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Consultant and Agency Spend Open Data

This dataset contains details of all Council expenditure on consultants and agency staff for each fi

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Consultant and Agency Spend details >

Consultation on modern workplaces: impact assessments Open Data

Underlying data from the impact assessments underlying the consultation on modern workplaces [URN 11

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Consultation on modern workplaces: impact assessments details >

Consultation Privacy Notices Open Data

Privacy notices used in recent City of York Council consultations. For past consultation privac

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Consultation Privacy Notices details >

Consumer protection study 2022 Open Data

This study aimed to understand consumers’ experiences with purchasing items and services, the type a

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Consumer protection study 2022 details >

Consumer Price Inflation Open Data

An analysis of trends in inflation since 1947 as measured by the Retail Prices Index (RPI). Sourc

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Consumer Price Inflation details >

Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index: Updating Weights Open Data

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure the changes from month to

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Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index: Updating Weights details >

Sub-national consumption of residual fuel Open Data

Statistics on the consumption of solid fuels, petroleum products and renewables broken down by local

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Sub-national consumption of residual fuel details >

Contaminated Land Special Sites Open Data

Certain types of contaminated land (as described in Regulation 2 of the Contaminated Land (England)

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Contaminated Land Special Sites details >

Wiltshire Council - Contaminated Land Open Data

Contaminated Land polygons. Note that these sites are better described as 'POTENTIAL Sites of Contam

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Wiltshire Council - Contaminated Land details >

Continuous measurements of rainfall (2002-2007) [LOCAR] Open Data

Continuous measurements of rainfall from the Frome Piddle; Pang Lambourn and Tern catchments, record

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Continuous measurements of rainfall (2002-2007) [LOCAR] details >

Continuous measurements of temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in rivers [LOIS] Open Data

Continuous measurements of temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen from river water at te

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Continuous measurements of temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in rivers [LOIS] details >

Continuous Household Survey Bulletin Open Data

The Bulletin provides summary information as well as some trend data from previous years. It include

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Continuous Household Survey Bulletin details >

Contraception and Sexual Health Open Data

Contains statistics regarding contraceptive use among women aged under 50; women ‘at risk’ of pregna

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Contraception and Sexual Health details >

Contract Spend Open Data

Contract documentation is only available for contracts with a value of over £10,000 which have been

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Contract Spend details >

Contract Register - ECDC Open Data

Contract Register as required under the Local Government Transparency Code 2014

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Contract Register - ECDC details >

Contract Register March 2017 Open Data

Register of all current contracts held by Oxford City Council, including contract length and value

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Contract Register March 2017 details >

Contractor Key Performance Indicators Open Data

Results of the contractor performance in England and Wales for the periods 2015-16 and 2016-17, meas

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Contractor Key Performance Indicators details >

Procurement Information for North Yorkshire County Council Open Data

North Yorkshire County Council maintains a Contract Register, the purpose of which is to record key

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Procurement Information for North Yorkshire County Council details >

Contracts data Open Data

A register of all contracts above £20,000

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Contracts data details >

Contracts Finder Notices 01 2018 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Jan 2018. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 01 2018 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 01 2018 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Jan 2018. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 01 2018 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 02 2015 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Feb 2015. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 02 2015 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 02 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Feb 2017. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 02 2017 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 02 2018 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Feb 2018. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 02 2018 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 03 2015 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Mar 2015. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 03 2015 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 03 2016 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Mar 2016. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 03 2016 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 03 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Mar 2017. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 03 2017 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 03 2018 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Mar 2018. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 03 2018 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 04 2015 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Apr 2015. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 04 2015 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 04 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Apr 2017. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 04 2017 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 04 2018 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Apr 2018. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 04 2018 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 05 2015 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for May 2015. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 05 2015 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 05 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for May 2017. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 05 2017 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 07 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Jul 2017. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 07 2017 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 08 2016 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Aug 2016. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 08 2016 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 09 2015 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Sep 2015. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 09 2015 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 09 2016 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Sep 2016. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 09 2016 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 10 2016 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Oct 2016. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 10 2016 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 10 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Oct 2017. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 10 2017 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 11 2015 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Nov 2015. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 11 2015 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 11 2016 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Nov 2016. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 11 2016 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 11 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Nov 2017. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 11 2017 details >

Contracts Finder Notices 12 2014 Open Data

This dataset contains Contracts Finder notices for Dec 2014. The dataset uses the Open Contracting

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Contracts Finder Notices 12 2014 details >

Contracts over £5000 Oct to Dec 2014 Open Data

CSV file detailing all Contracts awarded over the value of £5000 by Surrey County Council during the

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Contracts over £5000 Oct to Dec 2014 details >

Contracts register - tenders Open Data

This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council where a tender process h

Issued on 2014-03-07T10:43:00Z

Contracts register - tenders details >

Procurement Contracts Open Data

Existing Contracts Register for awarded contracts over £5,000. An extract of all published contra

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Procurement Contracts details >

Contracts with No Guaranteed Hours Open Data

Estimates of the number of people who are on contracts where they are not guaranteed any hours in a

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Contracts with No Guaranteed Hours details >

Salford City Council contracts let Open Data

Contracts let by Salford City Council's corporate procurement unit

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Salford City Council contracts let details >

Control gates Open Data

Spatial layer of flood risk structures. Attribute of control gate.

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Control gates details >

Control of Immigration: Annual statistics Open Data

Annual statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, an

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Control of Immigration: Annual statistics details >

Control of Immigration: Quarterly Statistical Summary, United Kingdom Open Data

Quarterly statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration,

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Control of Immigration: Quarterly Statistical Summary, United Kingdom details >

Control of Immigration: Quarterly statistics Open Data

Quarterly statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration,

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Control of Immigration: Quarterly statistics details >

Controlled parking spaces Open Data

<p>Publication of the number of marked out controlled on and off-street parking spaces within Wycomb

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Controlled parking spaces details >

Conwy Catchment - Nant Y Brwyn Discharge dataset (2008-2011) Open Data

Discharge data and in-stream temperature for a peatland headwater stream of the Conwy catchment, Nor

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Conwy Catchment - Nant Y Brwyn Discharge dataset (2008-2011) details >

Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Open Data

The Council is required by law to hold a list of cooling towers and evaporative condensers operating

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Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers details >

Cooling Towers In Camden Open Data

This dataset contains the register of cooling towers or evaporative condensers held by the London Bo

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Cooling Towers In Camden details >

Cooling Towers Public Register Open Data


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Cooling Towers Public Register details >

Copeland Brownfield Register Open Data

Brownfield Register to show available brownfield sites within Copeland that could be considered suit

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Copeland Brownfield Register details >

Core Paths Highland Council Access Area Open Data

Core paths are a system of paths, track and other routes identified by The Highland Council, as a du

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Core Paths Highland Council Access Area details >

CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Rent and charges Open Data

This dataset comprises the mean weekly rent and total charges of new general needs lettings, let at

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CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Rent and charges details >

CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Vacant days Open Data

This dataset comprises the mean number of days that a property was vacant prior to a new letting for

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CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Vacant days details >

Core Accessibility Indicator: Further education Open Data

Proportion of 16-19 year olds within 30 and 60 minutes of a further education establishment by publi

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Core Accessibility Indicator: Further education details >

Core Accessibility Indicator: GP Open Data

Proportion of a) households b) households without access to a car within 15 and 30 minutes of a GP b

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Core Accessibility Indicator: GP details >

Core Accessibility Indicator: Hospital Open Data

Proportion of a) households b) households without access to a car within 30 and 60 minutes of a hosp

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Core Accessibility Indicator: Hospital details >

Core Accessibility Indicator: Secondary schools Open Data

Proportion of a) pupils of compulsory school age; b) pupils of compulsory school age in receipt of f

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Core Accessibility Indicator: Secondary schools details >

Core Accessibility Indicator: Supermarket Open Data

Proportion of a) households; b) households without access to a car within 15 and 30 minutes of a sup

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Core Accessibility Indicator: Supermarket details >

Core Accessibility Indicators Open Data

Report describes measures of accessibility by public transport, walking and cycling to seven service

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Core Accessibility Indicators details >

Corine land cover 2006 (revised) for the UK, Jersey and Guernsey Open Data

This dataset for the UK, Jersey and Guernsey contains the Corine Land Cover (CLC) revised for 2006.

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Corine land cover 2006 (revised) for the UK, Jersey and Guernsey details >

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust £25k expenditure Open Data

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions of over £25,000 made by Cornwall Partnership NH

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Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust £25k expenditure details >

Cornwall Waste Development Framework Open Data

The Cornwall Waste Development Framework is a comprehensive review of the Cornwall Waste Local Plan

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Cornwall Waste Development Framework details >

Coronary Heart Disease Statistics update Open Data

Annual update of heart disease statistics, including mortality, hospital activity and operations, in

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Coronary Heart Disease Statistics update details >

Coroners Statistics Open Data

This annual bulletin presents statistics on the workload of coroners in England and Wales. Informati

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Coroners Statistics details >

Corporate Services Price Index Open Data

Corporate Services Price Index (CSPI) has been discontinued. Data is now available as the Services P

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Corporate Services Price Index details >

Correspondence Case Record – Ministerial Open Data

Correspondence received from Members of Parliament that require a response in the Chair’s or Chief E

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Correspondence Case Record – Ministerial details >

Corruption in the police service England and Wales: second report - based on the IPCC's experience... Open Data

Report into the IPCC's experience of corruption in the police service England and Wales

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Corruption in the police service England and Wales: second report - based on the IPCC's experience... details >

Cost effective methods to measure extent and condition of habitats: Earth Observation Phase 3 Open Data

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Phase 1 of the Making Earth ob

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Cost effective methods to measure extent and condition of habitats: Earth Observation Phase 3 details >

Cost of oil consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016 Open Data

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016. Attr

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Cost of oil consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016 details >

Cotswold District Council Brownfield Register 2017 Open Data

This is the Brownfield sites register (previously developed land within their area that is considere

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Cotswold District Council Brownfield Register 2017 details >

Council budget Open Data

<p>A breakdown of the council's budget as at 1 April.</p>

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Council budget details >

Council budgets Open Data

This dataset provides a detailed analysis of the approved budget for Leeds City Council, as agreed b

Issued on 2015-07-30T06:52:30Z

Council budgets details >

Council building information Open Data

A dataset providing information about local council services in Leeds. Leeds City Council uses this

Issued on 2016-06-17T12:03:10Z

Council building information details >

Council Business Plan Open Data

This is the tabulated format of Lincolnshire County Council's Council Business Plan. The current Cou

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Council Business Plan details >

Council car parks Open Data

List of council-owned car parks, their locations and number of spaces available. Local Government T

Issued on 2014-03-06T12:03:16Z

Council car parks details >

Council Constitution Open Data

This dataset provides information on the Constitution at Salford City Council. Details are provided

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Council Constitution details >

Council Constitution for Craven District Council Open Data

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices u

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Council Constitution for Craven District Council details >

Council Constitution for Hambleton District Council Open Data

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices u

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Council Constitution for Hambleton District Council details >

Council Constitution for North Yorkshire Council Open Data

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices u

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Council Constitution for North Yorkshire Council details >

Council Constitution for Scarborough Borough Council Open Data

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Council Constitution for Scarborough Borough Council details >

Council Current Spending Open Data

<p class="MsoNormal"><em>Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are facing during the Coronavirus

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Council Current Spending details >

Council house bids and lettings Open Data

A dataset providing the number of bids per letting, by year, area, property type. Also contained is

Issued on 2016-02-18T16:16:11Z

Council house bids and lettings details >

Council land and building assets Open Data

This dataset provides a comprehensive list of council owned land and building assets which are deeme

Issued on 2014-08-07T11:25:48Z

Council land and building assets details >

Council maintained car parks Open Data

Council maintained car parks in Southampton

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Council maintained car parks details >

Council managed allotment sites Open Data

<p>Details of all council allotment sites around the city. The dataset provides full postal address

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Council managed allotment sites details >

Council- Owned Garages Open Data

Oxford City Council-owned garages that are made available to the public to rent

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Council- Owned Garages details >

Belfast City Council properties and use Open Data

This data set contains information about council buildings including the address, map co-ordinates a

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Belfast City Council properties and use details >

Council Owned Trees Open Data

Council owned trees in York. Mapped tree positions are for guidance purposes only and shou

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Council Owned Trees details >

Council Plan Consultation September 2015 Open Data

York Council carried out a consultation with residents between September and October 2015 on what pr

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Council Plan Consultation September 2015 details >

Council Plan Consultation September 2019 Open Data

York Council carried out a consultation between August and September 2019 where residents had the op

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Council Plan Consultation September 2019 details >

Belfast Council Properties Open Data

This data set contains information about council buildings, data items include: name, address, longi

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Belfast Council Properties details >

Council public wifi hotspots Open Data

Public wifi hotspots in Council buildings that are open to the public.

Issued on 2017-09-29T08:30:37Z

Council public wifi hotspots details >
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