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Concept about the management of the alpine pastures in the planned Kalkalpen National Park — Part 2 Open Data

Concept on the management of the alpine pastures in the planned Kalkalpen National Park — Part 2. Re

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Concept about the management of the alpine pastures in the planned Kalkalpen National Park — Part 2 details >

Conception of a geomorphology adventure path in the Gesäuse National Park for the digital medium PDA Open Data

Diploma thesis at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz This diploma thesis deals with the planning and

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Conception of a geomorphology adventure path in the Gesäuse National Park for the digital medium PDA details >

Landscape planning contribution to the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Landscape planning contribution to the Kalkalpen National Park. National Park Region — 1st section o

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Landscape planning contribution to the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Layman’s report — REBEN Open Data

Imprint: Owners, publishers and publishers: Land Burgenland, Department 5 — Construction Directorate

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Layman’s report — REBEN details >

Living in the underground... Open Data

Underground life — The National Park of Cave Beetle Arctaphaenops muellneri. Nature in the Upwind, N

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Living in the underground... details >

Life in Eternal Darkness Open Data

Species richness of animals was found in the waters of Karsten. Magazine Aufwind

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Life in Eternal Darkness details >

Forest floor habitat — biodiversity under the feet Open Data

The majority of the species-rich soil fauna lives in the upper 10 centimeters of the earth’s layer.

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Forest floor habitat — biodiversity under the feet details >

Life Gesäuse. Final Report Open Data

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Life Gesäuse. Final Report details >

Line-taxations of selected cropland birds in the western sea angle in 2017 Open Data

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Line-taxations of selected cropland birds in the western sea angle in 2017 details >

Line-taxation of selected cropland birds in the western sea angle in 2021 Open Data

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Line-taxation of selected cropland birds in the western sea angle in 2021 details >

Long term-monitoring of birds reveals drastic changes in the bird communities at the national park... Open Data

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Long term-monitoring of birds reveals drastic changes in the bird communities at the national park... details >

Luchsin Freia on a journey Open Data

The wilderness of the Kalkalpen National Park and the surrounding region have a new wild roommate. S

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Luchsin Freia on a journey details >

Lynx monitoring and medium-sized mammals in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The aim of the photo trap project was to monitor lynxes and possibly. Wild cats in the Gesäuse Natio

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Lynx monitoring and medium-sized mammals in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1997 (PART 2.1) Open Data

Precipitation measurement network in the region of the Kalkalpen National Park, list of precipitatio

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1997 (PART 2.1) details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1998 (PART 3) Open Data

Comprehensive coverage of snow cover in the region of the Kalkalpen National Park

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1998 (PART 3) details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1999 (PART 1.3) Open Data

Daily documentation of weather conditions, meteorological events and characteristics in the region o

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1999 (PART 1.3) details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2001 (PART 3) Open Data

Daily documentation of weather conditions, meteorological events and key data in the region of the K

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2001 (PART 3) details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2002 (PART 2) Open Data

Monitoring and maintenance of meteorological stations in the Kalkalpen National Park — Research proj

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2002 (PART 2) details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2006 (PART 1) Open Data

Research project “Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park”, overview of meteorological data from

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2006 (PART 1) details >

Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1993 — PART 2 Open Data

Meteorological measurement campaign in the planning area National Park Kalkalpen

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Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1993 — PART 2 details >

Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1994 — PART 3 Open Data

Daily documentation of weather conditions, meteorological events and characteristics in the region o

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Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1994 — PART 3 details >

Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1995 — Part 2 Open Data

Meteorology 1995 — Part 2: Daily documentation of weather conditions, meteorological events and char

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Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1995 — Part 2 details >

Module 02 — Botanical Vegetational Analysis — Interim Report 2019 Open Data

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Module 02 — Botanical Vegetational Analysis — Interim Report 2019 details >

Module 07 — Cryosphere: Glaciers, Hydroclimate, Permafrost — Methods Manual Open Data

Citation suggestion: Kellerer-Pirklbauer A., Lieb G.K. (2019): Kellerer-Pirklbauer A, Lieb GK (2019)

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Module 07 — Cryosphere: Glaciers, Hydroclimate, Permafrost — Methods Manual details >

Monitoring and Modelling of Sediment and Habitat at the Alluvial Zone National Park of the Austrian... Open Data

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Monitoring and Modelling of Sediment and Habitat at the Alluvial Zone National Park of the Austrian... details >

Monitoring of selected cropland birds in the Illmitz-Hölle conservation zone — interim report on the... Open Data

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Monitoring of selected cropland birds in the Illmitz-Hölle conservation zone — interim report on the... details >

Monitoring of biodiversity in the core zones of Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald Open Data

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Monitoring of biodiversity in the core zones of Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald details >

Evidence of the occurrence of the FFH habitat type 6510 Poor flatland mowers (Glatthafer meadows) in... Open Data

A typology of moderately intensive to extensive grasslands is presented from the locations Schafgrab

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Evidence of the occurrence of the FFH habitat type 6510 Poor flatland mowers (Glatthafer meadows) in... details >

National Park Hohe Tauern External Border (11/2018) Open Data

National Park Hohe Tauern External border (11/2018) based on zoning 11/2018 EPSG:4326 — WGS 84 — Ge

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National Park Hohe Tauern External Border (11/2018) details >

Research concept Hohe Tauern National Park 2020 Open Data

Coordination/editing: Abdomen Kristina, Jungmeier Michael, Lieb Stefan

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Research concept Hohe Tauern National Park 2020 details >

National Park Hohe Tauern Biodiversity Day 2019-26 to 28 July 2019 — Gößnitztal (Carinthia) —... Open Data

GROS P., K. AICHHORN & R. LINDNER (2022): National Park Hohe Tauern Biodiversity Day 2019, 26 to

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National Park Hohe Tauern Biodiversity Day 2019-26 to 28 July 2019 — Gößnitztal (Carinthia) —... details >

National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Dösental Open Data

In 2018, the Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park was able to complete the update and fu

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National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Dösental details >

National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation FLEISS Open Data

In 2018, the Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park was able to complete the update and fu

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National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation FLEISS details >

National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Mallnitz Open Data

In 2018, the Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park was able to complete the update and fu

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National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Mallnitz details >

National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Seebachtal Open Data

In 2018, the Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park was able to complete the update and fu

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National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Seebachtal details >

Kalkalpen National Park, planning section East; Part II, Volume 1 Open Data

Kalkalpen National Park, planning section East. Karst research program, Proj. 1603“Karst Dynamics in

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Kalkalpen National Park, planning section East; Part II, Volume 1 details >

Kalkalpen National Park — Strategic brand profile Open Data

Brand — an approach from a tourist point of view Brand definition National Park Limestone Alps Brand

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Kalkalpen National Park — Strategic brand profile details >

National Park Magazine 2016 Issue 3 Open Data

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National Park Magazine 2016 Issue 3 details >

National Park Nature Adventure TrailsFrom Alm to Alm am Hengstpaß Open Data

As diverse as the forests in the Kalkalpen National Park, so rich in species are also the colourful

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National Park Nature Adventure TrailsFrom Alm to Alm am Hengstpaß details >

Naturalness and conservation status of forest habitats in the National Park Hohe Tauern Salzburg... Open Data

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Naturalness and conservation status of forest habitats in the National Park Hohe Tauern Salzburg... details >

Nature conservation evaluation of alpine pastures in the Gesäuse National Park (Styria, Austria) by... Open Data

Faunistic investigations in alpine grasslands in the Styrian “Gesäuse National Park” (Ennstaler Alps

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Nature conservation evaluation of alpine pastures in the Gesäuse National Park (Styria, Austria) by... details >

Nature conservation in the forest Open Data

Nature conservation in the forest practical tips from the forest host. Magazine Aufwind

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Nature conservation in the forest details >

Network of Danube Protected Areas (Bulgarian) Open Data

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Network of Danube Protected Areas (Bulgarian) details >

NP Folder High Cup Round Open Data

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NP Folder High Cup Round details >

NP logo with eagle Open Data

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NP logo with eagle details >

NP Summer Program 2008 Poster Open Data

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NP Summer Program 2008 Poster details >

NP Hiking with children Open Data

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NP Hiking with children details >

NPK hiking bus Open Data

From Steyr through the Hintergebirge to the stallion pass and back.

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NPK hiking bus details >

Ecological analysis of the community of free-living soil nematodes (threadworms) in the Neusiedler... Open Data

ABH. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Austria 37 (2008): 85-92 As part of a project of the Seewinkel National Park (

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Ecological analysis of the community of free-living soil nematodes (threadworms) in the Neusiedler... details >

Ecological Accompanying Examination Remodeling Gänshaufentraverse, Lower Lobau: Department of... Open Data

Study on behalf of NP Donauauen GmbH Scientific series issue 9/2006 In 1999 and 2001, relevant geo

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Ecological Accompanying Examination Remodeling Gänshaufentraverse, Lower Lobau: Department of... details >

Ecotourism in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

Diploma thesis at the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Graz The results show that approaches

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Ecotourism in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Ornithological study of black stork and sea eagle deposits in Thayatal National Park Open Data

Tags: Aves/bird, Haliaeetus albicilla/Eagle, Ciconia nigra/Black Stork, Zoology/Animals

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Ornithological study of black stork and sea eagle deposits in Thayatal National Park details >

Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2001 report Open Data

without cards

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Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2001 report details >

Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2011 report Open Data

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Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2011 report details >

Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2017 report Open Data

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Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2017 report details >

Pannonian BirdExperience — Program 2012 Open Data

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Pannonian BirdExperience — Program 2012 details >

Partnership National Park o.ö. Limestone Alps economy; Notoriety National Park Limestone Alps Open Data

Partnership National Park o.ö. Limestone Alps economy; Notoriety National Park Limestone Alps

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Partnership National Park o.ö. Limestone Alps economy; Notoriety National Park Limestone Alps details >

Horse happiness on the carriagebock Open Data

Leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind and explore the valleys of the Kalkalpen Nationa

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Horse happiness on the carriagebock details >

Phenology and abundance of EPT-Taxa (Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) in Kajabach... Open Data

Phenology and abundance of EPT-Taxa (Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) in Kajabach (T

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Phenology and abundance of EPT-Taxa (Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) in Kajabach... details >

Pilot study on the spatial demarcation, acceptance and regional identity of the Eisenwurzen region... Open Data

Pilot study on the spatial demarcation, acceptance and regional identity of the Eisenwurzen region a

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Pilot study on the spatial demarcation, acceptance and regional identity of the Eisenwurzen region... details >

Pinzgauer kontra Fleckvieh — Summer Exhibition 2007 — Animals Open Data

In the summer of 2007, one could visit the special exhibition “From Pinzgauern, Tauernschecken Kalse

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Pinzgauer kontra Fleckvieh — Summer Exhibition 2007 — Animals details >

Pluralism in grassland management promotes butterfly diversity in a large Central European... Open Data

J Insect Conserv (2017) 21:277-285 DOI 10.1007/s10841-017-9974-2

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Pluralism in grassland management promotes butterfly diversity in a large Central European... details >

Population monitoring of special floral elements in the Thayatal National Park Open Data

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Population monitoring of special floral elements in the Thayatal National Park details >

Professional Park Ranger Service in Austria Open Data

Diploma thesis at the University of Klagenfurt Klagenfurt As part of this thesis, the different trai

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Professional Park Ranger Service in Austria details >

Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — internal Open Data

Total Redatkion: Harald Haseke

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Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — internal details >

Water-rich — Water-rich National Park Limestone Alps Open Data

Nearly a thousand sources were localised by the source documentation in the Kalkalpen National Park.

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Water-rich — Water-rich National Park Limestone Alps details >

Source mapping 1st part 2003 Open Data

The report documents the beginning of an ecological source mapping of the Gesäuse National Park (Obe

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Source mapping 1st part 2003 details >

Source mapping 2003-2005 Volume 1 Open Data

This final report documents the ecologically extended source mapping of the Gesäuse National Park (O

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Source mapping 2003-2005 Volume 1 details >

Source monitoring at the Königsee — The National Park Laboratory Open Data

Source monitoring at the Königsee — The National Park Laboratory. Research, Nature in the Upwind, Na

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Source monitoring at the Königsee — The National Park Laboratory details >

Ranger — Ambassador of the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Some of the National Park Kalkalpen Ranger have been in use for 24 years and still not a bit tired.

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Ranger — Ambassador of the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Situation assessment of hydrology, limeology and erosion dynamics of forest-induced residual water... Open Data

Situation assessment of hydrology, limeology and erosion dynamics of forest-induced residual water r

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Situation assessment of hydrology, limeology and erosion dynamics of forest-induced residual water... details >

Species richness and composition of bird assemblages along an Elevational gradient in the Eastern... Open Data

Diploma thesis at the University of Vienna Vienna While tropical mountains have detailed studies on

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Species richness and composition of bird assemblages along an Elevational gradient in the Eastern... details >

Speleological treatment of the Transect area Sengsengebirge — Supplementary report incl. Open Data

Transect area Sengsengebirge — Supplementary report incl. post mapping 1992. Annual report 41.10/199

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Speleological treatment of the Transect area Sengsengebirge — Supplementary report incl. details >

Status of peat lands in Upper Austria. A survey study on vegetation, including management plans for... Open Data

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Status of peat lands in Upper Austria. A survey study on vegetation, including management plans for... details >

Potential for disturbances in the Thayatal National Park Open Data

Potential for disturbances in the Thayatal National Park

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Potential for disturbances in the Thayatal National Park details >

Strategies of wetland restoration in the Waasen/Hanság (northern Burgenland) Open Data

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Strategies of wetland restoration in the Waasen/Hanság (northern Burgenland) details >

Strategic Management Plan 2021-2031 Open Data

The Strategic Management Plan contains longer-term objectives for national park management. The achi

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Strategic Management Plan 2021-2031 details >

Studia: Cost-benefit analysis National Park Kalkalpen Open Data

Studia: Cost-benefit analysis National Park Kalkalpen

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Studia: Cost-benefit analysis National Park Kalkalpen details >

Sustainable hunting plan as a tool of wildlife management: the Italian case Open Data

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Sustainable hunting plan as a tool of wildlife management: the Italian case details >

Activity Report 2013 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern Open Data

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Activity Report 2013 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern details >

Activity Report 2020 Salzburg National Park Fund Hohe Tauern Open Data

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Activity Report 2020 Salzburg National Park Fund Hohe Tauern details >

The idea of German-Austrian Alpine National Parks — Motives and Settings Open Data

Ronald Würflinger (2009): The idea of German-Austrian Alpine National Parks — Motives and Settings —

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The idea of German-Austrian Alpine National Parks — Motives and Settings details >

The project ALPCHANGE — Climate Change and Impacts in Southern Austrian Alpine Regions with research... Open Data

Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer, Michael Avian, Gerhard Karl Lieb, Viktor Kaufmann (2009): The project “

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The project ALPCHANGE — Climate Change and Impacts in Southern Austrian Alpine Regions with research... details >

Topoclimatological characteristics of the terrain profile between Steyrnquelle and Rettenbach Open Data

Karst dynamics 1603; Subproject 1.2. Topoclimatology

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Topoclimatological characteristics of the terrain profile between Steyrnquelle and Rettenbach details >

Tough forage on alpine pastures? Nutritional value, phenology and stand structure of alpine pastures... Open Data

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Tough forage on alpine pastures? Nutritional value, phenology and stand structure of alpine pastures... details >

Transboundary Cooperation in Protected Area’s Management — Factors Influencing Success or Failure Open Data

Sigrun Lange (2009): Transboundary Cooperation in Protected Area’s Management — Factors Influencing

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Transboundary Cooperation in Protected Area’s Management — Factors Influencing Success or Failure details >

Overview of meteorological data from the region of the Kalkalpen National Park and documentation of... Open Data

Overview of meteorological data from the region of the Kalkalpen National Park and documentation of

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Overview of meteorological data from the region of the Kalkalpen National Park and documentation of... details >

Implementation of the education concept PART 2; In the field of school events Open Data

Institute of Applied Environmental Education, Steyr; INTERIM REPORT

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Implementation of the education concept PART 2; In the field of school events details >

Study of selected neophytes in the NP Thayatal in 2010: Dissemination and evaluation of management... Open Data

Neophyte Monitoring National Park Thayatal 2010, 66 pages

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Study of selected neophytes in the NP Thayatal in 2010: Dissemination and evaluation of management... details >

Vegetation and rejuvenation of open spaces at Scheuchegg (National Park Gesäuse) Open Data

In recent years there has been a strong spread of the bark beetle species Yps typographus in spruce

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Vegetation and rejuvenation of open spaces at Scheuchegg (National Park Gesäuse) details >

Vegetation mapping on selected areas of the Hohe Tauern National Park — Interim Report 2020 Open Data

Interim Report 2020 on vegetation mapping in the areas Seebachtal, Sulzbachtäler and Innergschlöss

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Vegetation mapping on selected areas of the Hohe Tauern National Park — Interim Report 2020 details >

Vegetation mapping of the Anlaufalm in the Reichraminger Hintergebirge Open Data

Vegetation mapping of the Anlaufalm in the Reichraminger Hintergebirge. Diploma thesis, Institute of

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Vegetation mapping of the Anlaufalm in the Reichraminger Hintergebirge details >

Hidden Beauties Open Data

Night butterflies, swarmers, spinners. Magazine Aufwind

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Hidden Beauties details >

Distribution and conservation status of maple ash forests (9180) in the Natura 2000 area Ennstaler... Open Data

This thesis deals with the extent and conservation status of 68 current and 18 potential maple ash f

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Distribution and conservation status of maple ash forests (9180) in the Natura 2000 area Ennstaler... details >

Diversity — The idea contest around the national park Open Data

The National Park as a driving force for young “green” entrepreneurship

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Diversity — The idea contest around the national park details >

Wagram Open Data

Summary The southern declivity of the Parndorfer Platte, a gravel terrasse of about 200 square kilom

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Wagram details >

Forests on migration — Viennese scientists clarify the spreading mechanisms of poplar species Open Data

Tags: Populus/Pappel, Botany/Plant

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Forests on migration — Viennese scientists clarify the spreading mechanisms of poplar species details >

Hiking in the Danube-Auen National Park Open Data

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Hiking in the Danube-Auen National Park details >

Hiking trail Hochschlacht — Anlaufalm — Annerlsteg Open Data

Hiking trail Hochschlacht — Anlaufalm — Annerlsteg Inventory — path mapping — reprojecting

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Hiking trail Hochschlacht — Anlaufalm — Annerlsteg details >

When the days get longer Open Data

When the days get longer. Spring messengers and hospital and the Haller Walls. Flora, plants. Nature

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When the days get longer details >
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