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Revenue of orchestras or choirs, Slovenia, 2004-2015 Open Data

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Revenue of orchestras or choirs, Slovenia, 2004-2015 details >

Type of employment in museums, museum collections, galleries or exhibition grounds, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Type of employment in museums, museum collections, galleries or exhibition grounds, Slovenia,... details >

Average number of visitors per exhibition in museums and exhibition grounds, cohesion regions,... Open Data

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Average number of visitors per exhibition in museums and exhibition grounds, cohesion regions,... details >

Visitors to exhibitions in museums and exhibition grounds [% by Slovenia], cohesion regions,... Open Data

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Visitors to exhibitions in museums and exhibition grounds [% by Slovenia], cohesion regions,... details >

Institutions with museum or gallery activity by status, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Institutions with museum or gallery activity by status, Slovenia, annually details >

Employed persons in museums and galleries, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Employed persons in museums and galleries, Slovenia, annually details >

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of museum and gallery activities compared to... Open Data

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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of museum and gallery activities compared to... details >

Educational activity in institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Educational activity in institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of employees providing health care and social and basic care services in special social care... Open Data

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Number of employees providing health care and social and basic care services in special social care... details >

Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, crime and main criminal sanction, Slovenia, 2006-2013 Open Data

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Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, crime and main criminal sanction, Slovenia, 2006-2013 details >

Minors against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been completed by... Open Data

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Minors against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been completed by... details >

Legal persons recognised as responsible by NACE activity, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Legal persons recognised as responsible by NACE activity, Slovenia, annually details >

Fixed capital formation by groups of fixed assets and municipalities (EUR 1 000), Slovenia,... Open Data

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Fixed capital formation by groups of fixed assets and municipalities (EUR 1 000), Slovenia,... details >

Turnover by registered office or residence of customers by activity and size by number of persons... Open Data

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Turnover by registered office or residence of customers by activity and size by number of persons... details >

Basic indicators of demography of enterprises with at least one employed person by activity (NACE... Open Data

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Basic indicators of demography of enterprises with at least one employed person by activity (NACE... details >

Business operations by activity (NACE Rev. 2), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Business operations by activity (NACE Rev. 2), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Agricultural input price indices [year/average in 2010], Slovenia, 2000-2017 Open Data

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Agricultural input price indices [year/average in 2010], Slovenia, 2000-2017 details >

Volume of work invested in annual work units [AWU] by size classes of utilised agricultural area... Open Data

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Volume of work invested in annual work units [AWU] by size classes of utilised agricultural area... details >

Own agricultural machinery and equipment, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

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Own agricultural machinery and equipment, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Agricultural holdings by size classes of number of bovine animals, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

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Agricultural holdings by size classes of number of bovine animals, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of broilers, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

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Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of broilers, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Number of pigs, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Number of pigs, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Total and agricultural land of agricultural holdings by cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

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Total and agricultural land of agricultural holdings by cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LU and AFS by size classes of economic size and cohesion... Open Data

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Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LU and AFS by size classes of economic size and cohesion... details >

Employment in agriculture measured in annual labour units [thousand AWR], Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Employment in agriculture measured in annual labour units [thousand AWR], Slovenia, annually details >

Production of organic crop products (t), by major groups of agricultural crops, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Production of organic crop products (t), by major groups of agricultural crops, Slovenia, annually details >

Balance of production and consumption of cereals (1 000 t), marketing year, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Balance of production and consumption of cereals (1 000 t), marketing year, Slovenia, annually details >

Supply of unprocessed forestry products by type of activity (1 000 m³ with crust), Slovenia,... Open Data

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Supply of unprocessed forestry products by type of activity (1 000 m³ with crust), Slovenia,... details >

Sanitary logging (m³), Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Sanitary logging (m³), Slovenia, annually details >

Industrial production indices (month/average 2015) by technological complexity (NIP 2008) in... Open Data

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Industrial production indices (month/average 2015) by technological complexity (NIP 2008) in... details >

Natural gas prices for non-household customers, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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Natural gas prices for non-household customers, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Prices for natural gas for household customers, Slovenia, half-yearly Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

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Prices for natural gas for household customers, Slovenia, half-yearly details >

Prices for natural gas for household customers, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Prices for natural gas for household customers, Slovenia, annually details >

Production and actual power in power plants — main activity, autoproducers and small-scale private... Open Data

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Production and actual power in power plants — main activity, autoproducers and small-scale private... details >

Assessment of completed housing — selected indicators, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Assessment of completed housing — selected indicators, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Assessment of housing stock, dwellings by number of rooms and area, according to the 2011 census... Open Data

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Assessment of housing stock, dwellings by number of rooms and area, according to the 2011 census... details >

Nominal income indices in services (month/average 2015) by group of activities (NACE Rev. 2008),... Open Data

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Nominal income indices in services (month/average 2015) by group of activities (NACE Rev. 2008),... details >

Number of vessels at sea by type and length, Slovenia, 2000-2010 Open Data

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Number of vessels at sea by type and length, Slovenia, 2000-2010 details >

Foreign tourists and overnight stays by countries from which they travelled, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Foreign tourists and overnight stays by countries from which they travelled, Slovenia, annually details >

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

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Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, Slovenia, monthly details >

Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by accommodation establishments,... Open Data

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Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by accommodation establishments,... details >

Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists by groups of accommodation... Open Data

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Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists by groups of accommodation... details >

Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and sex (in 1000), Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and sex (in 1000), Slovenia, quarterly details >

Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and by monthly net income (in 1000),... Open Data

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Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and by monthly net income (in 1000),... details >

Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and by degree of urbanisation (in 1000),... Open Data

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Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and by degree of urbanisation (in 1000),... details >

Residents of Slovenia who have not taken part in private trips by main reason for non-departure and... Open Data

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Residents of Slovenia who have not taken part in private trips by main reason for non-departure and... details >

Private trips by destination and main reason for travel, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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Private trips by destination and main reason for travel, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Private trips by destination and age of tourists, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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Private trips by destination and age of tourists, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Tourist trips by destination of the trip, type of accommodation and structure of expenditure,... Open Data

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Tourist trips by destination of the trip, type of accommodation and structure of expenditure,... details >

Tourist trips abroad by the most visited European countries, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Tourist trips abroad by the most visited European countries, Slovenia, annually details >

Private trips by destination and destination, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Private trips by destination and destination, Slovenia, annually details >

One-day trips abroad by type of trip, Slovenia, 2012Q1-2020Q4 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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One-day trips abroad by type of trip, Slovenia, 2012Q1-2020Q4 details >

Foreign tourists by type of municipalities and opinions on the amount of expenditure, by selected... Open Data

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Foreign tourists by type of municipalities and opinions on the amount of expenditure, by selected... details >

Number of foreign transit passengers who left Slovenia at road border crossing points, by country of... Open Data

This database automatically contains metadata, the source of which is the REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATIS

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Number of foreign transit passengers who left Slovenia at road border crossing points, by country of... details >

Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign one-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border... Open Data

This database automatically contains metadata from which the REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIJE STATISTIČN REPUBL

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Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign one-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border... details >

Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign one-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border... Open Data

This database automatically contains metadata from which the REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIJE STATISTIČN REPUBL

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Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign one-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border... details >

Road goods transport, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Road goods transport, Slovenia, annually details >

Road goods transport by statistical region of interpretation, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Road goods transport by statistical region of interpretation, Slovenia, annually details >

Maritime goods transport, Slovenia, 2001M01-2012M12 Open Data

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Maritime goods transport, Slovenia, 2001M01-2012M12 details >

Urban public regular passenger transport, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Urban public regular passenger transport, Slovenia, annually details >

Urban passenger transport [old methodology], Slovenia, 2002-2011 Open Data

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Urban passenger transport [old methodology], Slovenia, 2002-2011 details >

Road traffic accident participants by types of participants, Slovenia, 2003-2014 Open Data

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Road traffic accident participants by types of participants, Slovenia, 2003-2014 details >

Daily number of trips by purpose and time of start of the route, Slovenia, multi-annually Open Data

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Daily number of trips by purpose and time of start of the route, Slovenia, multi-annually details >

Daily number of routes by purpose and distance, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

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Daily number of routes by purpose and distance, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Average distance per person per day by type of day, spatial typology of the Union (functional urban... Open Data

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Average distance per person per day by type of day, spatial typology of the Union (functional urban... details >

Time spent on journeys in one year, per working day and non-working day by purpose (min), Slovenia,... Open Data

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Time spent on journeys in one year, per working day and non-working day by purpose (min), Slovenia,... details >

Reasons for the population of Slovenia (15-84 years) not to use public transport on a daily basis,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Reasons for the population of Slovenia (15-84 years) not to use public transport on a daily basis,... details >

Number of enterprises with the largest market in terms of turnover, by type of geographic market, by... Open Data

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Number of enterprises with the largest market in terms of turnover, by type of geographic market, by... details >

Number of enterprises by source of public support and use of public finance for innovation... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of enterprises by source of public support and use of public finance for innovation... details >

Number of enterprises by impact of factor on the establishment of innovation activity, by NACE... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of enterprises by impact of factor on the establishment of innovation activity, by NACE... details >

Number of enterprises engaged in innovation activities and the cost of these activities (EUR 1 000),... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of enterprises engaged in innovation activities and the cost of these activities (EUR 1 000),... details >

Number of innovation-active enterprises that identified each source of information as very important... Open Data

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Number of innovation-active enterprises that identified each source of information as very important... details >

Number of innovation active enterprises by importance of partner (partner) for cooperation and... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Number of innovation active enterprises by importance of partner (partner) for cooperation and... details >

R & D personnel by occupation and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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R & D personnel by occupation and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Gross domestic expenditure on R & D by sectors of implementation and fields of science (EUR... Open Data

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Gross domestic expenditure on R & D by sectors of implementation and fields of science (EUR... details >

Gross domestic R & D expenditure (EUR 1 000) by sector of performance and type of costs,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Gross domestic R & D expenditure (EUR 1 000) by sector of performance and type of costs,... details >

Gross domestic expenditure on R & D (EUR 1 000) by sector of performance and type of research,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Gross domestic expenditure on R & D (EUR 1 000) by sector of performance and type of research,... details >

Structure of exports and imports by type of ownership and activity of exporters and importers,... Open Data

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Structure of exports and imports by type of ownership and activity of exporters and importers,... details >

Exports and imports by 2-digit Combined Nomenclature code and by country, Slovenia, annually... Open Data

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Exports and imports by 2-digit Combined Nomenclature code and by country, Slovenia, annually... details >

Irrigation water by water sources [1 000 m³], Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Irrigation water by water sources [1 000 m³], Slovenia, annually details >

Composition of exports of substances to non-EU-28 countries (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, 1995-2020 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Composition of exports of substances to non-EU-28 countries (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, 1995-2020 details >

Water supplied from public water supply [1 000 m³] by river basins, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Water supplied from public water supply [1 000 m³] by river basins, Slovenia, annually details >

Water supply to enterprises by type of supply (1 000 m³), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Water supply to enterprises by type of supply (1 000 m³), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Waste water in industry by city of discharge and type of water (1 000 m³), Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Waste water in industry by city of discharge and type of water (1 000 m³), Slovenia, annually details >

Waste water in industry by city of discharge (1 000 m³), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Waste water in industry by city of discharge (1 000 m³), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Internet access by status of user and type of access, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Internet access by status of user and type of access, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Contracted speeds of internet connections in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Contracted speeds of internet connections in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by... details >

Electronic data exchange between enterprises in the financial sector with 10 or more persons... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

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Electronic data exchange between enterprises in the financial sector with 10 or more persons... details >

Electronic exchange of information within enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Electronic exchange of information within enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of... details >

Electronic purchases in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Electronic purchases in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by... details >

Development of websites in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Development of websites in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise... details >

Number of individuals by purpose of Internet use by internet users, by education and sex, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of individuals by purpose of Internet use by internet users, by education and sex, Slovenia,... details >

Number of individuals by purpose of Internet usage by internet users, by status of activity,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of individuals by purpose of Internet usage by internet users, by status of activity,... details >

Internet access devices that regular internet users would miss most if they were no longer able to... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Internet access devices that regular internet users would miss most if they were no longer able to... details >

Importance of access to the Internet at any time and anywhere by regular Internet users, by status... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Importance of access to the Internet at any time and anywhere by regular Internet users, by status... details >

Number of individuals by reason for not submitting electronic forms via websites of public... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of individuals by reason for not submitting electronic forms via websites of public... details >

Number of individuals by number of online purchases of physical products made in the last 3 months,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of individuals by number of online purchases of physical products made in the last 3 months,... details >

Number of individuals by mobile phone usage purposes and activity status, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of individuals by mobile phone usage purposes and activity status, Slovenia, annually details >

Purpose of Internet usage by regular internet users, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007-2014 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Purpose of Internet usage by regular internet users, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007-2014 details >

Purpose of Internet usage by regular Internet users, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007-2014 Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Purpose of Internet usage by regular Internet users, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007-2014 details >
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