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20 Years of Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

The Kalkalpen National Park is now part of the Köngis class of protected areas in the Alps. In just

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20 Years of Kalkalpen National Park details >

A new freshwater mite of the marine genus Halacarellus (Acari: Halacaridae) from the Austrian Alps... Open Data

A new halacarid species, Halacarellus fontinalis n. sp., from a spring in the Gesäuse National Park,

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A new freshwater mite of the marine genus Halacarellus (Acari: Halacaridae) from the Austrian Alps... details >

A regional assessment of functional diversity in heterogenous grassland with different agricultural... Open Data

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A regional assessment of functional diversity in heterogenous grassland with different agricultural... details >

A7 Management Plan Neobiota Open Data

The core objective of this management plan is the elimination or sustainable containment of the inva

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A7 Management Plan Neobiota details >

Activity report 2016 Salzburg (english version) Open Data

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Activity report 2016 Salzburg (english version) details >

Aerosol Measurements at the Sonnblick Observatory. On-line Identification of Long-Range Transport of... Open Data

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Aerosol Measurements at the Sonnblick Observatory. On-line Identification of Long-Range Transport of... details >

News from the Donau-Auen National Park — 11/1999 Open Data

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News from the Donau-Auen National Park — 11/1999 details >

Alminventar National Park Hohe Tauern Carinthia Open Data

The results of the project Alminventar National Park Hohe Tauern Carinthia are available in 1999 and

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Alminventar National Park Hohe Tauern Carinthia details >

Alpine farming in the Gesäuse National Park Case Study Sulzkaralm Open Data

Institute of Ecology and Environmental Planning Klagenfurt

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Alpine farming in the Gesäuse National Park Case Study Sulzkaralm details >

Alpine salamander and mountain points in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

In a two-year research project, the two salamander species were recorded for the first time in the N

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Alpine salamander and mountain points in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Alpine Islands: Population genomic inference reveals high degree of isolation between freshwater... Open Data

Diversity and Distributions,115. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13461 We observed strong genetic differentiation b

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Alpine Islands: Population genomic inference reveals high degree of isolation between freshwater... details >

Old beech forests — vitality from nature Open Data

Where once an old forest railway driving, forest roads and Tunnels driven into the rock today is the

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Old beech forests — vitality from nature details >

Altitudinal shifts of Alpine grouse in the Veglia-Devero Natural Park, western Italian Alps Open Data

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Altitudinal shifts of Alpine grouse in the Veglia-Devero Natural Park, western Italian Alps details >

Analysis of the spatial perception of the planned national park region Upper Austrian Limestone Alps... Open Data

Analysis of the spatial perception of the planned national park region Upper Austrian Limestone Alps

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Analysis of the spatial perception of the planned national park region Upper Austrian Limestone Alps... details >

ArcGIS-generated map of FFH-habitat types for Natura-2000 site Ennstaler Alpen/Gesäuse (Styria,... Open Data

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ArcGIS-generated map of FFH-habitat types for Natura-2000 site Ennstaler Alpen/Gesäuse (Styria,... details >

Aspromonte National Park. The heart of the Metropolitan City of Reggion Calabria: design scenarios Open Data

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Aspromonte National Park. The heart of the Metropolitan City of Reggion Calabria: design scenarios details >

Atlas of Geomorphology Open Data

Published by NPK

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Atlas of Geomorphology details >

Aublick — Issue No. 8 Winter 2000/2001 Open Data

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Aublick — Issue No. 8 Winter 2000/2001 details >

Porridge, birch chicken, hazelnut in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Study as part of the life project "Management of natural forests in the Kalkalpen National Park (LIF

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Porridge, birch chicken, hazelnut in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Chicken monitoring 2008 Annual report Open Data

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Chicken monitoring 2008 Annual report details >

Effects of various care measures on the carabid fauna of a hot site (Obere Lobau) in the Donauauen... Open Data

Tags: Zoology/Animal, Diploma thesis/Master thesis/Bachlorothesis/Disseration, Coleoptera/Beetle, Us

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Effects of various care measures on the carabid fauna of a hot site (Obere Lobau) in the Donauauen... details >

Bears in the National Park Open Data

Bears in the National Park This is how bear lawyer Walter Wagner wants to make it easier for them t

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Bears in the National Park details >

Bartgeier Newsletter No.02_June 2007 Open Data

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Bartgeier Newsletter No.02_June 2007 details >

Bartgeier Newsletter No.32_May 2011 Open Data

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Bartgeier Newsletter No.32_May 2011 details >

Basic principles for the optimisation of wildlife management in ‘Donau-Auen National Park’ Open Data

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Basic principles for the optimisation of wildlife management in ‘Donau-Auen National Park’ details >

Mountain forest water castle Open Data

New exhibition in the National Park Zentrum Molln

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Mountain forest water castle details >

Ski touring steering — Panorama Ködnitztal, location Greiwiesenweg small Open Data

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Ski touring steering — Panorama Ködnitztal, location Greiwiesenweg small details >

Ski touring steering — Panorama Ködnitztal, location Ködnitzbach/NP information platform small Open Data

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Ski touring steering — Panorama Ködnitztal, location Ködnitzbach/NP information platform small details >

Report Amphibious Fence Uferstraße Orth/Donau 2015 Open Data

Tags: Zoology/Animal, Amphibia/Amphibians/Lurches

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Report Amphibious Fence Uferstraße Orth/Donau 2015 details >

Inventory of the barrel beetle fauna in the forest societies of the Thayatal National Park (NÖ) Open Data

Inventory of the barrel beetle fauna in the forest societies of the Thayatal National Park (NÖ) — sc

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Inventory of the barrel beetle fauna in the forest societies of the Thayatal National Park (NÖ) details >

Inventory of butterflies (Lepidoptera) on two differently managed alpine pastures in the Gesäuse... Open Data

A total of 57 species were identified: 55 on the Kölblalm and 35 on Sulzkaralm. Of these, twelve spe

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Inventory of butterflies (Lepidoptera) on two differently managed alpine pastures in the Gesäuse... details >

Visitor interiors in the border area of nature and cultural landscape — coarse concept Open Data

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Visitor interiors in the border area of nature and cultural landscape — coarse concept details >

Assessment of the current geese problem in seaside resorts of Lake Neusiedl and development of... Open Data

Study commissioned by the Burgenland State Government, the Free City of Rust, the market municipalit

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Assessment of the current geese problem in seaside resorts of Lake Neusiedl and development of... details >

Grazing monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel Results of the vegetation... Open Data

This study presents the results of an 18-year monitoring programme for the resumption of grazing in

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Grazing monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel Results of the vegetation... details >

Biodiversity Database of the Hohe Tauern National Park — Final Report 2011-2013 Open Data

Final Report on the Service Contract 2011-2013

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Biodiversity Database of the Hohe Tauern National Park — Final Report 2011-2013 details >

Biodiversity and Landscapes: Where is the missing link? Open Data

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Biodiversity and Landscapes: Where is the missing link? details >

Biosphere Reserves as Stimuli for participatory local governance? Conceptual frame and initial... Open Data

Zoll Falk F. (2009): Biosphere Reserves as Stimuli for participatory local governance? Conceptual fr

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Biosphere Reserves as Stimuli for participatory local governance? Conceptual frame and initial... details >

Biotope and Habitats Network in Styria — A concept created from the perspective of EU needs and GIS... Open Data

The intensification of agriculture, especially in recent decades, the ever-increasing density of set

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Biotope and Habitats Network in Styria — A concept created from the perspective of EU needs and GIS... details >

Position paper Tourism in Austria’s National Parks Open Data

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Position paper Tourism in Austria’s National Parks details >

Post-LIFE Monitoring Fish Ecology: Survey of the fish-ecological status in the fishing routes of the... Open Data

In the course of the post-LIFE monitoring, electrofishing was carried out in two stretches of the En

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Post-LIFE Monitoring Fish Ecology: Survey of the fish-ecological status in the fishing routes of the... details >

Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park 1603 — Precipitation of vegetation and support... Open Data

Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park 1603 — Precipitation of vegetation and circula

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Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park 1603 — Precipitation of vegetation and support... details >

Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — Excursion and Area Guide Open Data

Project Karts Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park. Excursion guide Eiseneck — Feichtau — Koglera

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Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — Excursion and Area Guide details >

Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — Version 1 Open Data

Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park. Version 1 (March 1993, 26 pages) — unpublishe

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Project Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — Version 1 details >

Project Molecular differentiation and ecology of the cryptic bumblebee species of the Bombus lucorum... Open Data

In Austria, 47 of around 250 bumblebee species are found worldwide, making our country one of the ho

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Project Molecular differentiation and ecology of the cryptic bumblebee species of the Bombus lucorum... details >

Project Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Project National Park Kalkalpen — Evaluation of individual projects and formulation of measures to a

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Project Kalkalpen National Park details >

Protected areas: reservoir of cryptic biodiversity. Open Data

Cherix Daniel, Bernasconi Christian, Pamilo Pekka, Freitag Anne (2009): Protected areas: reservoir o

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Protected areas: reservoir of cryptic biodiversity. details >

Source recording 2003/2004 Open Data

National Park Gesäuse Weng This report documents the ecologically extended source mapping of the Ges

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Source recording 2003/2004 details >

3. Spring Week 2009 Open Data

In July, the third week of spring was held in Gesäuse National Park, with the main objective of supp

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3. Spring Week 2009 details >

4. Source Week 2010: Interim report Open Data

In July, the fourth spring week was held in Gesäuse National Park. In addition to follow-up examinat

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4. Source Week 2010: Interim report details >

Framework agreement National Park Kalkalpen Region Open Data

Framework agreement National Park Kalkalpen Region. Other final reports

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Framework agreement National Park Kalkalpen Region details >

Spatial behaviour of the Alpensteinbock in the Hohe Tauern, Interim Report 2006 Open Data

Vienna: Unpublished report of the Hohe Tauern National Park and the Research Institute for Wildlife

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Spatial behaviour of the Alpensteinbock in the Hohe Tauern, Interim Report 2006 details >

Reflections on the potential to revitalise the Enns River betwenn the entrance of the Gesäuse and... Open Data

The Enns between the Entrance of the Gesäuse and the Gstatterboden is characterised by large alluvia

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Reflections on the potential to revitalise the Enns River betwenn the entrance of the Gesäuse and... details >

Ripe — the dew of the cold season — The weather in August, September and October 2000 Open Data

Ripe — the dew of the cold season — The weather in August, September and October 2000. Nature in the

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Ripe — the dew of the cold season — The weather in August, September and October 2000 details >

Salt and sand — Exhibition Open Data

Salt, it comes from more than 10 million-year-old marine deposits. Sand, which was washed from the b

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Salt and sand — Exhibition details >

Reed Stories — Exhibition Open Data

Includes: Reed stories Reed cover up and down Reed deaths Pipe is raw material Building Material Sch

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Reed Stories — Exhibition details >

Schneider 1 — Summer Exhibition 2006/Handwerk Open Data

In the summer of 2006, a special exhibition on handicrafts in the Hohe Tauern National Park region c

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Schneider 1 — Summer Exhibition 2006/Handwerk details >

Pigs and Almfacken — Summer Exhibition 2007 — Animals Open Data

In the summer of 2007, one could visit the special exhibition “From Pinzgauern, Tauernschecken Kalse

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Pigs and Almfacken — Summer Exhibition 2007 — Animals details >

Signet National Park Limestone Alps Open Data

From the idea to the signet

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Signet National Park Limestone Alps details >

Situation of natural forest renewal on clearing corridors and in conversion stocks (National Park... Open Data

The focus of this thesis is on the representation of the rejuvenation ratios of selected areas in th

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Situation of natural forest renewal on clearing corridors and in conversion stocks (National Park... details >

Summer habitat use of the Alpine snowhue (Lagopus mutus helveticus) in the Gesäuse-region... Open Data

In May 2005, the first preliminary surveys for an inventory of the snow chicken population in the St

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Summer habitat use of the Alpine snowhue (Lagopus mutus helveticus) in the Gesäuse-region... details >

Species traits in the alpine stream fauna: a promising tool for freshwater monitoring Open Data

Füreder Leopold (2009): Species traits in the alpine stream fauna: a promising tool for freshwater m

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Species traits in the alpine stream fauna: a promising tool for freshwater monitoring details >

Structure and dynamics in a natural, wood-rich forest cell in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

Inventory data were collected in a 52-hectare subalpine spruce-larch-cirbian forest in the Gesäuse i

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Structure and dynamics in a natural, wood-rich forest cell in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Study on the river morphology of the free flowing Danube, Vienna to March estuary Open Data

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Study on the river morphology of the free flowing Danube, Vienna to March estuary details >

Surface changeling of small scale debris flow dynamics (Mühlsturzgraben, National Park... Open Data

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Surface changeling of small scale debris flow dynamics (Mühlsturzgraben, National Park... details >

Dance Flying (Diptera: Empididae) from sources in the Gesäuse National Park (Austria) Open Data

Lauterbornia 63: 77-82. As part of source investigations in the Austrian Gesäuse National Park, six

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Dance Flying (Diptera: Empididae) from sources in the Gesäuse National Park (Austria) details >

Activity Report 2018 Open Data

Implementation of company concept IV National Park O.ö. Kalkalpen Gesellschaft m.b.H. and National

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Activity Report 2018 details >

The importance of heterogeneous shoreline habitats for ecosystem functions in large regulated rivers Open Data

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The importance of heterogeneous shoreline habitats for ecosystem functions in large regulated rivers details >

The lab above the clouds Aerosol Chemistry at the Sonnblick Observatory Open Data

Effenberger Christian, Ramirez Carlos, Koller Martin, Kranabetter Alexander, Kaiser August, Schauer

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The lab above the clouds Aerosol Chemistry at the Sonnblick Observatory details >

The Role of Regional Identity in Protected Areas: the Biosphere Reserve Rhön (Germany) as Benchmark Open Data

Behn Tobias (2009): The Role of Regional Identity in Protected Areas: the Biosphere Reserve Rhön (Ge

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The Role of Regional Identity in Protected Areas: the Biosphere Reserve Rhön (Germany) as Benchmark details >

Dead wood is alive Open Data

dead wood lives, 4,500 species need dead wood to live; Alpenbock. Magazine Diversity Nature, Rundsch

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Dead wood is alive details >

Towards a definition of environmental niches in alpine streams by employing chironomid species... Open Data

DOI — 10.1007/s10750-016-2836-1

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Towards a definition of environmental niches in alpine streams by employing chironomid species... details >

Trophic ecology of alpine stream invertebrates: Current status and future research needs Open Data

Contact: Georg H. Niedrist (Georg.Niedrist (a) Niedrist G. H., and L. Füreder. 2017. Troph

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Trophic ecology of alpine stream invertebrates: Current status and future research needs details >

Examination of stilt mosquito fauna (Diptera: Limoniidae, Pediciidae) in Gesäuse National Park... Open Data

During the first week of spring, 25 different mosquitoes were detected in the Gesäuse National Park,

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Examination of stilt mosquito fauna (Diptera: Limoniidae, Pediciidae) in Gesäuse National Park... details >

Variant examination for the optional restructuring of the Gschlössbach — Master thesis Open Data

Variant examination for the optional restructuring of Gschlössbach in East Tyrol — Master thesis

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Variant examination for the optional restructuring of the Gschlössbach — Master thesis details >

Paternity analysis of pine rejuvenation in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The marginal presence of the pine in the groom could be affected by missing gene flow, genetic drift

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Paternity analysis of pine rejuvenation in Gesäuse National Park details >

Survey of meadows and meadows in Thayatal National Park Open Data

Survey of meadows and meadows in Thayatal National Park

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Survey of meadows and meadows in Thayatal National Park details >

Vegetation Ecological grazing monitoring National Park Neusiedler See — Seewinkel Open Data

BFB Report 88, 2000

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Vegetation Ecological grazing monitoring National Park Neusiedler See — Seewinkel details >

Vegetation ecology and floristic inventory in the Fuchsalm-Hochbrand-Pyhrnpaß area (Spital am Pyhrn,... Open Data

Vegetation ecology and floristic inventory in the Fuchsalm-Hochbrand-Pyhrnpaß area (Spital am Pyhrn,

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Vegetation ecology and floristic inventory in the Fuchsalm-Hochbrand-Pyhrnpaß area (Spital am Pyhrn,... details >

Transport concept PART 1 Problem analysis Open Data

Transport concept PART 1 Problem analysis, on behalf of the Association National Park Kalkalpen

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Transport concept PART 1 Problem analysis details >

Regulation of the Magistrate of the City of Vienna on the adoption of a hunting management plan for... Open Data

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Regulation of the Magistrate of the City of Vienna on the adoption of a hunting management plan for... details >

Vertical stratification of xylobiontic beetles in floodplain forests of the Donau-Auen National Park... Open Data

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Vertical stratification of xylobiontic beetles in floodplain forests of the Donau-Auen National Park... details >

Diverse Dösental — Results of the 3 rd National Park Hohe Tauern Day of Biodiversity Open Data

Article in the “Activity Report 2009 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern”, page 24

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Diverse Dösental — Results of the 3 rd National Park Hohe Tauern Day of Biodiversity details >

From the dead border to cross-border nature conservation Open Data

From the dead border to cross-border nature conservation — scientific communications NÖ Landesmuseum

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From the dead border to cross-border nature conservation details >

Forest railways in Austria Open Data

Colour images of Austrian forest railways are rarities. ISBN 3-85416-148-4

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Forest railways in Austria details >

Forest construction in national parks Open Data

Forest construction in national parks — the most important forest societies and their treatment in n

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Forest construction in national parks details >

Forest analysis of affected forests at the Haselkogel/Stmk Open Data

BOKU, Institute of Forest Construction Vienna The task of this thesis is to prepare a forest analysi

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Forest analysis of affected forests at the Haselkogel/Stmk details >

Forest area development concept Dörflmayralm, Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Forest area development concept Dörflmayralm, Kalkalpen National Park. 62 pp., Michldorf, Sep. 1995.

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Forest area development concept Dörflmayralm, Kalkalpen National Park details >

Forest inventory National Park Gesäuse 2006-2009 Open Data

The focus of the present sample waldin inventory is on the survey of tree species distribution and s

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Forest inventory National Park Gesäuse 2006-2009 details >

Why the deer in the Brungt decreases Open Data

Hirsch, stag brunft. Magazine Diversity Nature, Rundschau, RS

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Why the deer in the Brungt decreases details >

Ways to merge conservation needs and recreational fisheries in protected areas Open Data

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Ways to merge conservation needs and recreational fisheries in protected areas details >

Valuable water worlds in the National Park Open Data

Region Neusiedler See: Nature Experience Days at Weewinkelhof

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Valuable water worlds in the National Park details >

Welcome to the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

A wealth of expeditions into the Forest wilderness and too fascinating Special features of the Natio

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Welcome to the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Winter habitat assessment and wild damage of shell game species in the Sengsengebirge and... Open Data

Winter habitat assessment and wild damage of shell game species in the Sengsengebirge and Reichramin

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Winter habitat assessment and wild damage of shell game species in the Sengsengebirge and... details >

Xylobionte Beetles as biodiversity indicators of forests in the Gesäuse National Park (Steiermark,... Open Data

Coleopterological Round Table 91: 239278. The xylobionte beetle fauna of the forests of the Gesäuse

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Xylobionte Beetles as biodiversity indicators of forests in the Gesäuse National Park (Steiermark,... details >

Zikaden (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) as indicators of the success of grazing measures in the... Open Data

ABH. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Austria 37 (2008): 173-190 Holzinger W. E., Nickel H. 2008: Auchenorrhyncha as

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Zikaden (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) as indicators of the success of grazing measures in the... details >

Zoning National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol External border Open Data

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Zoning National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol External border details >

To the otter in the Kalkalpen National Park in Upper Austria Open Data

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To the otter in the Kalkalpen National Park in Upper Austria details >

The status of the riverside runner (Actitis hypoleucos) in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

Diploma thesis at Karl-Franzens-Universität. In recent decades, the number of rivers with natural wa

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The status of the riverside runner (Actitis hypoleucos) in the Gesäuse National Park details >

State of natural rejuvenation on clearing corridors and in conversion stocks in the Gstatterboden... Open Data

The areas examined in this thesis have been subject to particularly intensive use in the past centur

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State of natural rejuvenation on clearing corridors and in conversion stocks in the Gstatterboden... details >

Interim Report 2 — Beetle and spider oenoses of salt varnishes in the Seewinkel as a basis for... Open Data

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Interim Report 2 — Beetle and spider oenoses of salt varnishes in the Seewinkel as a basis for... details >
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