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Documentation of natural processes Part 5 Process inventory: Dynamics of secondary successions —... Open Data

As a traditional form of use, alpine pastures have shaped the cultural landscape in Austria for many

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Documentation of natural processes Part 5 Process inventory: Dynamics of secondary successions —... details >

Implementation of a scientific accompanying monitoring programme in the grey cattle pasture of the... Open Data

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Implementation of a scientific accompanying monitoring programme in the grey cattle pasture of the... details >

Eckartsau — Leisure and recreation in the Danube-Auen National Park Open Data

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Eckartsau — Leisure and recreation in the Danube-Auen National Park details >

A day full of sources — laboratory, water analysis Open Data

A day full of sources — laboratory, water analysis. Nature in the Upwind, National Park Kalkalpen Ze

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A day full of sources — laboratory, water analysis details >

Detection of hydrobioides in selected source biotopes of the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data


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Detection of hydrobioides in selected source biotopes of the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Results 12. Spring Week 2020: One-day and quiver flies (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera), two-winger... Open Data

The Spring Week 2020 led around the National Park and the so far quite unexplored Scheucheggalm. So

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Results 12. Spring Week 2020: One-day and quiver flies (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera), two-winger... details >

Results of the Source Bach Week 2013 — Short Report Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera Open Data

A total of around 900 animals were examined (approximately half are adult animals, the rest of the l

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Results of the Source Bach Week 2013 — Short Report Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera details >

Survey of the distribution and conservation status of Rosalia alpina in the Gesäuse National Park in... Open Data

In 2015, the occurrence of the alpine beetle (Rosalia alpina) in subareas of Natura 2000 National Pa

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Survey of the distribution and conservation status of Rosalia alpina in the Gesäuse National Park in... details >

Establishing ecological networks in the Central Alps — ECONNECT’s pilot region Inn — Etsch Open Data

Abderhalden Angelika, Haller Ruedi, Scheurer Thomas (2009): Establishing ecological networks in the

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Establishing ecological networks in the Central Alps — ECONNECT’s pilot region Inn — Etsch details >

European Natura 2000 Award 2015 Open Data

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European Natura 2000 Award 2015 details >

Department Coordination I: “Karst Dynamics” — Management report on the end of 1991 and outlook for... Open Data

Department Coordination I: “Karst Dynamics” — Management report on the end of 1991 and outlook for 1

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Department Coordination I: “Karst Dynamics” — Management report on the end of 1991 and outlook for... details >

Feichtauer Seen- Life in the extreme area Open Data

Mountain molch, Earth toads, Firshes, Amphibians, Hohe Nock, High Nock, Feichtau Lakes. Magazine Div

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Feichtauer Seen- Life in the extreme area details >

Remotes in the spray: the pteridophyte flora of the Krimml Waterfalls Open Data

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Remotes in the spray: the pteridophyte flora of the Krimml Waterfalls details >

Fine root and aboveground carbon stocks in riparian forests: the roles of diking and envioronmental... Open Data

Auwald, soil, carbon, Danube-Auen National Park

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Fine root and aboveground carbon stocks in riparian forests: the roles of diking and envioronmental... details >

Fish Stock Survey in Johnsbach — Postmonitoring Open Data

The Institute of Hydrobiology and Water Management of the BOKU was commissioned to carry out the fis

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Fish Stock Survey in Johnsbach — Postmonitoring details >

Fish Ecological Monitoring Activity Report 2020 Open Data

Following the completion of the field work and initial evaluation in 2020, an activity report will b

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Fish Ecological Monitoring Activity Report 2020 details >

Fish otter mapping Johnsbach Open Data

The Johnsbach is used for the entire length of the otter. It is not an occasional occurrence of wand

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Fish otter mapping Johnsbach details >

Forest management in the Piatra Craiului National Park between economic benefits and ecosystem... Open Data

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Forest management in the Piatra Craiului National Park between economic benefits and ecosystem... details >

Forms of multicoloured grass and pipe grass rich high grass corridors in the Gesäuse... Open Data

Florist-standing typing of 68 shots of multicoloured grass and pipe grass-rich high-grass corridors.

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Forms of multicoloured grass and pipe grass rich high grass corridors in the Gesäuse... details >

Leisure and recreation use at the Enns: Comparative analyses of forms of use, usage claims and... Open Data

Flowing waters have always had a strong attraction on people and are used as a recreation area and a

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Leisure and recreation use at the Enns: Comparative analyses of forms of use, usage claims and... details >

Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and in winter 2007/2008 in the Neusiedler See... Open Data

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Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and in winter 2007/2008 in the Neusiedler See... details >

Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and in winter 2020/2021 in the Neusiedler See... Open Data

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Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and in winter 2020/2021 in the Neusiedler See... details >

Mysterious Underworld — Caves in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Mysterious Underworld — Caves in the Kalkalpen National Park. Nature in the Upwind, National Park Ka

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Mysterious Underworld — Caves in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Geology/Hydrology/Karst & Cave Studies of Lake Sulzkar and its surroundings Open Data

The Sulzkar Sea is a high alpine lake of glacial origin, mostly indirectly related to the karst phen

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Geology/Hydrology/Karst & Cave Studies of Lake Sulzkar and its surroundings details >

Water Networking Measures: Literature research and limnological evaluation of projects relevant to... Open Data

Scientific series 8/2006 With regard to future water interconnection projects on the Danube east of

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Water Networking Measures: Literature research and limnological evaluation of projects relevant to... details >

GIS in Protected Area Management — Poster 25 years tiris Open Data

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GIS in Protected Area Management — Poster 25 years tiris details >

Glacial and periglacial landscape development in the central Ankogel group since the Younger Dryas Open Data

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Glacial and periglacial landscape development in the central Ankogel group since the Younger Dryas details >

Glacier cover Simonykees Open Data

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Glacier cover Simonykees details >

Large butterflies and reptiles in the Sengsen Mountains — Zoological mapping and habitat assessment Open Data

Large butterflies and reptiles in the Sengsen Mountains — Zoological mapping and habitat assessment.

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Large butterflies and reptiles in the Sengsen Mountains — Zoological mapping and habitat assessment details >

Basic knowledge of mosquitoes (Culicidae: Diptera) of the Danube-Auen National Park Open Data

Tags: Zoology/Animal, Diptera/Two-wingers, Insecta/Insect

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Basic knowledge of mosquitoes (Culicidae: Diptera) of the Danube-Auen National Park details >

Habitat selection of alpine chamois under different climatic conditions in the Alpine and Carpathian... Open Data

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Habitat selection of alpine chamois under different climatic conditions in the Alpine and Carpathian... details >

Caves in the area of Feichtau — Hoher Nock — Budergraben Open Data

Caves in the area of Feichtau — Hoher Nock — Budergraben. Interim Report 1992, 11 pp., photo appendi

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Caves in the area of Feichtau — Hoher Nock — Budergraben details >

Human Impact on Hydrographic Processes in Aquatic Complex of Nature Park Hutovo Blato Open Data

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Human Impact on Hydrographic Processes in Aquatic Complex of Nature Park Hutovo Blato details >

Hydrobiological Water Document NPX 2004 Open Data

As part of the Sulzkaralm pilot projects and the development of source monitoring, hydrobiological s

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Hydrobiological Water Document NPX 2004 details >

In the Land of Many-Falter — Pure Biodiversity Open Data

Who would have thought that the Kalkalpen National Park houses more than 1,500 different butterflies

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In the Land of Many-Falter — Pure Biodiversity details >

In the Age of Time — Project: Vegetation survey Stappitzer Lake Open Data

Article in the “Activity Report 2012 Carinthian National Park Fund Hohe Tauern”, page 35

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In the Age of Time — Project: Vegetation survey Stappitzer Lake details >

Induction and Spread of a spruce bark beetle outbreak in the Wilderness Area Dürrenstein, Austria. Open Data

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Induction and Spread of a spruce bark beetle outbreak in the Wilderness Area Dürrenstein, Austria. details >

Infopult Apetloner Hof Open Data


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Infopult Apetloner Hof details >

Chamber Music Festival Open Data

Young dynamic masterful From 29 August the National Park will be Limestone Alps region to the hotspo

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Chamber Music Festival details >

Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — Department of Soil Science and Ecology Open Data

Karst dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — Department of Soil Science and Ecology. Annual Repor

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Karst Dynamics in the Kalkalpen National Park — Department of Soil Science and Ecology details >

Karst research in the Kalkalpen National Park subproject 1603/5.2/96 — Soil climate and soil water... Open Data

Karst research in the Kalkalpen National Park subproject 1603/5.2/96 — Soil climate and soil water b

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Karst research in the Kalkalpen National Park subproject 1603/5.2/96 — Soil climate and soil water... details >

Karst Source Monitoring 1997 and Event Campaigns 1997 — National Park Karst Program Open Data

Karstquelle Monitoring 1997 and Event Campaigns 1997 — National Park Karst Program. Annual Report 19

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Karst Source Monitoring 1997 and Event Campaigns 1997 — National Park Karst Program details >

Mapping key aerial image interpretation NPHT (HIK0 Habitalp) Open Data

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Mapping key aerial image interpretation NPHT (HIK0 Habitalp) details >

Mapping of the Xylobionte fauna in dead wood stocks in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

The objectives of the research project are the collection of beetle and bedbug species colonising wo

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Mapping of the Xylobionte fauna in dead wood stocks in Gesäuse National Park details >

Mapping and evaluation of sediment transport processes in the intermediate mower line, Johnsbachtal Open Data

The role and importance of sediment storage facilities in alpine catchment areas is not fully clarif

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Mapping and evaluation of sediment transport processes in the intermediate mower line, Johnsbachtal details >

Concept- Strengthening of multifunctional alpine farming in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Concept- Strengthening the multifunctional alpine farming in the region Kalkalpen National Park. Oth

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Concept- Strengthening of multifunctional alpine farming in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Landscape evolution north of the Sonnblick (Salzburg) during the Alpine Lateglacial Open Data

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Landscape evolution north of the Sonnblick (Salzburg) during the Alpine Lateglacial details >

Landscape Monitoring in Berchtesgaden National Park — Comparative spatio-temporal Analysis of Land... Open Data

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Landscape Monitoring in Berchtesgaden National Park — Comparative spatio-temporal Analysis of Land... details >

Landscape Ecological Investigations in Johnsbach Open Data

Diploma thesis at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz The aim of this thesis, entitled Landscape Ecolo

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Landscape Ecological Investigations in Johnsbach details >

Guideline Enns — Priority areas Palten estuary-Hieflau Open Data

Vienna The present study builds on the Enns guideline and aims to develop an action plan for 8 selec

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Guideline Enns — Priority areas Palten estuary-Hieflau details >

Limnological characterisation of selected karst springs Open Data

in the Northern Limestone Alps National Park

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Limnological characterisation of selected karst springs details >

Living forests and dead wood. Saproxylic beetle communities in two suspected virgin forest areas in... Open Data

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Living forests and dead wood. Saproxylic beetle communities in two suspected virgin forest areas in... details >

Long-term changes in summit plans diversity in the Swiss National Park Open Data

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Long-term changes in summit plans diversity in the Swiss National Park details >

Long term monitoring of grazing in salt habitats on the eastern shore of Lake Neusiedl Open Data

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Long term monitoring of grazing in salt habitats on the eastern shore of Lake Neusiedl details >

Lter-AUSTRIA WHITE PAPER 2015 Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research. Lter-Austria... Open Data


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Lter-AUSTRIA WHITE PAPER 2015 Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research. Lter-Austria... details >

Meal at the beech leaf — nail spot Aglia tau Open Data

Meal at the beech leaf — nail spot Aglia tau (Ord. Butterflies, Fam. Night peacock eye, eye spinner)

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Meal at the beech leaf — nail spot Aglia tau details >

Management Sub-plan 05 VERBUND AND NETWORK National Park Kalkalpen 2021-2030 Open Data

For the long-term conservation of species populations and habitats are the interlinking of habitats

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Management Sub-plan 05 VERBUND AND NETWORK National Park Kalkalpen 2021-2030 details >

Management of natural forests in the Kalkalpen National Park (Life Project) Open Data

Management of natural forests in the Kalkalpen National Park (Life Project); Management of natural f

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Management of natural forests in the Kalkalpen National Park (Life Project) details >

Mass Budget and Climate at Mullwitzkees (Virgental) Report 2017/2018 Open Data

Recording of mass balance and climate at Mullwitzkees in the Virgental. Cooperation project with the

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Mass Budget and Climate at Mullwitzkees (Virgental) Report 2017/2018 details >

Mass Budget and Climate at Mullwitzkees (Virgental) — Project Poster 2009 Research Symposium Open Data

Recording of mass balance and climate at Mullwitzkees in the Virgental. Cooperation project with the

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Mass Budget and Climate at Mullwitzkees (Virgental) — Project Poster 2009 Research Symposium details >

Wall Runner 2021. Recording of occurrence areas in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

No evidence could be provided in 2021 as part of the Wall Runner Monitoring. In 2021, two observatio

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Wall Runner 2021. Recording of occurrence areas in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1997 (PART 2.2) Open Data

Monitoring and maintenance of meteorological stations in the Kalkalpen National Park

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1997 (PART 2.2) details >

Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1999 (PART 6) Open Data

Repair work at meteorological stations in the Kalkalpen National Park

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Meteorology in the Kalkalpen National Park 1999 (PART 6) details >

Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1994 — PART 2 Open Data

Meteorological measuring camps in the planning area National Park Kalkalpen

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Meteorology National Park Limestone Alps 1994 — PART 2 details >

Mobility patterns of alpine Erebia populations: Does a large road act as a dispersal barrier? Open Data

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Mobility patterns of alpine Erebia populations: Does a large road act as a dispersal barrier? details >

Module 02 — Botanical Vegetational Analysis — Final Report Open Data

Citation suggestion: Eberl, T & Kaiser, R (2019): Interdisciplinary, integrative monitoring and

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Module 02 — Botanical Vegetational Analysis — Final Report details >

Module 05 — Hydrological, Chemical and Biological Signals in Micro-Catchments of the Alpine Zone —... Open Data

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Module 05 — Hydrological, Chemical and Biological Signals in Micro-Catchments of the Alpine Zone —... details >

Module 06 — Grossherbivoren — Interim Report 2020 Open Data

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Module 06 — Grossherbivoren — Interim Report 2020 details >

Monitoring breeding birds in the National Park Thayatal: point counts with distance sampling — a... Open Data

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Monitoring breeding birds in the National Park Thayatal: point counts with distance sampling — a... details >

Monitoring of bats in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

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Monitoring of bats in the Gesäuse National Park details >

Monitoring of the meadow-breeding Limicolen in the Seewinkel: Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus), pewter... Open Data

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Monitoring of the meadow-breeding Limicolen in the Seewinkel: Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus), pewter... details >

Monitoring of glacier mass balance on Mullwitzkees Hohe Tauern Open Data

Martin Stocker-Waldhuber, Andrea Fischer, Josef Lang, Wolfgang Gattermayr, Florian Jurgeit (2009): M

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Monitoring of glacier mass balance on Mullwitzkees Hohe Tauern details >

National Park Hohe Tauern — Research Symposium 2009 — Programme Open Data

Secretariat of the National Park Council Hohe Tauern, Kirchplatz 2, 9971 Matrei in East Tyrol

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National Park Hohe Tauern — Research Symposium 2009 — Programme details >

National Park Hohe Tauern — Research Symposium 2009 — Conference proceedings — Part 2 Open Data

Secretariat of the National Park Council Hohe Tauern, Kirchplatz 2, 9971 Matrei in East Tyrol

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National Park Hohe Tauern — Research Symposium 2009 — Conference proceedings — Part 2 details >

National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Malteiner WASSERSPIELE Open Data

In 2018, the Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park was able to complete the update and fu

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National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation Malteiner WASSERSPIELE details >

National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation MITTEN Open Data

In 2018, the Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park was able to complete the update and fu

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National Park Infopoints Carinthia — Panoramainformation MITTEN details >

National Park Karst Programme — Interim Report of the Coordination 1994-1995 on the first section of... Open Data

National Park Karst Programme — Interim Report of the Coordination 1994-1995 on the first section of

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National Park Karst Programme — Interim Report of the Coordination 1994-1995 on the first section of... details >

National Park Hiking Bus Tirol — Timetable 2015 Open Data

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National Park Hiking Bus Tirol — Timetable 2015 details >

National Parks Austria and Shop Open Data

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National Parks Austria and Shop details >

Nature and Environment — Issue 3/2016 Autumn Open Data

Includes: Care of protected areas In the interview: Lukas Pülspök Thoughts on our handling of forest

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Nature and Environment — Issue 3/2016 Autumn details >

Natural forest dynamics following bark beetle outbreaks in the Berchtesgaden National Park — Forest... Open Data

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Natural forest dynamics following bark beetle outbreaks in the Berchtesgaden National Park — Forest... details >

Nature therapy and green exercise as remedies for emerging civilisation diseases Open Data

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Nature therapy and green exercise as remedies for emerging civilisation diseases details >

Nature Tourists and National Parks: How important are Nature and the Protection Status of an Area... Open Data

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Nature Tourists and National Parks: How important are Nature and the Protection Status of an Area... details >

Natural space inventory 2009: Evaluation of wild ecological survey parameters — Comparison 1999 and... Open Data

Tags: Botany/plant, vegetation, forestry, game

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Natural space inventory 2009: Evaluation of wild ecological survey parameters — Comparison 1999 and... details >

Nature conservation assessment and comparison of selected farmed and unmanaged alpine pastures in... Open Data

As a characteristic and historical element, alpine pastures are closely intertwined with the develop

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Nature conservation assessment and comparison of selected farmed and unmanaged alpine pastures in... details >

Nature conservation evaluation of alpine management in the Gesäuse National Park (cicadas, spiders,... Open Data

In the Gesäuse National Park, some 1.500 hectares of land are traditionally cultivated as a “preserv

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Nature conservation evaluation of alpine management in the Gesäuse National Park (cicadas, spiders,... details >

Nature conservation plan on the alpine pasture — Scheucheggalm Open Data

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Nature conservation plan on the alpine pasture — Scheucheggalm details >

NP Poster Open Data

Languages: German, Italian

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NP Poster details >

NP Rollup — Service Open Data

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NP Rollup — Service details >

NRI- Wild Ecology and Forest Rejuvenation Wood species distribution and stratification Open Data

Natural space sample inventory National Park Kalkalpen, evaluation of the re-uptake 2004/2005 and co

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NRI- Wild Ecology and Forest Rejuvenation Wood species distribution and stratification details >

Object-relational mapping with Java 5 as part of the project Digipark of the Gesäuse National Park... Open Data

Diploma thesis at the Rottenmann Rottenmann University Centre The availability of mobile devices (PD

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Object-relational mapping with Java 5 as part of the project Digipark of the Gesäuse National Park... details >

Orchids in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Orchids in the Kalkalpen National Park. Nature in the Upwind, National Park Kalkalpen Zeitschrift, i

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Orchids in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2006 report Open Data

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Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2006 report details >

Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2008 report Open Data

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Ornithological monitoring in the Neusiedler See National Park — Seewinkel, 2008 report details >

Orth on the Danube, closedORTH National Park Centre (hiking map) Open Data

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Orth on the Danube, closedORTH National Park Centre (hiking map) details >

Pannonian BirdExperience — Program 2015 Open Data

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Pannonian BirdExperience — Program 2015 details >

Pilot study Water balance and chemism of carbonate soils Open Data

Pilot study Water balance and chemism of carbonate soils. Subproject as part of the karst program Na

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Pilot study Water balance and chemism of carbonate soils details >

Mushrooms in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Every year in Austria, a small group of mushrooms from the Austrian Mycological Society meets for a

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Mushrooms in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Plea for a National Park Open Data

Plea for a National Park

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Plea for a National Park details >

Planning concept National Park Kalkalpen — equipment, protection targets, core zone delimitation —... Open Data

Planning concept National Park Kalkalpen — equipment, protection targets, core zone delimitation — P

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Planning concept National Park Kalkalpen — equipment, protection targets, core zone delimitation —... details >
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