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Empirical analysis in relation to sexual offences by examining possible models for new legal... Open Data

Empirical analysis on sexual offences with an overview of possible models of new legal solutions pre

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Empirical analysis in relation to sexual offences by examining possible models for new legal... details >

Records of hop certification centres Open Data

The collection contains: the identification number of the hop certification centre, the identificati

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Records of hop certification centres details >

Civil Host State Support Capability Record — EHONAS Open Data

The inventory is intended to provide host country support (HNS) with civilian capabilities. Restri

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Civil Host State Support Capability Record — EHONAS details >

Records of selected projects to enter the support scheme Open Data

Pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 373 of the Energy Act (Official Gazette of the Republic o

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Records of selected projects to enter the support scheme details >

Records of diplomatic, consular and service cards issued Open Data

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues diplomatic or service cards to accredited members of diplomat

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Records of diplomatic, consular and service cards issued details >

Tax records Open Data

The tax records collect, collect, store and further process data of taxable persons for all types of

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Tax records details >

Records of child care allowance Open Data

Records of child care allowance

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Records of child care allowance details >

Record of points of the holding in less-favoured areas for agricultural activity Open Data

The records shall contain the number of difficulty points for each holding with agricultural land in

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Record of points of the holding in less-favoured areas for agricultural activity details >

Records of semen collection centres (bovine animals, pigs, horses and small ruminants) Open Data

Database of approved semen collection centres (bovine animals, pigs, horses and small ruminants).

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Records of semen collection centres (bovine animals, pigs, horses and small ruminants) details >

Register of Professional Skills Standards Catalogues for National Professional Qualifications Open Data

The register shall include information on accepted and published catalogues which form the basis for

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Register of Professional Skills Standards Catalogues for National Professional Qualifications details >

Hop harvest record Open Data

The collection contains: the quantity of hops produced on each holding, broken down by variety and y

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Hop harvest record details >

Records of sports facilities in the municipality of Rogatec Open Data

List of sports facilities in the municipality of Rogatec.

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Records of sports facilities in the municipality of Rogatec details >

Register of scholarship holders receiving Zois Scholarship Open Data

Register of scholarship holders receiving Zois Scholarship

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Register of scholarship holders receiving Zois Scholarship details >

Records of overdue, unpaid fines, court fees, costs of proceedings, confiscation of proceeds and... Open Data

‘Databases may contain the following personal data: — the accused or the perpetrator: personal name

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Records of overdue, unpaid fines, court fees, costs of proceedings, confiscation of proceeds and... details >

Public and green areas in the municipality of Vransko Open Data

Public and green areas in the municipality of Vransko

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Public and green areas in the municipality of Vransko details >

Register of sole traders, companies or interest organisations for which lobbyists are lobbying Open Data

The record of sole traders, companies or interest organisations for which lobbyists are lobbying ref

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Register of sole traders, companies or interest organisations for which lobbyists are lobbying details >

Record of cases in the field of protection of whistleblowers of corrupt practices Open Data

The record of cases in the field of protection of whistleblowers of corrupt practices refers to appl

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Record of cases in the field of protection of whistleblowers of corrupt practices details >

Cultural facilities in the municipality of Postojna Open Data

List of cultural facilities in the municipality of Postojna. Records of real estate that make up the

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Cultural facilities in the municipality of Postojna details >

Network of educational institutions in the municipality of Medvode Open Data

Display of locations and data on educational establishments in the municipality of Medvode. The data

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Network of educational institutions in the municipality of Medvode details >

Accommodation facilities of the municipality of Ig Open Data

Collection of active accommodation facilities in the municipality of Ig.

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Accommodation facilities of the municipality of Ig details >

1.1.7 Age-specific prevalence rate of SB by sex and education, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTE

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1.1.7 Age-specific prevalence rate of SB by sex and education, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by statistical regions and sex, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by statistical regions and sex, Slovenia,... details >

Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by statistical regions and age groups,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by statistical regions and age groups,... details >

Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by sex, age groups and main diagnosis... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Number of hospitalisations due to injuries and poisoning, by sex, age groups and main diagnosis... details >

Rate of hospital treatment due to illness (per 1000 population), by IKB chapters and ages, Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Rate of hospital treatment due to illness (per 1000 population), by IKB chapters and ages, Slovenia,... details >

Vaccination of preschool children (%) against measles, mumps and rubella — rating, Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUB

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Vaccination of preschool children (%) against measles, mumps and rubella — rating, Slovenia,... details >

Number and rate of preventive visits at primary level, by age groups, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITY

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Number and rate of preventive visits at primary level, by age groups, Slovenia, annually details >

Presence of father in childbirth by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Presence of father in childbirth by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of reported injuries at work by type of injury and working environment, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Number of reported injuries at work by type of injury and working environment, Slovenia, annually details >

Employees by occupational groups, type of contractor and legal status, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITY

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Employees by occupational groups, type of contractor and legal status, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of GBS cases by statistical regions, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLI

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Number of GBS cases by statistical regions, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually details >

Dental services in general dental clinics, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC

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Dental services in general dental clinics, Slovenia, annually details >

Number of courses in schools for parents by age, sex and health regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is NACIONAL INSTITY FOR PUBLIC HE

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Number of courses in schools for parents by age, sex and health regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Municipality Makole — hiking trails Open Data

The database shows a list and a brief description of hiking trails in the area of the Municipality o

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Municipality Makole — hiking trails details >

Municipal roads in the municipality of Bohinj Open Data

Register of data on municipal roads in the Municipality of Bohinj in the Collective Catalogue of the

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Municipal roads in the municipality of Bohinj details >

Municipal roads in the municipality of Črenšovci Open Data

Register of data on municipal roads in the municipality of Črenšovci in the Collective Catalogue of

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Municipal roads in the municipality of Črenšovci details >

Municipal roads in the municipality of Kuzma Open Data

Register of data on municipal roads in the Municipality of Kuzma in the Collective Catalogue of the

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Municipal roads in the municipality of Kuzma details >

Municipal roads in the municipality of Razkrižje Open Data

Register of data on municipal roads in the Municipality of Razkrižje in the Collective Catalogue of

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Municipal roads in the municipality of Razkrižje details >

Opening Register of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia Open Data

The register is kept for matters of responsibility of public office holders.

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Opening Register of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia details >

Parking lots in the municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec Open Data

Municipality OF GOODVA-Polhov GRADEC — municipal parking lots.

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Parking lots in the municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec details >

Hiking trails in the municipality of Ig Open Data

Collection of hiking trails in the municipality of Ig

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Hiking trails in the municipality of Ig details >

Register of private researchers Open Data

The Register of Private Researchers is a public book of private researchers. A private researcher pe

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Register of private researchers details >

List of public benches in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi Open Data

The collection contains a list of public routes in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi. The list in

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List of public benches in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi details >

List of cultural attractions of the municipality of Ig Open Data

The collection includes a cultural monument of local and national importance, located in the municip

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List of cultural attractions of the municipality of Ig details >

List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi Open Data

The database contains data from children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi, which

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List of children’s playgrounds in the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi details >

Sports Associations in the Municipality of Vrhnika Open Data

List of all registered sports associations in the municipality of Vrhnika.

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Sports Associations in the Municipality of Vrhnika details >

Sports facilities in the Municipality of Koper Open Data

The collection collects data on sports facilities in the Municipality of Koper, in accordance with t

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Sports facilities in the Municipality of Koper details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec Open Data

The collection collects data on sports facilities in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec.

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec details >

Sports facilities in the municipality of Puconci Open Data

The collection collects data on sports facilities in the municipality of Puconci, in accordance with

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Sports facilities in the municipality of Puconci details >

Total annual and monthly precipitation [mm] by meteorological stations, Slovenia, 1981-2014 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Total annual and monthly precipitation [mm] by meteorological stations, Slovenia, 1981-2014 details >

Hours worked (mio.) by activities, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Hours worked (mio.) by activities, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Core aggregates of national accounts, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Core aggregates of national accounts, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Symmetric input-output table for domestic production at basic prices, product by product, current... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Symmetric input-output table for domestic production at basic prices, product by product, current... details >

Expenditure of foreign visitors on tourist consumption, mio EUR, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Expenditure of foreign visitors on tourist consumption, mio EUR, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Distribution of net household wealth by income quintile classes (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Distribution of net household wealth by income quintile classes (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannually details >

Producer price indices and prices of agricultural products [year/average in 2010], Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Producer price indices and prices of agricultural products [year/average in 2010], Slovenia,... details >

Retail price indices by product groups and sub-groups, Slovenia, 2000M01-2005M12 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Retail price indices by product groups and sub-groups, Slovenia, 2000M01-2005M12 details >

House price indices by types of housing, Slovenia, quarterly Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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House price indices by types of housing, Slovenia, quarterly details >

Population aged 15 years or more by sex and school education, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991 Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population aged 15 years or more by sex and school education, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991 details >

Immigrant persons in employment by country of citizenship and activity [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Immigrant persons in employment by country of citizenship and activity [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia,... details >

Families by number of children, conversion to municipalities, valid on 1. 1. 2007, Slovenia, 2002... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Families by number of children, conversion to municipalities, valid on 1. 1. 2007, Slovenia, 2002... details >

Persons in employment by activity groups and sex, conversion to municipalities in force on 1. 1.... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Persons in employment by activity groups and sex, conversion to municipalities in force on 1. 1.... details >

Some population groups, conversion to municipalities, valid on 1. 1. 2007, Slovenia, 2002 census Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Some population groups, conversion to municipalities, valid on 1. 1. 2007, Slovenia, 2002 census details >

Apartments for rest and recreation by number of rooms and area, conversion to municipalities, valid... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Apartments for rest and recreation by number of rooms and area, conversion to municipalities, valid... details >

Population by large and five-year age groups and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, half-yearly Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population by large and five-year age groups and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, half-yearly details >

Population by large and five-year age groups and sex, administrative units, Slovenia, half-yearly Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Population by large and five-year age groups and sex, administrative units, Slovenia, half-yearly details >

Population by age, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population by age, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly details >

Population by selected age groups and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population by selected age groups and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly details >

Population aged 15 or more by five-year age groups, sex and marital status, statistical regions,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population aged 15 or more by five-year age groups, sex and marital status, statistical regions,... details >

Families by number of children and type of family, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Families by number of children and type of family, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Persons in employment by occupation and country of birth, Slovenia, 2005-2010 Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Persons in employment by occupation and country of birth, Slovenia, 2005-2010 details >

Registered unemployed persons by duration of registered unemployment and country of birth, Slovenia,... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Registered unemployed persons by duration of registered unemployment and country of birth, Slovenia,... details >

Population aged 15 or more by activity status, sex and five-year age groups, cohesion regions,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population aged 15 or more by activity status, sex and five-year age groups, cohesion regions,... details >

Population aged 15 or more by activity status, sex, age and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population aged 15 or more by activity status, sex, age and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia,... details >

Migration of population, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Migration of population, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Basic data on live births, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic data on live births, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Fertility indicators by age of mother, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Fertility indicators by age of mother, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually details >

Deaths (15 years or more) by age groups, sex and education, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Deaths (15 years or more) by age groups, sex and education, Slovenia, annually details >

Basic data on marriages, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic data on marriages, Slovenia, annually details >

Basic data on divorces, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic data on divorces, Slovenia, annually details >

Divorces by whom the children were assigned, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Divorces by whom the children were assigned, Slovenia, annually details >

Basic data on divorces, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Basic data on divorces, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually details >

International migration by age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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International migration by age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually details >

Internal migration, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Internal migration, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually details >

Immigrant population in employment by occupation and country of citizenship, Slovenia, 2005-2010 Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Immigrant population in employment by occupation and country of citizenship, Slovenia, 2005-2010 details >

Eurostat population projections EUROPOP2008 for Slovenia by sex and cohesion regions, convergence... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Eurostat population projections EUROPOP2008 for Slovenia by sex and cohesion regions, convergence... details >

Population projections EUROPOP2018 by sex and age, Slovenia, 2018-2100 Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population projections EUROPOP2018 by sex and age, Slovenia, 2018-2100 details >

Persons in employment by activity, settlements, Slovenia, 2002 census Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Persons in employment by activity, settlements, Slovenia, 2002 census details >

Population, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002 Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002 details >

Labour force by employment status and sex, municipalities of residence, Slovenia, census 2002 Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Labour force by employment status and sex, municipalities of residence, Slovenia, census 2002 details >

Population who defined themselves by nationality as Roma, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 census Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population who defined themselves by nationality as Roma, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 census details >

Population by mother tongue, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002 Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Population by mother tongue, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002 details >

Population by citizenship, sex and age, Slovenia, 2002 census Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Population by citizenship, sex and age, Slovenia, 2002 census details >

Immigrants to Slovenia by area of first residence and number of years of residence in Slovenia,... Open Data

This collection automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Immigrants to Slovenia by area of first residence and number of years of residence in Slovenia,... details >

Basic population groups by sex, by statistical definition of population from 1996, municipalities,... Open Data

This collection automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBL

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Basic population groups by sex, by statistical definition of population from 1996, municipalities,... details >

Number and index of active population by sex, Slovenia, 2005M01-2016M12 Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Number and index of active population by sex, Slovenia, 2005M01-2016M12 details >

Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2] and statistical regions of... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2] and statistical regions of... details >

Estimation of the number of persons employed by legal persons other than budget users that received... Open Data

This database automatically includes metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

Issued on

Estimation of the number of persons employed by legal persons other than budget users that received... details >

Average monthly wages (EUR) by activity (SKD 2008) and the cohesion regions of the workplace,... Open Data

This database automatically captures metadata, the source of which is the GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC

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Average monthly wages (EUR) by activity (SKD 2008) and the cohesion regions of the workplace,... details >
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