Odprti podatki Slovenije Open data in a single API request

Open Data portal Slovenia datasets available on official portal for European data

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Cadastre of Protective Forests Open Data

The data set shows graphical and attribute data about the protection forests received by the user in

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Cadastre of Protective Forests details >

Cycling corridors in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

The backbone of the cycling network in Maribor consists of 11 primary cycling corridors that connect

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Cycling corridors in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Quantity of salt used for sprinkling in the municipality of Veliki Lašče Open Data

The collection collects data on the annual amount of salt used for sprinkling roads in the municipal

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Quantity of salt used for sprinkling in the municipality of Veliki Lašče details >

Amount of waste collected in the municipality of Metlika Open Data

The collection collects data on the amount of waste collected in the municipality of Metlika.

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Amount of waste collected in the municipality of Metlika details >

Cultural facilities of the Municipality of Rogaška Slatina Open Data

The Cultural Objects

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Cultural facilities of the Municipality of Rogaška Slatina details >

Cultural facilities in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem Open Data

List of cultural facilities in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem. Records of real estate that ma

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Cultural facilities in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem details >

Cultural facilities in the municipality of Ribnica na Pohorju Open Data

List of cultural facilities in the municipality of Ribnica na Pohorju. Records of real estate that m

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Cultural facilities in the municipality of Ribnica na Pohorju details >

Pharmacies in the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

Pharmacies and their branches are organised either as an organisational unit of a public pharmacy in

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Pharmacies in the Municipality of Maribor details >

Pharmacies in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica Open Data

Pharmacies and their branches are organised either as an organisational unit of a public pharmacy in

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Pharmacies in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica details >

Pharmacies in the Municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polje Open Data

Pharmacies and their branches are organised either as an organisational unit of a public pharmacy in

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Pharmacies in the Municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polje details >

Pharmacies in the municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

Pharmacies and their branches are organised either as an organisational unit of a public pharmacy in

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Pharmacies in the municipality of Rače-Fram details >

Pharmacies in the Municipality of Ruše Open Data

Pharmacies and their branches are organised either as an organisational unit of a public pharmacy in

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Pharmacies in the Municipality of Ruše details >

Pharmacies in the municipality of Starše Open Data

Pharmacies and their branches are organised either as an organisational unit of a public pharmacy in

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Pharmacies in the municipality of Starše details >

Annual reports on the functioning of the Joint Municipal Administration of Dolenjska Municipalities Open Data

Annual activity reports of the Joint Municipal Administration of Dolenjska Municipalities.

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Annual reports on the functioning of the Joint Municipal Administration of Dolenjska Municipalities details >

Taxi stop locations in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

Taxi stops are reserved parking areas, which are intended to stop or park the autotax of vehicles wh

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Taxi stop locations in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Measuring points for surface water quality Open Data

The inventory includes a list of monitoring sites in the national monitoring network (ARSO) for moni

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Measuring points for surface water quality details >

Measuring points for ambient air quality and precipitation Open Data

Ambient air quality, Precipitation quality, Slovenia

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Measuring points for ambient air quality and precipitation details >

Dedicated use of space Open Data

Spatial planning acts determine the use of land and buildings, which, taking into account the predom

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Dedicated use of space details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Turnišče Open Data

Records of accommodation facilities in the municipality of Turnišče.

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Turnišče details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Duplek Open Data

The database shows accommodation establishments in the municipality of Duplek. Accommodation establ

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Duplek details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica Open Data

The database shows accommodation facilities in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica. Accommodation est

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica details >

Accommodation establishments in the municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

The database shows accommodation establishments in the municipality of Rače-Fram. Accommodation est

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Accommodation establishments in the municipality of Rače-Fram details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Ruše Open Data

The database shows accommodation establishments in the municipality of Ruše. Accommodation establis

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Ruše details >

Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Starše Open Data

The database shows accommodation establishments in the municipality of Starše. Accommodation establ

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Accommodation facilities in the municipality of Starše details >

Most common cause of death by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Most common cause of death by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Deaths by external cause of death (MKB-10, Chapter XX), Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUB

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Deaths by external cause of death (MKB-10, Chapter XX), Slovenia, annually details >

2.1.12 Expenditure on diabetes medicines, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata sourced from NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITY and corres

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2.1.12 Expenditure on diabetes medicines, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of hospitalisations due to illness, by age groups and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Number of hospitalisations due to illness, by age groups and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Curative visits to health care activities by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Curative visits to health care activities by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Curative visits to health care activities by health regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Curative visits to health care activities by health regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Causes of first curative home visits in patronage health care activities by chapters of IKB-10 and... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUB

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Causes of first curative home visits in patronage health care activities by chapters of IKB-10 and... details >

Number of JTF cases by main diagnosis and sex, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLI

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Number of JTF cases by main diagnosis and sex, Slovenia, annually details >

Municipality of Makole — Cultural Associations Open Data

The database shows cultural associations operating in the municipality of Makole.

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Municipality of Makole — Cultural Associations details >

Municipal buildings in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec Open Data

The collection collects data on municipal buildings in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec.

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Municipal buildings in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec details >

Municipal buildings in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem Open Data

The collection collects data on municipal buildings in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem.

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Municipal buildings in the municipality of Ravne na Koroškem details >

Sensitive areas due to bathing water Open Data

The data set shows sensitive areas due to bathing waters according to the Decree on the emission of

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Sensitive areas due to bathing water details >

Ambient air pollution zones Open Data

Air pollution zones representing the assessment of air pollution by SO2, No2, PM10 particles, lead,

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Ambient air pollution zones details >

Areas of transport zones in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

Transport zones represent areas with similar functions of residence or provision of services. The

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Areas of transport zones in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Areas of Spatial Instruments Open Data

The areas of spatial planning documents are: — areas of national spatial planning instruments, — are

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Areas of Spatial Instruments details >

Pedestrian areas in the municipality of Cerknica Open Data

The collection collects data on pedestrian areas in the municipality of Cerknica.

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Pedestrian areas in the municipality of Cerknica details >

Regional units of the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Water Open Data

In order to carry out its tasks more effectively, the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Wa

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Regional units of the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Water details >

Sections downstream and upstream of the reference sections Open Data

The database covers watercourses upstream and downstream of the reference sections of watercourses a

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Sections downstream and upstream of the reference sections details >

Orthophoto Open Data

Orthophoto is an aerophoto that is converted from central to orthogonal projection, taking into acco

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Orthophoto details >

Primary schools in the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

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Primary schools in the Municipality of Maribor details >

Primary schools in the municipality of Duplek Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

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Primary schools in the municipality of Duplek details >

Primary schools in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

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Primary schools in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica details >

Primary schools in the municipality of Pesnica Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

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Primary schools in the municipality of Pesnica details >

Primary schools in the municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

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Primary schools in the municipality of Rače-Fram details >

Primary schools in the municipality of Ruše Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

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Primary schools in the municipality of Ruše details >

Primary schools in the municipality of Starše Open Data

Primary education is provided by: • primary schools, • primary schools with an adapted programme, •

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Primary schools in the municipality of Starše details >

Basic data on the regulations of the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

Basic information on the regulations of the Republic of Slovenia, together with references to legal

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Basic data on the regulations of the Republic of Slovenia details >

Children’s play in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

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Children’s play in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Children’s play in the area of the municipality of Duplek Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

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Children’s play in the area of the municipality of Duplek details >

Children’s play in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

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Children’s play in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica details >

Children’s play in the area of the municipality of Pesnica Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

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Children’s play in the area of the municipality of Pesnica details >

Children’s play in the municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

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Children’s play in the municipality of Rače-Fram details >

Children’s play in the municipality of Starše Open Data

The database shows the locations of areas where children’s playgrounds are located, located in publi

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Children’s play in the municipality of Starše details >

Parking places for disabled people in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

Parking places for disabled persons are reserved for persons with disabilities and their accompanyin

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Parking places for disabled people in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Drinking fountains in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

Location of public drinking water in the area of the Municipality of Maribor, where walkers can refr

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Drinking fountains in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Counting places on state roads Open Data

Collection of xls and pdf documents on counting places on the national road network since 2005 in th

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Counting places on state roads details >

Counting cyclists on the national cycling network since 2013 Open Data

A collection of documents on the number of cyclists in certain locations on the national cycling net

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Counting cyclists on the national cycling network since 2013 details >

Sidewalks in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

A pavement is a part of a road which is not in the same plane as the roadway or is in the same plane

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Sidewalks in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Pavements in the Municipality of Vransko Open Data

Pavements in the Municipality of Vransko

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Pavements in the Municipality of Vransko details >

Land cover in Slovenia by CORINE 2012 Open Data

It is a land cover base for 2012. The CLC 2012 database represents the land cover for 2012. CLC 2012

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Land cover in Slovenia by CORINE 2012 details >

Charging stations for e-vehicles in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

A recharging station for recharging an e-vehicle located on publicly accessible surfaces where elect

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Charging stations for e-vehicles in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Danube catchment area and Adriatic Sea catchment area Open Data

The river basins of the Danube and the Adriatic Sea in the Republic of Slovenia are territorial base

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Danube catchment area and Adriatic Sea catchment area details >

Average annual air temperature 1971-2000 Open Data

Spatial indication of the average annual air temperature in Slovenia; the average is 1971-2000. The

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Average annual air temperature 1971-2000 details >

Average annual corrected rainfall 1971-2000 Open Data

The map shows the precipitation characteristics of Slovenia’s climate, the average adjusted annual a

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Average annual corrected rainfall 1971-2000 details >

Ecological focus areas Open Data

The stratum contains data on ecological focus areas (EFAs) — set-aside, the source of which is the d

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Ecological focus areas details >

Forest at risk of fire Open Data

In accordance with Article 12 of the Rules on the Protection of Forests (Official Gazette of the Rep

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Forest at risk of fire details >

Catchment areas of bathing waters Open Data

The bathing water catchment area is the area from which all inland waters flow through streams, rive

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Catchment areas of bathing waters details >

Catchment areas of surface water bodies Open Data

The catchment area of water bodies is the area from which all surface waters flow into a single surf

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Catchment areas of surface water bodies details >

Catchment areas of sensitive areas due to eutrophication Open Data

The data set shows the catchment areas of sensitive areas due to eutrophication under the Decree on

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Catchment areas of sensitive areas due to eutrophication details >

Ports for water vehicles in the area of the Municipality of Maribor Open Data

The layer represents the location of ports for water vehicles in the area of the Municipality of Mar

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Ports for water vehicles in the area of the Municipality of Maribor details >

Spatial documents of the Municipality of Vransko (OPPN, UN, UN, LN) Open Data

Spatial documents of the Municipality of Vransko (OPPN, UN, UN, LN)

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Spatial documents of the Municipality of Vransko (OPPN, UN, UN, LN) details >

Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of youth projects and actions... Open Data

The database contains information on the distribution of funds in accordance with the public tender

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Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of youth projects and actions... details >

Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of the restoration and... Open Data

The records show the distribution of funds on the basis of a public tender for the co-financing of t

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Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of the restoration and... details >

Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of equipment and the management... Open Data

The database includes a presentation of the distribution of funds following a public tender for the

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Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of equipment and the management... details >

Distribution of funds following a public call for co-financing programmes in the field of social and... Open Data

The database shows data on the distribution of public funds following a public call for co-financing

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Distribution of funds following a public call for co-financing programmes in the field of social and... details >

Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of sports programmes in the... Open Data

The database contains information on the distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-

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Distribution of funds following a public tender for the co-financing of sports programmes in the... details >

Distribution of funds following a public call for proposals for co-financing programmes in the field... Open Data

The database contains information on the distribution of funds on the basis of a public call for pro

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Distribution of funds following a public call for proposals for co-financing programmes in the field... details >

Reference Sections Open Data

The Reference Sections database covers sections of watercourses and shores of lakes which are import

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Reference Sections details >

Register of Biocidal Products on the Market of Slovenia Open Data

The Register contains biocidal products notified in the Republic of Slovenia or with authorisations

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Register of Biocidal Products on the Market of Slovenia details >

Register of agricultural holdings Open Data

Data on agricultural holdings with land

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Register of agricultural holdings details >

Register of immovable cultural heritage Open Data

The Register of immovable cultural heritage is an official database on immovable cultural heritage i

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Register of immovable cultural heritage details >

Real estate register Open Data

The real estate register is a public multifunctional technical record. The real estate register coll

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Real estate register details >

Register of Geographical Names Open Data

The Geographical Names Register is the basic state geoinformation layer. It contains names of object

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Register of Geographical Names details >

Registered cultural heritage in the municipality of Muta Open Data

Units of registered cultural heritage in the territory of the municipality of Muta, as covered by th

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Registered cultural heritage in the municipality of Muta details >

Registered cultural heritage in the municipality of Puconci Open Data

Units of registered cultural heritage in the territory of the municipality of Puconci, as covered by

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Registered cultural heritage in the municipality of Puconci details >

Cultural Heritage Registered in the Municipality of Radenci Open Data

Units of registered cultural heritage in the area of the municipality of Radenci, as covered by the

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Cultural Heritage Registered in the Municipality of Radenci details >

Cultural Heritage Registered in the Municipality of Tišina Open Data

Units of registered cultural heritage in the territory of the municipality of Tišina, as covered by

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Cultural Heritage Registered in the Municipality of Tišina details >

List of bus stops in the Municipality of Novo Mesto Open Data

List of bus stops in the Municipality of Novo mesto. The collection contains location coordinates (G

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List of bus stops in the Municipality of Novo Mesto details >

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Novo Mesto Open Data

List of parking lots in the Municipality of Novo mesto. The collection contains the name, location c

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List of parking lots in the Municipality of Novo Mesto details >

List of sports associations in the municipality of Šentrupert Open Data

List of sports clubs in the municipality of Šentrupert.

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List of sports associations in the municipality of Šentrupert details >

Crop layer from collective applications (KMRS) Open Data

The stratum contains the farmer’s declarations for the last single application (SV)

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Crop layer from collective applications (KMRS) details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Duplek Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Duplek, which are in

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Duplek details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica, which

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Hoče-Slivnica details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Pesnica Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Pesnica, which are i

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Pesnica details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Rače-Fram Open Data

The database shows the areas of public sports facilities in the municipality of Rače-Fram, which are

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Rače-Fram details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Mislinja Open Data

The collection collects data on sports facilities in the municipality of Mislinja.

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Mislinja details >
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