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Cultural facilities in the Municipality of Kamnik Open Data

List of cultural objects in the municipality of Kamnik.

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Cultural facilities in the Municipality of Kamnik details >

International treaties Open Data

Slovenia is a party to a number of bilateral and multilateral treaties in the field of nuclear safet

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International treaties details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Črenšovci Open Data

Records of accommodation facilities in the municipality of Črenšovci.

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Črenšovci details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Dobrovnik Open Data

Records of accommodation facilities in the municipality of Dobrovnik.

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Dobrovnik details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Puconci Open Data

Records of accommodation facilities in the municipality of Puconci.

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Puconci details >

Unresolved cases at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

Initiatives and requests for review of constitutionality that are still pending before the Constitut

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Unresolved cases at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia details >

Indicators by municipalities — Death, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Indicators by municipalities — Death, Slovenia, annually details >

Deaths by primary cause of death (MKB-10, chapters I-XIX), sex and age groups, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Deaths by primary cause of death (MKB-10, chapters I-XIX), sex and age groups, Slovenia, annually details >

Deaths by external cause of death (MKB-10, chapters I-XIX) and sex, detailed, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTI

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Deaths by external cause of death (MKB-10, chapters I-XIX) and sex, detailed, Slovenia, annually details >

1.3.3 Annual incidence of amputation above the ankle in patients with SB, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTR

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1.3.3 Annual incidence of amputation above the ankle in patients with SB, Slovenia, annually details >

1.4.1 Patients with diabetes among dialysis patients, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH I

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1.4.1 Patients with diabetes among dialysis patients, Slovenia, annually details >

1.5.1 Standardised diabetes mortality rate, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITY and corres

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1.5.1 Standardised diabetes mortality rate, Slovenia, annually details >

2.2.7 Patients with SB aged up to 18 years who have received ampoules for insulin pump, Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTI

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2.2.7 Patients with SB aged up to 18 years who have received ampoules for insulin pump, Slovenia,... details >

Rate of hospitalisations due to illness (per 1000 inhabitants), by statistical regions, age and sex,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Rate of hospitalisations due to illness (per 1000 inhabitants), by statistical regions, age and sex,... details >

Average duration of hospitalisation due to illness, in days, by age groups and sex, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Average duration of hospitalisation due to illness, in days, by age groups and sex, Slovenia,... details >

Sickness stock indicators by sex and economic activities (NACE), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTEM

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Sickness stock indicators by sex and economic activities (NACE), Slovenia, annually details >

Healthy life years by sex, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Healthy life years by sex, Slovenia, annually details >

Number and rate of observed diseases and conditions at primary level by chapters BKB-10-AM and sex,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Number and rate of observed diseases and conditions at primary level by chapters BKB-10-AM and sex,... details >

First curative visits at home in the activities of patronage health care, age groups, health... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INŠTITUT FOR PUBLIC

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First curative visits at home in the activities of patronage health care, age groups, health... details >

Age-specific fertility (number of live births per 1000 women of childbearing age) by statistical... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Age-specific fertility (number of live births per 1000 women of childbearing age) by statistical... details >

Number of hospital beds, by activity of hospitals, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Number of hospital beds, by activity of hospitals, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of hospital beds by type of hospital treatment, Slovenia, annually — ECHI Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Number of hospital beds by type of hospital treatment, Slovenia, annually — ECHI details >

Number of hospital beds, by type of hospital treatment and statistical regions of hospitals,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Number of hospital beds, by type of hospital treatment and statistical regions of hospitals,... details >

Employees by type of specialisation and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTEM

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Employees by type of specialisation and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of GBS cases by statistical regions, BCC chapters (main diagnosis) and sex, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLI

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Number of GBS cases by statistical regions, BCC chapters (main diagnosis) and sex, Slovenia,... details >

Number of days and average number of days of acute JTF by sex and secondment/state upon completion... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Number of days and average number of days of acute JTF by sex and secondment/state upon completion... details >

Number of days and average number of days of acute JTF treatment by sex and MDC chapters, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INS

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Number of days and average number of days of acute JTF treatment by sex and MDC chapters, Slovenia,... details >

Sterilisations (number and rates) by sex, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTEM

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Sterilisations (number and rates) by sex, Slovenia, annually details >

Responsiveness in the SVIT programme, by gender and by region, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLI

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Responsiveness in the SVIT programme, by gender and by region, Slovenia, annually details >

Municipality of Makole — Sports Associations Open Data

The database shows a list of sports associations established and operating in the municipality of Ma

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Municipality of Makole — Sports Associations details >

Municipality of Rogaška Slatina — hiking trails Open Data

The database shows a list and a brief description of hiking trails in the area of the Municipality o

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Municipality of Rogaška Slatina — hiking trails details >

Municipality Rogaška Slatina — Sports facilities Open Data


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Municipality Rogaška Slatina — Sports facilities details >

Municipal roads in the municipality of Veržej Open Data

Register of data on municipal roads in the municipality of Veržej in the Collective Catalogue of the

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Municipal roads in the municipality of Veržej details >

Municipal buildings in the municipality of Vuzenica Open Data

The collection collects data on municipal buildings in the municipality of Vuzenica.

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Municipal buildings in the municipality of Vuzenica details >

Municipal Spatial Plan (OPN) of the Municipality of Šmarje pri Jelšah Open Data

Municipal Spatial Plan (OPN) of the Municipality of Šmarje pri Jelšah

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Municipal Spatial Plan (OPN) of the Municipality of Šmarje pri Jelšah details >

Invasion area in the Municipality of Lukovica Open Data

Invasion area in the Municipality of Lukovica

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Invasion area in the Municipality of Lukovica details >

Children’s playgrounds Open Data

Children’s playgrounds owned by the municipality.

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Children’s playgrounds details >

Cycling routes in the municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec Open Data

Municipality OF GOODVA-Polhov GRADEC — cycling routes in the municipality.

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Cycling routes in the municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec Open Data

Municipality DOGROVA-Polhov GRADEC — municipal sports facilities in the municipality.

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec details >

Reports to the European Commission under Council Directive 2009/71/EURATOM establishing a Community... Open Data

Article 9 of Council Directive 2009/71/EURATOM of 25 June 2009 establishing a Community framework fo

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Reports to the European Commission under Council Directive 2009/71/EURATOM establishing a Community... details >

R Register of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

The register is kept for various matters.

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R Register of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia details >

Register of data collection organisations in equine competitions Open Data

Database of approved data collection organisations in equine competitions.

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Register of data collection organisations in equine competitions details >

Register of breeds with zootechnical assessment Open Data

Data by species and breeds of domestic animals

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Register of breeds with zootechnical assessment details >

Register of Radiation Activities Open Data

The register of radiation activities in the field of industry and research is kept by the Nuclear Sa

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Register of Radiation Activities details >

Register of Driving Schools Open Data

The Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Traffic Safety keeps a register of driving schools

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Register of Driving Schools details >

Register of testing stations (cattles, horses, small ruminants, pigs and bees) Open Data

Database of approved testing stations (bovine animals, horses, small ruminants, pigs and bees).

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Register of testing stations (cattles, horses, small ruminants, pigs and bees) details >

Registered cultural heritage in the municipality of Dravograd Open Data

Units of registered cultural heritage in the area of the municipality of Dravograd, as covered by th

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Registered cultural heritage in the municipality of Dravograd details >

List of cultural societies in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi Open Data

The collection contains a list of cultural societies in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi. The li

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List of cultural societies in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi details >

List of cultural facilities in the municipality of Apače Open Data

List of cultural facilities in the municipality of Apače. Records of real estate that make up the pu

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List of cultural facilities in the municipality of Apače details >

List of the most visited tourist interest points in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi Open Data

The database covers the most visited points of tourist interest for the year 2020-2021. The number o

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List of the most visited tourist interest points in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi details >

List of tourist associations in the municipality of Šentrupert Open Data

List of tourist associations in the municipality of Šentrupert.

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List of tourist associations in the municipality of Šentrupert details >

Sports and Recreational Associations in the Municipality of Radenci Open Data

Sports and recreational societies in the municipality of Radenci.

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Sports and Recreational Associations in the Municipality of Radenci details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Radlje ob Dravi Open Data

The collection collects data on sports facilities in the municipality of Radlje ob Dravi.

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Radlje ob Dravi details >

Su Register of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

The register is kept for court administration matters.

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Su Register of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia details >

Average annual and monthly precipitation [mm], Slovenia, 1981-2014 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Average annual and monthly precipitation [mm], Slovenia, 1981-2014 details >

Expenditure structure of GDP, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Expenditure structure of GDP, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Gross capital formation by industry and by type (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Gross capital formation by industry and by type (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually details >

Exports and imports of goods and services, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Exports and imports of goods and services, Slovenia, annually details >

Table of supply at basic prices with switch to customer prices, current prices and previous year’s... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

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Table of supply at basic prices with switch to customer prices, current prices and previous year’s... details >

Consumption table at customer prices, current prices and previous year’s constant prices, NACE/CPA... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Consumption table at customer prices, current prices and previous year’s constant prices, NACE/CPA... details >

Symmetric input-output table for domestic production at basic prices, product by product, current... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

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Symmetric input-output table for domestic production at basic prices, product by product, current... details >

Number of employees directly related to tourism and total number of employees, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number of employees directly related to tourism and total number of employees, Slovenia,... details >

Distribution of household incomes by types of households (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Distribution of household incomes by types of households (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannually details >

Number of inhabitants and natural population trends, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Number of inhabitants and natural population trends, Slovenia, annually details >

Population — selected indicators by type of area, Slovenia, 2011-2014 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population — selected indicators by type of area, Slovenia, 2011-2014 details >

Stocking density and femininity index, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Stocking density and femininity index, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly details >

Basic data on live births, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic data on live births, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Women aged 15 or more by number of live births and age groups, cohesion regions, Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Women aged 15 or more by number of live births and age groups, cohesion regions, Slovenia,... details >

Life expectancy at birth by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Life expectancy at birth by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Marriages by age groups of groom and bride, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Marriages by age groups of groom and bride, Slovenia, annually details >

Basic data on divorces, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic data on divorces, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Households, settlements, Slovenia, 2002 census Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Households, settlements, Slovenia, 2002 census details >

Population by five-year age groups, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002 Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population by five-year age groups, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002 details >

Active — daily migrants by municipality of residence and municipality of work, municipalities,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Active — daily migrants by municipality of residence and municipality of work, municipalities,... details >

Dwellings by area and number of rooms, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 census Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Dwellings by area and number of rooms, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 census details >

Dwellings by year of last renovation, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Dwellings by year of last renovation, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002 details >

Households by type and number of members, number of active members and number of members of selected... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Households by type and number of members, number of active members and number of members of selected... details >

Persons in employment by activity, sex and education, statistical regions of work, Slovenia, 2002... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Persons in employment by activity, sex and education, statistical regions of work, Slovenia, 2002... details >

Average monthly earnings (EUR) in the public and private sectors by level of education and gender,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Average monthly earnings (EUR) in the public and private sectors by level of education and gender,... details >

Employees by type of employment relationship, by age groups, sex and cohesion regions (in 1000),... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Employees by type of employment relationship, by age groups, sex and cohesion regions (in 1000),... details >

Persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of residence, Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of residence, Slovenia,... details >

Number of occupied dwellings by useful area and population, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Number of occupied dwellings by useful area and population, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually details >

At-risk-of-poverty rate, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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At-risk-of-poverty rate, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Severe material deprivation rate, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Severe material deprivation rate, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Possession of selected goods, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Possession of selected goods, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

How households survive on their income, by household type, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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How households survive on their income, by household type, Slovenia, annually details >

The burden on households of purchases by instalments or other non-residential loans, by household... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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The burden on households of purchases by instalments or other non-residential loans, by household... details >

Share of persons aged 25-59 (%) by selected indicators of poverty and social exclusion and by... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Share of persons aged 25-59 (%) by selected indicators of poverty and social exclusion and by... details >

Share of persons aged 25-59 (%) by their current educational attainment and activity status of... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Share of persons aged 25-59 (%) by their current educational attainment and activity status of... details >

Pupils in basic school programmes by classes, type of enrolment, age and sex, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Pupils in basic school programmes by classes, type of enrolment, age and sex, Slovenia, annually details >

Primary schools by type of programme, organisational form, number of departments and pupils in them,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Primary schools by type of programme, organisational form, number of departments and pupils in them,... details >

Pupils enrolled in the regular primary school programme by success, cohesion and statistical... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Pupils enrolled in the regular primary school programme by success, cohesion and statistical... details >

Consumption in educational institutions, by level of education, by type of spending (EUR 1 000),... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Consumption in educational institutions, by level of education, by type of spending (EUR 1 000),... details >

Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by criminal offence and by length of proceedings from the... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by criminal offence and by length of proceedings from the... details >

Basic indicators of enterprise demography by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and enterprise size by number of... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic indicators of enterprise demography by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and enterprise size by number of... details >

Enterprises by municipalities and size by number of persons employed, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF REPUBLIC O

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Enterprises by municipalities and size by number of persons employed, Slovenia, annually details >

Grape production in vineyards (ha, number of vines, t, t/ha, kg/th), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Grape production in vineyards (ha, number of vines, t, t/ha, kg/th), Slovenia, annually details >

Average yield (t/ha) of major agricultural crops, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Average yield (t/ha) of major agricultural crops, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Bought-in cow’s milk and dairy products production in dairies, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Bought-in cow’s milk and dairy products production in dairies, Slovenia, annually details >

Agricultural education and annual working power of managers on family farms, Slovenia, 2000, 2003,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

Issued on

Agricultural education and annual working power of managers on family farms, Slovenia, 2000, 2003,... details >
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