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10. Spring Week 2017: Short documentation Tümpel Open Data

The small action 2018 served to close the geographical gap in the water research of the Gesäuse Nati

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10. Spring Week 2017: Short documentation Tümpel details >

A Fagetum in the natural forest reserve Luxensteinwand — a rare element in the Waldviertel region Open Data

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A Fagetum in the natural forest reserve Luxensteinwand — a rare element in the Waldviertel region details >

A multi-taxa approach in mountain ecosystems: a shared protocol between 6 Italian Parks Open Data

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A multi-taxa approach in mountain ecosystems: a shared protocol between 6 Italian Parks details >

Effects of vegetated riparian buffer strips on lateral sediment input to agricultural river systems... Open Data

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Effects of vegetated riparian buffer strips on lateral sediment input to agricultural river systems... details >

A high in autumn Open Data

A high in autumn. The weather in August, September and October 1999. Nature in the Upwind, National

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A high in autumn details >

Endemic snails Open Data

The Kalkalpen National Park is characterised by its wide variety of different habitats, which offer

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Endemic snails details >

Survey of river cancer populations in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

A survey of river cancer populations was carried out in the Gesäuse National Park in autumn 2020. Fo

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Survey of river cancer populations in Gesäuse National Park details >

Survey of habitat types 6250, 91M0 and 8220 in selected European protected areas of Burgenland Open Data

As part of an evaluation seminar on the assessment of the completeness of the Austrian Natura 2000 n

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Survey of habitat types 6250, 91M0 and 8220 in selected European protected areas of Burgenland details >

Rock pear and Sebenstrauch — Rare shrubs in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Rock pear and Sebenstrauch — Rare shrubs in the Kalkalpen National Park. Nature in the Upwind, Natio

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Rock pear and Sebenstrauch — Rare shrubs in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Fluttering rarities colorful and beautiful Open Data

There he is; one of the rarest butterflies in Europe: The ash cheek butterfly! I am in the Jörglgrab

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Fluttering rarities colorful and beautiful details >

Flying gemstones — butterflies in the Kalkalpen National Park (Butterflies, Lepidoptera) Open Data

Flying gemstones — butterflies in the Kalkalpen National Park (Butterflies, Lepidoptera). Nature in

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Flying gemstones — butterflies in the Kalkalpen National Park (Butterflies, Lepidoptera) details >

Research Reports 1991-1997 Open Data

Research Reports 1991-1997. Series National Park Kalkalpen, Volume 2, 84 pages, University publisher

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Research Reports 1991-1997 details >

Find of Bathynella in the Odelstein Cave (Steiermark) Open Data

The cave 23/1: 35

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Find of Bathynella in the Odelstein Cave (Steiermark) details >

Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and winter 2011/2012 in the national park... Open Data

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Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and winter 2011/2012 in the national park... details >

Water Networking and Habitat Management Donau-Auen — Ecological Foundations of Future Restoration... Open Data

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Water Networking and Habitat Management Donau-Auen — Ecological Foundations of Future Restoration... details >

Glaciological Monitoring, Veniceerkees, Hohe Tauern, Austria Open Data

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Glaciological Monitoring, Veniceerkees, Hohe Tauern, Austria details >

Glacier cover Aeussers Mullwitzkees and Zettalunitzkees Open Data

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Glacier cover Aeussers Mullwitzkees and Zettalunitzkees details >

Basics and expert opinions on the contract nature protection project “Gemeinde Windischgarsten” Open Data

Basics and expert opinions on the contract nature protection project “Gemeinde Windischgarsten”. Fin

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Basics and expert opinions on the contract nature protection project “Gemeinde Windischgarsten” details >

Green goblins in the Kalkalpen National Park — rare moss species under European protection Open Data

Old, lying dead wood creates the optimal conditions for all three target species, which were recorde

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Green goblins in the Kalkalpen National Park — rare moss species under European protection details >

Guidelines on Wilderness in Natura 2000 Open Data

Guidelines on Wilderness in Natura 2000 — Management of terrestrial wilderness and wild areas within

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Guidelines on Wilderness in Natura 2000 details >

Habitat rating for aerial and birch deer in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

A habitat assessment for Birkwild (Zirbengarten) and for Auer and Birkwild (Gscheideggkogel) was car

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Habitat rating for aerial and birch deer in Gesäuse National Park details >

Neck cuff binding of grey geese Anser anser: An internationally coordinated field study Open Data

Limicola 3 (1989): 64-70

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Neck cuff binding of grey geese Anser anser: An internationally coordinated field study details >

Hemerobie assessment of forest ecosystems in Vienna’s share of the Donau-Auen National Park Open Data

Tags: Botany/plant, vegetation

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Hemerobie assessment of forest ecosystems in Vienna’s share of the Donau-Auen National Park details >

Herd protection project Kals — Infofolder Behavior Open Data

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Herd protection project Kals — Infofolder Behavior details >

Study of grassland and dry grassland sites in Thayatal National Park Open Data

Study of grassland and dry grassland sites in the Thayatal National Park. Faunistics, ecology, prote

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Study of grassland and dry grassland sites in Thayatal National Park details >

High the Bach trout — First results and management goals of the research project Fish Stock in the... Open Data

High the Bach trout — First results and management goals of the research project Fish Stock in the K

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High the Bach trout — First results and management goals of the research project Fish Stock in the... details >

Hut and path concept in the eastern part of the National Park Open Data

Hut and path concept in the eastern part of the National Park. Annual Report 4.2/1990, 90 pp. text a

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Hut and path concept in the eastern part of the National Park details >

Identifying crucial factors for nest survival and predation in a northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus... Open Data

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Identifying crucial factors for nest survival and predation in a northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus... details >

Integrated Monitoring of the Effects of Airborne Nitrogen and Sulfur in the Austrian Limestone Alps Open Data

Integrated Monitoring of the Effects of Airborne Nitrogen and Sulfur in the Austrian Limestone Alps

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Integrated Monitoring of the Effects of Airborne Nitrogen and Sulfur in the Austrian Limestone Alps details >

Annual Report 2012 Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel Open Data

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Annual Report 2012 Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel details >

Karst source monitoring — Further measurements in the large-source observation network in the... Open Data

Karst source monitoring — Further measurements in the large-source observation network in the Sengse

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Karst source monitoring — Further measurements in the large-source observation network in the... details >

Gravel breeder monitoring NP Danube-Auen of river plover (Charadrius dubius) and river runner... Open Data

Tags: Zoology/Animal, Aves/Bird, Actitis hypoleucos/River runner, Charadrius dubius/River plover

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Gravel breeder monitoring NP Danube-Auen of river plover (Charadrius dubius) and river runner... details >

Cultural Jewel Bärenriedlauhütte in a new splendour Open Data

For 300 years, the former Hunting lodge “Bärenriedlau” on 1.334 metres above sea level at one the mo

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Cultural Jewel Bärenriedlauhütte in a new splendour details >

Leafhoppers and Planthoppers as bioindicators in European grasslands Open Data

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Leafhoppers and Planthoppers as bioindicators in European grasslands details >

Habitat soil Open Data

Habitat soil. Nature in the Upwind, National Park Kalkalpen Zeitschrift, issue 38, Winter 2001, pp. 

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Habitat soil details >

Mass Budget and Climate at Mullwitzkees (Virgental) Report 2019/2020 Open Data

Recording of mass balance and climate at Mullwitzkees in the Virgental. Cooperation project with the

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Mass Budget and Climate at Mullwitzkees (Virgental) Report 2019/2020 details >

Wall Runner 2019. Recording of occurrence areas in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The observations of the wall runners were very difficult. The well-known observation points were com

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Wall Runner 2019. Recording of occurrence areas in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Metacommunity structure in a floodplain system: implications for conservation and restoration Open Data

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Metacommunity structure in a floodplain system: implications for conservation and restoration details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2004 (PART 1) Open Data

Overview of meteorological data from the region of the Kalkalpen National Park and documentation of

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 2004 (PART 1) details >

Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1995 — Part 1 Open Data

Meteorology 1995 — Part 1: Overview of meteorological data from the region of the Kalkalpen National

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Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1995 — Part 1 details >

Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1996 (PART 4) Open Data

Meteorology 1996 — Part 4: Precipitation network in the region of the Kalkalpen National Park. Final

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Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1996 (PART 4) details >

Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1996 (part 9) Open Data

Programming work for data preparation and data control

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Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1996 (part 9) details >

Millennial scale variability of denudation rates for the last 15 kyrs inferred from the detrital... Open Data

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Millennial scale variability of denudation rates for the last 15 kyrs inferred from the detrital... details >

Module 06 — Großherbivoren — Methods manual Open Data

Citation suggestion: DAIM A, Hackländer K (2019) Long-term monitoring of ecosystem processes in the

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Module 06 — Großherbivoren — Methods manual details >

Monitoring of Saharan Dust — Influence on aerosol composition and snow chemistry Open Data

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Monitoring of Saharan Dust — Influence on aerosol composition and snow chemistry details >

Monitoring of wild samples from the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Monitoring of wild samples from the Kalkalpen National Park — Research Institute for Wildlife Scienc

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Monitoring of wild samples from the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Moorland landscapes in Switzerland — the changing significance of near-natural cultural landscapes Open Data

Marion Leng, Thomas Hammer (2009): Moorland landscapes in Switzerland — the changing significance of

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Moorland landscapes in Switzerland — the changing significance of near-natural cultural landscapes details >

National Park Hohe Tauern — Research Symposium 2009 — Table of contents Open Data

Secretariat of the National Park Council Hohe Tauern, Kirchplatz 2, 9971 Matrei in East Tyrol

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National Park Hohe Tauern — Research Symposium 2009 — Table of contents details >

National Park Hohe Tauern Biodiversity Day 2012-13-15 July 2012 — Hollersbachtal (Salzburg) —... Open Data

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National Park Hohe Tauern Biodiversity Day 2012-13-15 July 2012 — Hollersbachtal (Salzburg) —... details >

National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Briccius Open Data

In 2018, the Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park was able to complete the update and fu

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National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Briccius details >

National Park Magazine 2017 Issue 1 Open Data

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National Park Magazine 2017 Issue 1 details >

National Park and Energy AG are partners Open Data

“Together for nature and homeland” is the motto of the partnership between Energie AG Upper Austria

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National Park and Energy AG are partners details >

National Park Plan Hohe Tauern Carinthia 2001 — Management Plan Open Data

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National Park Plan Hohe Tauern Carinthia 2001 — Management Plan details >

Natural Hazards — Hazards for Nature? Avalanches as a promoter of biodiversity. A case study on the... Open Data

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Natural Hazards — Hazards for Nature? Avalanches as a promoter of biodiversity. A case study on the... details >

Natural space sampling inventory in the Kalkalpen National Park — Evaluation of the pilot study 1995 Open Data

Natural space sampling inventory in the Kalkalpen National Park — Evaluation of the pilot study 1995

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Natural space sampling inventory in the Kalkalpen National Park — Evaluation of the pilot study 1995 details >

Nature conservation evaluation of alpine management in the Gesäuse National Park — Admission 2019 Open Data

The aim of the project is to assess the development of selected nature conservationally relevant alp

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Nature conservation evaluation of alpine management in the Gesäuse National Park — Admission 2019 details >

Network of Danube Protected Areas (Hungarian) Open Data

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Network of Danube Protected Areas (Hungarian) details >

NP Hiking Destinations Open Data

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NP Hiking Destinations details >

Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2016 report Open Data

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Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2016 report details >

Plant sociological mapping of the lakeside area Illmitz (Neusiedler See) with consideration of... Open Data

Diploma thesis supervised by O. Univ. Prof. Dr. Phil. Dr. h.v. Erich Hübl, University of Natural Res

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Plant sociological mapping of the lakeside area Illmitz (Neusiedler See) with consideration of... details >

Pilot region of the Alps Open Data

Nature is the greatest capital

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Pilot region of the Alps details >

Planning and construction of a natural space database Open Data

Planning and construction of a natural space database, final report

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Planning and construction of a natural space database details >

Protected areas and climate change impact research: roles, challenges, needs Open Data

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Protected areas and climate change impact research: roles, challenges, needs details >

Source mapping 2013: Reichenstein West/Nord, Lugauer Süd/East, Tuffquellen Johnsbach Open Data

The mapping included two large periphery areas of the Gesäuse National Park in the western Reichenst

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Source mapping 2013: Reichenstein West/Nord, Lugauer Süd/East, Tuffquellen Johnsbach details >

Recent changes in high-mountain plant community functional composition in contrasting climate... Open Data

High-mountain plants communities are strongly determined by abiotic conditions, especially low tempe

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Recent changes in high-mountain plant community functional composition in contrasting climate... details >

Reduction of rainbow trout stock in the catchment area of the Great Bach — Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Client:National Park Kalkalpen Ges.m.b.H. Contractor: BAW- Institute of Water Ecology, Fisheries Bio

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Reduction of rainbow trout stock in the catchment area of the Great Bach — Kalkalpen National Park details >

Research in protected areas funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences Open Data

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Research in protected areas funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences details >

Red star blue throats (Luscinia svecica svecica) and other breeding birds in the Großelendtal... Open Data

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Red star blue throats (Luscinia svecica svecica) and other breeding birds in the Großelendtal... details >

Harmful wood processing on the rejuvenation dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Disturbances are part of the natural dynamics in forest ecosystems. The characteristics of the ecosy

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Harmful wood processing on the rejuvenation dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Sedimentological downstream effects of dam failure and the role of sediment connectivity: a case... Open Data

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Sedimentological downstream effects of dam failure and the role of sediment connectivity: a case... details >

Siegendorfer Puszta and Heide Open Data

Summary Up from the flap terrain of the Wulka-lowlands, western of the Ruster Hu & 776;gelland,

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Siegendorfer Puszta and Heide details >

Summer Academy Winidischgarsten Open Data

Offers, Dates

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Summer Academy Winidischgarsten details >

Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas — Guidelines for Planning and Management Open Data

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Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas — Guidelines for Planning and Management details >

Activity report 2003 Open Data

Activity report of the OÖ Kalkalpen Ges.m.b.H. National Park (long version). Activity reports

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Activity report 2003 details >

Activity Report 2004 Open Data

Activity report of the OÖ Kalkalpen Ges.m.b.H. National Park (short version). Activity reports

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Activity Report 2004 details >

Activity Report 2006 Open Data

Activity report National Park Kalkalpen, annual report. Activity reports

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Activity Report 2006 details >

The Alpine Salamander Open Data

Wilfried Schwarzenbacher, Uschi Reinthaler, Magdalena Meikl, Kristina Bauch, Ulrike Berninger, Elke

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The Alpine Salamander details >

The current Situtaion of the River Enns fish fauna around the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

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The current Situtaion of the River Enns fish fauna around the Gesäuse National Park details >

The dark side of Pseudoscorpion diversity: The German Barcode of Life campaign reveals high levels... Open Data

DNA Barcoding is particularly useful for identification and species delimitation in taxa with conser

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The dark side of Pseudoscorpion diversity: The German Barcode of Life campaign reveals high levels... details >

The role of Hohe Tauern National Park as a Noah’s Ark for threatened lichens Open Data

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The role of Hohe Tauern National Park as a Noah’s Ark for threatened lichens details >

The sicilian system of Protected Areas. Integrated planning and management policies for protected... Open Data

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The sicilian system of Protected Areas. Integrated planning and management policies for protected... details >

The wild vine (Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris) in the riparian woods of Donau and March (Austria):... Open Data

Tags: Botany/plant, Vitis vinifera susp. sylvestris/Wild wine

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The wild vine (Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris) in the riparian woods of Donau and March (Austria):... details >

To graze or to mow? The influence of grassland management on grasshoppers (Orthoptera) on a flood... Open Data

Tags: Grasshoppers, Zoology

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To graze or to mow? The influence of grassland management on grasshoppers (Orthoptera) on a flood... details >

Topoclimatological characteristics of the terrain profile between Steyernquelle and Rettenbach Open Data

Karst program Subproject 1.2./96 — Topoclimatological characteristics of the terrain profile between

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Topoclimatological characteristics of the terrain profile between Steyernquelle and Rettenbach details >

Towards assessing thermal and dynamic reaction scenarios of different permafrost sites in the... Open Data

Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer, Edoardo Cremonese, Matteo DallAmico, Philip Deline, Anna Galuppo, Stefa

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Towards assessing thermal and dynamic reaction scenarios of different permafrost sites in the... details >

Dry grass management and restoration by grazing in the Neusiedler See Seewinkel National Park Open Data

Oh, huh, huh? Zool.-Bot. Ges. Austria 136 (1999): 181-212

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Dry grass management and restoration by grazing in the Neusiedler See Seewinkel National Park details >

Trout exam-invest — Autochthone Bach trout in the Hohe Tauern National Park, Interim Report 2003 Open Data

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Trout exam-invest — Autochthone Bach trout in the Hohe Tauern National Park, Interim Report 2003 details >

Tower with view Open Data

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Tower with view details >

‘Unterer Eisbodensee’ — a good example for the future evolution of glacial lakes in Austria? Open Data

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‘Unterer Eisbodensee’ — a good example for the future evolution of glacial lakes in Austria? details >

Examination of the influence of disturbances on the riverside runner stock in the Gesäuse National... Open Data

INTERIM REPORT 2014 The river runner breeds in the Gesäuse National Park in 0-5 breeding pairs, espe

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Examination of the influence of disturbances on the riverside runner stock in the Gesäuse National... details >

Studies of reed and water birds in the Lower Lobau — Part II: Species Open Data

Water Networking and Habitat Management Donauauen LIFE98NAT/A/005422

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Studies of reed and water birds in the Lower Lobau — Part II: Species details >

Urland and Kulturland — Summer Exhibition 2007 — Animals Open Data

In the summer of 2007, one could visit the special exhibition “From Pinzgauern, Tauernschecken Kalse

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Urland and Kulturland — Summer Exhibition 2007 — Animals details >

Transport concept PART 2 Open Data

Traffic concept

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Transport concept PART 2 details >

Diversity in the forest — Rare tree species in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Originally, Austria was about 95 % covered with forest. By Settlement and arable farming, livestock

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Diversity in the forest — Rare tree species in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

From Brunnbach to Anlaufalm Open Data

Sunny alpine pasture in the forest sea of the Kalkalpen National Park

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From Brunnbach to Anlaufalm details >

Forest history of the Weißenbach Valley Open Data

Forest history of the Weißenbach Valley near Reichraming On behalf of the Association of the Kalkal

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Forest history of the Weißenbach Valley details >

Forest inventory National Park Gesäuse — Resumption 2016/2017 Open Data

This report presents the results of the 2nd National Park Gesäuse’s Forest Survey (2016-17), which w

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Forest inventory National Park Gesäuse — Resumption 2016/2017 details >

What is biodiversity, how can it be quantified and prioritised and what does that mean for Austrian... Open Data

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What is biodiversity, how can it be quantified and prioritised and what does that mean for Austrian... details >

Wildlife Ecological Monitoring in Thayatal National Park Open Data

Wildlife Ecological Monitoring in Thayatal National Park

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Wildlife Ecological Monitoring in Thayatal National Park details >

Experience Yoga and Nature Open Data

Learn Yoga on Holidays

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Experience Yoga and Nature details >
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