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Biotope mapping Gesäuse — Part report mapping area Gstatterstein Open Data

The biotope mapping was carried out on a scale of 1:2,000 from a minimum biotope size of 100 m with

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Biotope mapping Gesäuse — Part report mapping area Gstatterstein details >

EU protection types of Annexes II and IV previously detected in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

This report announces the current state of EU protection for lepidoptera that has been proven so far

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EU protection types of Annexes II and IV previously detected in Gesäuse National Park details >

Bodner Andreas Huber — Summer Exhibition 2006/Handwerk Open Data

In the summer of 2006, a special exhibition on handicrafts in the Hohe Tauern National Park region c

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Bodner Andreas Huber — Summer Exhibition 2006/Handwerk details >

Breeding stock of seagulls and owls in the Neusiedler See-Seewinkel National Park in 2014 Open Data

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Breeding stock of seagulls and owls in the Neusiedler See-Seewinkel National Park in 2014 details >

Books Open Data

To save planet Earth. Strategies for an environmentally sustainable global economy. Evening meals at

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Books details >

CC Habitalp — Final Report Open Data

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CC Habitalp — Final Report details >

Challenges in Conserving Private Protected Areas: where are the opportunities? Open Data

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Challenges in Conserving Private Protected Areas: where are the opportunities? details >

Characterisation of the six recent woodpecker species in the Kalkalpen National Park and the... Open Data

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Characterisation of the six recent woodpecker species in the Kalkalpen National Park and the... details >

Combined use of KDE software and empirical observation to identify animal-vehicle collisions’... Open Data

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Combined use of KDE software and empirical observation to identify animal-vehicle collisions’... details >

Communication Concept Open Data

World heritage communication concept that was created as a result of the Visitor Workshop (NPK Autum

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Communication Concept details >

Creation of value through tourism in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Val Müstair Parc Naziunal. Open Data

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Creation of value through tourism in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Val Müstair Parc Naziunal. details >

Cypripedium calceolus (Orchidaceae) in the Johnsbach Valley Open Data

The present study provides a first rough survey of women’s shoe stocks on the Johnsbach (interim mic

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Cypripedium calceolus (Orchidaceae) in the Johnsbach Valley details >

DANUBEPARKS Newsletter 08.07.2013 Open Data

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DANUBEPARKS Newsletter 08.07.2013 details >

DANUBEPARKS Newsletter 14.07.2011 Open Data

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DANUBEPARKS Newsletter 14.07.2011 details >

DANUBEPARKS Newsletter 14.12.2010 Open Data

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DANUBEPARKS Newsletter 14.12.2010 details >

Description of the hat grazing industry for the conservation area in the Lange Lacke nature reserve... Open Data

Diploma thesis Technical University of Munich Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture Freising Weihe

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Description of the hat grazing industry for the conservation area in the Lange Lacke nature reserve... details >

The Auerhuhn in the Kalkalpen National Park 2000-2010 Open Data

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The Auerhuhn in the Kalkalpen National Park 2000-2010 details >

Hiking is a lot of Falter’s pleasure Open Data

some butterfly species take amazing hikes. Magazine Diversity Nature, Rundschau, RS

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Hiking is a lot of Falter’s pleasure details >

The beard vulture — Monitoring News No. 24_Heft II_2007 Open Data

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The beard vulture — Monitoring News No. 24_Heft II_2007 details >

The beard vulture — Monitoring News No. 28_Heft II_2009 Open Data

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The beard vulture — Monitoring News No. 28_Heft II_2009 details >

The beard vulture — Monitoring News No. 30_Heft II_2010 Open Data

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The beard vulture — Monitoring News No. 30_Heft II_2010 details >

The breeding stock of the river tern (Sterna hirundo) in the Neusiedler See-area in 2007 Open Data

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The breeding stock of the river tern (Sterna hirundo) in the Neusiedler See-area in 2007 details >

The breeding stock of the river tern (Sterna hirundo) in the Neusiedler See-area in 2021 Open Data

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The breeding stock of the river tern (Sterna hirundo) in the Neusiedler See-area in 2021 details >

The breeding stock of the sea plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) in the Seewinkel in 2011 Open Data

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The breeding stock of the sea plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) in the Seewinkel in 2011 details >

The breeding stock of the sea plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) in the Seewinkel in 2019 Open Data

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The breeding stock of the sea plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) in the Seewinkel in 2019 details >

The influence of cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) on the domestic fish fauna in Styria Open Data

Diploma thesis at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz In the course of cormoran monitoring, the cormor

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The influence of cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) on the domestic fish fauna in Styria details >

The Grained Mountain Forest Drill Beetle (Stephanopachys substriatus) in the Gesäuse National Park Open Data

Historical evidence exists not only from the entire Alpine region, but also from the nearest surroun

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The Grained Mountain Forest Drill Beetle (Stephanopachys substriatus) in the Gesäuse National Park details >

The green Jagstrick and its red cousin — evergreen or laurel silk lbast and ordinary silk lbast Open Data

The green Jagstrick and its red cousin — evergreen or laurel silk lbast and ordinary silk lbast. Nat

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The green Jagstrick and its red cousin — evergreen or laurel silk lbast and ordinary silk lbast details >

The lynx in flashlight Open Data

With the purchase of four digital photo traps in January 2007, these, together with two analog photo

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The lynx in flashlight details >

Diagram Temperature data Seebach 2020 Open Data

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Diagram Temperature data Seebach 2020 details >

Diagram Temperature data Trojeralm 2014-2015 Open Data

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Diagram Temperature data Trojeralm 2014-2015 details >

Dianthus plumarius subsp. blandus — Distribution and Habitat Features Open Data

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Dianthus plumarius subsp. blandus — Distribution and Habitat Features details >

The breeding stock of the river walnut (Sterna hirundo) and the white beard (Chlidonias hybrida) in... Open Data

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The breeding stock of the river walnut (Sterna hirundo) and the white beard (Chlidonias hybrida) in... details >

The breeding bird fauna of the Haselkaralm Open Data

On the Haselkaralm almost all typical species of this altitude could be observed. Compared to the ot

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The breeding bird fauna of the Haselkaralm details >

The history of the Scheibenalms and Draxltalalms in the upper Gstatterbodner boiler Open Data

This work deals with the historical development of the Scheibenalms and Draxltalalms in the upper Gs

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The history of the Scheibenalms and Draxltalalms in the upper Gstatterbodner boiler details >

The Larch Open Data

The European larch. Magazine Aufwind

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The Larch details >

The larch-cirbian forests in the Gesäuse National Park as well as the sociological discussion of the... Open Data

Larch forests represent the highest forest formation of the Alps. Especially in the inner and interm

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The larch-cirbian forests in the Gesäuse National Park as well as the sociological discussion of the... details >

The macrophytes of the old waters with stratiiotes aloides in Nie-derösterreich and Vienna and their... Open Data

Tags: Diploma thesis/Master thesis/Bachelor thesis/Dissertation, Botany/Plant, Stratiotes aloides/Ca

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The macrophytes of the old waters with stratiiotes aloides in Nie-derösterreich and Vienna and their... details >

The mammals of the Neusiedlersee region (Austria) Open Data

From 1951 to 1958 I worked as an ornithologist at Lake Neusiedl. that’s why mammals too. In about 15

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The mammals of the Neusiedlersee region (Austria) details >

The spider fauna (Arachnida: Araneae) selected riverside habitats of the Enns and Johnsbach Open Data

In Central Europe, hardly any other ecosystem has been altered and destroyed in such a way as the fl

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The spider fauna (Arachnida: Araneae) selected riverside habitats of the Enns and Johnsbach details >

The vegetation of the forests, meadows and dry grasslands of the Thayatal National Park — a first... Open Data

The vegetation of the forests, meadows and dry grasslands of the Thayatal National Park — a first ov

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The vegetation of the forests, meadows and dry grasslands of the Thayatal National Park — a first... details >

The traffic situation at the Hengst Pass Open Data

Bachelor’s thesis — Institute of Geography and Spatial Research at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Gra

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The traffic situation at the Hengst Pass details >

Digital data collection for a GIS-based alpine pasture assessment model in Gesäuse National Park Open Data

Diploma thesis at Johannes Kepler University Linz Rottenmann In order to realise a continuous digita

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Digital data collection for a GIS-based alpine pasture assessment model in Gesäuse National Park details >

Implementation of a scientific accompanying monitoring programme in the grey cattle pasture of the... Open Data

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Implementation of a scientific accompanying monitoring programme in the grey cattle pasture of the... details >

Ebenforst- and Schaumbergalm — A contribution to the assessment of ecological conditions with regard... Open Data

Ebenforst- and Schaumbergalm — A contribution to the assessment of ecological conditions in relation

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Ebenforst- and Schaumbergalm — A contribution to the assessment of ecological conditions with regard... details >

Ecophysiology of filamentous green algae in astatic saline-alkaline ponds Open Data

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Ecophysiology of filamentous green algae in astatic saline-alkaline ponds details >

Precious cancer monitoring in the waters of Thayatal National Park — Edelkrebsmonitoring in the... Open Data

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Precious cancer monitoring in the waters of Thayatal National Park — Edelkrebsmonitoring in the... details >

Editorial — Content — Cover image Open Data

Cultural landscape

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Editorial — Content — Cover image details >

Effects of active conservation management on biodiversity: Multi-taxa survey in oak woodlands of... Open Data

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Effects of active conservation management on biodiversity: Multi-taxa survey in oak woodlands of... details >

Effects of spruce bark beetle calamities on the Faunistic biodiversity of mountain forests in the... Open Data

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Effects of spruce bark beetle calamities on the Faunistic biodiversity of mountain forests in the... details >

An Eye on Dragonflies — The Spring Boys, Insects of the Year Open Data

An eye on dragonflies — The spring youngsters, insects of the year. Nature in the Upwind, National P

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An Eye on Dragonflies — The Spring Boys, Insects of the Year details >

A contribution to the flow morphologically oriented study of the hollow stability of the Danube... Open Data

Tags: Diploma thesis/Master thesis/Bachelor thesis/Dissertation, Waters, Total river construction pr

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A contribution to the flow morphologically oriented study of the hollow stability of the Danube... details >

A life between wild water and steep rock. Population-ecological examination at the yellow-bellied... Open Data

From May to September 2016, a catch-re-catching study was carried out in the Gesäuse National Park o

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A life between wild water and steep rock. Population-ecological examination at the yellow-bellied... details >

A rare guest — snake eagle in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

A rare guest — snake eagle in the Kalkalpen National Park. Nature in the Upwind, National Park Kalka

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A rare guest — snake eagle in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Influences of agriculture and tourism on the space-time system of Rohrweihen (Circus aeroginosus) in... Open Data

Objectives: — Habitat use depending on agricultural use and potential anthropogenic influences (tour

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Influences of agriculture and tourism on the space-time system of Rohrweihen (Circus aeroginosus) in... details >

Environmental damages in the Atlantic Forest Biome: A case study Open Data

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Environmental damages in the Atlantic Forest Biome: A case study details >

Results of Meadow Limicolen Monitoring in Seewinkel in 2005 Open Data

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Results of Meadow Limicolen Monitoring in Seewinkel in 2005 details >

Survey of adult and juvenile fish as part of an actual status survey in the Lower Lobau area Open Data

Scientific series issue 5/2006 Study commissioned by NP-Donauauen GmbH.Water networking and habita

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Survey of adult and juvenile fish as part of an actual status survey in the Lower Lobau area details >

Survey of herpeto fauna and habitat inventory of potential meadow otter habitats (Vipera ursinii... Open Data

In 2009, selected areas were selected in the area of the Neusiedlersee National Park. Seewinkel with

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Survey of herpeto fauna and habitat inventory of potential meadow otter habitats (Vipera ursinii... details >

First cicade survey in Thayatal National Park Open Data

First cicade survey in the Thayatal National Park (Insecta, Auchenorrhyncha) — Scientific announceme

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First cicade survey in Thayatal National Park details >

Creation of an aerial map of the current vegetation for the Natura 2000 area Ennstaler Alpen... Open Data

With regard to the extent of the morphological works, which essentially includes G.K. LIEB & G.

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Creation of an aerial map of the current vegetation for the Natura 2000 area Ennstaler Alpen... details >

There is a threat of fishing collapse in East Tyrol — situation ashes. TFV Announcements 1/2020 Open Data

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There is a threat of fishing collapse in East Tyrol — situation ashes. TFV Announcements 1/2020 details >

Evaluating the potential of protected areas to preserve biodiversity at large scales Open Data

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Evaluating the potential of protected areas to preserve biodiversity at large scales details >

Evaluation 5 years of Gesäuse National Park Open Data

E.C.O. Institute of Ecology Klagenfurt In the overall assessment, based on document analysis, discus

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Evaluation 5 years of Gesäuse National Park details >

Exploring differences in mountain landscape preferences and perceptions between Austrian and United... Open Data

Based on the assumption that history and cultural backgrounds form human perception, this study comp

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Exploring differences in mountain landscape preferences and perceptions between Austrian and United... details >

Fish Biological Analysis of Lake Neusiedl — Final Project Report 1993 Open Data

Studies on population ecology and nutritional biology of the most important economically unused fish

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Fish Biological Analysis of Lake Neusiedl — Final Project Report 1993 details >

Fish Ecological Analysis — Report 2000 Open Data

Fish Ecological Analysis — Report 2000

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Fish Ecological Analysis — Report 2000 details >

Bats in the Gesäuse National Park 2019-2020 Open Data

In 2019 and 2020 studies on bat fauna were carried out in the Gesäuse National Park, which mainly ca

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Bats in the Gesäuse National Park 2019-2020 details >

Hall names Almen Infotafel Katalalm Open Data

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Hall names Almen Infotafel Katalalm details >

From Research of the Carpathian Beech Virgin Forests to the World heritage Open Data

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From Research of the Carpathian Beech Virgin Forests to the World heritage details >

Princes in the Wilderness-Thronfolger Franz Ferdinand in the Limestone Alps, series Volume 15 Open Data

The room The ironworms have been particularly Upper Austrian part of a constant Change in the defini

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Princes in the Wilderness-Thronfolger Franz Ferdinand in the Limestone Alps, series Volume 15 details >

Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and in winter 2009/2010 in the Neusiedler See... Open Data

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Geese stocks of the genus Anser and Branta on transit and in winter 2009/2010 in the Neusiedler See... details >

Risk analysis of the populations of a flagship species, the ornamental plumarius subsp. blandus... Open Data

The ornamental plumarius subsp. blandus (Dianthus plumarius subsp. blandus) is a striking flowering

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Risk analysis of the populations of a flagship species, the ornamental plumarius subsp. blandus... details >

Geo-TAG 2009 in the Gesäuse National Park in the view of butterflies Open Data

At the GEO Biodiversity Day in 2009, the surrounding area of the Heßhütte and Sulzkar was chosen as

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Geo-TAG 2009 in the Gesäuse National Park in the view of butterflies details >

Gesäuse — Report 2006, Gesäuse National Park Lepidoptera Open Data

Of this characteristic, the year 2006 was extremely poor for the butterflies, except for a short per

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Gesäuse — Report 2006, Gesäuse National Park Lepidoptera details >

Water development concept Sulzbach valleys. 1. Interim report Water development concept Sulzbach... Open Data

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Water development concept Sulzbach valleys. 1. Interim report Water development concept Sulzbach... details >

Glaciers as climate witnesses Open Data

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Glaciers as climate witnesses details >

Glacier cover Inner Mullwitzkees/Rainerkees Open Data

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Glacier cover Inner Mullwitzkees/Rainerkees details >

Glacier trail Innergschlöss — information board starting points (2018) Open Data

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Glacier trail Innergschlöss — information board starting points (2018) details >

Gloria-Extended Zoological Summit and Climate Monitoring Open Data

Gloria-Extended is a zoological summit and climate monitoring program. The standardised methodology

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Gloria-Extended Zoological Summit and Climate Monitoring details >

Border Layer National Park Neusiedler See — Seewinkel Open Data

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Border Layer National Park Neusiedler See — Seewinkel details >

Basics and expert opinions on the contract nature protection project“Mayr — vlg Spitzeberger —... Open Data

Basics and expert opinions on the contract nature protection project "Mayr — vlg. Spitzeberger — Kal

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Basics and expert opinions on the contract nature protection project“Mayr — vlg Spitzeberger —... details >

Habitat use of the ice bird (Alcedo atthis) in the Danube meadows near Orth Open Data

Tags: Zoology/Animal, Aves/bird, Alcedo atthis/Icevogel Scientific series issue 2/2006 In 1998 an

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Habitat use of the ice bird (Alcedo atthis) in the Danube meadows near Orth details >

Here with the hedges — What hunters and conservationists do for new hedges Open Data

Here with the hedges — What hunters and conservationists do for new hedges. Nature in the Upwind, Na

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Here with the hedges — What hunters and conservationists do for new hedges details >

Deer beetle with and without antlers — The deer beetle species in the Kalkalpen National Park Open Data

Deer beetle “with and without antlers” — The deer beetle species in the Kalkalpen National Park. Nat

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Deer beetle with and without antlers — The deer beetle species in the Kalkalpen National Park details >

Historical: Botanical weekly: Danube Island Description Open Data

Botany/Landscape, historical

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Historical: Botanical weekly: Danube Island Description details >

Holocene landscape development and recent permafrost spread in the area of Frosnitzkees in the... Open Data

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Holocene landscape development and recent permafrost spread in the area of Frosnitzkees in the... details >

How can PAs offer local people a chance to participate and benefit? Open Data

Birgit Reutz-Hornsteiner (2009): How can PAs offer local people a chance to participate and benefit?

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How can PAs offer local people a chance to participate and benefit? details >

Hydrobiological evidence and management suggestions for sources Open Data

From a conservation point of view, hydrobiological evidence preservation focuses on source biotopes

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Hydrobiological evidence and management suggestions for sources details >

Hydrobiological initial uptake and preservation of evidence PART 2 — Biomathic evaluation Open Data

AZ: life99/A1, As part of the LIFE project LIFE99NAT/A/5915 “Management of natural forests in the Ka

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Hydrobiological initial uptake and preservation of evidence PART 2 — Biomathic evaluation details >

Hydrology and karst morphology of the Sengsengebirge Open Data

Hydrology and karst morphology of the Sengsengebirge. — Kalkalpen National Park, research project 2.

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Hydrology and karst morphology of the Sengsengebirge details >

Hydrology and marking test for the pilot study of carbonate soils at Mieseck (behind mountains) in... Open Data

Hydrology and marking test for the pilot study of carbonate soils at Mieseck (behind mountains) in t

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Hydrology and marking test for the pilot study of carbonate soils at Mieseck (behind mountains) in... details >

Identification of copepods and amphipods in springs of the National Park Gesäuse — Period 2019-2020... Open Data

This study deals with copepod and amphipod crustaceans collected during year 2018 (received in 2020)

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Identification of copepods and amphipods in springs of the National Park Gesäuse — Period 2019-2020... details >

Information search, use of offers and national park affinity of recreation seekers in the Gesäuse... Open Data

This master thesis examined which sources visitors of the Gesäuse National Park use to search for in

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Information search, use of offers and national park affinity of recreation seekers in the Gesäuse... details >

Invasion of non-indigenous carnivores in Austria — the current status of the raccoon (Procyon lotor)... Open Data

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Invasion of non-indigenous carnivores in Austria — the current status of the raccoon (Procyon lotor)... details >

Is grazing a selection factor for running beetle (Carabidae) in the national park Neusiedler See —... Open Data

In the present thesis, barrel beetles were collected by means of soil traps to Grazing forms and int

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Is grazing a selection factor for running beetle (Carabidae) in the national park Neusiedler See —... details >

Karst source monitoring — Moss recording Open Data

Karst source monitoring — Moss recording. Annual report 1603.03/1993, 12 pp., tab., no photos; also

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Karst source monitoring — Moss recording details >

kolenie rangerov NPDA — 269;as357; prepisov Nahrávanch protokolov Open Data

Certificate Course 2016 Austrian National Park Ranger (National Park Donau-Auen) — Tape Protocols (S

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kolenie rangerov NPDA — 269;as357; prepisov Nahrávanch protokolov details >

Cross-border target catalogue for management planning (2016) Open Data

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Cross-border target catalogue for management planning (2016) details >

Limnological-faunistic characterisation of karst springs, spring streams and subterranean waters... Open Data

Limnological-faunistic characterisation of karst springs, spring streams and subterranean waters acc

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Limnological-faunistic characterisation of karst springs, spring streams and subterranean waters... details >
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