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12. Spring Week 2020: Supplementary photographs around the National Park Open Data

The Spring Week 2020 led around the National Park and the so far quite unexplored Scheucheggalm. So

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12. Spring Week 2020: Supplementary photographs around the National Park details >

20 Years of Carinthian National Park Reserves: From Hunting to Wildlife Management — Volume 14 of... Open Data

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20 Years of Carinthian National Park Reserves: From Hunting to Wildlife Management — Volume 14 of... details >

Alpine pasture management, impact of management changes and their assessment using the example of... Open Data

Berland ecosystems — landscape and nature conservation (PART2); Sustainable use of traditional cultu

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Alpine pasture management, impact of management changes and their assessment using the example of... details >

Pastures — The alpine pastures in the change of time Open Data

Pastures — The alpine pastures in the change of time. Pastures in the National Park. Nature in the U

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Pastures — The alpine pastures in the change of time details >

Alpine economic plan Hochscheibenalm, Hörrandalm and Kroissenalm Open Data

In February 2006, the national park administration of the Gesäuse National Park commissioned the Env

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Alpine economic plan Hochscheibenalm, Hörrandalm and Kroissenalm details >

Alpine treasures — Austrian endemic arachnids in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The aim of this research is to demonstrate the need for the protection of endemites. To this end, th

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Alpine treasures — Austrian endemic arachnids in Gesäuse National Park details >

Amphibians in Thayatal National Park Open Data

Amphibians in Thayatal National Park

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Amphibians in Thayatal National Park details >

An Application example for modeling grazing intensity: National Park Hohe Tauern Open Data

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An Application example for modeling grazing intensity: National Park Hohe Tauern details >

Analysis of the origin of the measured NO2, SO2 and ozone concentrations at the background measuring... Open Data

Integrated Monitoring Series: Im — Rep — 033

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Analysis of the origin of the measured NO2, SO2 and ozone concentrations at the background measuring... details >

List of birds of Lake Neusiedl — Area (as at 12/2016) Open Data

As scientia amabilis and as the most beautiful hobby in the world, ornithology is often referred to,

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List of birds of Lake Neusiedl — Area (as at 12/2016) details >

Assessment of the survival and reproductive potential of allochthon water turtles under the climate... Open Data

Keywords: Diploma thesis/Master thesis/Bachloro Thesis/Dissertation, Zoology/Animals, Reptiles/Repti

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Assessment of the survival and reproductive potential of allochthon water turtles under the climate... details >

Excursion report 2014 Open Data

In 2014, a total of 37 excursions were conducted, of which 16 were day and night moth excursions. Th

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Excursion report 2014 details >

Otter mapping Johnsbach Enns 2014 Open Data

The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is strictly protected throughout the European Union. The study area

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Otter mapping Johnsbach Enns 2014 details >

Hut information board Bergerseehütte Open Data

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Hut information board Bergerseehütte details >

Hut information board Clarahütte Open Data

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Hut information board Clarahütte details >

Hut information board Glorerhütte Open Data

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Hut information board Glorerhütte details >

Hut information board Hochschoberhütte Open Data

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Hut information board Hochschoberhütte details >

Hut information board New Prague hut Open Data

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Hut information board New Prague hut details >

Hut information board Raneralm Open Data

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Hut information board Raneralm details >

Hut information board Reichenbergerhütte Open Data

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Hut information board Reichenbergerhütte details >

Hut information board Stüdlhütte Open Data

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Hut information board Stüdlhütte details >

Hut information board Zunigalm Open Data

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Hut information board Zunigalm details >

Hut information board Zupalseehütte Open Data

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Hut information board Zupalseehütte details >

Monitoring of bats in the Gesäuse National Park — final report Open Data

Based on the results of the first survey of bat fauna in the Gesäuse National Park in 2005 by the KF

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Monitoring of bats in the Gesäuse National Park — final report details >

Neophyte mapping Gtatterboden settlement area Open Data

In 2007, the Gesäuse National Park initiated a management to combat invasive neophytes. Initially, o

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Neophyte mapping Gtatterboden settlement area details >

Neophyte management protocol 2011 Open Data

Part of the neophyte deposits were handed over to Ranger as a field of application. They had the tas

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Neophyte management protocol 2011 details >

Use survey National Park Hohe Tauern — Expansion Kaponig Open Data

In 1999, the study Alminventar National Park Hohe Tauern Carinthia and in 2001 in the update of the

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Use survey National Park Hohe Tauern — Expansion Kaponig details >

Clearance of accounts Assling 2009 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Assling 2009 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Eltendorf 2021 (municipality) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Eltendorf 2021 (municipality) details >

Financial clearance Grafendorf near Hartberg 2005 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Financial clearance Grafendorf near Hartberg 2005 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Höflein 2021 (municipality) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Höflein 2021 (municipality) details >

Rechnungsabschluss Hohentauern 2019 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Rechnungsabschluss der Gemeinde - Einnahmen und Ausgaben

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Rechnungsabschluss Hohentauern 2019 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Loipersdorf-Kitzladen 2006 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Loipersdorf-Kitzladen 2006 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Loretto 2001 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Loretto 2001 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Loretto 2014 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Loretto 2014 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Oberperfuss 2002 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Oberperfuss 2002 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Oberperfuss 2010 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Oberperfuss 2010 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Pattigham 2005 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Pattigham 2005 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Pölstal 2003 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Pölstal 2003 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Pölstal 2021 (municipality) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Pölstal 2021 (municipality) details >

Rechnungsabschluss Reith im Alpbachtal 2003 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Rechnungsabschluss der Gemeinde - Einnahmen und Ausgaben

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Rechnungsabschluss Reith im Alpbachtal 2003 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Rußbach am Paß Gschütt 2006 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Rußbach am Paß Gschütt 2006 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Rußbach am Paß Gschütt 2016 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Rußbach am Paß Gschütt 2016 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Seeboden am Millstätter See 2006 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Seeboden am Millstätter See 2006 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Seeboden am Millstätter See 2008 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Seeboden am Millstätter See 2008 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Seeham 2009 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Seeham 2009 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Seeham 2011 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Seeham 2011 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts St. Pantaleon-Erla 2017 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts St. Pantaleon-Erla 2017 (Statistik Austria) details >

Clearance of accounts Straß im Straßertale 2014 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Straß im Straßertale 2014 (Statistik Austria) details >

Rechnungsabschluss Tadten 2021 (Gemeinde) Open Data

Rechnungsabschluss der Gemeinde - Einnahmen und Ausgaben

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Rechnungsabschluss Tadten 2021 (Gemeinde) details >

Clearance of accounts Tschanigraben 2009 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Tschanigraben 2009 (Statistik Austria) details >

Rechnungsabschluss Waidhofen an der Ybbs 2021 (Gemeinde) Open Data

Rechnungsabschluss der Gemeinde - Einnahmen und Ausgaben

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Rechnungsabschluss Waidhofen an der Ybbs 2021 (Gemeinde) details >

Clearance of accounts Wullersdorf 2006 (Statistik Austria) Open Data

Clearance of the Municipality’s Accounts — Revenue and Expenditure

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Clearance of accounts Wullersdorf 2006 (Statistik Austria) details >

Estimate Pattigham 2021 (municipality) Open Data

Estimates of the Municipality — Revenue and Expenditure

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Estimate Pattigham 2021 (municipality) details >

Wiesfleck 2022 (municipality) Open Data

Estimates of the Municipality — Revenue and Expenditure

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Wiesfleck 2022 (municipality) details >

Open Wounds in Thin Skin: Soil Processes after Natural Disturbances Open Data

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Open Wounds in Thin Skin: Soil Processes after Natural Disturbances details >

Park-labelled products as a tool for innovation and regional development Open Data

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Park-labelled products as a tool for innovation and regional development details >

Permafrost and hydrogeology in the vicinity of the Neue Reichenberger Hütte, Lasörling Group (East... Open Data

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Permafrost and hydrogeology in the vicinity of the Neue Reichenberger Hütte, Lasörling Group (East... details >

Plant wasps (Symphyta) in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

In the context of this thesis, for the first time, a species inventory of plant wasps for the Nation

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Plant wasps (Symphyta) in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Care in the National Park: Grazing and its alternatives Open Data

Population Biological Surveys on Meadow Bird Management in Seewinkel AGN Research Project

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Care in the National Park: Grazing and its alternatives details >

Piste tours — safe and fair Open Data

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Piste tours — safe and fair details >

Poster series NPHTT Open Data

8 posters: — Inner locks — Glacier breakage — Group of Venice — Waterfall — Eagle — Waldkauz — Peaco

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Poster series NPHTT details >

Potential habitat of the gold jackal: Status, habitat factors and modelling approach Open Data

As a result of a literature review, this thesis summarises identified factors that can play a decisi

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Potential habitat of the gold jackal: Status, habitat factors and modelling approach details >

Pumped Storage Molln Open Data

Documents Pump storage Molln, 1967-1973

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Pumped Storage Molln details >

Source Documentation — Part 2 Open Data

Source documentation — Part 2. Final report Subprojects 1603-7.3./1995, main report 48 pp. and basic

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Source Documentation — Part 2 details >

Sources — Life donors and habitats Open Data

Sources — life donors and habitats. Nature in the Upwind, National Park Kalkalpen Zeitschrift, issue

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Sources — Life donors and habitats details >

Spatial planning in the national park region Open Data

Spatial planning in the national park region analysis of the national park communities as a prelimin

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Spatial planning in the national park region details >

Risk assessment of bark beetle mass multiplications in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The aim of this project was the application of monitoring and risk estimation systems to present the

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Risk assessment of bark beetle mass multiplications in the Gesäuse National Park details >

River-bed degradation and overbank deposition: A human induced Geomorphic disequilibrium in the... Open Data

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River-bed degradation and overbank deposition: A human induced Geomorphic disequilibrium in the... details >

Lamberg Castle Open Data

Silvie Somasgutner state grüer Austria Guide schlüp in a masterly Biedermeier costume and leads thro

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Lamberg Castle details >

Soil succession in relation to vegetation on a subalpine forest site in the Northern Limestone Alps Open Data

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Soil succession in relation to vegetation on a subalpine forest site in the Northern Limestone Alps details >

Status quo survey of everyday culture and social history in Unterlaussa. PART 1 Open Data

Status quo survey of everyday culture and social history in Unterlaussa. Part 1, December 1990

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Status quo survey of everyday culture and social history in Unterlaussa. PART 1 details >

Structural analysis of carbonate larch forests in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The Gesäuse National Park is the easternmost distribution area in the Northern Limestone Alps of Aus

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Structural analysis of carbonate larch forests in Gesäuse National Park details >

Activity Report 2008 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern Open Data

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Activity Report 2008 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern details >

Activity report National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol 2009 Open Data

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Activity report National Park Hohe Tauern Tirol 2009 details >

Taxonomic-ecological survey of the rotational and crustacean fauna of the Sengsengebirge Open Data

Taxonomic-ecological survey of the rotational and crustacean fauna of the Sengsengebirge. Large and

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Taxonomic-ecological survey of the rotational and crustacean fauna of the Sengsengebirge details >

The rich sides of mountain summits — a pan-European view on aspect preferences of alpine plants Open Data

AIM: In the alpine life zone, plant diversity is strongly determined by local topography and microcl

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The rich sides of mountain summits — a pan-European view on aspect preferences of alpine plants details >

The Triglav Glacier: Seventy Years of Regular Observations Open Data

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The Triglav Glacier: Seventy Years of Regular Observations details >

The Tyrolean Alps LTSER platform — connecting science and people Open Data

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The Tyrolean Alps LTSER platform — connecting science and people details >

Implementation of the education concept PART 2 — In the field of school events Open Data

Annual Reports 1995

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Implementation of the education concept PART 2 — In the field of school events details >

Implementation of the education concept part 2 — In the area of school events ZW Open Data

Implementation of the Education Concept Part 2 — In the field of school events; Interim report and P

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Implementation of the education concept part 2 — In the area of school events ZW details >

Study of the impact of human activity on the geomorphological processes of the cow trench in Gesäuse... Open Data

This paper deals with the recording of human activity and the change of a highly process-influenced

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Study of the impact of human activity on the geomorphological processes of the cow trench in Gesäuse... details >

Study to measure the infestation rate of the hepatic gel snail Galba truncatula with the American... Open Data

Study on behalf of the National Park Donauauen GmbH & NÖ Landesjagdverband

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Study to measure the infestation rate of the hepatic gel snail Galba truncatula with the American... details >

Ancient giant from lime Open Data

gigantic dripstone in the Klara Cave. Magazine Aufwind

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Ancient giant from lime details >

Urban sprawl and protected areas: How effective are buffer zones in reducing recreation impacts on... Open Data

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Urban sprawl and protected areas: How effective are buffer zones in reducing recreation impacts on... details >

Complementary materials to: Vegetation and soil conditions of forests in the Gesäuse National Park... Open Data

Complementary materials and errata to: Carli, A. (2008): Vegetation and soil conditions of forests i

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Complementary materials to: Vegetation and soil conditions of forests in the Gesäuse National Park... details >

Vegetation survey Stappitzer Lake Open Data

Vegetation map 1990

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Vegetation survey Stappitzer Lake details >

Vegetation ecological analyses of differently intensively managed alpine pastures in the Gesäuse... Open Data

In this thesis, three alpine pastures were investigated with regard to succession and occurrence of

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Vegetation ecological analyses of differently intensively managed alpine pastures in the Gesäuse... details >

Vegetation Ecological Monitoring of Forest-Free Habitats in the Thayatal National Park Open Data

Vegetation Ecological Monitoring of Forest-Free Habitats in the Thayatal National Park

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Vegetation Ecological Monitoring of Forest-Free Habitats in the Thayatal National Park details >

Distribution, stock and breeding success of the Wiedehopf, Upupa epops Linnaeus 1758, in the... Open Data

Egretta, Volume 49, 2008

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Distribution, stock and breeding success of the Wiedehopf, Upupa epops Linnaeus 1758, in the... details >

Regulation of the Magistrate of the City of Vienna on the adoption of a hunting management plan for... Open Data

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Regulation of the Magistrate of the City of Vienna on the adoption of a hunting management plan for... details >

Volunteer Report 2014 Tirol Open Data

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Volunteer Report 2014 Tirol details >

Of streams, eggs and trout Open Data

Of streams, eggs and trout. Nature in the Upwind, National Park Kalkalpen Zeitschrift, issue 26, Win

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Of streams, eggs and trout details >

Bedbug finds on the occasion of the 39. Meeting of the Central European Heteropterologists Working... Open Data

The bedbug finds (Insecta: Heteroptera) of the 39th edition held in August 2013. Meetings of the Cen

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Bedbug finds on the occasion of the 39. Meeting of the Central European Heteropterologists Working... details >

Why Trees Need Schwammerl Open Data

Do trees need the fungus at all or is it a symbiosis that only benefits the sponge? Forstmeister Ger

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Why Trees Need Schwammerl details >

Water-use strategies of conifer trees from the Swiss National Park to recent climatic changes Open Data

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Water-use strategies of conifer trees from the Swiss National Park to recent climatic changes details >

Pasture-related plant societies of the Montanstufe in the Reichraming Hintergebirge using the... Open Data

Pasture-related plant societies of the Montanstufe in the Reichraming Hintergebirge using the exampl

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Pasture-related plant societies of the Montanstufe in the Reichraming Hintergebirge using the... details >

Do foresters want national parks? Open Data

The attitude of foresters towards national parks in Ösrerreich and their influence on the national p

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Do foresters want national parks? details >

YOUrALPS: Inclusive young people’s concepts, educators‘teaching principles and stakeholders’... Open Data

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YOUrALPS: Inclusive young people’s concepts, educators‘teaching principles and stakeholders’... details >

Summary of the survey of stakeholders in the context of ECONNECT Open Data

This report summarises the results of the survey of stakeholders in ECONNECT. In the context of the

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Summary of the survey of stakeholders in the context of ECONNECT details >
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