Odprti podatki Slovenije Open data in a single API request

Open Data portal Slovenia datasets available on official portal for European data

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Velenje Open Data

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Velenje. The collection contains the name, locatio

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Velenje details >

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Mirna Peč Open Data

List of primary schools in the Municipality of Mirna Peč. The collection contains the name, location

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Mirna Peč details >

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Šentjernej Open Data

List of primary schools in the Municipality of Šentjernej. The collection contains the name, locatio

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Šentjernej details >

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Šoštanj Open Data

List of primary schools in the Municipality of Šoštanj. The collection contains the name, location c

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Šoštanj details >

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Straža Open Data

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Straža. The collection contains the name, location

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Straža details >

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Trbovlje Open Data

List of primary schools in the Municipality of Trbovlje. The collection contains the name, location

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Trbovlje details >

List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Trebnje Open Data

List of primary schools in the Municipality of Trebnje. The collection contains the name, location c

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List of elementary schools in the Municipality of Trebnje details >

List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Litija Open Data

List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Litija.

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List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Litija details >

List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Moravče Open Data

List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Moravče.

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List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Moravče details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Velenje Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Velenje. The collection contains the name of the point,

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Velenje details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Mirna Peč Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Mirna Peč. The collection contains the name of the parki

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Mirna Peč details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Šentjernej Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Šentjernej. The collection contains the name of the park

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Šentjernej details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Šoštanj Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Šoštanj. The collection contains the name of the parking

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Šoštanj details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Straža Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Straža. The collection contains the name of the parking

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Straža details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Trbovlje Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Trbovlje. The collection contains the name of the point,

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Trbovlje details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Trebnje Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Trebnje. The collection contains the name of the parking

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Trebnje details >

List of written notices on the connection of personal data collections Open Data

These are notifications of controllers on the linking of personal data collections. Controllers of p

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List of written notices on the connection of personal data collections details >

List of government revenue sub-accounts paid into and distributed by supervisors — Group A Open Data

Presentation of data on government revenue sub-accounts directly paid by liable persons and allocate

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List of government revenue sub-accounts paid into and distributed by supervisors — Group A details >

List of Commissioners for Seismological Monitoring Open Data

The collection collects data on authorised institutions carrying out seismic observation in the area

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List of Commissioners for Seismological Monitoring details >

List of Commissioners for Monitoring Liquid Fuel Properties Open Data

The database contains a list of authorised persons to carry out monitoring of the properties of liqu

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List of Commissioners for Monitoring Liquid Fuel Properties details >

List of authorised organisations to provide training for non-scheduled transport escorts Open Data

The Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Traffic Safety is responsible for authorising orga

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List of authorised organisations to provide training for non-scheduled transport escorts details >

List of approved OSH training programmes Open Data

List of approved OSH training programmes

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List of approved OSH training programmes details >

List of legal and natural persons authorised to carry out the activities of manufacturing,... Open Data

The list of legal and natural persons with permits to carry out the activities of manufacturing haza

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List of legal and natural persons authorised to carry out the activities of manufacturing,... details >

List of public holidays and public holidays in the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

This collection collects public holidays and public holidays in Slovenia, which are prescribed by th

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List of public holidays and public holidays in the Republic of Slovenia details >

List of verifiers of greenhouse gas emission reports Open Data

The list compiles data on accredited verifiers of greenhouse gas emissions reports.

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List of verifiers of greenhouse gas emission reports details >

List of public sector budget users who did not provide wage data to the ISPAP by month Open Data

In accordance with Article 38 of the SSPSA and in accordance with the Rules on the methodology for t

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List of public sector budget users who did not provide wage data to the ISPAP by month details >

List of volunteer organisations and organisations with a volunteering programme Open Data

On the basis of the data from the register of volunteer organisations and organisations with a volun

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List of volunteer organisations and organisations with a volunteering programme details >

List of judgments of the Administrative Court ZDIJZ Open Data

List of judgments issued by the Administrative Court on the basis of actions brought against decisio

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List of judgments of the Administrative Court ZDIJZ details >

List of sports clubs in the Municipality of Moravče Open Data

The database contains a list of eight sports associations based in the municipality of Moravče.

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List of sports clubs in the Municipality of Moravče details >

List of Councils for Road Traffic Prevention and Education Open Data

At the local level, they are responsible for the implementation of traffic prevention and the coordi

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List of Councils for Road Traffic Prevention and Education details >

List of third countries identified by the Information Commissioner as having a level of protection... Open Data

Prior to transfer to third countries, the person wishing to transfer such data must obtain a decisio

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List of third countries identified by the Information Commissioner as having a level of protection... details >

List of tourist associations in the municipality of Litija Open Data

List of tourist associations in the municipality of Litija.

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List of tourist associations in the municipality of Litija details >

List of tourist points in the municipality of Litija Open Data

The collection contains a list of tourist points in the municipality of Litija, where tourists and o

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List of tourist points in the municipality of Litija details >

List of collection centres for separate waste collection in the municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli Open Data

The database contains location information The following data are included: point name, location coo

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List of collection centres for separate waste collection in the municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli details >

Lists of main hearings Open Data

Lists of main hearings (contentious, non-contentious, commercial, criminal, auctions, labour-social,

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Lists of main hearings details >

National Council code list Open Data

This is basic data on state councillors (photo, short CV), a member of which interest group he is an

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National Council code list details >

Code list of study programmes Open Data

Code list of study programmes

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Code list of study programmes details >

Total drinking water consumption in the municipality of Moravče Open Data

Total consumption of drinking water in the municipality of Moravče from 2013 onwards.

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Total drinking water consumption in the municipality of Moravče details >

Images of stamps of registered suppliers of precious metal products in the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

Pursuant to Article 14 of the Precious Metal Products Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slove

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Images of stamps of registered suppliers of precious metal products in the Republic of Slovenia details >

Slovenian Bibliography Open Data

For the first time, the Slovenian bibliography portal combines bibliographic records about books, ne

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Slovenian Bibliography details >

Case law Open Data

Compilation of case law of the Supreme Court, High Courts, Court of Justice of the European Communit

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Case law details >

List of water pumping stations with information on the quantities of water extracted from the... Open Data

Pumping stations are facilities for collecting, preparing and storing water and supplying water to c

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List of water pumping stations with information on the quantities of water extracted from the... details >

Web Object Service (WFS) for issuing environmental spatial data Open Data

The Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia offers a free online service “Online Object Ser

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Web Object Service (WFS) for issuing environmental spatial data details >


Due to the need to apply for the tendered funds at the Municipality of Ivančna Gorica and to award a

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Sports Associations in the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani Open Data

The database covers all registered and active sports associations in the Municipality of Dol pri Lju

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Sports Associations in the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani details >


List of estuaries in the municipality of Grosuplje.

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Sports Associations in the Municipality of Litija Open Data

List of sports clubs in the municipality of Litija.

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Sports Associations in the Municipality of Litija details >


List of sports clubs in the municipality of Šentjur.

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Sports playgrounds by individual local communities in the municipality of Krško Open Data

The collection shows the locations of sports fields located in each local community in the municipal

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Sports playgrounds by individual local communities in the municipality of Krško details >

Sports infrastructure owned by the Municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli Open Data

The database contains location information The following data are included: name of the building, ad

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Sports infrastructure owned by the Municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Ruše Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Ruše, which are inte

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Ruše details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Starše Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Starše, which are in

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Starše details >


List of sports facilities in the municipality of Grosuplje.

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List of sports facilities in the municipality of Šentjur.

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Sports facilities in the Municipality of Ljubljana: sports grounds, stadium, sports halls, trim... Open Data

Sports facilities in the Municipality of Ljubljana.

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Sports facilities in the Municipality of Ljubljana: sports grounds, stadium, sports halls, trim... details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Ankaran Open Data

The collection collects data on sports facilities in the municipality of Ankaran, in accordance with

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Ankaran details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Domžale Open Data

The collection collects data on sports facilities in the municipality of Domžale, in accordance with

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Domžale details >


The Municipality of Ivančna Gorica is trying to provide enough useful areas for sports and recreatio

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Krško (municipality not owned) Open Data

The collection shows the locations of sports facilities in the municipality of Krško, which are not

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Krško (municipality not owned) details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Krško (ownership of the municipality) Open Data

The collection shows the locations of sports facilities in the municipality of Krško, which are the

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Krško (ownership of the municipality) details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Radeče Open Data

List of sports facilities in the municipality of Radeče.

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Radeče details >

Adopted Municipal Budgets Open Data

List of adopted municipal budgets

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Adopted Municipal Budgets details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of AJDOVŠČINA Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of AJDOVŠČINA details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of BRDA Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of BRDA details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of KANAL OB SOČI Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of KANAL OB SOČI details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of NOVA GORICA Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of NOVA GORICA details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of Renče-Vogrsko Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of Renče-Vogrsko details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of ŠEMPETER-VRTOJBA Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of ŠEMPETER-VRTOJBA details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in ŠKOFJA LOKA municipality Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in ŠKOFJA LOKA municipality details >

State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of VIPAVA Open Data

The database contains data on indoor air parameters in public buildings. The structure is based on t

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State of microclimate and CO2 in kindergartens and schools in the municipality of VIPAVA details >

Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of the municipality of... Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of the municipality of... details >

Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of the municipality of BRDA Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of the municipality of BRDA details >

State of pollution with particulate matter in school districts in the area of the municipality of... Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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State of pollution with particulate matter in school districts in the area of the municipality of... details >

Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the municipality of NOVA GORICA Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the municipality of NOVA GORICA details >

Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of Renče-Vogrsko Municipality Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of Renče-Vogrsko Municipality details >

Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the municipality of ŠEMPETER-VRTOJBA Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the municipality of ŠEMPETER-VRTOJBA details >

Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of ŠKOFJA LOKA Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of ŠKOFJA LOKA details >

Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of VIPAVA municipality Open Data

The database contains data on ambient air pollution by particulate matter at the locations of school

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Status of particulate matter pollution in school districts in the area of VIPAVA municipality details >

The statistic Open Data

The IT solution provides a complete, direct and up-to-date publication of data on awarded public con

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The statistic details >

Statistics on driving tests Open Data

The Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Traffic Safety manages bi-monthly and annual stati

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Statistics on driving tests details >

Buildings owned by the Municipality of Litija Open Data

List of buildings owned by the Municipality of Litija

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Buildings owned by the Municipality of Litija details >

Number of applicants for international protection Open Data

Statistics on applications for international protection lodged by country of origin, month of applic

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Number of applicants for international protection details >

Number of participants in training programmes and professional examinations of the Administrative... Open Data

Number of participants in training programmes and professional examinations of the UA in 2011, 2012,

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Number of participants in training programmes and professional examinations of the Administrative... details >

Number of public sector employees based on hours worked Open Data

Number of employees who have received a salary on the basis of hours worked in full or part-time, ov

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Number of public sector employees based on hours worked details >

Database on the number of public sector employees by sources of funding, data on budget users not... Open Data

In accordance with Article 8(5) of the Rules on the methodology for transmission and analysis of dat

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Database on the number of public sector employees by sources of funding, data on budget users not... details >

Number of employees in bodies of state administration from 1991 to 2003 Open Data

Data on the number of employees are shown as at 1.1. of the year for the period 1991 to 2003 for all

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Number of employees in bodies of state administration from 1991 to 2003 details >

Households by type, number of members and type of area, Slovenia, 2011 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Households by type, number of members and type of area, Slovenia, 2011 details >

Families by number of children, type of family and type of area, Slovenia, 2011 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Families by number of children, type of family and type of area, Slovenia, 2011 details >

Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2017 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2017 details >

Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2016 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2016 details >

Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2015 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2015 details >

Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2014 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2014 details >

Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2013 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2013 details >

Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2012 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Migration movement of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2012 details >

Live births by sex, year of birth and age of mother, Slovenia, 2016 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Live births by sex, year of birth and age of mother, Slovenia, 2016 details >

Live births by sex, year of birth and age of mother, Slovenia, 2017 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Live births by sex, year of birth and age of mother, Slovenia, 2017 details >

Live births by sex, year of birth and age of mother, Slovenia, 2018 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Live births by sex, year of birth and age of mother, Slovenia, 2018 details >

Live births by age and year of birth of mother by birth and sex, Slovenia, 2019 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Live births by age and year of birth of mother by birth and sex, Slovenia, 2019 details >

Women aged 15 or over by number of live births and ages, Slovenia, censuses 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Women aged 15 or over by number of live births and ages, Slovenia, censuses 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971,... details >

Deaths by age, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2019 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Deaths by age, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2019 details >
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