were measured using 'industry standard'
Issued on 2020-01-24T15:26:37Z
School locations in Perth & Kinross Open Data
School Locations in PKC.
Issued on
Shortlist of soil-based greenhouse gas removal practices selected following consideration of... Open Data
The provided data presents a list of greenhouse gas removal practices for soil organic carbon seques
Issued on
Site Open Data
Polygon feature which represents the recognisable extent of certain types of function or activity. E
Issued on
Street Open Data
A Street feature is the definition of the street as defined in the National Street Gazetteer. A Stre
Issued on
Surface and Meteorological Data at Huab River Valley, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia in... Open Data
Wind, sediment transport and surface/saltation data collected at Huab River Valley during a field ca
Issued on
TPOs Area Open Data
<span style='font-family:"Avenir Next W01", "Avenir Next W00", "Avenir Next
Issued on 2021-04-06T09:45:20Z
TRO's Open Data
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>Traffic Regulations Act 1984. The Local Authorities
Issued on 2019-06-13T16:36:19Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Annual Financial Report 2014/15 Open Data
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Financial Report 2015
Issued on 2019-08-28T13:52:43Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Annual Financial Report 2015/16 Open Data
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Financial Report 2016
Issued on 2019-08-28T13:54:23Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Annual Financial Report 2016/17 Open Data
Tunbridge Wells Open Data Transparency Financial Report 2017
Issued on 2019-08-28T13:56:23Z
Tunbridge Wells open data card spend - Financial year 2021 to 2022 Open Data
<p>The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 was published by the Department for Communities and L
Issued on 2022-02-23T08:31:55Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Local Authority Land - Asset Register Investment Open Data
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Local Authority Land - Asset Register Investment 2021 to 2022
Issued on 2021-06-29T11:01:21Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Spend Over £250 - Financial Year 2017 to 2018 Open Data
<p>We have published items of spending over £500 since April 2010 and items of spending over £250 fr
Issued on 2019-08-09T14:03:59Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Spend Over 250 - Financial Year 2019 to 2020 Open Data
<font color='#000000' size='3'> </font><p style='margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;'><font color='#000000' face=
Issued on 2019-08-16T13:14:21Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2015 Open Data
<span>An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council.</
Issued on 2019-06-20T14:51:02Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2017 Open Data
<span>An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council.</
Issued on 2019-06-20T13:20:18Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Community Grants 2017 to 2018 Open Data
Funding of voluntary and community organisations (in excess of £500) - Community Grants
Issued on 2019-08-29T10:27:55Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Community Grants 2019 to 2020 Open Data
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Community Grants 2019 to 2020
Issued on 2020-05-19T11:16:58Z
Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Members Allowances 2015 to 2016 Open Data
List of allowances paid to members
Issued on 2019-08-29T13:27:28Z
TWBC Local Plan 2006 - Economic Development Site ED4(a)-(e) Open Data
TWBC Local Plan 2006 - Economic Development Site ED4(a)-(e)
Issued on 2019-12-31T15:45:20Z
TWBC Local Plan 2006 - Local Nature Reserves EN15 Open Data
TWBC Local Plan 2006 - Local Nature Reserves EN15
Issued on 2019-12-31T14:12:01Z
TWBC Open Data - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Open Data
TWBC Open Data - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Issued on 2019-12-20T12:03:52Z
TWBC Open Data Licensed Premises - 2022 Open Data
Issued on 2022-10-07T14:00:03Z
TWBC Open Data - Metropolitan Green Belt Open Data
Metropolitan Green Belt
Issued on 2019-12-20T12:06:04Z
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Children's Play Space R4 Open Data
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Children's Play Space R4
Issued on 2020-01-02T16:15:39Z
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Cycle Routes Open Data
<span>TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Cycle Routes</span>
Issued on 2020-01-02T14:51:41Z
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Important Landscape Approach EN23 Open Data
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Important Landscape Approach EN23
Issued on 2020-01-02T16:37:22Z
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Key Employment Areas Open Data
Tunbridge Wells Open Data Site Allocations 2016 Key Employment Area
Issued on 2020-01-02T15:18:49Z
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Recreation Open Space R1 Open Data
TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Recreation Open Space R1
Issued on 2020-01-02T16:18:29Z
Water chemistry measured from peatland sub-catchments in the Flow Country, Scotland following a... Open Data
The dataset contains water chemistry data collected from peatland headwaters across the Flow Country
Issued on
York Ward Profiles 2022-23 Q1 Open Data
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to June 2022 on the 21 electoral wards us
Issued on
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