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The life cycle assessment of passenger cars. Open Data

The life cycle assessment shows the climate compatibility of various passenger car drives. For this

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The life cycle assessment of passenger cars. details >

The life cycle assessment of heavy-duty vehicles and buses. Open Data

The life cycle assessment shows the climate compatibility of various technology and fuel options in

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The life cycle assessment of heavy-duty vehicles and buses. details >

Service instead of product Open Data

In recent years, innovative services have been developed to help to use and replace products more ef

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Service instead of product details >

Digital Agenda Vienna “Internet of Things” Ideas Collection Vienna Open Data

Collection of citizens’ suggestions on the topic “Internet of Things” on the idea platform www.digit

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Digital Agenda Vienna “Internet of Things” Ideas Collection Vienna details >

Digital working worlds design Podcast (Linz) Open Data

The Digital Innovation Hub ARBEITSWELT SME ( promotes future-oriented, sustainable working

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Digital working worlds design Podcast (Linz) details >

Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2003-2007 RGB — Styria Open Data

Digital color orthophotos 25 cm floor resolution RGB. Across the whole of Styria over the 2003-2007

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Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2003-2007 RGB — Styria details >

Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2008-2011 RGB + CIR — Styria Open Data

Digital color orthophotos 20 cm floor resolution RGB and CIR. Covering the whole of Styria throughou

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Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2008-2011 RGB + CIR — Styria details >

Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2011-2013 RGB + CIR — Styria Open Data

Digital color orthophotos 20 cm floor resolution RGB and CIR. Not nationwide across Styria over the

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Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2011-2013 RGB + CIR — Styria details >

Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2013-2015 RGB + CIR — Styria Open Data

Digital color orthophotos 20 cm floor resolution RGB and CIR. Covering the whole of Styria throughou

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Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2013-2015 RGB + CIR — Styria details >

Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2016-2018 RGB + CIR — Styria Open Data

Digital color orthophotos 20 cm floor resolution RGB and CIR. Covering the whole of Styria throughou

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Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2016-2018 RGB + CIR — Styria details >

Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2019-2021 RGB + CIR — Styria Open Data

Digital color orthophotos 20 cm floor resolution RGB and CIR. Across the whole of Styria over the 20

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Digital Orthophotos Flight Period 2019-2021 RGB + CIR — Styria details >

Digital Orthophotos Flight Period Current RGB + CIR — Styria Open Data

Digital color orthophotos 20 cm floor resolution RGB and CIR. Current flight period. Further informa

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Digital Orthophotos Flight Period Current RGB + CIR — Styria details >

Digital orthophotos — Metainformation on flight periods — Styria Open Data

Digital Orthophotos Styria — Metainformation on the flight periods.

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Digital orthophotos — Metainformation on flight periods — Styria details >

Digital Black and White Orthophotos Flight Period 1994-2001 — Styria Open Data

Digital black and white orthophotos 50 cm floor resolution. Covering the whole of Styria throughout

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Digital Black and White Orthophotos Flight Period 1994-2001 — Styria details >

Digital terrain model 10 meters — Burgenland Open Data

Comprehensive digital terrain model (DGM) of the Province of Burgenland. Generated from Airborne Las

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Digital terrain model 10 meters — Burgenland details >

Digital terrain model 1 m (DGM) Land Salzburg Open Data

Digital terrain model 1 m grid, derived from the latest Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) aircraft. The

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Digital terrain model 1 m (DGM) Land Salzburg details >

Digital terrain model 5 meters — Burgenland Open Data

Comprehensive digital terrain model (DGM) of the Province of Burgenland. Generated from Airborne Las

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Digital terrain model 5 meters — Burgenland details >

Digital terrain model 50 cm (TIF) Open Data

Digital terrain model as 0.5 m grid derived from the latest Airborne laser scanning (ALS) flights in

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Digital terrain model 50 cm (TIF) details >

Digital terrain model 50 cm (XYZ) Open Data

Digital terrain model as 0.5 m grid derived from the latest Airborne laser scanning (ALS) flights in

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Digital terrain model 50 cm (XYZ) details >

Digital terrain model — Airborne Laserscanning (ALS) — 1 m — Styria Open Data

Digital terrain height model made of Airborne Laser Scanner flyings. Filtered grid dataset with a fl

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Digital terrain model — Airborne Laserscanning (ALS) — 1 m — Styria details >

Digital surface model 1 m (DOM) Land Salzburg Open Data

Digital surface model 1 m grid, derived from the latest Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) aircraft. The

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Digital surface model 1 m (DOM) Land Salzburg details >

Digital surface model — 10 m Lower Austria Open Data

Digital surface model in a grid of 10x10 meters in the coordinate system EPSG:31259 as GeoTIFF Volu

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Digital surface model — 10 m Lower Austria details >

Digital surface model 50 cm (TIF) Open Data

Digital surface model as 0.5 m grid derived from the latest Airborne laser scanning (ALS) flights in

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Digital surface model 50 cm (TIF) details >

Digital surface model 50 cm (XYZ) Open Data

Digital surface model as 0.5 m grid derived from the latest Airborne laser scanning (ALS) flights in

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Digital surface model 50 cm (XYZ) details >

Digital Surface Model — Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) — 1 m — Styria Open Data

Digital surface model made of Airborne Laser Scanner flyings. Filtered raster record with a ground r

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Digital Surface Model — Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) — 1 m — Styria details >

Digitalisation in environmental technology. Open Data

Short version.

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Digitalisation in environmental technology. details >

2030 Climate and Energy Policy Goals Open Data

In its Communication on the 2020-2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policy, the European Commissi

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2030 Climate and Energy Policy Goals details >

Doc/Toc in the eluate of waste from the MBA Open Data

When accepting waste from mechanical-biological waste treatment (MBA) in a mass waste landfill, the

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Doc/Toc in the eluate of waste from the MBA details >

Documentation of measurement network planning Open Data

Air quality points shall be located at appropriate locations to provide representative and robust ai

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Documentation of measurement network planning details >

Average fuel consumption Vienna Open Data

Average fuel consumption of cars per 100 km

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Average fuel consumption Vienna details >

Effects of nitrogen and sulphur Deposition on forests and forest Biodiversity Open Data

Nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) emissions increased dramatically during the second half of the 20th cen

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Effects of nitrogen and sulphur Deposition on forests and forest Biodiversity details >

Efficient use of wood: Cascade versus combustion Open Data

Wood is one of the most important renewable raw materials for the substitution of fossil raw materia

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Efficient use of wood: Cascade versus combustion details >

Marriages Open Data

Number of marriages in Innsbruck since 1950

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Marriages details >

EIA NPP Khmelnitsky 3 & 4. Procedure 2019. Open Data

Final Expert Statement (Consultation Report).

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EIA NPP Khmelnitsky 3 & 4. Procedure 2019. details >

EIA NPP Khmelnitsky 3 & 4. Procedure 2019. Open Data

Expert statement.

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EIA NPP Khmelnitsky 3 & 4. Procedure 2019. details >

Ownership of the buildings (Linz) Open Data

Information on the number of buildings in the statistical districts and their ownership. Note: T

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Ownership of the buildings (Linz) details >

Aptitude test for the 2019 Gravimetric PM10 determination. Open Data

The Federal Environment Agency, in its function as a national EU reference laboratory, organised a c

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Aptitude test for the 2019 Gravimetric PM10 determination. details >

Fitness check for gravimetric PM2.5 — Determination 2018. Open Data

In its function as a national EU reference laboratory in Steyregg, Upper Austria, the Federal Enviro

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Fitness check for gravimetric PM2.5 — Determination 2018. details >

Fitness check for immission measurements 2018. Open Data

The report summarises the results of this aptitude test. Competence in the measurement of carbon mon

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Fitness check for immission measurements 2018. details >

Suitability of ash for the production of earth Open Data

The report of the Federal Environment Agency examines the possible use of ashes from biomass and coa

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Suitability of ash for the production of earth details >

Eigunug test for Gravimetric PM10 determination 2017/18 Open Data

In its function as a national EU reference laboratory in Steyregg, Upper Austria, the Federal Enviro

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Eigunug test for Gravimetric PM10 determination 2017/18 details >

An Adaptation Roadmap for the Austrian Road Infrastructure Open Data

In the Adaptation Roadmap, the Federal Environment Agency and the University of Graz describe 25 mea

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An Adaptation Roadmap for the Austrian Road Infrastructure details >

Impact of climate change on air quality. Open Data

In cooperation with the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), the Federal Enviro

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Impact of climate change on air quality. details >

Impact of point sources on air quality in Northeast Austria — final report Open Data

For the pollutants fine particulate matter (measured as PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), isolated s

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Impact of point sources on air quality in Northeast Austria — final report details >

Operations of the fire brigade of the City of Linz (Linz) Open Data

Number of fire brigade operations with the name of the operation, amount of damage to property and a

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Operations of the fire brigade of the City of Linz (Linz) details >

Catchment areas of the main waters of Styria Open Data

Catchment areas of the main waters

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Catchment areas of the main waters of Styria details >

Ice Age Drain Arrows Land Salzburg Open Data

Late Ice Age Lake History: Presentation of the change in the water network in different periods. Pe

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Ice Age Drain Arrows Land Salzburg details >

Ice Age Waters Land Salzburg Open Data

Late Ice Age Lake History: Presentation of the change in the water network in different periods. Pe

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Ice Age Waters Land Salzburg details >

Ice Age Flommfächer Land Salzburg Open Data

Late Ice Age Lake History: Presentation of the change in the water network in different periods. Pe

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Ice Age Flommfächer Land Salzburg details >

Ice Age Lakes Land Salzburg Open Data

Late Ice Age Lake History: Presentation of the change in the water network in different periods. Pe

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Ice Age Lakes Land Salzburg details >

Ice age glaciation Land Salzburg Open Data

Late Ice Age Lake History: Representation of the change of glaciation in different periods of time.

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Ice age glaciation Land Salzburg details >

Electric energy in Vienna by sector Vienna Open Data

Electric energy in Vienna by sector in GWh

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Electric energy in Vienna by sector Vienna details >

Heavy machinery spare parts in Austria Open Data

The study collected treatment facilities, technologies and capacities for waste electrical appliance

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Heavy machinery spare parts in Austria details >

Electromobility in Austria Open Data

Together with the Institute for Higher Studies, the Federal Environment Agency developed a discrete

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Electromobility in Austria details >

Electric mobility in Austria scenario 2020 and 2050 Open Data

The use of electric vehicles is currently the best technological option to achieve long-term carbon-

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Electric mobility in Austria scenario 2020 and 2050 details >

Electronic timetable information from LINZ AG LINIEN — target time (Linz) Open Data

Travel information and/or stop departure times by means of transport from LINZ AG LINIEN in Linz’s u

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Electronic timetable information from LINZ AG LINIEN — target time (Linz) details >

Eleventh Environmental Control Report Environmental Situation in Austria Open Data

By handing over the 2016 Environmental Control Report to the National Council, the Federal Environme

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Eleventh Environmental Control Report Environmental Situation in Austria details >

Emissions of district heating Vienna 2005 Open Data

Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions from the plant park of Fernwärme

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Emissions of district heating Vienna 2005 details >

Emissions of organic and inorganic substances from municipal waste water treatment plants Open Data

The report of the Federal Environment Agency examines more than 100 individual substances in the pro

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Emissions of organic and inorganic substances from municipal waste water treatment plants details >

Emissions of Austrian large combustion plants 1990-2004 Open Data

This report presents the results of the annual inventory of the Federal Environment Agency for steam

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Emissions of Austrian large combustion plants 1990-2004 details >

Emissions from hydrogen vehicles Open Data

Estimation of emissions from hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles. Hydrogen is used in the mineral oil an

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Emissions from hydrogen vehicles details >

Emission trends 1990-2004 Open Data

In Report, the Federal Environment Agency provides an overview of anthropogenic air pollutants in Au

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Emission trends 1990-2004 details >

Emission trends 1990-2005 Open Data

In Report, the Federal Environment Agency provides an overview of anthropogenic air pollutants in Au

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Emission trends 1990-2005 details >

Emission trends 1990-2006 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2006” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the em

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Emission trends 1990-2006 details >

Emission trends 1990-2007 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2007” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the an

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Emission trends 1990-2007 details >

Emission trends 1990-2008 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2008” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the an

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Emission trends 1990-2008 details >

Emission trends 1990-2009 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2009”, the Federal Environment Agency provides an overview of an

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Emission trends 1990-2009 details >

Emission trends 1990-2010 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2010” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the an

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Emission trends 1990-2010 details >

Emission trends 1990-2011 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2011” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the an

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Emission trends 1990-2011 details >

Emission trends 1990-2012 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2012” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the an

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Emission trends 1990-2012 details >

Emission trends 1990-2013 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2013” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the an

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Emission trends 1990-2013 details >

Emission trends 1990-2014 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2014”, the Federal Environment Agency provides an overview of an

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Emission trends 1990-2014 details >

Emission trends 1990-2015 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2015” the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the an

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Emission trends 1990-2015 details >

Emission trends 1990-2016 Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2016”, the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the a

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Emission trends 1990-2016 details >

Emission trends 1990-2017. Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2017”, the Federal Environment Agency provides an overview of th

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Emission trends 1990-2017. details >

Emission trends 1990-2018. Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2018”, the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the a

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Emission trends 1990-2018. details >

Emission trends 1990-2019. Open Data

In the report “Emissionstrends 1990-2019”, the Federal Environment Agency gives an overview of the a

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Emission trends 1990-2019. details >

Emission behavior of SUV — Sport Utility Vehicles Open Data

For years, new registrations of SUVs and off-road vehicles have been increasing sharply. The higher

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Emission behavior of SUV — Sport Utility Vehicles details >

Endemiten in Austria Open Data

150 plant and 575 animal species are found worldwide only in Austria — they are unique treasures: th

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Endemiten in Austria details >

Final energy versus renewable energy with import and waste heat Vienna Open Data

Final energy versus renewable energy with import and waste heat according to energy balance

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Final energy versus renewable energy with import and waste heat Vienna details >

Final energy consumption in terms of value added by Länder Austria Open Data

Final energy consumption in terms of value added by Länder in MWh/million euro

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Final energy consumption in terms of value added by Länder Austria details >

Final energy consumption of land transport Vienna Open Data

Final energy consumption of land transport in Vienna by energy source in GWh

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Final energy consumption of land transport Vienna details >

Final energy consumption of public transport Vienna Open Data

Final energy consumption of public transport in Vienna by energy source in GWh

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Final energy consumption of public transport Vienna details >

Final energy consumption for space heating, hot water and air conditioning Vienna Open Data

Annual final energy consumption in Vienna for space heating, hot water and air conditioning accordin

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Final energy consumption for space heating, hot water and air conditioning Vienna details >

Final energy consumption in the magistrate by departments Vienna Open Data

Annual final energy consumption in the magistrate in Vienna by department in GWh

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Final energy consumption in the magistrate by departments Vienna details >

Final energy consumption in the magistrate by energy source Vienna Open Data

Annual final energy consumption in the magistrate in Vienna by energy source in GWh

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Final energy consumption in the magistrate by energy source Vienna details >

Final energy consumption by applications Vienna Open Data

Annual final energy consumption in Vienna by applications in GWh

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Final energy consumption by applications Vienna details >

Final energy consumption by consumer sector and use Vienna Open Data

Final energy consumption in Vienna by consumer sector and use in GWh

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Final energy consumption by consumer sector and use Vienna details >

Final energy consumption by use Vienna Open Data

Annual final energy consumption in Vienna by use in GWh

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Final energy consumption by use Vienna details >

Final energy consumption of households per capita by Länder Austria Open Data

Final energy consumption of households in kWh/capita by Länder

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Final energy consumption of households per capita by Länder Austria details >

Final energy consumption per capita for space heating, hot water and air conditioning Vienna Open Data

Final energy consumption per capita in Vienna for space heating, hot water and air conditioning in k

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Final energy consumption per capita for space heating, hot water and air conditioning Vienna details >

Final energy consumption per capita by Länder Austria Open Data

Final energy consumption in kWh/capita by federal states

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Final energy consumption per capita by Länder Austria details >

Final energy consumption per capita by sector Vienna Open Data

Final energy consumption per capita in kWh/capita in Vienna by sector

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Final energy consumption per capita by sector Vienna details >

Energy balance and costs VOC reduction in the sheet industry Open Data

The study complements the report of the Federal Environment Agency on the state of the art for the c

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Energy balance and costs VOC reduction in the sheet industry details >

Energy-efficient cooling systems Open Data

In many industrial sectors, cooling systems are used for the removal of process heat. The choice of

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Energy-efficient cooling systems details >

Energy Savings EcobusinessPlan by Applications Vienna Open Data

Energy savings supported by the ÖkobusinessPlan Vienna by application

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Energy Savings EcobusinessPlan by Applications Vienna details >

EcobusinessPlan Vienna by Programme Years Vienna Open Data

Energy savings supported by the ÖkobusinessPlan Vienna by programme years

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EcobusinessPlan Vienna by Programme Years Vienna details >

Energy imports to Vienna Open Data

Annual energy imports into Vienna by energy source in GWh

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Energy imports to Vienna details >

Energy concept of the Czech Republic Open Data

In accordance with Article 7 of Directive (2001/42/EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council

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Energy concept of the Czech Republic details >

Energy policy Poland until 2040. Strategic Environmental Assessment. Open Data

Consultation report and final technical opinion.

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Energy policy Poland until 2040. Strategic Environmental Assessment. details >
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