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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Oplotnica Open Data

Municipality Oplotnica — register of green and public areas managed by the Municipality of Oplotnica

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Oplotnica details >

Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji Open Data

Municipality Rečica ob Savinji — register of green and public areas managed by the municipality Reči

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji details >

Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica Open Data

Municipality Slovenska Bistrica — register of green and public areas in the municipality of Slovensk

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica details >

Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice Open Data

Municipality Slovenske Konjice — register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of S

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice details >

Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki Open Data

Municipality ŠMARTNO OB PAKI — register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of Šma

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki details >

Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Solčava Open Data

Municipality Solčava — register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of Solčava.

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Solčava details >

Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Vitanje Open Data

Municipality Vitanje — register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of Vitanje.

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Vitanje details >

Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Zreče Open Data

Municipality of Zreče — register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of Zreče.

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Register of green and public areas in the municipality of Zreče details >

Register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of Nazarje Open Data

Municipality of NAZARJE — register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of Nazarje.

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Register of green and public areas managed by the municipality of Nazarje details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Gornji Grad Open Data

Municipality Gornji Grad — dedicated use of the implementation part of the municipal spatial plan of

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Gornji Grad details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Ljubno Open Data

Municipality of LJUBNO — dedicated use of the implementation part of the Municipal Spatial Planning

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Ljubno details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Mozirje Open Data

Municipality of Mozirje — dedicated use of the implementation part of the municipal spatial plan of

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Mozirje details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Nazarje Open Data

Municipality of NAZARJE — dedicated use of the implementation part of the municipal spatial plan.

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Nazarje details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Oplotnica Open Data

Municipality Oplotnica — dedicated use of the implementation part of the municipal spatial plan of t

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Oplotnica details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji Open Data

Municipality Rečica ob Savinji — dedicated use of the implementation part of the municipal spatial p

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice Open Data

Municipality Slovenske Konjice — dedicated use of the implementation part of the Municipal Spatial P

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Vitanje Open Data

Municipality Vitanje — dedicated use of the implementation part of the municipal spatial plan.

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Vitanje details >

Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Zreče Open Data

Municipality of Zreče — dedicated use of the implementation part of the municipal spatial plan of th

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Municipal spatial plan in the municipality of Zreče details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipalities of Nazarje Open Data

Municipality of NAZARJE — axes of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Nazarje.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipalities of Nazarje details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Gornji Grad Open Data

Municipality Gornji Grad — axes of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Gornji G

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Gornji Grad details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Ljubno Open Data

Municipality of LJUBNO — axes of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Ljubno.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Ljubno details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Luče Open Data

Municipality of Luče — axes of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Luče.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Luče details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Mozirje Open Data

Municipality of Mozirje — axis of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the Municipality of Mozirje.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Mozirje details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Oplotnica Open Data

Municipality Oplotnica — axes of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the Municipality of Oplotnica.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Oplotnica details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji Open Data

Municipality Rečica ob Savinji — axis of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality Rečic

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica Open Data

Municipality Slovenska Bistrica — axis of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by municipality Slovensk

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice Open Data

Municipality Slovenske Konjice — axis of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by municipality Slovenske

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki Open Data

Municipality ŠMARTNO OB PAKI — axles of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Šma

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Solčava Open Data

Municipality Solčava — axis of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the Municipality of Solčava.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Solčava details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Vitanje Open Data

Municipality Vitanje — axes of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Vitanje.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Vitanje details >

Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Zreče Open Data

Municipality of Zreče — axis of municipal roads from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Zreče.

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Axes of municipal roads in the municipality of Zreče details >

Sidewalks in the municipality of Gornji Grad Open Data

Municipality Gornji Grad — location of pavements in the municipality.

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Sidewalks in the municipality of Gornji Grad details >

Pavements in the municipality of Ljubno Open Data

Municipality LJUBNO — location of pavements in the municipality.

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Pavements in the municipality of Ljubno details >

Pavements in the municipality of Luče Open Data

Municipality of Luče — location of pavements in the municipality.

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Pavements in the municipality of Luče details >

Pavements in the Municipality of Mozirje Open Data

Municipality of Mozirje — location of pavements in the municipality.

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Pavements in the Municipality of Mozirje details >

Pavements in the Municipality of Nazarje Open Data

Municipality NAZARJE — sidewalks in the municipality (source Municipality, BCP).

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Pavements in the Municipality of Nazarje details >

Pavements in the Municipality of Oplotnica Open Data

Municipality Oplotnica — location of pavements in the municipality.

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Pavements in the Municipality of Oplotnica details >

Sidewalks in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji Open Data

Municipality Rečica ob Savinji — location of sidewalks in the municipality.

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Sidewalks in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji details >

Sidewalks in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica Open Data

Municipality Slovenska Bistrica — location of pavements in the municipality from BCP base.

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Sidewalks in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica details >

Sidewalks in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice Open Data

Municipality Slovenske Konjice — location of pavements in municipality.

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Sidewalks in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice details >

Sidewalks in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki Open Data

Municipality ŠMARTNO OB PAKI — location of sidewalks in the municipality.

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Sidewalks in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki details >

Pavements in the municipality of Solčava Open Data

Municipality Solčava — location of pavements in the municipality.

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Pavements in the municipality of Solčava details >

Sidewalks in the municipality of Vitanje Open Data

Municipality Vitanje — location of pavements in the municipality.

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Sidewalks in the municipality of Vitanje details >

Pavements in the municipality of Zreče Open Data

Municipality of Zreče — location of sidewalks in the municipality from BCP base.

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Pavements in the municipality of Zreče details >

Spatial plan in the municipality of Luče Open Data

Municipality of Luče — dedicated use of the implementation part of the spatial plan of the municipal

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Spatial plan in the municipality of Luče details >

Spatial plan in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica Open Data

Municipality Slovenska Bistrica — dedicated use of the implementation part of the Municipality’s Spa

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Spatial plan in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica details >

Spatial plan in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki Open Data

Municipality ŠMARTNO OB PAKI — dedicated use of the implementation part of the spatial plan.

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Spatial plan in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki details >

Spatial plan in the municipality of Solčava Open Data

Municipality Solčava — dedicated use of the implementation part of the spatial plan of the municipal

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Spatial plan in the municipality of Solčava details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Gornji Grad Open Data

Municipality of Gornji Grad — areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Gornji Grad details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Ljubno Open Data

Municipality of LJUBNO — Areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Ljubno details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Luče Open Data

Municipality of Luče — areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Luče details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Mozirje Open Data

Municipality of Mozirje — areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Mozirje details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Nazarje Open Data

Municipality of NAZARJE — areas of applicable municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Nazarje details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Oplotnica Open Data

Municipality Oplotnica — Areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Oplotnica details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji Open Data

Municipality Rečica ob Savinji — areas of municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica Open Data

Municipality Slovenska Bistrica — Areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice Open Data

Municipality of Slovenske Konjice — areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki Open Data

Municipality ŠMARTNO OB PAKI — Areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Solčava Open Data

Municipality Solčava — areas of applicable municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Solčava details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Vitanje Open Data

Municipality of Vitanje — areas of applicable municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Vitanje details >

Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Zreče Open Data

Municipality of Zreče — areas of valid municipal spatial implementing acts.

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Spatial implementing acts in the municipality of Zreče details >

Luminaires of public lighting in the municipality of Gornji Grad Open Data

Municipality Gornji Grad — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Gornji Grad.

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Luminaires of public lighting in the municipality of Gornji Grad details >

Public lighting lighting in the municipality of Ljubno Open Data

Municipality LJUBNO — lamps of public lighting in the municipality of Ljubno.

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Public lighting lighting in the municipality of Ljubno details >

Lights of public lighting in the municipality of Luče Open Data

Municipality Luče — luminaires owned by the municipality of Luče.

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Lights of public lighting in the municipality of Luče details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Mozirje Open Data

Municipality of Mozirje — lamps from the ZK GJI owned by the Municipality of Mozirje.

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Public lighting lights in the municipality of Mozirje details >

Lights of public lighting in the municipality of Nazarje Open Data

Municipality of NAZARJE — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Nazarje.

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Lights of public lighting in the municipality of Nazarje details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Oplotnica Open Data

Municipality Oplotnica — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the Municipality of Oplotnica.

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Public lighting lights in the municipality of Oplotnica details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji Open Data

Municipality Rečica ob Savinji — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the municipality Rečica ob Savinji.

Issued on

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Rečica ob Savinji details >

Luminaires of public lighting in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica Open Data

Municipality Slovenska Bistrica — lamps from ZK GJI owned by municipality Slovenska Bistrica.

Issued on

Luminaires of public lighting in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice Open Data

Municipality Slovenske Konjice — lamps from ZK GJI owned by municipality Slovenske Konjice.

Issued on

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki Open Data

Municipality ŠMARTNO OB PAKI — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki.

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Public lighting lights in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Solčava Open Data

Municipality Solčava — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the Municipality of Solčava.

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Public lighting lights in the municipality of Solčava details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Vitanje Open Data

Municipality Vitanje — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Vitanje.

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Public lighting lights in the municipality of Vitanje details >

Public lighting lights in the municipality of Zreče Open Data

Municipality of Zreče — lamps from ZK GJI owned by the municipality of Zreče.

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Public lighting lights in the municipality of Zreče details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Gornji Grad Open Data

Municipality Gornji Grad — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

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Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Gornji Grad details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Ljubno Open Data

Municipality LJUBNO — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Ljubno details >

Tourist accommodation in Luče Open Data

Municipality Luče — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in Luče details >

Tourist accommodation in Mozirje Open Data

Municipality of Mozirje — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in Mozirje details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Nazarje Open Data

Municipality NAZARJE — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Nazarje details >

Tourist accommodation in Oplotnica Open Data

Municipality Oplotnica — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in Oplotnica details >

Tourist accommodation in Rečica ob Savinji Open Data

Municipality Rečica ob Savinji — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in Rečica ob Savinji details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica Open Data

Municipality Slovenska Bistrica — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice Open Data

Municipality of Slovenske Konjice — tourist accommodation in municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki Open Data

Municipality ŠMARTNO OB PAKI — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Šmartno ob Paki details >

Tourist accommodation in Solčava Open Data

Municipality Solčava — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in Solčava details >

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Vitanje Open Data

Municipality Vitanje — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in the municipality of Vitanje details >

Tourist accommodation in Zreče Open Data

Municipality of Zreče — tourist accommodation in the municipality.

Issued on

Tourist accommodation in Zreče details >

Register of the Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

The register contains data from minor offence cases in which a payment order is issued in accordance

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Register of the Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia details >

Register of the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Culture and Media Open Data

Register for data on issued payment orders in infringement proceedings with the imposition of a fine

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Register of the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Culture and Media details >

Register of the Internal Affairs Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

The register contains data from minor offence cases in which a payment order is issued. The content

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Register of the Internal Affairs Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia details >

Data on ambient air quality and precipitation — PM10, O3, SO2, CO, NOx, VOC, particulate... Open Data

The database collects data on ambient air quality and precipitation. It shows real-time hourly and d

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Data on ambient air quality and precipitation — PM10, O3, SO2, CO, NOx, VOC, particulate... details >

Data on weather measurements and observations at synoptic stations Open Data

The collection includes measurements and observations at synoptic meteorological stations or 1st ord

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Data on weather measurements and observations at synoptic stations details >

National Open Access Infrastructure Database Open Data

The database of the national open access infrastructure consists of metadata and data on authors of

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National Open Access Infrastructure Database details >

Databases of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Intellectual Property — SIPO-DS Open Data

The server contains collections of patents, supplementary protection certificates, designs and trade

Issued on

Databases of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Intellectual Property — SIPO-DS details >


Due to the popularity of the area of Ivančna Gorica by hikers, the Municipality of Ivančna Gorica de

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List of hiking trails in the municipality of Grosuplje.

Issued on



List of hiking trails in the municipality of Šentjur.

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Catering service providers in the Municipality of Brežice Open Data

Catering service providers in the Municipality of Brežice — list.

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Catering service providers in the Municipality of Brežice details >

Accommodation capacity providers in the municipality of Radeče Open Data

List of accommodation providers in the municipality of Radeče.

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Accommodation capacity providers in the municipality of Radeče details >

Accommodation providers in the Municipality of Brežice Open Data

Accommodation providers in the Municipality of Brežice — list.

Issued on

Accommodation providers in the Municipality of Brežice details >
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