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Tertiary education students by type of education, sex, mode of study and mobility, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Tertiary education students by type of education, sex, mode of study and mobility, Slovenia,... details >

Students of tertiary education by statistical region of permanent residence, statistical region of... Open Data

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Students of tertiary education by statistical region of permanent residence, statistical region of... details >

Students of higher education at universities and independent higher education institutions by type... Open Data

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Students of higher education at universities and independent higher education institutions by type... details >

Tertiary education graduates, indicators by statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Tertiary education graduates, indicators by statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia,... details >

Graduates of post-secondary and higher education, indicators by cohesion region of permanent... Open Data

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Graduates of post-secondary and higher education, indicators by cohesion region of permanent... details >

Graduates of higher education by statistical region of permanent residence, higher education... Open Data

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Graduates of higher education by statistical region of permanent residence, higher education... details >

Number of children per kindergarten and number of children per educator and assistant educator,... Open Data

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Number of children per kindergarten and number of children per educator and assistant educator,... details >

Number of pupils per 1000 population by cohesion region of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Number of pupils per 1000 population by cohesion region of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia,... details >

Share of pupils by type of education, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Share of pupils by type of education, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of radio organisations offering additional services, Slovenia, 2004-2015 Open Data

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Number of radio organisations offering additional services, Slovenia, 2004-2015 details >

Radio programme hours by genre, Slovenia, 2004-2015 Open Data

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Radio programme hours by genre, Slovenia, 2004-2015 details >

Educational activities in cultural centres, Slovenia, 2004-2015 Open Data

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Educational activities in cultural centres, Slovenia, 2004-2015 details >

Expenditure in cultural centres, Slovenia, 2004-2015 Open Data

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Expenditure in cultural centres, Slovenia, 2004-2015 details >

Number of viewers of new and old long films of Slovenian cinemas, Slovenia, 2005-2014 Open Data

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Number of viewers of new and old long films of Slovenian cinemas, Slovenia, 2005-2014 details >

Film Distribution Employees, Slovenia, 2004-2011 Open Data

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Film Distribution Employees, Slovenia, 2004-2011 details >

Revenues from the distribution of films, Slovenia, 2004-2012 Open Data

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Revenues from the distribution of films, Slovenia, 2004-2012 details >

Number of orchestras or choirs in the home house, Slovenia, 2004-2011 Open Data

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Number of orchestras or choirs in the home house, Slovenia, 2004-2011 details >

Expenditure of orchestras or choirs, Slovenia, 2004-2015 Open Data

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Expenditure of orchestras or choirs, Slovenia, 2004-2015 details >

Number of purchased and sold museum objects and works of art, Slovenia, 2004-2015 Open Data

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Number of purchased and sold museum objects and works of art, Slovenia, 2004-2015 details >

Temporary exhibitions in museums and exhibition grounds [% of all exhibitions], statistical regions,... Open Data

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Temporary exhibitions in museums and exhibition grounds [% of all exhibitions], statistical regions,... details >

Educational activity in institutions with stage activity by type of programme, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Educational activity in institutions with stage activity by type of programme, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of residents in nursing homes by categories of care, Slovenia, 2006-2013 Open Data

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Number of residents in nursing homes by categories of care, Slovenia, 2006-2013 details >

Number of residents in old people’s homes by source of income, Slovenia, 2006-2010 Open Data

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Number of residents in old people’s homes by source of income, Slovenia, 2006-2010 details >

Number of clients in protection and work centres by sex and age groups, Slovenia, 2006-2013 Open Data

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Number of clients in protection and work centres by sex and age groups, Slovenia, 2006-2013 details >

Adult offenders against whom the criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been... Open Data

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Adult offenders against whom the criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been... details >

Convicted adults (known perpetrators) by criminal offence and citizenship, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Convicted adults (known perpetrators) by criminal offence and citizenship, Slovenia, annually details >

Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, crime, recidivism and conquest, Slovenia, 2006-2013 Open Data

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Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, crime, recidivism and conquest, Slovenia, 2006-2013 details >

Minors against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been completed by... Open Data

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Minors against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been completed by... details >

Minors against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been completed by... Open Data

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Minors against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been completed by... details >

Convicted adults and minors by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Convicted adults and minors by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Legal persons against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been... Open Data

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Legal persons against whom criminal proceedings at the public prosecutor’s office have been... details >

Gross capital formation in new [and second-hand] fixed assets by groups of fixed assets and... Open Data

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Gross capital formation in new [and second-hand] fixed assets by groups of fixed assets and... details >

Poslovanje podjetij po dejavnostih storitev in velikosti glede na število oseb, ki delajo (SKD... Open Data

V tej zbirki so samodejno zajeti metapodatki, katerih vir je VLADA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTIČNI U

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Poslovanje podjetij po dejavnostih storitev in velikosti glede na število oseb, ki delajo (SKD... details >

Production of ornamental plants, Slovenia, 2000-2006 Open Data

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Production of ornamental plants, Slovenia, 2000-2006 details >

Agricultural input price indices (average 2015=100), Slovenia, monthly Open Data

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Agricultural input price indices (average 2015=100), Slovenia, monthly details >

Exports and imports of milk and milk products, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Exports and imports of milk and milk products, Slovenia, annually details >

Family labour force on family farms by age groups, Slovenia, 2010, 2013, 2016 Open Data

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Family labour force on family farms by age groups, Slovenia, 2010, 2013, 2016 details >

Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LU and AFS by size classes of economic size, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LU and AFS by size classes of economic size, Slovenia,... details >

Agricultural holdings by size classes of livestock units [LU], Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

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Agricultural holdings by size classes of livestock units [LU], Slovenia, multiannually details >

Number of laying hens of table eggs by size classes, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Number of laying hens of table eggs by size classes, Slovenia, annually details >

Balance of production and consumption of cereals (1 000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Balance of production and consumption of cereals (1 000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually details >

Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LU and AWM by size classes of economic size and... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LU and AWM by size classes of economic size and... details >

Consumption of unprocessed forestry products by type of activity (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Consumption of unprocessed forestry products by type of activity (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually details >

Number of hours worked in forestry on agricultural holdings, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

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Number of hours worked in forestry on agricultural holdings, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Electricity consumption by purpose (GWh), households, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Electricity consumption by purpose (GWh), households, Slovenia, annually details >

Prices of petroleum products [EUR/l], Slovenia, 2004M01-2014M06 Open Data

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Prices of petroleum products [EUR/l], Slovenia, 2004M01-2014M06 details >

Electricity prices for household customers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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Electricity prices for household customers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly details >

Electricity prices for non-household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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Electricity prices for non-household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly details >

Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and thermal energy by activity (NACE Rev. 2), natural... Open Data

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Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and thermal energy by activity (NACE Rev. 2), natural... details >

Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and thermal energy by activity (NACE Rev. 2), in TJ,... Open Data

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Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and thermal energy by activity (NACE Rev. 2), in TJ,... details >

Consumption of energy products by purposes of use, natural units, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Consumption of energy products by purposes of use, natural units, Slovenia, annually details >

Balance of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Balance of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Slovenia, annually details >

Assessment of completed dwellings — selected indicators, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Assessment of completed dwellings — selected indicators, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Assessment of completed buildings and buildings under construction at the end of the year, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Assessment of completed buildings and buildings under construction at the end of the year, Slovenia,... details >

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by type of accommodation and countries, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by type of accommodation and countries, Slovenia,... details >

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations and by countries,... Open Data

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Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations and by countries,... details >

Occupancy rate of beds and rooms by type of accommodation, Slovenia, 2012M01-2017M12 Open Data

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Occupancy rate of beds and rooms by type of accommodation, Slovenia, 2012M01-2017M12 details >

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of municipalities, by types of accommodation and by... Open Data

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Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of municipalities, by types of accommodation and by... details >

Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities,... Open Data

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Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities,... details >

Accommodation facilities by municipalities, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Accommodation facilities by municipalities, Slovenia, annually details >

Inhabitants of Slovenia by participation in tourism trips and employment status (in 1000), Slovenia,... Open Data

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Inhabitants of Slovenia by participation in tourism trips and employment status (in 1000), Slovenia,... details >

Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and monthly net income per household member... Open Data

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Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and monthly net income per household member... details >

Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and education (in 1000), Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Population of Slovenia by participation in tourist trips and education (in 1000), Slovenia, annually details >

Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by household size (in 1000), Slovenia,... Open Data

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Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by household size (in 1000), Slovenia,... details >

Residents of Slovenia who did not participate in private trips, by reasons for not leaving and by... Open Data

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Residents of Slovenia who did not participate in private trips, by reasons for not leaving and by... details >

Structure of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in %) by types of municipalities, by... Open Data

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Structure of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in %) by types of municipalities, by... details >

Passenger transport and transport, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Passenger transport and transport, Slovenia, annually details >

Some transport indicators, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Some transport indicators, Slovenia, annually details >

Passenger cars, buses and trucks and first registrations of these vehicles by fuel, Slovenia,... Open Data

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Passenger cars, buses and trucks and first registrations of these vehicles by fuel, Slovenia,... details >

Number of driving kilometres (mio. VKM) in Slovenia and abroad registered on the Slovenian road... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Number of driving kilometres (mio. VKM) in Slovenia and abroad registered on the Slovenian road... details >

Gross domestic R & D expenditure (EUR 1 000) by sector of performance and research and... Open Data

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Gross domestic R & D expenditure (EUR 1 000) by sector of performance and research and... details >

Number of exporters and importers by size and value of their exports and imports by selected trading... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

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Number of exporters and importers by size and value of their exports and imports by selected trading... details >

Exports and imports by 4-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by country, Slovenia, 2000-2009 Open Data

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Exports and imports by 4-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by country, Slovenia, 2000-2009 details >

Exports and imports by Standard Classification of Activities (2008), by countries, Slovenia, monthly Open Data

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Exports and imports by Standard Classification of Activities (2008), by countries, Slovenia, monthly details >

Selected data on Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Selected data on Slovenia, annually details >

Quantities of waste recovered (tonnes) according to the European Statistical Classification of... Open Data

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Quantities of waste recovered (tonnes) according to the European Statistical Classification of... details >

Imports, exports of waste (tonnes) by type of waste, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Imports, exports of waste (tonnes) by type of waste, Slovenia, annually details >

Investments for environmental protection in industry by purpose — SKD 2008 (EUR 1 000), Slovenia,... Open Data

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Investments for environmental protection in industry by purpose — SKD 2008 (EUR 1 000), Slovenia,... details >

Composition of imports of substances from outside the EU-28 (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, 1995-2020 Open Data

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Composition of imports of substances from outside the EU-28 (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, 1995-2020 details >

Specialised contractors (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Specialised contractors (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually details >

Use of fresh water in industry by purpose and area of activity (1 000 m³), Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Use of fresh water in industry by purpose and area of activity (1 000 m³), Slovenia, annually details >

Povzetek statistike voda (1000 m3), Slovenija, letno Open Data

V tej zbirki so samodejno zajeti metapodatki, katerih vir je VLADA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTIČNI U

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Povzetek statistike voda (1000 m3), Slovenija, letno details >

Outbound traffic from mobile network by status of user and type of network, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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Outbound traffic from mobile network by status of user and type of network, Slovenia, quarterly details >

International roaming by type of service, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

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International roaming by type of service, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Revenues and investments in the field of electronic communications (EUR 1 000), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Revenues and investments in the field of electronic communications (EUR 1 000), Slovenia, annually details >

Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type and purpose of social... Open Data

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Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type and purpose of social... details >

Number of households by equipment with information and communication equipment, by degree of... Open Data

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Number of households by equipment with information and communication equipment, by degree of... details >

Number of households by Internet access, by type of household, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Number of households by Internet access, by type of household, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of online purchases made by individuals in the last 12 months, by type of product or service,... Open Data

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Number of online purchases made by individuals in the last 12 months, by type of product or service,... details >

Number of individuals by number of online purchases of digital products or services made in the last... Open Data

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Number of individuals by number of online purchases of digital products or services made in the last... details >

Computer skills of individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007-2019 Open Data

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Computer skills of individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007-2019 details >

Number of individuals by implementation of financial activities via the Internet in the last 3... Open Data

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Number of individuals by implementation of financial activities via the Internet in the last 3... details >

Business operations by control of enterprises and by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Business operations by control of enterprises and by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually details >

Safety indicators, Slovenia, statistical regions, 2005-2015 Open Data

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Safety indicators, Slovenia, statistical regions, 2005-2015 details >

Natural resource intensity indicators, Slovenia, 1995-2015 Open Data

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Natural resource intensity indicators, Slovenia, 1995-2015 details >

Indicators of Sustainable Development Goal 01 (SDG): Poverty eradication, Part 1, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENI

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Indicators of Sustainable Development Goal 01 (SDG): Poverty eradication, Part 1, Slovenia, annually details >

Wastes (tonnes), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Wastes (tonnes), Slovenia, annually details >

Price index (%) of natural gas and electricity (EU=100), Slovenia and EU, half-yearly Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Price index (%) of natural gas and electricity (EU=100), Slovenia and EU, half-yearly details >

Share of public expenditure on formal education in GDP (%), by education levels, Slovenia, annually Open Data

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Share of public expenditure on formal education in GDP (%), by education levels, Slovenia, annually details >

Pupils enrolled in secondary education and graduates by type of education, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Pupils enrolled in secondary education and graduates by type of education, Slovenia, annually details >
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