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Business papers Styria Open Data

Economic data sheets of the province of Styria with data on employment, unemployment and industrial

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Business papers Styria details >

Hospitals Styria Open Data

Hospitals and sanatoriums, locations and addresses

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Hospitals Styria details >

Landing services Styria Open Data

Landing services — Locations and contact

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Landing services Styria details >

Landscape protected areas Styria Open Data

Landscape protected areas according to § 6 Styrian Nature Conservation Act. Landscape protected ar

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Landscape protected areas Styria details >

Liveborns in Styria Open Data

Liveborns in the municipalities of Styria in the respective reference year

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Liveborns in Styria details >

Air quality data Styria Open Data

Online air quality data, pollutant components per measuring station

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Air quality data Styria details >

Styria National Parks Open Data

A national park is a special protected area category and stands above all other protected areas. Leg

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Styria National Parks details >

Natural monuments Styria Open Data

Natural monuments according to the Styrian Nature Reserve. Natural monuments are outstanding individ

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Natural monuments Styria details >

Nature parks Styria Open Data

Nature parks are landscape areas for the protection of nature and are intended to increase the recre

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Nature parks Styria details >

Nature reserves lit.a Styria Open Data

Nature reserves lit.a (Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz § 5(2)(a)). Alpine landscapes, mountain, l

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Nature reserves lit.a Styria details >

Nature reserves lit.b Styria Open Data

Nature reserves lit.b (Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz § 5 para. 2 lit. b) Urwald residues, moors

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Nature reserves lit.b Styria details >

Nature reserves lit.c Styria Open Data

Nature reserves lit. c (Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz § 5(2)(c)). Sites and demarcated habitats

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Nature reserves lit.c Styria details >

Resident doctors Styria Open Data

Established physicians for allgemin medicine and specialists, locations and contact details.

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Resident doctors Styria details >

Park & Ride Styria Open Data

Park and Ride places

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Park & Ride Styria details >

Cycle paths Styria Open Data

cross-regional (tourist) bike paths

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Cycle paths Styria details >

Ramsar areas Styria Open Data

International protected areas according to the Ramsar Convention (wetlands).

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Ramsar areas Styria details >

Wind Energy Sector (SAPRO Wind Energy) Styria Open Data

The aim of this development programme is to lay down local requirements for the development of wind

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Wind Energy Sector (SAPRO Wind Energy) Styria details >

Wind Energy Zone (SAPRO Wind Energy) Styria Open Data

The aim of this development programme is to lay down local requirements for the development of wind

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Wind Energy Zone (SAPRO Wind Energy) Styria details >

Lakes and ponds Styria Open Data

Ponds and lakes based on the ÖK50, orthophotos, ALS data or documents of the water book.

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Lakes and ponds Styria details >

Locations of museums in Styria Open Data

Locations of museums

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Locations of museums in Styria details >

Urban and rural road network Styria Open Data

Watch out! Please use the Austria-wide GIP data! (see further metadata.) This record is no longer u

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Urban and rural road network Styria details >

Deaths in Styria Open Data

Deaths in the municipalities of Styria in the respective reference year

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Deaths in Styria details >

Tourism Information Offices Styria Open Data

Tourism Information Offices — Locations and Contacts

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Tourism Information Offices Styria details >

Tourism statistics Styria Open Data

Tourism statistics for calendar years 2012 to 2021 in Styrian municipalities that are tourism report

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Tourism statistics Styria details >

First Names of Liveborns in Styria Open Data

Ranking of the 60 most often given first names for liveborn girls and boys in Styria (etymologically

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First Names of Liveborns in Styria details >

Election results Municipal Council of Styria Open Data

Municipal council election results in Styria since 2000 (2020: preliminary final result)

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Election results Municipal Council of Styria details >

Election results Landtag Styria Open Data

State election results in Styria since 1986

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Election results Landtag Styria details >

Approved establishments for animal by-products (TNP holdings) Styria Open Data

List of approved establishments for animal by-products (TNP holdings)

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Approved establishments for animal by-products (TNP holdings) Styria details >

Approved meat establishments Styria Open Data

List of approved meat establishments

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Approved meat establishments Styria details >

Approved animal dealers, trading facilities and collection points Styria Open Data

List of authorised dealers, trading facilities and collection centres

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Approved animal dealers, trading facilities and collection points Styria details >

Adlerweg Tirol Open Data

CSV file and spatial data set to the Adlerweg, Tyrol’s most famous long-distance hiking trail. This

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Adlerweg Tirol details >

Addresses Tyrol Open Data

Point location of the address information of the federal state of Tyrol. All addresses are managed b

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Addresses Tyrol details >

Agricultural basic mergers in Tyrol Open Data

Digital representation of the completed and ongoing basic consolidation and land consolidation proce

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Agricultural basic mergers in Tyrol details >

General compulsory schools in Tyrol Open Data

Addresses and relevant data of all compulsory schools in Tyrol

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General compulsory schools in Tyrol details >

Alpine centres Tyrol Open Data

In the federal state of Tyrol there are about 2,600 alpine pastures, with a total area of about 6.00

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Alpine centres Tyrol details >

Workplaces by number of employees in Tyrol Open Data

Workplaces according to the number of employees in the workplace in the Tyrolean municipalities in 2

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Workplaces by number of employees in Tyrol details >

Workplaces by economic classes Tyrol Open Data

Workplaces by economic classes in the Tyrolean municipalities 2013 and 2014

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Workplaces by economic classes Tyrol details >

External border National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol Open Data

External border of the Hohe Tauern National Park (without legally binding force)

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External border National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol details >

Climbing aids in Tyrol Open Data

List of all climbing aids with location of the Province of Tyrol from the Tyrolean Sport Information

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Climbing aids in Tyrol details >

Contaminated areas NO2 Tyrol Open Data

Contaminated areas (air) to § 3(8) Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2000 with the objective of re

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Contaminated areas NO2 Tyrol details >

Flooding areas BWV in Tyrol Open Data

Flooding from outflow surveys in the areas of the Federal Water Engineering Administration (BWV). Pu

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Flooding areas BWV in Tyrol details >

Regional planning in Tyrol Open Data

In accordance with the Tyrolean Regional Planning Act, the Land Government is required to adopt spat

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Regional planning in Tyrol details >

Vocational schools in Tyrol Open Data

Addresses and relevant data of all vocational schools in Tyrol

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Vocational schools in Tyrol details >

Employees at the workplace by age and sex in Tyrol Open Data

Employees at the workplace by age and sex in the Tyrolean municipalities 2013

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Employees at the workplace by age and sex in Tyrol details >

Employees by economic classes in Tyrol Open Data

Employees at the workplace by economic classes in the Tyrolean municipalities 2013

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Employees by economic classes in Tyrol details >

Population by age group, nationality, country of birth and migration background in Tyrol Open Data

Population in the municipalities of Tyrol by age group, nationality, country of birth and migrant ba

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Population by age group, nationality, country of birth and migration background in Tyrol details >

Population by gender Tyrol Open Data

Population in the municipalities of Tyrol by sex every year from 2002 to 31.12.

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Population by gender Tyrol details >

Population by gender in Tirol Open Data

Population in the municipalities of Tyrol by sex every year from 2002 to 31.12.2014 (reference level

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Population by gender in Tirol details >

Population by sex and citizenship groups in Tyrol Open Data

Population in the municipalities of Tyrol by sex and citizenship groups as at 31. December of the re

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Population by sex and citizenship groups in Tyrol details >

Population by gender — Census Tirol Open Data

Population in the municipalities of Tyrol by sex at the census, 1869-2011 (reference level: Municipa

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Population by gender — Census Tirol details >

Population by nationality, country of birth and migration background in Tyrol Open Data

Population in the municipalities of Tyrol by nationality, country of birth and migration background

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Population by nationality, country of birth and migration background in Tyrol details >

Bike Trail Tyrol Open Data

Geodata set for the Bike Trail Tirol, the longest mountain bike circuit in the Alps. This leads in 3

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Bike Trail Tyrol details >

Biotope mapping Tyrol Open Data

Spatial data set, information on the location, size and type of plant societies and biotopes in the

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Biotope mapping Tyrol details >

Mayoral elections and shortening of mayors in Tyrol Open Data

Results of the Mayor’s Elections and the Mayorial Elections from 1998 to 2010

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Mayoral elections and shortening of mayors in Tyrol details >

Federal President elections — Results Tyrol Open Data

Result of the federal presidential elections from 1998 to 2016 at the regional level of Tyrol

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Federal President elections — Results Tyrol details >

Services of general interest, basic services Tyrol Open Data

Services of general interest Tyrol denotes the spatial data set on state utilities for the populatio

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Services of general interest, basic services Tyrol details >

The regional accounts of Tyrol Open Data

The financial statements of Tyrol from 2009 to 2017

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The regional accounts of Tyrol details >

The Proposals of Tyrol Open Data

The regional estimates of Tyrol from 2012 to 2021

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The Proposals of Tyrol details >

eBike Routes Hohe Tauern National Park Tyrol Open Data

eBike Routes Hohe Tauern Tirol National Park. Scale 1:5000 or better

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eBike Routes Hohe Tauern National Park Tyrol details >

eBasic map Tyrol Open Data

The topographical map of Tyrol and the alternative view of the aerial map represent the region and n

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eBasic map Tyrol details >

European elections Tyrol Open Data

Outcome of the European elections from 1996 to 2019 at country level

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European elections Tyrol details >

Public and private hospitals in Tyrol Open Data

Public and private hospitals in Tyrol

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Public and private hospitals in Tyrol details >

Area dedication Tyrol Open Data

In the land allocation, the use of all land in a municipal area is determined by dedication as build

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Area dedication Tyrol details >

Flight noise — Innsbruck, Tirol airport Open Data

Analysis of aircraft noise in the area of Innsbruck Airport on the basis of three permanent measurin

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Flight noise — Innsbruck, Tirol airport details >

Building Tyrol Open Data

Building stock (roof surfaces as polygon) manually recorded from remote sensing data

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Building Tyrol details >

Danger zones BWV Tirol Open Data

Danger zones of the Federal Water Engineering Administration (BWV). Pursuant to Section 42a of the W

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Danger zones BWV Tirol details >

Municipal elections in Tyrol Open Data

Results of municipal and mayoral elections from 1998 to 2016

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Municipal elections in Tyrol details >

Business in Tyrol Open Data

The upright trade licenses in Austria are made available without personal data. In the table you can

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Business in Tyrol details >

Water network Tyrol Open Data

The water network represents the digitally recorded line graphs of the waters in Tyrol. It forms the

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Water network Tyrol details >

Water cross-elements Tyrol Open Data

The National Water Management Plan is a regulation adopted by the Federal Minister for Agriculture,

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Water cross-elements Tyrol details >

Higher Federal Schools in Tyrol Open Data

Addresses and relevant data of all higher federal schools in Tyrol

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Higher Federal Schools in Tyrol details >

Wood prices per year Tyrol Open Data

Wood prices in Tyrol per year, collected in the non-state forest

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Wood prices per year Tyrol details >

Wood prices per month Tyrol Open Data

Wood prices in Tyrol per month, collected in the non-state forest

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Wood prices per month Tyrol details >

Hunting cadastre Tyrol Open Data

Designation of hunting areas on the basis of declaratory decisions by the hunting authority 1st inst

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Hunting cadastre Tyrol details >

Castles, churches and monasteries in Tyrol Open Data

Geodata set from the cultural heritage database of the Tyrolean art cadastre on churches, monasterie

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Castles, churches and monasteries in Tyrol details >

Landesgesetzblatt and Landesrecht Tirol Open Data

The data are the Landesgesetzblatt and the provincial law of Tyrol.

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Landesgesetzblatt and Landesrecht Tirol details >

High-level road network Tyrol Open Data

National roads B + L; ASFINAG — Network National roads B + L; ASFINAG — Network

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High-level road network Tyrol details >

Land use Tyrol Open Data

The land use Tyrol represents the actual utilisation classes of the earth’s surface, influenced or c

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Land use Tyrol details >

Regional elections in Tyrol Open Data

Result of the state elections from 1989 to 2018 at country level

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Regional elections in Tyrol details >

Agricultural schools in Tyrol Open Data

Addresses and relevant data of all agricultural schools in Tyrol

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Agricultural schools in Tyrol details >

Avalanche hazard levels Tyrol Open Data

Worldwide standardised avalanche risk levelicons (with and without daily increases). For more inform

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Avalanche hazard levels Tyrol details > german Tyrol Open Data

To the current avalanche situation report including regional risk level information. For more inform

Issued on german Tyrol details >

Avalanche problems icons Tyrol Open Data

Worldwide standardised avalanche problem icons. For more information, visit

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Avalanche problems icons Tyrol details > English Tyrol Open Data

To the current avalanche situation report including regional risk level information. For more inform

Issued on English Tyrol details > italian Tyrol Open Data

To the current avalanche situation report including regional risk level information. For more inform

Issued on italian Tyrol details >

Liveborns by mother’s age in Tyrol Open Data

Liveborns in the municipalities of Tyrol by mother’s age in the respective reference year (reference

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Liveborns by mother’s age in Tyrol details >

Educational trails/Natural trails Hohe Tauern Tirol National Park Open Data

Educational trails/natural trails along the way in the Hohe Tauern Tirol National Park. Scale 1:5000

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Educational trails/Natural trails Hohe Tauern Tirol National Park details >

Air temperature data Stations Hydrographic service Tyrol Open Data

The dataset contains the measured values of the last 24 hours for the respective measuring point, in

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Air temperature data Stations Hydrographic service Tyrol details >

Hohe Tauern National Park — aerial interpretation of Tyrol Open Data

Hohe Tauern Tirol National Park — aerial interpretation

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Hohe Tauern National Park — aerial interpretation of Tyrol details >

National Council elections in Tyrol Open Data

Outcome of the National Council elections from 1994 to 2019 at country level

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National Council elections in Tyrol details >

Natura 2000 areas under the Birds Directive (SPA) Tyrol Open Data

Spatial data set of the Natura 2000 areas of Tyrol under the Birds Directive (SPA)

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Natura 2000 areas under the Birds Directive (SPA) Tyrol details >

Natural monuments Tyrol Open Data

Spatial data sets of the flat and point-shaped natural monuments of Tyrol

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Natural monuments Tyrol details >

Nature parks Tyrol Open Data

Geodataset of the Nature Parks of Tyrol

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Nature parks Tyrol details >

Precipitation data Stations Hydrographic service Tyrol Open Data

The dataset contains the measured values of the last 24 hours for the respective measuring point, in

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Precipitation data Stations Hydrographic service Tyrol details >

Orthofoto Tyrol Open Data

WMS service with current orthophotos as real color images (RGB) and colour infrared images (CIR) as

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Orthofoto Tyrol details >

Points of Interest National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol Open Data

Points of interest National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol. Scale 1:5000 or better. Includes important exit

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Points of Interest National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol details >

Private ambulatories in Tyrol Open Data

Private ambulatories in Tyrol

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Private ambulatories in Tyrol details >

Ramsar areas Tyrol Open Data

Spatial Data Set on RAMSAR Wet Biotopes in Tirol

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Ramsar areas Tyrol details >

Toboggan runs with seal of quality in Tyrol Open Data

List of all toboggan runs with seal of quality from the Tyrolean Sport Information System of the Pro

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Toboggan runs with seal of quality in Tyrol details >

Local spatial planning concept Tyrol Open Data

Under the Tyrolean Regional Planning Act, each municipality has to adopt a local spatial planning co

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Local spatial planning concept Tyrol details >
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